Inside Sun Qing's big tent, Gongsun Xu was sitting at the main seat and Guo Jia was sitting on his left hand side. The two were discussing how to deal with Gao Qian later on in a low voice.

"Although Gao Qian is Yuan Shao's close relative, his own ability is not weak. Now that Yuan Shao's strongest general has already died, he can be considered as the number one trusted general under Yuan Shao's command. After Zi Long captured him, Yuan Shao no longer has anyone to use. If he can get this person to give up and come out into the light, then Yuan Shao's morale will be completely gone! "

"Feng Xiao means to send people to negotiate with Cao Cao? I think it's very difficult! Cao Cao Cao has just suffered a huge defeat at our hands, and even his most treasured eldest son has died. If I send an emissary to the Yanzhou, I'm afraid Cao Cao would behead him without saying a word! "

"Cao Cao Cao had suffered a crushing defeat, the inside of the Yanzhou was bound to be unstable, and with General Gao Lan and Gongsun Yi coming over to harass him, he would definitely be in a terrible spot. "Gao Gan is Chen Liu, and Cao Cao was the first person to start the army. If he could find the families of a few of his wives and concubines and bring them back to Chen Liu, Cao Cao would probably not refuse, right?"

"Hmm? "Chen Liu isn't far, you can give it a try!"

"I, Zhao Yun, seek an audience!" Gongsun Xu had not finished speaking when Zhao Yun's voice came out from the account.

"Come in!" Gongsun Xu sat up straight and shouted towards the outside.

The door curtain was immediately opened by the guards, and Zhao Yun walked in with large strides with his head held high. Blood stained his armor and clothes, but his face was brimming with energy and vitality.

"Greetings, my lord! This general has been ordered to intercept and kill the enemy troops who have come to steal the camp, and now that the enemy troops have been defeated, I have come to report this to the general! " Zhao Yun entered the account and knelt down on one knee to report.

"Zi Long has worked hard, quickly get up!" Gongsun Xu stood up and walked over to help Zhao Yun up, then smiled and asked: "How is the battle going?"

"Over 80% of the enemy's forces have been killed or captured by this lowly general, and its main general, Gao Qian, has also been captured alive by this old general, and it has been placed outside the account!"

"Oh? It was General Gao Gan who led the army to attack the camp? " Gongsun Xu acted surprised, and then shouted towards the outside: "Quickly ask General Gao to come in!"

The door curtain was opened once again, Zhao Yun's two bodyguards pushed and pushed the various tied up Gao Qian in.

Gongsun Xu feigned anger: "I had you invite General Gao Qian over, how could you be so rude!" Saying so, he quickly walked over, preparing to personally untie Gao Gan.

Gao Qian fiercely glared at Gongsun Xu, and said angrily: "Gongsun Xu, it's best to keep this little trick of trying to win the hearts of others! If you want to kill me, just kill me. If you want to make me surrender, that is just a dream! "Bah!" He spat at the bottom of Gongsun Xu's pants, and angrily turned his head away.

Gongsun Xu chuckled and did not get angry. He did not care about the saliva at the bottom of his pants as he untied the rope in a few steps, pointed at the seats and extended a hand, "Since General Gao is not afraid of death, could it be that he's afraid of listening to a few words? Would you like to sit down and have a chat with me? "

Gao Qian turned to look at Gongsun Xu, and a look of surprise flashed past his eyes. In his opinion, Gongsun Xu was young and vigorous, and was in a high position, so he definitely could not endure the humiliation he received just now, but he did not expect the other party to act so calmly towards his saliva, and even untie it for him as if nothing had happened.

"General, please sit!" Gongsun Xu smiled, and extended his hand once more.

Gao Gan sighed, since Gongsun Xu had given him face, if he insisted on not obeying, then he would look too petty. He then slowly walked over and sat down, but his eyes were still filled with hatred as he stared at Gongsun Xu.

Gongsun Xu waved to the two janissaries that were scolding Zhao Yun, poured a cup of tea and placed it in front of Gao Qian, then laughed: "General Gao, first drink some tea to moisten your throat."

After fighting for an entire night, Gao Qian's mouth and tongue were already dry. He also knew that Gongsun Xu didn't need to mess around with the tea, thus he raised his teacup and drank it all in one gulp, and glanced at the teapot on the table in front of Gongsun Xu with an unsatisfied expression.

Gongsun Xu laughed and did not speak further. He lifted his water canteen and poured another cup of tea for Gao Gan, who still drank it all in one gulp. After drinking four cups of tea, the thirst in Gao Qian's mouth gradually disappeared.

Gongsun Xu returned to his seat and nodded to Guo Jia.

Guo Jia had been watching the scene with a smile on his face, and now he looked at Gao Qian and asked, "Does the general have a second son and a daughter?"

"That's right!" Gao Qian answered carelessly, then immediately slammed the table and stood up. He shouted angrily, "What are you trying to do? It is unavoidable for both sides to fight each other to the point of death. How can you do such a shameless act as to bring chaos upon the wife and children of the other party? "

Guo Jia said indifferently: "General, you misunderstood! "Calm down, please sit down and listen to what I have to say!"

Gongsun Xu said in a deep voice: "General Gao has indeed misunderstood, the general's wife and children are not in my hands, if not I would have long given them back to you!" After saying that, he gestured for Gao Qian to sit and speak.

Gao Qian sat down, his eyes staring straight at Guo Jia, afraid that he would hear some terrible news from the other side. After the Henei County was broken, Gongsun Xu went back to his master Qinghe County, and only openly announced the news of Cao Cao Cao's defeat, and even hung the heads of Xiahou Dun and the others, but did not spread the details to the rest of the people, thus Gao Gan did not know that his wife and children had followed Cao Cao to the Yanzhou.

Gao Qian's grandfather, Gao Yong, was once a Li Shi Academy Officer, and his father, Gao Qian, was once a prefecture chief, so it could be said that he came from a wealthy family. However, not long after Gao Yong passed away, Gao Yong also passed away due to illness, causing his family to gradually decline, and finally requiring Yuan Shao to often have to help out in order to barely survive. It was just that at that time, Yuan Shao had not made a name for himself, and the help he received from the food was not much, and he had spent a lot of effort to practice martial arts. It was all thanks to his wife, Han Qingru, who was hard at work handling household chores.

After Uncle Yuan Shao rose to power, Gao Qian and his family could finally show off their wealth, but unfortunately, his mother died. At that time, Gao Qian was on a battlefield with Yuan Shao, unable to get out due to the intense battle. After his mother passed away, Gao Gan's wife came to first place, followed by his son. Uncle Yuan Shao could only come to third place. This was why Gao Gan was in such a panic and rage when he heard Guo Jia talking about his wife and children.

Guo Jia said in a deep voice, "After the Henei County was destroyed, General Gao's wife and children were taken by Cao Cao to the Yanzhou. As for the current situation, we are not too clear!"

"They followed Cao Cao to the Yanzhou?" Gao Qian was shocked, and immediately stood up, but he did not seek confirmation from Guo Jia, but instead looked at him with a doubtful gaze.

Gongsun Xu understood the meaning behind his words, he raised his palm and said sternly: "With the reputation of the Gongsun Clan as my guarantor, General Gao's wife and children are indeed as Feng Xiao has said, after the city is destroyed, they followed Cao Cao Cao to the Yanzhou!"

Gao Qian sat paralyzed on the ground and muttered softly, "Before I left the Henei County, I repeatedly instructed Gao Gang to ensure my wife and children's safety no matter what. How did those two bastards send my wife and son to Cao Cao Cao's hands? Gongsun Xu, may I ask where Gao Gang is? "

Gongsun Xu said in a low voice, "Gao Gang died in the battle at the city gates of the Broken Moon City. He did not tarnish the face of the general."

After taking a few deep breaths to calm his emotions, he looked at Gongsun Xu and asked, "What exactly do you want?

"The general is really straightforward!" Gongsun Xu gave a thumbs up, and said seriously: "Nothing else, I just wanted General to have another choice!"

Gao Qian snorted disdainfully, then said with a cold smile: "Gongsun Xu, even if your tongue is blooming with a lotus flower, I will definitely not betray my uncle, and let this heart of yours die as soon as possible!"

"Now the situation is clear, Yuan Shao's death is just around the corner, the general is in his prime, his wife and children are hoping to reunite with the general, why would the general accompany Yuan Shao in death? Furthermore, I heard from someone that due to the good relationship between and the General,, the Liu family of Yuan Shao had some complaints towards the General. They often talked about the General in front of Yuan Shao, so Yuan Shao gradually distanced himself from the General. Based on what the general said, if Yan Liangwenchou and the rest did not die, Yuan Shao would not be using him this way, right? I will say something that I shouldn't, if Yuan Shao truly sees the general as one of his own, why would the general bother to do such a dangerous thing? Although Yuan Shao was the general's close relative, he was definitely not an enlightened master! "The general knows this, so why hang himself on a rotten tree?"

When Gao Qian heard the first half of Gongsun Xu's words, his face was filled with anger. When Gongsun Xu mentioned Mrs Liu, his anger turned into helplessness, and by the time Gongsun Xu had finished speaking, his anger had already completely disappeared. Before the battle of Jizhou began, Yuan Shao's power was not much weaker than Gongsun Zan's, but's personality was too headstrong, and he took the initiative to give Ju Yi's life to his opponent, and then used a comatose move, causing Zhang He and Tian Feng to surrender to Gongsun Zan. Wen Chou was killed, and there were even some who took Xu You's property after hearing Liu Family's rotten idea, which was the equivalent of forcing Yuan Shao to betray them, which ended up causing the last general in Yuan Shao's army to be taken away by Xu You.

Just as Gao Gan was deep in thought, the guard outside reported loudly, "Reporting to the general, this lowly one has something to report!"

"What is it? This general is busy right now. If it's not too important, we'll talk about it later. " Gongsun Xu shouted towards the outside.

"The patrolling cavalrymen have caught a few enemy cavalry soldiers. It is said that they were sent by Yuan Shao to the Yanzhou."

"Bring him in!" Gongsun Xu was startled, but he also couldn't afford to talk to Gao Gan anymore, so he quickly ordered some people to be brought inside.

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