At the end of the Han Dynasty, there were dense forests all over the Liaodong, and more than half of the Great Liaoning River ran from the north to the south. The area of the river was several times larger than that of the later generations, and countless branches of the great river traveled through the hills, dense forests, wastelands, and plains. Because there were very few people around, and many mountains and rivers of Liaodong were filled with ferocious beasts, Hua Tuo actually dared to go to such a dangerous place to gather medicinal herbs.

Zhao Yun had been rushing northwards for more than five kilometers, but he had yet to see any signs of Hua Tuo. He could not help but feel extremely anxious, afraid that he would run in the wrong direction, and also afraid that Hua Tuo would encounter misfortune. The public road disappeared behind them by five or six miles. In front of them was a dense forest that was covered in green and yellow trees. All sorts of towering trees rose up from the ground, and a few narrow paths snaked their way into the depths of the forest.

The deeper they went, the colder it became. The number of animals they encountered also increased, and most of them would run away as soon as they saw humans. A big half black bear had its eyes on Zhao Yun and followed him for a long distance. When it realized that this person did not seem to be someone to mess with, it went back into the forest and disappeared. Zhao Yun did not care about the bear at all. If he was not in a rush to chase after the man, he would not have minded killing the beast.

After walking for another two to three kilometers, Zhao Yun arrived at the edge of a small stream that was about three meters wide. Suddenly, his expression changed greatly as he saw the footprints of two people, one big and one small, suddenly become disorderly as they ran eastward through the small stream, leaving behind a trail of footprints and water stains. Zhao Yun looked around and quickly discovered the reason behind the two of them running in panic — — A string of huge footprints appeared in the forest to the left of the creek, and from the hoof prints, it seemed to be a wild boar. The wild boar was also swimming through the stream and chasing after the people's footprints, clearly showing that when the two of them reached here, a wild boar had suddenly rushed out from the side.

Zhao Yun did not dare delay for even a second, and immediately jumped over the small stream and started sprinting forward. After running several hundred steps, he suddenly heard the low roar of a wild boar coming from his right, along with the crisp shout of a young girl. He was shocked, if it was really Hua Tuo in front of him, could it be that the person who followed Hua Tuo into the forest was actually a young lady? But at this time, he didn't have time to think. He gripped his spear tightly and rushed forward.

Passing through a mountain forest that was half a person tall with withered grass, Zhao Yun couldn't help but be stupefied.

He saw seven or eight large trees as thick as buckets growing on the hillside in front of him. An old man dressed in green sat on top of a tall tree, holding a small wine gourd as he leisurely drank from it. This old man had a head of black hair tied up in a large blue cloth, a handful of black hair below his chin, his forehead protruding, and his eyes slightly sunken. He looked very much like the birthday stars in the painting.

This old man only surprised Zhao Yun a little. The girl in black who was "playing hide-and-seek" with a wild boar under the tree had shocked him quite a bit.

The wild boar was seven or eight feet long and five feet high, and looked to be at least six or seven hundred pounds. It howled loudly and chased after the girl with all its might.

The girl held a three-foot-long sword and sprinted back and forth around a few trees. Every time the wild boar's movements slowed down, the sword in her hand would stab out quickly and accurately, adding a wound to the wild boar's body. The skin of an adult wild boar was thick and tough, but the sword could injure it at any time. Clearly, it was not an ordinary weapon.

It seemed like the chase and escape had been going on for a long time. The wild boar's body was riddled with wounds and blood. Its head was also bulging a few times. It seemed like it had hit a tree when it turned around. Although the wild boar's wounds were not fatal, it was still bleeding non-stop. As long as the girl had sufficient stamina and he didn't make any mistakes, the wild boar would die without a doubt.

The old man sitting on the branch saw Zhao Yun first and nodded towards him with a smile. Seeing that the man had an extraordinary bearing, Zhao Yun guessed that he was probably the strongest. The ninth was Hua Tuo. He respectfully nodded his head to return the greeting, then extended his spear to help.

"Don't come near me!" At this time, the young lady also noticed Zhao Yun, and shouted loudly when she thrusted out her sword.

Zhao Yun stopped in his tracks and looked at the old man with a puzzled expression.

The old man drank another mouthful of wine, smacked his lips and laughed: "I'm just practicing, there's no need to panic, General."

Zhao Yun had been a hunter many years ago and knew that the fierce beasts in the mountain range consisted of one pig, two tigers, and three bears. Many strong male hunters could kill tigers and bears, but they would die under the fangs of wild boars. This girl looked pretty, but her face was obviously green. She looked to be at most fifteen or sixteen years old, yet she actually dared to use a mature wild boar to practice.

The old man put away the wine gourd and asked, "Is this general here to find this old one?"

"That's right!" Zhao Yun nodded, he bowed and asked: "May I ask, is old sir Godly Doctor Hua?"

"Hehe, this old one is Hua Tuo." Hua Tuo laughed and asked: May I know your name, General? Who do you want this old one to treat? "

Zhao Yun placed his spear on the ground and cupped his hands as he replied: "I am Marquis Jin's subordinate, Yue Yang, and would like to request Godly Doctor Hua to treat Little Marquis Lord's external injuries."

"Son of Gongsun Zan?" Hearing that, Hua Tuo frowned, his face looked displeased.

Zhao Yun was startled, and thought to himself, could it be that Hua Tuo has some grudge with the Marquis? He cupped his hands together and said: "Godly Doctor Hua, please save him. Marquis Jin will definitely reward you handsomely!"

Hua Tuo shook his head: "General Zhao doesn't know, the reason I came to Liaodong is to find a few rare medicinal herbs to treat a strange disease that has occurred in the region of the Nine Rivers and the Bozhou region this summer! This is a matter that concerns the life of an elder in a village, this old one dares not delay it, I'm afraid that Ji County cannot go. " He was from the Qiao County, which was under the jurisdiction of Bozhou. Therefore, he called the people of Bozhou his father.

Hua Tuo and Gongsun Zan did not have any personal grudges, and had even never met each other before. However, he did not have any good feelings towards the dukes who had been living in different places. Furthermore, Zhao Yun said just now that he was treating her wounds, in Hua Tuo's opinion, it was most likely because she was fighting for her life or fighting for her money. He had seen the actions of the descendants of officials many times, and did not want to treat a 'silkpants'.

"Godly Doctor Hua, saving people is like saving a fire!" Zhao Yun suddenly became anxious and promised: "If Godly Doctor Hua needs any medicinal ingredients, just speak your mind. Marquis Jin will definitely find them and gift them to the genius doctor!"

Hua Tuo still refused tactfully, "I am not sure how many main medicines there are, but I need to first try it myself before I make my choice. This old one appreciates Academy Officer's good intentions."

Zhao Yun was anxious and angry at the same time, she spoke with a rush: "I have long heard of Godly Doctor Hua's merciful and benevolent love, but to see you today is truly disappointing! Could it be that every time Godly Doctor saved someone, he had to first ask the patient's identity? "

"Hehe." Hua Tuo stroked his beard and chuckled a few times. His tone carried an obvious ridicule, and said: "This old man will guess, is the young duke fighting a chicken or dog, or was he injured while riding and hunting?"

"Godly Doctor Hua! Don't spout nonsense! " Zhao Yun roared angrily, and shouted angrily: "A few days ago, King Wu Huan, Qiu Liju, led the great army and ambushed the Changli. The young duke executed a brilliant plan to kill Qiu Liju, and was trapped under the heavy encirclement of Wu Huan's cavalry, and continued to fight bravely. The young duke is a righteous and noble hero, how can he allow this old sir to slander him as he pleases! "

"What?" A formation to kill Qiu Liju!? " When Hua Tuo heard it, he was shocked. He pulled off his beard and almost fell off the tree.

"Ouch!" At this moment, the girl suddenly cried out and fell to the ground. The longsword in her hand knocked against the tree for a while before falling out of her hand. It turned out that just now, when Zhao Yun was roaring with rage, she was just about to circle around a big tree, and was startled by this loud shout. She slowed down her footsteps slightly, and was ruthlessly kicked by the wild boar's right front hoof her, causing her to immediately lose her balance and fall to the ground.

The wild boar, seeing the situation, roared and jumped towards the girl with a 'pu' sound. If he pounced on her now, he could crush her to death with a few hundred jin of force. Not to mention how sharp those two foot long fangs were!

"This is bad!" Hua Tuo's face changed as he jumped down the tree.

Zhao Yun's reaction was extremely fast. Hearing the girl's scream, he grabbed his spear and rushed towards the wild boar. Six or seven steps … To Zhao Yun, it only took the time to blink an eye for six or seven steps. Just as the wild boar was about to land, a heavy silver gun arrived first. Zhao Yun immediately followed up and rolled on the ground, hugging the girl and rolling on the side. He rolled for a good seven or eight steps before stopping.

The wild boar let out an extremely mournful howl and then fell to the ground with a thump. Its huge body kept twitching and its mouth was groaning. Its four hooves tried to stand up, but failed after trying for a few times. It soon fell to the ground and didn't move.

then floated down to the ground, and looking at the wild boar's miserable state, he couldn't help but feel some lingering fear. If something were to happen to Chan'er, how would she explain herself to her dead wife and children? This girl in black was Hua Tuo's granddaughter, and his only family in the world. After that, she had studied a set of martial arts under the tutelage of a master. After returning home, she had followed Hua Tuo on his journey to the north and south. In these recent years, they had met with a lot of dangers, most of which were resolved by Hua Chan.

Today, the ancestor and grandson met a wild boar all of a sudden. Hua Tuo wanted to avoid it and escape, but Hua Chan insisted on looking for a suitable terrain to train in. Hua Tuo also knew martial arts, but it was fine to use it for escape and defense, but the attack power was not much, let alone attack the gigantic wild boar. If Zhao Yun had not acted in time, he was afraid that Hua Chan's life would have been in danger, even if he did not die of luck he would at least have been severely injured. No matter what the outcome was, Hua Tuo was not willing to see it, so his heart was filled with gratitude to Zhao Yun.

"Can you let go of me first?" Hua Chan was still pressed down by Zhao Yun, her beautiful little face was red from embarrassment, but seeing her grandfather laughing at her, she became even more embarrassed, and begged Zhao Yun with a mosquito-like voice.

"Ahhh!" Zhao Yun turned his head to look at the wild boar, only then did he regain his senses, and quickly let go of the warm jade in his hands. He crawled up and bowed: "Please forgive me, young lady!"

Hua Chan also quickly crawled up, curtsied, and bowed as he returned the greeting. He softly said, "General is in a hurry to save someone, how could I blame you?"

Zhao Yun cupped his hands, his forehead was drenched in sweat. He had lived for 23 years, but this was the first time he had been so close to a woman. His heart was at least 10 times more nervous than when he was fighting with Wu Huan.

Hua Tuo walked over and cupped his hands: "Hehe, this old one thanks Young Master Zhao for saving Chan'er. This matter can't be delayed.

found Zhao Yun extremely pleasing to the eye, and had other thoughts in his mind.

Zhao Yun was both surprised and happy in his heart. He turned his body away, not daring to receive the greeting, and repeatedly answered: "So it's good! That's good! Thank you, Godly Doctor Hua! "

Hua Tuo brushed his sleeves, did not even greet Hua Chan, and walked along the road with large strides.

Zhao Yun walked in front of the wild boar and pulled out his spear. He grabbed a handful of leaves on the ground and was about to wipe off the blood.

"Young master, use this." Hua Chan said softly, and took out a clean brocade handkerchief from his sleeve and handed it over.

"How can that be!" Zhao Yun hurriedly reached out his hand to refuse, but unexpectedly, Hua Chan also reached out his hand, and the two's hands accidentally bumped into each other.

In the next moment, the two of them quickly stopped fighting. An indescribable feeling surged up in their hearts at the same time.

Hua Tuo turned his head, and seeing this scene, he faintly smiled.

With a blushing face, Hua Chan gave the embroidered handkerchief to Zhao Yun and ran towards him.

Zhao Yun held the embroidered handkerchief in a daze, and only after a long while did he come back to his senses. He laughed foolishly, put the embroidered handkerchief away, picked up a handful of leaves and wiped the blood off his spear, then chased after Hua Chan.

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