After Chen Gong and Zhang Liao left, Lv Bu instructed his subordinates to prepare for battle. He stood on the high ground and looked ahead quietly, but he was actually a little nervous.

When Lv Bu saw Liu Bei approaching with Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Chen Gong, Zhang Liao, Mi Zhu and the others surrounding him, he could not help but heave a sigh of relief. It seemed that the matter had not exceeded his expectations, otherwise Liu Bei would not have personally come to greet him. He quickly walked down the small mountain slope, towards Liu Bei who was already a hundred steps away.

Zhang Fei's right hand held onto the snake spear tightly as he stared coldly at Lv Bu who was walking over. After a while, he unwillingly jumped off the horse and followed along with his hand on the handle of his blade.

"Haha, long time no see. Is Little Brother Feng Xian well?" When the two sides were within seven or eight steps from each other, Liu Bei took the initiative to clasp his fist and greet them.

Lv Bu smiled and cupped his fists in return: "Thank you for your concern, Xuan Dexiong, everything is fine! Xuan Dexiong's complexion is not bad! "

"It's not too bad!" Liu Bei laughed and nodded, then said: "The two of us haven't met for over two months, right? When I heard that Brother Feng Xian was not feeling well, I was rather worried, and came over quickly to take a look. Now that I see that Brother Feng Xian is fine, my heart is really comforted! "

Lv Bu cupped his hands and said: "Thank you, Xuan Dexiong, for coming to welcome me, I am truly terrified! Just a moment ago, I was just a little tired, but I made Xuan Dexiong worry.

Liu Bei waved his hands, pretending to be displeased: "You and I are brothers, why do you need to be so courteous to outsiders? Feng Xian had been working so hard, yet he still hadn't eaten yet right? I went out of the city to hunt yesterday and shot a few yellow sheep. Just now, I saw the beautiful scene on the river not far away from the city, so I ordered some people to roast some mutton.

"That's exactly what I wanted! Haha, Xuan Dexiong is indeed considerate! we, thank you very much! " Liu Bei chose to entertain him outside the city instead of inviting him into the city for a feast. It was obvious that he was releasing a kind intent to show that he did not have any hostility towards.

"Let's go, the two of us are going to drink a few cups today!"

"Xuan Dexiong, after you!"

After a while, the group arrived at the riverbank that Liu Bei had mentioned. Here was a grass green, with flowers and flowers of all different colors scattered all over. The river water was bright and clear, it was indeed a good place. On a flat ground about one zhang away from the river, a few servants were barbecuing the entire sheep. The color of the meat was already golden, and the fat was constantly dripping into the fire.

There were a few blankets on the grass. Liu Bei sat at the seat of honor, Lv Bu sat at the bottom, and the others also sat down.

Liu Bei made people pour wine, and asked Lv Bu with a smile: "Brother Feng Xian, do you still remember the first time we met?"

"How can I not remember?" Lv Bu laughed out loud: "At that time, under the Water Curtain, the generals of many dukes were all defeated and fled. Only the three Xuan Dexiong brothers were able to tie with me, so I was extremely shocked then, even though these three opponents are unknown now, their names will definitely shake the entire world after this battle! Sure enough, after just a few years, Xuan Dexiong has already become the overlord of a region. Brother Yun Chang's name is also extremely resounding, so it can be seen that I am knowledgeable! "

Zhang Fei snorted from the side, obviously dissatisfied with Lv Bu not mentioning his name.

Liu Bei stared at Zhang Fei, and laughed out loud: "Little Brother Feng Xian is too kind, it's just that my luck is not bad, and just so happens to be good at it. In terms of true abilities, I am far from being able to compare with Little Brother Feng Xian! Brother Feng Xian, what do you think about the current situation? "

Lv Bu feigned shock and asked: "What does Xuan Dexiong mean?"

"Of course it's the situation in the Jizhou! Sigh … "Liu Bei sighed, shook his head, and said," My close friend Uncle Gongsun has already besieged the Qinghe County, and Cao Mengde has already suffered a crushing defeat. If Jizhou loses, I'm afraid we will follow in the footsteps! That's why I had Second Brother and Xian go over to contact Second Brother to discuss on how to rescue Yuan Benchu together with Cao Mengde! Little Brother, do you think we can solve the crisis Yuan Benchu is in when the three of us join forces? "

Lv Bu thought for a while, then shook his head: "I have not seen the battle situation of the Qinghe County with my own eyes, so I cannot make a judgement, but as long as Road Yuan keeps himself safe and does not suddenly come to added trouble, I and Xuan Dexiong will no longer have any worries, and I still have a sixty to seventy percent chance of saving Yuan Benchu!"

Liu Bei said solemnly: "This is also the main reason why I invited Junior to the Suqian! Once he knows that the two of us have led our troops to the Jizhou, he would definitely lead his troops to attack the Xuzhou himself. "Everyone knows your great name and reputation, and you've even made the highway completely deserted at that time. As long as you show your face in the Suqian, it will be enough to make all the people on the highway tremble in fear!"

Lv Bu chuckled, his expression extremely pleased with himself. Just as Liu Bei had said, Yuan Shu had once fought with Lv Bu at the Water Curtain Realm, but in the end, he was smashed into the array by Lv Bu. Only then did Yuan Shu manage to save his life. From then on, Yuan Shu was extremely fearful of Lv Bu, and all the soldiers under him trembled in fear when they heard the name Lv Bu.

Chen Gong suddenly put down his wine bowl, cupped his hands, and asked Liu Bei: "May I ask Duke Xuan De, if I am able to smoothly solve Yuan Benchu's crisis, what can my master obtain?"

Liu Bei muttered to himself, and answered respectfully: "If we can smoothly defeat Gongsun Baige, or force him to retreat and return to the Youzhou, I guarantee that Yuan Benchu can repay Brother Feng Xian with a county! I wonder what Gong Tai thinks? "

"A county?" Chen Gong chuckled: "It sounds like there's a lot of rewards, but I wonder which county Duke Xuan De thinks is more suitable for my Master?"

Liu Bei stroked his beard, and sank into deep thought. He was already certain that Lv Bu had come into contact with Gongsun Xu, but he didn't know what kind of deal the two had made, so if the chips offered by Gongsun Xu wasn't rich enough, he could try and pull Lv Bu back! The problem was, what kind of promise did Gongsun Xu give that moved Lv Bu? From Chen Gong's question just now, it was clear that he was not satisfied with the reward of a county. From this, it could be seen that Gongsun Xu had given more chips than a county! That is to say

"Brother Feng Xian, if everything goes smoothly, I will persuade Yuan Benchu to give away the Ji Yin County to brother, and will also persuade Cao Mengde to give up the Shanyang County to brother. I wonder what brother thinks about this?" Liu Bei muttered to himself for a good while before he finally spoke of his plans.

"Ji Yin County, Shanyang County" Lv Bu muttered these two names as a cold light flashed across his eyes. Right now, Ji Yin County was Yuan Shao's territory, the Shanyang County was controlled by Cao Cao Cao, and these two counties were located at the border between Jizhou, Yanzhou and Xuzhou, and there was no danger to protect them. If he could truly obtain these two counties, it would actually not be a good thing, whether it was Yuan Shao or Cao Cao Cao, who could snatch both counties from his hands at any time! From this, it could be seen that Liu Bei's proposal was completely generous to others, and was filled with evil intentions!

However, Lv Bu was very clear that if Liu Bei had proposed this idea to him before he came to an agreement with Gongsun Xu, even if he knew that Liu Bei had ill intentions, he would probably clench his teeth and agree to it. After all, compared to the Xiao Pei, these two counties were like heaven and earth. Thinking about that, Lv Bu sneered in his heart. Liu Xuande was an expert at scheming, and was still thinking of scheming against three families at this time. It was a pity that he had no idea, that Gongsun Zimin was actually willing to use the throne of a country to exchange for his allegiance! Compared to the two of them, Liu Xuande was still too petty!

Chen Gong had also quickly thought about it, but he was more composed than Lv Bu. He did not seem displeased, and continued to ask, "May I ask Master Xuan De, how can I guarantee that Yuan Benchu and Cao Mengde will really give up Ji Yin County and Shanyang County to my Master?"

"About this …" Liu Bei hesitated for a moment, then suddenly gritted his teeth and said, "I will use the lower prefectures as my collateral! If Yuan Benchu and Cao Mengde go back on their words in the future, the next few countries will belong to Feng Xian! "

"Brother, how can you be like this!?" This little brother will definitely not agree to this matter! " Before Liu Bei even finished his sentence, Zhang Fei had already let out a loud shout.

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