Lv Bu, Chen Gong, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun were currently accompanying Gongsun Xu in drinking and chatting. On the way, they were watching Diao Chan's graceful dance, and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious and lively. Diao Chan had already changed into a gorgeous, red-gold cheongsam, this kind of cheongsam, if it was worn on an ordinary woman, would usually give off a kind of beauty, but when worn on a elegant and refined Diao Chan, it actually fit perfectly, and made her look even more noble and graceful.

Lv Linger stood behind the servant girl who was playing the zither, staring at Diao Chan without moving, her small face filled with admiration. The little girl's mother, Yan Shi, was a solemn and upright person. As a result, she and Yan Shi were not really close, but she was very close to the calm Diao Chan. Most of the time, she would stay by his side.

Since Lv Bu was able to let his wife out to see Gongsun Xu, it was obvious that he considered Gongsun Xu to be one of their own. Therefore, when Gongsun Xu had asked him to be his cousin, Lv Bu was naturally pleased to agree to it.

Gongsun Xu saluted back with the bottle of wine and smiled: "To be honest, Feng Xianxiong, I know nothing at all, but my sister-in-law's dancing style is so beautiful, I have never seen anything like it before!"

"Haha" Lv Bu laughed proudly: "Zi Minxiong is honest! In the past, when they were at Luoyang, everyone had recognized Hong Chang's dance to be number one in the world.

Lv Bu's words did not contain the slightest bit of respect for the Son of Heaven, Liu Xie. Other than him, who was slightly unhappy, neither Gongsun Xu nor Zhang Liao felt anything.

Gongsun Xu had only read about Liu Xie the Emperor, but no one had ever told him about him. Back then, Lv Bu and Wang Yun had dominated the imperial court and they had met often, so he should have understood Liu Xie very well. Thus, he asked with a smile: "Feng Xianxiong, what kind of person is the Son of Heaven today?"

Lv Bu thought for a while, and said with a disdainful laugh: "The Son of Heaven today is a little smart, but he has a weak temper! The Son of Heaven deeply hates Dong Zhuo, but when he tried to kill Dong Zhuo in the past, I and Wang Situ (Wang Yun) had already planned for it. After writing the imperial edict to invite him to use the seal, he was scared to the point of peeing his pants.

When Zhang Liao and Gao Shun heard this, they laughed, and a look of reminiscence appeared in their eyes. It was clear that they were present at the time.

Chen Gong sighed, and shook his head helplessly. For a scholar like him, he really hoped that a wise Son of Heaven would stand out and turn the tide, completely pacifying the rebellion and bringing peace to the Great Han Dynasty. However, Chen Gong knew in his heart that this was just an extravagant hope. Ever since Emperor Huan started, the following three emperors were each weaker than the last, and there were no outstanding talents within the clan, only Liu Yu who was capable and had prestige. It was to the extent that Yuan Shao and the others had plotted to support Liu Yu's level, but unfortunately, they were all rejected by Liu Yu. Currently, all of Liu Yu's family were imprisoned in the Youzhou under Gongsun Zanfuzi's disguise. They had already been out of sight of the world for a long time. Chen Gong could not help but look at Gongsun Xu. He had a calm personality and was very shrewd, although his achievements were even better than Lv Bu, he did not have a haughty heart, and was well-loved by his subordinates, he was truly a wise man.

Gongsun Xu smiled along, and then asked: "Feng Xianxiong, then what kind of person is Li Que?"

Lv Bu lifted the bottle of wine and downed it in one gulp as he gritted his teeth and said, "Those two villains are both treacherous and unchangeable villains! In the past when they were fighting for the Luoyang, they came to surrender when they were at a disadvantage. I didn't want to kill too many so I agreed. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely exterminate those two thieves and their subordinates! "

Gongsun Xu nodded and comforted him with a few words, then asked: "How many people are under Guo Si's command?"

"After Dong Zhuo's death, the internal affairs of the Xiliang Army were in complete chaos. Although Li Que and the two thieves were officially in charge of the Xiliang Army, they were unable to control the entire situation. From what I know, is an elite Xiliang cavalry, and other than them, the rest of the thirty thousand soldiers have their own ulterior motives.

Gongsun Xu's face became serious, the thirty thousand elite Xiliang Steel Cavalry was not a small number, they were comparable to the The Steel Cavalry of Youzhou, and anxiously asked: "What is the fighting strength of the thirty thousand elite Xiliang Armoured Cavalry?"

"Very strong!" Lv Bu casually gave an answer, then touched his short beard and thought for a while, before saying: I have fought with the Freshmen and Wu Huan Steel Cavalry before, if I were to compare with them, the Xiliang Steel Cavalry would be superior!

Zhang Liao agreed: "What Feng Xianxiong says is extremely true, the laws of the Xiliang are harsh, but when Dong Zhuo is around, he places great importance on training, and Dong Zhuo's training methods are very cruel. He often causes the Xiliang Army to go deep into the grasslands and fight with the Hu people, and the victors who return will be greatly praised, and those who escape the battle will be beheaded, thus the Xiliang Armoured Cavalry often does not fear death! If Dong Zhuo had not died, the current Xiliang Steel Cavalry would definitely be even more powerful! "

"That's right!" When the number of people is equal, it will be very difficult for me, the Peace Faction, to defeat my opponent. " Gao Shun also sighed, the expression in his eyes flickered, as if he thought back to when he was fighting the Xiliang.

Gongsun Xu laughed: "Is that all? You don't have to worry too much about that! "

Lv Bu and the rest were startled, then remembered that the man in front of them had not only defeated Wu Huan, he had also caused the Xianbei People to fall into disarray. Now that everyone was cowering in a corner, even the people in Tanhan Shan who were normally acting arrogantly had to watch the Youzhou's face, not daring to approach the outside of the Great Wall. This was the long-cherished wish of Lv Bu and Zhang Liao when they were young men. It was a pity that ever since they followed Ding Yuan out of the prefecture, they never had the chance to fight the Hu people again, yet Gongsun Xu had done what they had never been able to do without anyone knowing.

Even Chen Gong's eyes were filled with admiration when he looked at Gongsun Xu. As of now, all the dukes in the world were fighting each other incessantly, but all of them were fighting amongst themselves, exhausting the vitality of the Chinese people. Although Gongsun Xu had also joined in the battle, the other side had still beat up the Hu people to the point where they were terrified, ensuring that the citizens of the Northern Lands wouldn't be affected by the Hu people's attacks.

"Zi Minxiong, you have done something that I have never been able to do before, I must toast you!" Lv Bu lifted the bottle of wine again, and raised it up towards Gongsun Xu.

Gongsun Xu laughed, then picked up the bottle of wine and drank it together with Lv Bu.

Lv Bu cleared the bottom of his cup, and asked solemnly: "After the battle at Jizhou is over, does Zi Minxiong want to go west or continue south? If you are going west, I am willing to be the vanguard! "

"For the time being, I'm not sure!" If we can take this opportunity to get rid of Liu Bei and take Xuzhou, then we won't be going south anymore. Otherwise, it will attract the combined resistance of Liu Biao and the rest, and maybe even Youzhou's ally in name, Yuan Shu, will be struck down. "

Lv Bu laughed: "Zi Minxiong, don't worry. If we still aren't able to snatch the Xuzhou from Liu Bei's hands, how can we possibly have face to be able to exist in this world? Zi Minxiong, then it's a promise, when we enter the Western Region, you must make this Bingzhou Army your vanguard! "

"It's a deal!" Gongsun Xu raised his right palm and struck at Lv Bu.

Just then, the zither playing servant's song ended, Diao Chan also stopped dancing, he walked forward and picked up the wine pot, and started to toast.

Lv Bu pointed at Gongsun Xu and laughed: "Let me toast to Zi Minxiong first! If Zi Minxiong did not scare the Hu people, how would the citizens of the Luo Province be able to live a peaceful life? "

Diao Chan laughed, and sure enough, he first came over and poured a bottle of wine for Gongsun Xu, and said respectfully: "I am also from the Suzhou, and had been living here a long time ago. I came here to attack often, and my relatives and friends were all killed and kidnapped, so I ended up in Luoyang, and if I did not meet Wen Hou again, I would have died a long time ago.

Diao Chan had clearly stated that she had known Lv Bu for a long time. Could it be that there was a secret behind the beauty's plot to kill Dong Zhuo? However, this matter was unrelated to him, he was only a little curious, and did not have the intention to investigate further. Thus, he solemnly thanked them and drank the three cups of wine that Diao Chan had toasted to him, applauded by Lv Bu and the others.

After the toast, Diao Chan did not leave. She lowered her head and said gently: "General, I have a presumptuous request, would you like to speak?"

Gongsun Xu was slightly startled, then nodded: "Sister-in-law, please speak your mind. As long as I can do it, I will not refuse!"

Diao Chan beckoned for Lv Linger to come over. He gently caressed the latter's small head and softly said: "Ling'er has only turned five this year, and she is indeed very cute and obedient. I heard that the general is about to be his father, would it be possible for him to recognize his next adopted daughter before this?"

Lv Linger did not know what Diao Chan was talking about. She rolled her intelligent eyes, looking at Diao Chan, then looking at Gongsun Xu, and finally landing her gaze on Lv Bu, as though she was trying to get an answer from her father.

Lv Bu chuckled to Lv Linger, but did not have any intention of explaining. The little girl pouted her lips in dissatisfaction and looked up at Diao Chan.

Diao Chan asked gently: "Do you want Ling'er to have a little brother to play with?"

Lv Linger was overjoyed: "I did! Of course! Daddy's busy all day, and auntie doesn't accompany me out to play, I'm bored to death! Aunt, where is little brother? "

Diao Chan pursed his lips into a smile, and said softly. "You will know after kowtowing three times to General Gongsun!"

Lv Linger said, and sure enough, he walked in front of Gongsun Xu and was prepared to kowtow.

Gongsun Xu reached out to support Lv Linger, and sighed while looking at him: "Feng Xianxiong, you and I already have enough trust in each other, so there's no need for this right?"

Lv Bu chuckled: "Zi Minxiong's words are wrong, the trust between you and I is one thing, and my little girl being under your knee is another, how can we be confused? Could it be that Zi Minxiong thinks that her talent is so dull that she is not worthy to be his disciple? "

"Feng Xianxiong is being too serious! Forget it, this matter is decided then! " Gongsun Xu let go of Lv Linger's hand with a wry smile, and caressed Lv Linger's small head.

Lv Linger looked at Gongsun Xu who had a bitter smile on his face, knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times in a serious manner.

"Congratulations General Gongsun! Congratulations Feng Xianxiong! " Chen Gong and the rest were all smiles as they cupped their fists and congratulated him.

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