After Zhang Liao turned the tables on the disadvantageous situation, his morale was boosted and he quickly attacked.

Zhang Fei roared again and again, the spear in his hands danced as he quickly fought with Zhang Liao. He knew that he couldn't waste his time here with Zhang Liao, so he wanted to quickly find the opponent's weakness while attacking and defending, and then seize the initiative to defeat Zhang Liao in one fell swoop.

On the other hand, Zhang Fei had initially trekked on the muddy ground for a long time, causing most of his energy to be wasted. His plan that he thought would be foolproof had actually failed, and he had given Lv Bu the chance to sneak in an attack on his own camp. There were even more people who followed Zhang Fei. Most of the Xuzhou Army soldiers had low morale, they were split up and surrounded by Zhang Liao's men just by charging, and the miserable cries that came from time to time made him even more anxious and impatient.

In this situation, Zhang Liao gained the upper hand in a short period of time. No matter how crazily Zhang Fei retaliated, he was not moved at all.

The Xuzhou Army soldiers were fully aware of Zhang Fei's valor and ferocity, so from the very beginning, they hoped that he could kill Zhang Liao quickly and bring them back to the camp after defeating the enemy. They never expected that General Zhang Yide, whom they thought could not be defeated, would actually be at a disadvantage after exchanging over ten blows with two great generals! Seeing this scene, all the Xuzhou Army soldiers were stupefied. Their morale was even weaker, and they were beaten until they were forced to retreat step by step, the few encirclement constantly shrinking, and people almost always fell on the ground in every second. Miserable screams, curses, and cries for help continuously reached Zhang Fei's ears.

Right at this moment, a loud muffled sound came from the direction of the camp, sounding just like the sound of a giant tree.

Zhang Fei's face immediately changed, this sound did not need to be thought of to know that Lv Bu was knocking down the camp's door, the moment the door was knocked open, no one inside the camp would be able to stop Lv Bu's charge! He took a deep breath in and out and decided to risk it all to defeat Zhang Liao.

When Zhang Liao slashed out again, he did not use the spear shaft to block, but used his spear to slash upwards.

Clang! When the blade hit the forks at the front of the Snake Dowager's spear, a crisp metallic sound rang out as dazzling sparks blossomed.

Zhang Liao suddenly felt his arm sink, and unhesitatingly wanted to pull back his blade. Unexpectedly, he did not twitch, and before he could react to what was going on, a strong force suddenly came from his wrist. This force was extremely twisted, and caused his wrist to twist to one side.

Originally, although Zhang Fei's Occult Snake Spear was made of Damascus Steel, the tip of the spear was not made of Damascus Steel, but rather bronze, causing the spearhead to be much tougher, but at the same time, much less sturdy. In a moment of desperation, Zhang Fei took advantage of this and immediately used the trident on the tip of the spear to block Zhang Liao's heavy blade. In the end, the blade fiercely slashed into the trident, and went about three to four inches deep, the tip of the blade 'embedded' into the tip of the spear, which was why Zhang Liao did not successfully pull the blade back.

"Let go!" Just then, Zhang Fei bellowed out, and used all his strength to twist the sword!

Zhang Liao's wrist suddenly hurt immensely, and he almost couldn't hold the blade anymore. Under great shock, he hurriedly tried to move in the opposite direction, trying to counter Zhang Fei. It was a pity that Zhang Fei had not planned carefully. He had already thought of the next move before taking action, and he had even gone all out with the last strike. How could Zhang Liao, who had reacted in a hurry, reverse the disadvantageous situation so easily?

Screech screech screech. The sound of metal scraping against metal continuously rang out, and the sound of it caused one's teeth to ache.

Zhang Liao's wrist was also getting more and more twisted. Seeing that the hilt was about to fall out of his hand, he fiercely clenched his teeth, and risked the danger of his wrist breaking as his legs suddenly squeezed the horse's abdomen. With the power released from his waist, he instantly transferred a powerful force to his wrist!

Ka-cha! * The spearhead that was almost split in half could not withstand such a powerful force, and the thinner half finally broke.

And then, with a muffled whoosh, the large blade in Zhang Liao's hand could no longer be held as it flew out more than two to three meters away. Not only that, his right wrist had been dislocated due to excessive force exertion, and his entire right hand was temporarily unable to exert any strength at all.

Both of his wrists were burning in pain, especially his right wrist. Although it did not hurt his bones, it had twisted tendons, and compared to normal times, he could only use 20-30% of his strength. But Zhang Fei's reaction was fast, the moment Zhang Liao's blade left his hand, he used his left hand to grab the spear body, and swept towards Zhang Liao! If he managed to sweep through everything in one go, Zhang Liao would definitely be knocked off his horse.

Fortunately, Zhang Liao was not an average person. Seeing that he was unable to dodge, he suddenly grabbed onto the horse's mane with his left hand and hid himself in a stirrup, avoiding Zhang Fei's attack at the same time. He did not immediately stand up, but immediately urged his warhorse to gallop forward, because he knew that without his weapon, he would not have much luck if he were to face Zhang Fei, and the only sensible thing to do was to avoid his enemy's attack.

Zhang Fei couldn't help but be taken aback when he missed his first move. When he came back to his senses, Zhang Liao had already sprinted two or three steps forward, and the best time to kill his opponent had already been lost. Although he was sure that if he continued to chase, Zhang Liao would be decapitated by him sooner or later, but because he was too worried about the safety of the camp, he could only shake his head in regret. He turned his mount and rushed towards the subordinates who were surrounding him, planning to rescue some men before returning to the camp.

The group led by Zhang Liao earlier had a domineering aura, but upon seeing that Zhang Liao had been defeated so quickly, they all turned pale with fright, the nearby riders were worried for Zhang Liao's safety, and all rushed towards him, their encirclement immediately exposing a huge hole. But at this time, Zhang Fei suddenly rushed forward again, one man and one horse, as if there was no one around, he did not have a single enemy, the Bingzhou Army soldiers that he killed lost all their strength, and smoothly rescued a large group of Xuzhou Army soldiers.

Zhang Fei led the rescued soldiers to not leave, but to quickly rush to the next encirclement, and in the blink of an eye, killed all the enemies in front to save even more subordinates.

After Zhang Liao picked up his weapon, he quickly chased after them. Unfortunately, Zhang Fei did not want to continue fighting, and after saving a group of people, he quickly changed his direction. With Bingzhou Army blocking the way, he was unable to catch up to Zhang Fei in time, and could only watch as he rampaged through the crowd.

After repeating this three or four times, the Bingzhou Army's encirclement had already been broken and scattered by Zhang Fei, and had completely lost all meaning. When Zhang Fei saw that eighty to ninety percent of his subordinates had been rescued, he did not chase after the defeated Bingzhou Army soldiers.

When Zhang Liao rushed over, he had already disappeared. He sighed, and started to gather his scattered subordinates.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Outside the main entrance of the Xuzhou Army's camp, a large group of soldiers were carrying a huge tree that was as thick as a water bucket and several meters long as they rammed against the main entrance. The door was made of fresh wood and it was on the verge of collapse. If not for the dozen or so wooden logs that were as thick as bowls and the hundred or so Bingzhou Army Warriors that were holding on to the wood, the door would have probably broken down after a few hits.

When he allowed Zhang Fei to lead his troops to attack, he had never dreamed that the situation would turn around so quickly. Just a moment ago, he was confident that he had won and in the blink of an eye, he was already facing the disadvantage of losing! Everyone knew that Lv Bu was undefeatable, and once the big gate was opened, Zhang Fei's only option was to abandon the camp and escape.

Just then, it was as if it had struck his own heart. He looked at the few soldiers behind the door who were holding on with their lives, and realized that many of them were already coughing out blood, and were obviously unable to hold on any longer. He immediately bowed and said: "Master, the General Zhang has not come back yet, they have definitely met with an enemy resistance! This subordinate is willing to cut off the rear, and would like to request Master to prepare to leave! "

"Yuan Long is preparing to cut off the rear?" Liu Bei was startled, and then immediately shook his head: "Absolutely not! Lv Fengxian has the courage of ten thousand men, although Yuan Long's martial arts are not bad, but to stop Lv Fengxian, I am afraid that my expectations for Yuan Long is too deep, I will definitely not abandon Yuan Long and retreat, if you want to leave, then let's leave together! "

"Master!" Chen Deng called out, feeling extremely touched in his heart. Liu Bei couldn't bring too many people with him if he wanted to escape smoothly, but without capable men to cover his back, Lv Bu would definitely not meet any strong resistance when he rushed in later. The only people left in the camp would be lambs waiting to be slaughtered! Liu Bei could definitely agree to his request, and let him drag it out for a while. If he did this, Liu Bei would definitely bring a portion of the troops and come out with him. But Liu Bei did not do so, it made Chen Deng have the thought of a soldier dying for their friend's sake.

"Then let's do it!" Liu Bei sighed, and waved for Zhang Ping to come, obviously wanting him to stay behind.

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