At dusk, Lv Bu was standing on top of the city walls of Xiao Pei County, looking in the direction of Xuzhou City, his eyes carrying a trace of loneliness that was difficult to detect.

Lv Bu entered the army of the Acropolis Region's prefectural governor Ding Yuan at the age of fourteen. He was valiant and invincible on the battlefield, and very quickly became famous, becoming the foster son of Ding Yuan. Five years ago, Lv Bu followed Ding Yuan to Luoyang to suppress Dong Zhuo, but was lobbied successfully by Li Su, and killed Ding Jianyang and transferred to Dong Zhuo. After that, because of Wang Yun's scheme, Lv Bu and Dong Zhuo became enemies with each other and joined hands with Wang Yun to kill Dong Zhuo. The two of them took control of the political situation and at that time, his reputation had almost reached the peak!

This person was seven feet long with a round face and long beard. He was dressed in black robes and was Lv Bu's adviser, Chen Gong.

The Chen Gong character, Gong Tai, had a deep friendship with Cao Cao Cao. When he was serving at the Central Mou (Zhengzhou, Henan) County, he received Dong Zhuo's order to chase after Cao Cao Cao who had tried to kill Dong Zhuo and failed. Chen Gong led his men to find Cao Cao, but did not capture Cao Cao, instead, they left a seal on him and Cao Cao to escape together, this could be said to be a deep sense of loyalty to Cao Cao.

On the way to escape, Cao Cao Cao had killed Cao Song's good friend, the family of Lu Boyun, and on the way back from the Lu family, Cao Cao had brazenly beheaded Lu Boya, claiming that he would teach me to bear the responsibility of the world and not the responsibility of the people of the world. Chen Gong was extremely moved by Cao Cao's actions, under his rage, he left Cao Cao Cao, and went over to Chen Liu and prefecture chief Zhang Miaomiao, as well as Xuzhou Mu and Tao Qian, and in the end became Lv Bu's advisor. Lv Bu's subordinates were not good people, so after Chen Gong came, he came up with a few pretty good plans, and easily obtained Lv Bu's respect and trust. He asked Liu Bei for his suggestion to gather troops from the Xiao Pei, and this allowed Lv Bu to have a temporary shelter for him.

"Oh?" Lv Bu turned around, forcing out a smile, and asked: "Gong Tai, what do you have to say to me?"

"The scout has come to report that Liu Xuande has sent Guan Yunchang and Jian Yong to the Xiao Pei. He presumably wants to discuss something important with Master."

Lv Bu snorted angrily, and said coldly: "Looks like Liu Xuande wants to urge someone to fight in his place again! I wonder if he will be preparing to attack Yuan Shu or Cao Cao? "

Chen Gong did not answer and instead changed the topic: "That Liu Xuande is benevolent and treacherous, he is usually indifferent to his master and has rejected him several times to enter the Xuzhou City's camp, he is obviously wary of his master at all times! "The reason why I've asked you to gather troops here and provide food and money every month is because I want you to be the guard dog!"

"Shut up!" When Lv Bu heard the four words "guard dog", he was furious and shouted loudly to stop Chen Gong from continuing. Then, he let out a long sigh and waved his hand: "I lost control of myself, Gong Tai, please continue."

Chen Gong's expression did not change, and said solemnly: "Xiao Pei is a door of the Xuzhou, Liu Xuande had my lord gather troops here, I can reject Yuan Shu from the south, and I can stop Yuan Shao from the north, but you have ill intentions! No matter which side I fight against, my lord will not gain any benefits. On the contrary, I will be hated by more people, so I suggest that you make the decision as soon as possible! "

Lv Bu said dejectedly: "Now that I am trapped in the Xiao Pei and almost all of my enemies are on all four sides, what can I do without relying on Liu Xuande? Does Gong Tai have a brilliant plan? "

"This subordinate will first answer Master's previous question." Chen Gong smiled slightly, and said indifferently: "In my opinion, the reason Guan Yu and Jian Yong came to see my lord this time is indeed because Liu Xuande wanted my lord to lead the army out, but the target of our attack was neither Yuan Shu nor Cao Cao Cao, it is Marquis Jin Gongsun Zanfuzi instead!"

"Oh?" Lv Bu frowned, and asked: "What does Gong Tai mean by this? Liu Xuande and Gongsun Boyu were fellow disciples of the same sect, and their relationship was very deep. Moreover, the two sides had no interests in each other, so why would Liu Xuande want to attack Gongsun Zan? "

"My lord!" Chen Gong was momentarily speechless, he rubbed his forehead hard, and complained: "It seems like this subordinate has not seen the information that I presented to you in the past few days!"

"Hehe," Lv Bu laughed awkwardly and said perfunctorily: "I was a bit busy these few days and forgot to look at the military intelligence report that Gong Tai sent over."

'Drinking and enjoying all day long, how can being dispirited and lazy be called busy? ' Chen Gong secretly cursed, and then sighed: "My lord, that Gongsun Xu defeated Cao Mengde in the Henei County, and that Cao Mengde brought a portion of the defeated soldiers back to the Yanzhou, it is said that the subordinate generals Cao Chun, Xiahou Dun, Le Jin, Dian Wei, and even his eldest son Cao Ang died in that battle! Now that Gongsun Xu has returned to the Qinghe County City to attack the city together with Gongsun Zan, there is a possibility that Yuan Shao can be destroyed at any time! "

"Alright!" Lv Bu clapped his hands and laughed: "Haha, Cao Mengde, Cao Mengde, I never thought that you would have such a day!"

In order to fight for the Yanzhou, Lv Bu and Cao Cao Cao had fought many times, both sides suffered heavy casualties, compared to the other side, Lv Bu was at a disadvantage. Thus, when they heard the news of Cao Cao Cao's tragic defeat, they were overjoyed, but suddenly did not pay attention to the second half of Chen Gong's words.

"My lord!" Chen Gong shouted as he helplessly shook his head, "If it was a few months ago, Cao Mengde's defeat was a great thing for us. Master would have had a huge chance of winning against the Yanzhou! But now that the army of Youzhou was going south, Cao Mengde's defeat was really bad news to us! Had the lord forgotten the truth of the lips and teeth? Once Yuan Benchu is also defeated, and Gongsun Zanfuzi continues to lead the great army south, where should the Lord go? "

Lv Bu's words just now weren't rough, he was indeed considered Liu Xuande's' dog guarding the house 'now. If army of Youzhou were to attack Xuzhou from the south with the might of a great victory, the low walled Xiao Pei might not even be able to hold on for a day!

"My lord, have you thought it through?" Chen Gong rolled his eyes and asked bluntly. Actually, he more wanted to ask: "Has Master awakened?"

Ever since he came to the Xiao Pei, Lv Bu spent the entire day borrowing alcohol to worry about others, playing with fun in the backyard with his wife and concubine, leaving the military matters to Chen Gong and Gao Shun, the two generals.

Although Lv Bu was brave and unparalleled, but he had a bad temper and did not have any strategy, so he was basically impulsive. He anxiously asked: "Gong Tai, what should we do?"

Chen Gong laughed, and asked softly: "Master, have you ever thought of taking over the Xuzhou yourself?"

Lv Bu looked around, and said softly: "To be honest, Gong Tai, even in my dreams, I want to replace him! The Xuzhou soldiers have sufficient rations, the city is sturdy and tall, if I can take it for myself, why would I need to fear others! Could it be that Gong Tai has a plan to let me obtain the Xuzhou? "

Chen Gong sneered: "If Liu Xuande really wants this lord to attack Gongsun Zanfuzi, then the chance for Master to occupy Xuzhou has come!"

Lv Bu was ecstatic, he anxiously asked: "What clever plan does Gong Tai have to help me obtain the Xuzhou?"

Chen Gong retorted with a question, "May I ask Master if you still have the intention to chase after the whole world?"

Lv Bu hesitated for a while, then sighed: "No need to be afraid of Gong Tai's joke, after so many things, my ambitions have been worn out, I just want to be able to have a foundation of my own, and live a peaceful life for everyone!"

When Chen Gong heard this, he couldn't hide the disappointment that appeared on his face. Looking at Lv Bu's haggard face, he couldn't help but sigh. As an astute and scheming advisor, what he wanted to do the most was to assist the lord in his career, but when his lord had no ambition, what was the use of having a complete set of stratagem?

In his heart, he felt very sorry for Chen Gong. Back then, he had indeed had the ambition to fight for hegemony over the world, and after bumping into walls everywhere for so many years, he had already lost his ambition to go after the world. He only hoped to be able to live a peaceful life.

"Gong Tai will not abandon me, right?" Seeing Chen Gong's dejected expression, Lv Bu asked worriedly.

"What did the lord say!" Chen Gong was instantly angered and shouted in a low voice: "Since I have already pledged allegiance to my lord and my lord is deeply loyal to me, how can I abandon my lord and leave? Could it be that in the heart of the Lord, I am one of those petty people who seek to avoid benefits? "

"Gong Tai misunderstood, I am truly not willing to part with Gong Tai, so I said these words in a daze, I hope Gong Tai can calm his anger!" Lv Bu quickly cupped his fists and apologized. Although he was impulsive and haughty, he was not a fool, and was clear on Chen Gong's important role. Once he left in anger, he would most likely not have a place to rest.

Chen Gong's anger slightly faded as he said in a muffled voice: "Master, there's no need to speak anymore, this subordinate is not so petty! "It is very easy for our lord to achieve his ambition now, but once you have made up his mind, we cannot go back on his word. If he were to be impulsive and contend for hegemony in the future, I am afraid it would bring about death!"

"Gong Tai, don't worry, I guarantee that I won't change my mind!" Lv Bu quickly made a promise, he almost swore it to the heavens.

Chen Gong sighed in his heart, he did not believe Lv Bu's words. He was very clear that this master was very arrogant and despondent when he was pleased, and very lazy when he was disappointed. He was really not some wise master, and if his power grew stronger in the future, Lv Bu would definitely once again have the idea of wanting to rule over the entire world! It was just that Lv Bu respected and trusted him a lot, and he listened to everything that was written in the military strategy. As the saying goes, a soldier should die because of his or her friend, Chen Gong did not want to turn his back on Lv Bu and switch sides.

"Since that's the case, let's first meet up with Guan Yu and Jian Yong. We'll make our plans after confirming their intentions for coming here!"

"Listen to Gong Tai!"

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