Lv Linger held onto Gongsun Xu's clothes, and raised his head to ask: "Foster father, where are we going?"

Gongsun Xu rubbed her little head and said with a smile, "We are going to a place that Ling'er hasn't been to."

Lv Linger saw Gongsun Xu's hesitation, and her small mouth immediately pouted. "It's so easy to go out and play, but foster father won't take me to a fun place!"

"Hehe" Gongsun Xu laughed awkwardly: "The place I want to go to today isn't that fun. After I get busy, I will bring you to a lot of fun places to eat a lot of delicious things.

Lv Linger's eyes lit up, and asked anxiously: "Father is not lying?"

Lv Bu was a straightforward person. Even though he usually loved and doted upon Lv Linger, he didn't know how to make his daughter happy, nor did he dare to say such words to her. Therefore, when Lv Linger heard Gongsun Xu's words, he was extremely excited and filled with anticipation.

Before Gongsun Xu could reply, Yan Shi, who was dressed in male attire, walked out of the courtyard and scolded with a dark face: "Your foster father is a person who speaks the truth, how would he lie to you, a little naughty kid? It's about to start, hurry up and come over! "

Lv Linger pouted and unwillingly let go of Gongsun Xu. However, he did not walk over to Yan Shi's side, but leapt over to Diao Chan's side and pulled his sleeves.

Yan Shi helplessly shook her head, but she did not say much. She bowed towards Gongsun Xu and said softly: "I am a woman, and do not understand anything.

Diao Chan pulled Lv Linger along and bowed as well.

"There's no need for sister-in-law to be so courteous, please get up!" Gongsun Xu supported her and said sternly: "I am Feng Xianxiong's brother, so why should Sister-in-law not bother with me?"

Yan Shi stood up, his face revealing a look of worry.

Gongsun Xu understood the meaning behind his words, smiled and advised: "Sister-in-law need not think too much, the reason I invited everyone to hide in Eagle's Castle is to guard against unexpected situations, and news will arrive from Feng Xianxiong's side very soon! Sister-in-law, please depart! "

Yan Shi nodded, and once again expressed his thanks, and started walking out.

Diao Chan pulled Lv Linger along as he walked past Gongsun Xu's side. Suddenly, he used a voice that could only be heard by two people to quietly ask, "General, did Wen Hou encounter some kind of danger?"

Gongsun Xu originally wanted to shake his head in denial, but when he saw Diao Chan's incomparably clear eyes, he suddenly felt that if he was trying to conceal the truth with his own eyes, would definitely be able to see through him. However, Sister-in-law need not worry too much, Wen Hou is valiant and invincible, and with the help of General Zhang Liao and Mr. Chen Gong, even if something unexpected happens, it will definitely not be a problem for him to escape unscathed! "

Diao Chan frowned slightly and slowly nodded her head. She had wanted to say a few more words, but then suddenly saw that Lv Linger was looking at her with a puzzled look, she had no choice but to retract her words. She pulled Lv Linger and quickly caught up to Yan Shi.

Gongsun Xu looked around and sighed emotionally. In a short period of time, it would be very difficult for Lv Bu to return to this place. Although he was full of confidence in front of Yan Shi and Diao Chan just now, he still felt that deep in his heart, he was not at ease. Liu Bei was such a patient person, once he attacked, how could he not have any powerful moves? However, no matter how much he wracked his brain, he could not figure out what kind of trump card Liu Bei had up his sleeve! At this time, he only hoped that Cao Xing would see him in time last night, so that Lv Bu wouldn't be ambushed by Liu Bei while he was unaware.

"Father, come quickly!" Lv Linger had already reached the vicinity of the wall, and seeing that Gongsun Xu did not move, he could not help but wave.

"He's here!" Gongsun Xu laughed, and quickly followed.

Xiao Pei City had been under martial law since last night, but in order to hide things from others, Gongsun Xu still allowed Yan Shi, Diao Chan and Lv Linger to leave the town through the side door. Outside the side door was a quiet street. Hou Yong led a hundred cavalrymen to wait outside, but other than that, he couldn't see a single sign of a commoner.

"General!" Seeing that Gongsun Xu had come out, Hou Yong quickly cupped his fists and bowed.

Gongsun Xu raised his head and looked at the sky. The sun had already set in the west. There was still a long way to go to Eagle's Castle, if he did not hurry, he would need to travel through the night.

He personally brought two war horses over and extended his hands towards Yan Shi and Diao Chan, "Sister-in-law, please get on the horses!"

"Thank you, General!" The two of them thanked him and jumped onto the back of the horse.

Diao Chan bent down and carried Lv Linger. The little girl skillfully wrapped her arms around Diao Chan's waist and buried her head in her chest. It seemed that she had done this many times before.

Gongsun Xu jumped onto the black cloud and waved forcefully: "Go to the north side of the city!"

Amidst the sound of horse hooves, the group of people ran towards the north of the city along a remote alley.

After a moment, Gongsun Xu led the way and arrived near the northern side of the city.

Gao Shun had already been waiting here for a long time, so when he saw who it was, he quickly came to greet them.

After exchanging a few simple words of greeting, Yan Shi and Diao Chan brought Lv Linger to a nearby teahouse to rest for the time being, waiting for the right time to leave the city.

As Gongsun Xu walked up the city walls, he asked: "Did Xuzhou Army make any movements?"

Gao Shun laughed: "Indeed, it is as the general had guessed, Guan Yu is just bluffing! An hour ago, a group of Xuzhou Army s at the south side of the city carried a escalade and stood in a position to attack the city. When the arrows were shot at the same time, they immediately retreated, and followed with a few feints, but were unable to get close to the city wall before retreating. "

Gongsun Xu walked to the top of the city wall and looked outside while supporting himself with a brick, he asked: "Did you see any trace of Guan Yu?"

Gao Shun shook his head and laughed: "I have never seen it before! I estimate that his injuries are not light and he should be resting. Furthermore, previously, when the general was leading an army and he went back and forth freely in the Xuzhou Army's crowd, he would definitely be extremely angry and lose a lot of face.

Gongsun Xu swept his gaze outside the city and found that the Xuzhou Army s two miles away from the city gate did not have many people, only around three to four thousand. They formed a large semicircle array and sealed the city gate from afar. Amongst them, there were the most pike soldiers, the second was the shield, blade soldiers, and the less than ten percent of the archers. Obviously, Guan Yu did not regard the blockade on the north side of the city as his top priority. Previously, when Gongsun Xu led his troops to rush out to kill, the Xuzhou Army was completely unable to resist. Guan Yu already gave up on the thought of defeating Gongsun Xu, and only hoped that he could stop Gongsun Xu's second or even third attack.

If there were only him and the White Horse Camp's cavalry, he would not be afraid of the Xuzhou Army outside. However, with Yan Shi and the other two around, he was worried that the Xuzhou Army's archers would harm them. Moreover, at the back of the group, as long as they were fast enough when they rushed out, these archers would only be able to shoot out two waves of arrows at the most. The possibility of harming Yan Shi and the others was very low.

Gao Shun asked softly: "When does the general plan to leave?"

Gongsun Xu smiled and asked: "Does General Gao have any suggestions?"

Gao Shun replied without hesitation: "This general thinks that rushing out at dusk is the best option."

Gongsun Xu nodded, because he thought the same. The Xuzhou Army would definitely relax at dusk and it would be more beneficial for them to rush out, moreover, the arrival of dusk meant that the sky would quickly turn dark. As long as they rushed out of the encirclement, the Xuzhou Army would not be able to catch up to them in the darkness.

Gongsun Xu watched on from the top of the city for a good while, and realized that Xuzhou Army still had not made any unusual movements. He looked at Gao Shun and said solemnly, "General Gao, when I leave, I will leave five hundred cavalrymen behind. If Feng Xianxiong suddenly returns, I hope you can persuade him to give up the Xiao Pei and head to Eagle's Castle to reunite with us! "

Gao Shun asked in shock: "Isn't it too little for General to bring only five hundred people to escort my Mistress and Miss?"

Gongsun Xu smiled confidently: "Just now, when we were charging out of the city, some Xuzhou Army s' fighting strength was already very deep. And it was just rushing out, five hundred of them were enough! The defense of the city is severely lacking. If something unexpected happens after I leave, the five hundred men I leave behind will be the most reliable helpers of the general! "

Gao Shun cupped his fists respectfully: "Thank you, General!"

Gongsun Xu waved his hand: "You and I are considered on the same side, why must you be so courteous? Oh right, there's one more thing I need to remind General Gao about! "

"General, please enlighten me!"

"It's very possible that there will be news of Feng Xianxiong tonight. If it's bad news, it's hard to say whether or not there will be a small fry stirring up trouble. General should be careful, do not give them the opportunity to take advantage of it!" solemnly warned again, because he knew that a few of Lv Bu's tribes would have rebelled in the beginning. Even though those betrayals that should have appeared did not appear due to his existence, no one could be sure whether those people would have taken the risk if news of Lv Bu's defeat had spread.

Gao Shun's eyes flashed with killing intent, he cupped his fists and said respectfully: "General, don't worry, if there is a scumbag who dares to take advantage of the fire, I guarantee that they will not see the sun tomorrow! "Don't be afraid of the general's joke. This general has indeed discovered a few strange circumstances and will keep an eye on those who might have ulterior motives!"

Gongsun Xu nodded with satisfaction: "Since General has already prepared in his heart, then I won't say anymore! Come, let's go to the other walls and see if we can see Guan Yu. "

"General, please!" Gao Shun extended a hand, and immediately laughed: "I don't think he will appear!"

Gongsun Xu laughed and walked forward with big strides.

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