At dusk, in the northeast corner of Xiao Pei County, two generals were fighting bravely. The two of them were merciless as they attacked each other with their moves that went straight for the vital parts of the other. The clanking sounds of weapons hitting against each other could be heard, as if they were walking into a blacksmith shop. If it weren't for the cheers and cheers from the crowd, which indirectly indicated that this was just a spar, people would have believed that these two people were fighting to the death.

These two generals were tall and sturdy looking men. The grand and handsome man who rode a fiery red stallion, wore bright silver armor, and had a golden corona with two long feathers on his head. He held a heavy ancient halberd in his hand.

Seven or eight steps away from Guan Yu was a square-shaped face, with three short whiskers. The black-armored general had a dignified appearance, and was riding on his horse with his right hand touching the spear shaft on his horse. This man was Lv Bu's most trusted general Zhang Liao. The current Zhang Liao seemed to be watching the 'sparring' between Lv Bu and himself, but in reality, his eyes were fixated on the Guan Yu who was a few steps away. If Guan Yu dared to rush forward to attack Lv Bu, he would not hesitate to stop him.

In the lead of the crowd on the other side, Chen Gong, who was wearing a blue robe, lightly stroked his beard.

Jian Yong who was standing on the right of Chen Gong had an anxious expression as he continuously stomped his feet and walked around, sighing as he stared at the battle on the drill grounds. If he had the ability, he would have rushed up and pulled Zhang Fei down from the ground to give him a good beating. If not for the fact that Zhang Fei provoked and angered Lv Bu time and time again, this friendly competition would not have begun.

The day before yesterday, Guan Yu and Jian Yong had arrived at the Xiao Pei first, and Lv Bu had treated them very well. After all, the Xiao Pei had to rely on the Xuzhou to provide food, no matter how arrogant and proud Lv Bu was, he understood that the situation was better than the person.

During the welcoming banquet, Jian Yong took the opportunity to ask Lv Bu about the three alliances to attack Gongsun Zan. He also said that as long as he defeated Gongsun Zan, Liu Bei would convince Cao Cao Cao to support Lv Bu becoming a prefectural governor together. When Tao Qian was still alive, he had once told Liu Bei that he was a prefectural governor, but at that time, most of the Yuzhou were in his hands, so he was unable to take over the position. After that, Yuan Shu escaped to Yangzhou after being defeated by Cao Cao and Yuan Shao. Furthermore, because there were no strong opponents around him, he took more than half of the entire Rennan City in one fell swoop.

After Yuan Shu fled, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao Cao split up the Yuzhou, but after Lv Bu attacked the Yanzhou, Cao Cao Cao assigned his troops to fight Lv Bu, and Yuan Shao took the opportunity to enter the Yuzhou to take over half of it. This action completely destroyed the deep friendship between him and Cao Cao Cao, from then on the two of them only had benefits to each other, and this matter led Cao Cao Cao to angrily reject Yuan Shao's recruitment.

Even after Yuan Shao had occupied more than half of the Yuzhou, he still had not steadied his butt when Gongsun Zanfuzi's army attacked south. The panicking Yuan Shao hurriedly transferred eighty percent of the troops from the Yuzhou to the Jizhou. Now, regardless of whether it was Gongsun Zanfuzi or the others, they paid no attention to the Yuzhou, whose military might was empty. This was because everyone knew that was just adding on to the battle after the main battlefield of the Jizhou decided the victor. Furthermore, even if he could obtain the Yuzhou s temporarily, it would be impossible for him to hold on, which was why he had used this bait to lure Lv Bu into his trap.

Lv Bu was very moved by Liu Bei's suggestion. If it weren't for Chen Gong adamantly telling him to turn around and gather everyone for a discussion before giving his answer, he would have agreed on the spot. However, in order to pacify Jian Yong and Guan Yu, Lv Bu immediately gave the order to tidy up and prepare to battle, this action was no different from giving Jian Yong and Guan Yu a peace of mind, following that, the feast would be filled with laughter and conversation, the atmosphere was extremely warm.

Not long after, Zhang Fei who was escorting the food, rushed over. He was already extremely envious of Lv Bu, but upon hearing that Lv Bu actually dared not agree to Liu Bei's suggestion, he was immediately enraged, and immediately threw a alcohol case at Lv Bu, wanting to fight him. Lv Bu was also an explosive temper, how could he endure the 'Ringeye Man' being so arrogant in front of him? He immediately agreed to it, and even brought up the issue of whether he was dead or alive.

Fortunately, Chen Gong and Jian Yong were trying their best to smooth things over. Guan Yu had forcefully dragged Zhang Fei away, and Zhang Liao and Gao Shun had teamed up to block Lv Bu. In the past two days, he did not see Jian Yong and Guan Yu again. He only pushed Chen Gong and the others out to deal with them.

Jian Yong and Guan Yu were extremely anxious, time was of the essence, Chen Yuanlong had already gone to the Yanzhou to contact Cao Cao Cao, if they were unable to convince Lv Bu to agree to send troops, wouldn't it cause trouble? Therefore, Jian Yong had no choice but to swallow his anger and beg Guan Yu, letting him convince him to apologize to Lv Bu temporarily, and to urge him to agree to send the troops. Coincidentally, Liu Bei sent a messenger over to inquire about the progress, the tone of the letter was very urgent, so Guan Yu agreed to it immediately and used his authority as the second brother to force Zhang Fei to 'persuade' him to agree to apologize to Lv Bu.

Who would have thought that the moment they met, Lv Bu and Zhang Fei would start quarreling again, and the commotion became even louder and louder. The two of them claimed that they wanted to beat each other to the point of kneeling down and begging for mercy, and both Guan Yu and Chen Gong were unable to stop them at all. Lv Bu and Zhang Fei were both extraordinary people, their moves were both ferocious and peerless, the two sides had fought for more than thirty rounds without winning, but Zhang Fei's techniques had already started to slow down, and when the two of them were fighting, his weapon would be swung by Lv Bu, so everyone present knew that it was only a matter of time before Lv Bu won.

"Yes!" Suddenly, Lv Bu revealed an opening to Zhang Fei, and taking the chance while was being attacked, the small branch of the ancient halberd in his hand twisted the tip of Zhang Fei's snake spear, and used all his strength to lift it!

Zhang Fei was already used to his moves, so he didn't have any energy left to block the sudden huge force that came forth. In that instant, he only felt a sharp pain in his palm, and the spear in his hands involuntarily spun to the side, stabbing into the ground a few meters away with a pu sound.

Lv Bu's wrist shook, and the ancient halberd flew towards Zhang Fei's throat.

"My lord, you can't! Let them live under the blade! "

"Wen Hou, show mercy!"

Chen Gong and Jian Yong cried out at the same time. If Zhang Fei had stabbed them with a horse, their fragile cooperation would have quickly collapsed. Just as Gongsun Zan's army was about to push their boundaries, this was something no one wanted to see.

Guan Yu had turned pale with fright when he saw the flaw that Lv Bu revealed, and he immediately spurred his horse to charge forward before Zhang Fei's spear could fall out of his hands.

Zhang Liao groaned, he charged towards Guan Yu and blocked in front of him, and shouted: "General Guan, do not!"

"How dare you stop me!" Guan Yu was anxious and angry, his blade slashed across the head.

Zhang Liao and Lv Bu had known each other for many years, and knew that although Lv Bu's temper was bad, he was not an unknown person. At most, he would let Zhang Fei experience some hardships, and would properly vent the anger in his heart, but he would not kill Zhang Fei. Even though Zhang Liao had a strong sense of restraint, he was still enraged by Guan Yu's sudden slash. He raised his refined iron spear and struggled to block Guan Yu's slash, and with a backhand stab towards Guan Yu's left shoulder, he did not attack Guan Yu's vitals. This was because he did not want to cause a ruckus so easily, as long as Guan Yu did not rush over to enrage Lv Bu, Zhang Fei would definitely be safe and sound.

He did not expect that Guan Yu would not appreciate his kindness, and instead ignored the spear aimed at his left shoulder, as he slashed towards Zhang Liao's neck with lightning speed!

Zhang Liao had been angered by this blade and he did not have any intention of harming her, but this Guan Yunchang wanted to take his life, that was truly too much! He bent his body and dodged Guan Yu's blade, then took the opportunity to thrust his spear towards Guan Yu's ribs, preparing to have a good fight with him.

Guan Yu and Zhang Liao's martial arts were only around the same level, but their techniques were very different. Guan Yu's sword techniques were heavy and ferocious, like a fierce tiger descending a mountain, fast and violent. Zhang Liao's Spear Arts, on the other hand, were agile and ever-changing, extremely similar to Zhao Yun's Spear Arts, they were like spirit snakes that had found the opponent's weak points in time and launched their attacks. Both sides continued to fight fiercely, no one was able to suppress the other, but Zhang Liao remained calm, while Guan Yu was worried about Zhang Fei's safety, his expression was extremely anxious.

At this time, Lv Bu's ancient halberd stopped three inches away from Zhang Fei's throat, he stared at the latter and shouted with contempt: "Ringeye Man, if it wasn't for Liu Xuande, I would have smashed your dog head to the ground today!" As he spoke, he withdrew his halberd and turned his horse, preparing to leave the drill grounds.

Zhang Fei's black face turned purple from anger, it was just that this time, he had lost wholeheartedly and could not find any words to refute Lv Bu, it was not because he was a person who could not afford to lose, he stared at Lv Bu's back, his fists clenched tightly, he was determined, in the future he would definitely defeat Lv Bu and take revenge for today!

Guan Yu had been staring at Zhang Fei from the corner of his eyes the entire time, and seeing that his third brother's life was no longer in danger, he finally heaved a sigh of relief. He immediately pretended not to see her and abandoned his impetuous mood, preparing to fight Zhang Liao to the death.

Lv Bu spurred his horse to the side of the battle between Zhang Liao and Zhang Liao, and watched quietly.

Chen Gong walked over quickly and said softly: "Master, we should still ask the two generals to stop. If they hurt each other, Master and Liu Xuande's face would not look good!"

Lv Bu nodded his head, and said solemnly: "This Guan Yunchang is not as repulsive as Ringeye Man, but he is rather pleasing to the eye! I will go and separate them! " As he spoke, he gripped the ancient halberd tightly, waiting for the right moment to arrive.

Suddenly, Zhang Liao and Guan Yu's blade and spear clashed once again, Lv Bu rushed forward with his horse's belly, and with a loud roar, he struck the blade and spear with his halberd!

Clank, clank, clank! After two crisp metallic sounds, Guan Yu's blade and Zhang Liao's spear flew out of his hand and flew around a hundred feet before landing on the ground.

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