At dusk, the north gate of the Xiao Pei City quietly opened. Gongsun Xu took the lead and rushed out of the city gate, the five hundred cavalrymen following closely behind, with Yan Shi, Diao Chan and Lv Linger protected in the middle, they quickly rushed towards the Xuzhou Army in front.

After a day of being exposed to the sun, all the Xuzhou Army soldiers in the north of the city were exhausted, thirsty and hungry. From the day they arrived at Xiao Pei City until now, they had only eaten a single meal of dry food, and they were extremely short of water. In order to cool down, many people removed their armor and leather armor, sitting on the ground while breathing heavily.

The Xuzhou Army was suddenly in a state of panic. Some of them were in a hurry to put on their armor, some of them had taken the wrong weapon, while some of them were jostling each other as they prepared to form a formation …

Previously, when Gongsun Xu was rushing out of the city to kill, he had seen how powerful the enemy was from afar. Now, seeing that it was another cavalry troop dressed in black armor rushing over, and even their war horses in armor, he could not help but feel fear in his heart. If it was not for Guan Yu's strict orders, he would not have wanted to fight against the enemy. Seeing Gongsun Xu's group becoming faster and faster, he had no choice but to restrain the fear in his heart and order the shield soldiers and Lance Soldier to form the formation.

Under Wei Ping's loud curses, this group of Xuzhou Army finally gathered in time. The soldiers on the shield and the Lance Soldier were arranged in seven layers, each with a shield and a lance as sharp as forest facing each other, like a turtle with spikes on its head. If it was an ordinary light armored cavalry unit, it would be very difficult for them to penetrate through the formation. The only way to defeat the formation was to use the wandering mounted methods to remove layers of defensive power.

It was a pity that the White Horse Camp's cavalry soldiers were a group of heavy cavalry. Not only were they wearing heavy armor, even the horses were covered in armor, leaving only their eyes and nose exposed. Once he started sprinting, the impact from both him and his horse would be more than a thousand pounds! Therefore, when Gongsun Xu saw the array formation in front of him, he only laughed contemptuously, and did not stop at all as he continued to rush forward.

Diao Chan suddenly spurred his horse forward and shouted: "General! General Gongsun! "

"What is it?" Gongsun Xu turned his head to ask. He was extremely puzzled in his heart, just what would Diao Chan say to stop him?

Lv Linger, who was in Diao Chan's embrace, also raised his head, looking at Diao Chan with a puzzled expression, then turning his head to look at Gongsun Xu, he revealed a bright smile, he was not afraid because of the battle that was about to break out.

Diao Chan anxiously said: "General, the enemy troops are in a very heavy formation, and there are a lot of Lance Soldier, if we just rush in, I'm afraid the casualties will not be small!"

Diao Chan had followed Lv Bu for many years, and she was also extremely familiar with the way cavalry fought, so when Lv Bu encountered this type of formation, he would usually wander and break through the enemy, instead of rushing straight towards them like Gongsun Xu did. Furthermore, their side only had five hundred people, so she was extremely worried that it would be difficult to encircle them. Actually, this was also because she had never seen the heavy cavalry's power to rush through the array before, since the White Horse Camp's cavalry could be said to be the first batch of heavy cavalry s of this era. If not for Gongsun Xu appearing out of nowhere, it would have taken more than three hundred years before the armoured riders appeared in the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

Gongsun Xu smiled confidently: "Sister-in-law, do not worry. This troop of riders is different from the past. "Sister-in-law will only stay within the formation. I guarantee that no one will be able to hurt Sister-in-law and Ling'er!"

Diao Chan raised her brows and smiled: "So General is full of confidence. This humble one has so many things to do, I hope General does not blame me!"

"Sister-in-law is also doing this out of good intentions, how could I possibly be bad?" Gongsun Xu smiled as he shook his head and made a gesture to the back, "Sister-in-law should quickly take Ling'er to the center, we're about to make contact with the enemy troops!"

Diao Chan nodded, and began to slowly lower his speed with the reins.

Lv Linger waved his hand at Gongsun Xu, and shouted loudly: "Foster father, be careful ah!"

Gongsun Xu laughed and waved at her confidently. He then took off the mask on his armor and urged the black cloud to move faster.

When Wei Ping saw the enemy cavalry, he felt uneasy. Just a moment ago, the enemy had been a hundred steps away, but now, that intense pressure hit him. The feeling he got was that this wave of steel was unstoppable! Even though they had already gathered a thick defensive formation, they were still uncertain of the outcome!

Ninety steps, eighty steps, seventy steps

When Gongsun Xu and his group were within 50 steps, Wei Ping could no longer suppress the fear in his heart, and shouted with all his might: "Release the arrows! Hurry and release the arrows! "

The several hundred archers behind the two flanks, upon hearing the sound, moved and rapidly nocked their bows, nocked, and began their attacks. In the blink of an eye, three consecutive waves of arrows were shot out.

Ding Ding Dang Dang

Kacha Kacha

Countless arrows rapidly shot towards the White Horse Camp's cavalry, but the result was self-evident. Almost all the arrows were blocked by the armor and then broken into two under the powerful impact, causing minimal damage to the White Horse Camp Cavalry's troops.

Wei Ping was dumbstruck. He couldn't help but feel a strong sense of despair in his heart. If the enemy's armor couldn't even be penetrated at such a close distance, then how was he going to fight this battle?

These archers were even more shocked. They had previously fought with armored enemies before, and although it was difficult to deal with them, it was definitely not like now where thousands of arrows had failed! When they saw that Wei Ping no longer gave the order to shoot, they simply put away their bows and drew back. They were long-range attackers, and since their attacks were ineffective, no one would be willing to stay and engage in close combat with their opponents.

The shield soldiers and the Lance Soldier were all terrified, this was the first time they had seen such a strong armor! As a result, although most people were trembling with fear, no one turned around to escape. Instead, they tightly gripped the spears in their hands and firmly held the shields in their hands, in an attempt to block the first wave of the enemy's attacks. Only by doing so could they avoid being broken through the formation, preventing themselves from being massacred by the enemy.

When both sides were about twenty steps apart, Hou Yong suddenly rode his horse past Gongsun Xu and led his twenty plus personal guards to rush to the front. Hou Yong's main mission was to protect Gongsun Xu's safety, if anything happened to Gongsun Xu, he and his family would not be able to escape death, so under Gongsun Xu's orders, he took the initiative to rush to the front without permission.

Gongsun Xu frowned, but he did not speak up to stop Hou Yong, as the other party was doing this for his own safety, he did not have to stop him.

Bang! Bam Bam

After seven or eight breaths, Hou Yong and the rest had assembled the shield array at the very front with unstoppable momentum. In that instant, a few rows of shield soldiers in front were struck and sent flying backwards while spitting out blood. They rolled together with the people behind them, unable to stop Hou Yong and the rest's charge.

"Charge in!" Hou Yong bellowed, and rushed into the group of enemies through the gap.

More than twenty personal guards moved with the sound, like an incomparably sharp black broadsword, easily slicing into the shield array and Long Spear Array, following which Hou Yong advanced forward, and in the blink of an eye, a huge hole appeared.

Gongsun Xu and his successors rushed in, the hole getting bigger and bigger, eventually causing the other party to collapse.

Wei Ping looked at his subordinates who were fleeing in all directions and shouted anxiously. However, he couldn't stop his subordinates from running away. Seeing that the enemy was about to rush towards him, he sighed and turned his horse to the side to escape. Even if he had to face General Guan Yu's strict military law, he was not willing to face this terrifying cavalry army.

"So powerful!" Seeing the scene in front of him, Yan Shi could not help but cry out in shock.

Diao Chan also nodded in agreement in shock. She had actually still been skeptical about what Gongsun Xu had just said, but she hadn't thought that the enemy's Turtle Hedgehog Formation would completely crumble in the blink of an eye. At this time, she was incomparably glad that Lv Bu and Gongsun Xu had formed an alliance. If not, if Bingzhou Army were to be enemies with this cavalry, even if Lv Bu was brave and unparalleled, the result would still be the same as the Xuzhou Army in front of her.

After Hou Yong rushed in, he immediately saw Wei Ping who was dressed in full armor. Xuzhou Army wasn't like the White Horse Camp's cavalry; At this time, when Hou Yong saw Wei Ping turned around and ran, he immediately put in effort and spurred his horse to chase after him.

"Hou Yong, come back!" Gongsun Xu quickly shouted to stop Hou Yong. His goal was not to kill the enemy, but to protect Lv Bu's family members and escape from the encirclement as soon as possible.

Hou Yong reined in his horse, and spat at Wei Ping's back: "What a coward! The next time we meet, I will definitely take your head! "

"There won't be a next time!" Gongsun Xu laughed coldly, he took off the longbow on his horse's back and retrieved a armor-breaking arrow from his quiver and nocked it onto his bow, then pulled a full moon arrow and shot it towards Wei Ping.

At this time, the shouts of the men and horses were extremely noisy, completely covering up the sound of the arrow. When Wei Ping noticed it, the four foot long armor-breaking arrow had already entered from his back and exited from his chest! Before his eyes, everything went black and he fell off his horse. He didn't wait to land on the ground before he died completely. His corpse was then trampled by countless large feet.

Diao Chan just so happened to raise his head and see the arrow, and could not help but exclaim: "Good shot! I'm afraid the power of the arrow is stronger than my husband's! "

Lv Linger had long been told by Diao Chan that she could not raise her head to look. At this time, when she heard Diao Chan's surprised cry, she could not help but ask in shock, "Aunt, is your foster father stronger than Father?" In her little heart, she had always thought that her father was the strongest person in the world. Even though she had already taken Gongsun Xu as her foster father, she still wished for her own father to be number one under the heavens.

Diao Chan said: "In terms of shooting techniques, I'm afraid it is indeed like that! Ling'er, lower your head! "

Lv Linger said in disappointment as he continued to bury his head in Diao Chan's chest.

In less than an incense worth of time, Gongsun Xu's group had already completely passed through the scattered Xuzhou Army's formation, and rushed towards the north.

After a while, Guan Yu, who had received the news, rushed over. Seeing the thousands of Xuzhou Army soldiers' corpses in front of him, his vision turned black and he almost fainted.

"General, what should we do now?" A leader of the personal guards hurriedly supported him and asked in a trembling voice.

Guan Yu looked in the direction that Gongsun Xu's group went in and gnashed his teeth. "Bring fifty cavalrymen to secretly chase after them and see where the Gongsun kid went. "Remember, don't let them find out!"

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