At the beginning of the morning, Gongsun Xu got up on time as usual. After washing his face and rinsing his mouth with the servant girl's help, he went to the courtyard to practice his fist arts.

After a while, Lv Bu walked out full of spirit. Seeing that Gongsun Xu was practicing his fist art, for a moment, he couldn't resist, and walked over and started sparring with Gongsun Xu. On the match between the two, Gongsun Xu had used softness to overcome toughen the opponent, causing Lv Bu's strength to be exhausted. As both sides were considered to be on the same side, when Gongsun Xu fought, he naturally did not use his full strength, but chose to leave some leeway for the both of them to fight. After exchanging thirty or forty moves, the two of them were still unable to determine victory or defeat. They both laughed and retreated.

Lv Bu laughed: "I am quite interested in Taiji Fist, I wonder if I can impart the Brother Zimin to you for a bit?"

Gongsun Xu was startled, he did not expect Lv Bu to actually ask him for guidance on fist techniques, and was extremely pleased, since Taiji Fist was only suitable for individual sparring, it was not suitable for fighting techniques, thus he agreed.

Lv Bu was overjoyed, he waved his hand and ordered the guards and servants to withdraw, he listened seriously to Gongsun Xu's explanation of the Taiji Fist.

Gongsun Xu had just roughly explained it when a person outside the courtyard reported loudly, "Reporting to Wen Hou, Xuzhou has sent someone to request an audience with Wen Hou. Would you like to let him in?"

Lv Bu wrinkled his brows, and said in a deep voice: "Yesterday, Guan Yu and the others had just left, and today, Liu Xuande suddenly sent someone over. I wonder what is the matter?

Gongsun Xu laughed: "Feng Xianxiong, thinking too much is pointless, why not meet that person first. If Liu Xuande truly suspects this one, then at worst, this one will just leave Xiao Pei today and return back to Qinghe County. As long as this one doesn't meet Liu Xuande face to face, even if he suspects, what can he do? "

"Brother Zimin is right." Lv Bu nodded, then shouted out: "Send someone to the guest hall to wait."

The person outside answered and then heard the sound of footsteps leaving in a hurry.

Lv Bu and Gongsun Xu returned to their respective rooms to change their clothes before heading to the guest hall at the same time. Gongsun Xu followed behind Lv Bu into the room and saw a green-gowned scholar sitting straight and waiting. Seeing the two of them enter, the green-gowned scholar quickly stood up and bowed to Lv Bu.

"Mi Zhu greets Wen Hou! Even though we haven't seen each other for a while, but Wen Hou's demeanor is still the same, it is truly a cause for celebration! "

Mi Zhu! Gongsun Xu was shocked, he did not expect to see Mi Zhu at this place! After that, he met Mi Zhu's little sister, Mi Zhen. After keeping Mi Zhen to his side and taking care of her for a while, he listened to Mo Bingmei's suggestion and sent her to the Marquis of Ji's Mansion to be watched over by Er Yu. In his heart, he had already treated Mi Zhen as his own person, so this matter was rather strange. If Mi Zhu knew about these two things, he would have turned hostile on the spot!

Lv Bu nodded his head, pointed to his seat and laughed: "Zi Zhong, no need for formalities, please sit and speak!" Finished speaking, he walked over to the seat of honor and sat down.

Mi Zhu was a good dancer, he did not offend people easily, and he collected most of the Xiao Pei City's food, so Lv Bu was very kind to him.

Mi Zhu thanked him but did not sit down. He looked at Gongsun Xu and asked: "Are you Yuan Shijun's messenger, General Gao Yuan?"

Gongsun Xu cupped his fists and replied guiltily: "That's right, I am Gao Yuan. However, I am just a small Academy Officer, I cannot be called a general! May I know what you would like to advise me? "

"Hehe," Mi Zhu laughed out loud. His expression suddenly turned serious as he said in a low voice, "I would like to ask General Gao to help me with a small favor.

Gongsun Xu nodded his head: "Sir, please tell me, if I can do it, I will not refuse!"

Mi Zhu stared into Gongsun Xu's eyes and slowly said: "This one has a little sister, she is extremely mischievous. A few months ago, she suddenly ran away from home and disappeared without a trace, I only found out about it from many sources that she went to the Jizhou. After General Gao returns, can you help this one find out the whereabouts of this sister? "

Gongsun Xu's heart suddenly skipped a beat, he had a kind of 'Mi Zhu definitely knows his real identity' feeling. No matter what, he changed his mind and 'kidnapped' Mi Zhen into the Ji County, so it was really awkward in his heart. He actually didn't know how to reply.

Lv Bu watched the change in Gongsun Xu's expression with interest. Although he did not know what the truth of the matter was, he was sure that Gongsun Xu knew the whereabouts of Mi Zhu. Mi Zhu was Liu Xuande's food bag, so her status was not low. However, her little sister had followed Gongsun Xu, and at that time, with just a few bad words, it would be extremely possible for Mi Zhu to lose Liu Bei's trust. Mi Zhu was extremely proficient in matters of colonization, if he could get him to be his subordinate, in the future, when he goes to the Japan, he would be of great assistance …

Just as Lv Bu was lost in his thoughts, Gongsun Xu cupped his fists and said, "Sir, please rest assured. After I return, I will do my best to find out where your sister is.

Mi Zhu stared at Gongsun Xu for a good while, then slowly nodded: "Thank you, General Gao! [If the general really finds my sister, please tell her that no matter where she is or what she wants to do in the future, she will always be my sister!] That's right, General Gao, please give this item to my sister. " With that said, she took out an incomparably exquisite white jade pendant and handed it over to Gongsun Xu.

Gongsun Xu received the jade pendant with both hands and nodded as if he had thought of something. He was already certain that Mi Zhu knew his true identity, but he just didn't know where Mi Zhu found out. And did he tell this to Liu Bei? According to his father, the Big Ear Buster was very scheming and would do whatever it took. If he knew his real identity, he would most likely not let him go back! It seemed that he could not stay in Xiao Pei for long, after sending Mi Zhu away, he would bring his people back to Qinghe County!

Only then did Mi Zhu turn around and sit down. He cupped his hands towards Lv Bu and said: "Wen Hou, I have come today under the order of the Lord to invite Wen Hou to Xuzhou to discuss some important matters. I wonder if Wen Hou can make this trip?"

"Negotiating about something important?" Lv Bu's expression slightly changed, and he said coldly: "I have already discussed the matter of the joint expedition with Guan Yunchang, and have a rough plan, so I can follow Duke Xuan De and send troops out anytime. I wonder if there's anything else we need to discuss?"

Mi Zhu's expression was calm as he said, "Huainan's tribe has been acting strangely recently, so Master believes that Yuan Shu will very likely take advantage of the time when the army is leaving to scheme against Xuzhou. Therefore, before the troops leave, I plan to ask Wen Hou to lead the army to Suqian with him, in order to intimidate Yuan Shu so that he does not dare to head north!"

The Suqian that was around two hundred kilometers away from the Xuzhou was currently in Yuan Shu's hands. He had stationed a team of thirty thousand in the Suqian.

Lv Bu was very clear that Yuan Shu's coveting for the Xuzhou had never waned. The moment Liu Bei led his army to the Qinghe County, Yuan Shu would most likely lead his army to attack the Xuzhou. If Mi Zhu did not lie, it was normal for Liu Bei to invite him to send troops to Suqian to intimidate Yuan Shu, but he was afraid that Liu Bei already knew Gongsun Xu's true identity, and sending troops was just an excuse used by Liu Bei to swindle him to go to Xuzhou. If he did not go, Liu Bei might very well fall out with him, the plans he had discussed with Gongsun Xu previously could not be carried out, and finding the chance to snatch the Xuzhou s was just a empty talk. Although Gongsun Xu had repeatedly said that it was not important if he could take advantage of this opportunity to snatch the Xuzhou, if he were to meet Gongsun Zan with empty hands, how could he possibly have face to discuss the matter of the Japan with Gongsun Zan?

Mi Zhu seemed to have already expected Lv Bu's hesitation. At this time, he continued: "Master also said that time is of the essence. When Wen Hou arrives at Xuzhou, he will meet up with Wen Hou outside the city and then immediately head to Suqian. He will return three days later at the latest!"

As long as he didn't enter the Xuzhou City, even if Liu Xuande had any schemes or tricks, he wouldn't be afraid. At worst, he just had to scatter them back to the Xiao Pei, with Zhang Liao by his side, how could Guan Yunchang and Zhang Yide stop him? But due to caution, he did not immediately give a reply. Instead, he stated that he would discuss this with his subordinates before making a decision, and after that he called for the servant girl to order Mi Zhu to rest first.

Mi Zhu did not force her and after standing up and bowing, he followed the servant girl out of the guest hall. When he walked out of the room, he turned his head to look at Gongsun Xu, and only then did he slowly leave with the servant girl.

Lv Bu waited until Mi Zhu's footsteps disappeared into the distance before asking immediately, "Brother Zimin, shall I go or not?"

Gongsun Xu's brows tightly knitted, and said with a heavy voice. "Mi Zhu may already know this particular person's true identity! If Feng Xianxiong goes, I'm afraid he will be in danger! How about you abandon the Xiao Pei and follow me to the Qinghe County? "

Lv Bu muttered to himself for a while, then shook his head: "No! If a certain someone were to abandon the Xiao Pei because they were afraid of danger, wouldn't that mean that they were as cowardly as a mouse? Furthermore, I haven't even earned any merits, how would I even have the face to see the Marquis Jin? Just now, Mi Zhu had also said that he would wait outside Xuzhou City. As long as he does not enter the city, I have absolute confidence to escape! Brother Xian said that Mi Zhu finding out your true identity was only a guess, and even if he found out that your brother was actually Gongsun Xu, he might not necessarily tell Liu Xuande! "

"Why is that?" Gongsun Xu was suspicious, "Mi Zhu is extremely loyal to Liu Bei, if I knew that I was Gongsun Xu, how could I not tell Liu Bei?"

Lv Bu laughed strangely: "I want to ask Little Brother, where is Mi Zhu's sister now?"

"Um …" Gongsun Xu's face looked awkward and was at a loss for words.

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