In the past year of Gongsun Xu's strong rise, his name had resounded throughout the world. Adding to that the rumors among the Youzhou's soldiers who had come to the Huainan, Yuan Fu had long heard of Gongsun Xu's reputation. When he saw Gongsun Xu's godly shooting skill just now, he was so frightened that his heart almost burst out of his chest. When he heard Hou Yong's name, he couldn't help but shrink back.

Just then, Hou Yong raised his weapon and waved it a few times, and suddenly shouted: "Hurry up and scram, do you want to die?"

One of his trusted aides saw through Yuan Fu's thoughts, and anxiously warned: "Leader, if we leave without fighting, I am afraid I cannot explain myself in front of you!"

Yuan Fu's body trembled, he immediately recovered from his shock, the subordinate was right, even if the one in front of him was the famous Gongsun Xu, if he dared to retreat without fighting, he would definitely be severely punished by Yuan Shu, and might even go against the law! He felt ashamed and angry at the same time. He was an old general on the battlefield, yet he was scared witless by a mere title!

"Get off the horse and cross the bridge!" In order to cover up his embarrassment and shame, Yuan Fu shouted loudly in front of his blade.

The one hundred people at the front jumped off their war horses when they heard the noise, and pulled the reins towards the wooden bridge.

Hou Yong was extremely furious, the other party actually ignored his warning, she was really reckless! He quickly ran back to Gongsun Xu and cupped his fists and said: "General, please allow the crossbow arrow to strike, let them see how powerful it is!"

Gongsun Xu was concerned about Lv Bu's injuries, and he was not interested in the nameless person on the other side of the river at all.

Hou Yong was overjoyed, he immediately summoned sixty Divine Archers and rushed to the end of the bridge. He quickly lined up in three rows, and pointed the crossbow at the bridge surface.

Seeing Gongsun Xu walking over, Chen Gong endured the pain in his ribs and went forward to welcome him. He respectfully cupped his hands and said: "Greetings, General Gongsun! "Thank you for saving my life, General!"

Gongsun Xu rushed forward to help Chen Gong up, and asked with concern: "Mr. Gong Tai, how are your injuries?"

Chen Gong was about to reply when he suddenly felt a sharp pain from his wound. He was in so much pain that his vision went black, and he didn't have the energy to speak anymore.

Gongsun Xu called out anxiously: "Mister Shen, quickly check on Mr. Gong Tai's injuries!"

A White Horse Camp soldier carrying a backpack rushed over. Compared to the other brothers, he was evidently a bit older. Furthermore, he looked thin and frail, not like he was someone who would fight in the battlefield. He was an honorary disciple of Hua Tuo, his name was Shen Qing. Two months ago, when he found out that Hua Tuo had settled down in Youzhou, he immediately sent his entire family there, preparing to receive his master's teachings at any time.

When this time, Gongsun Xu brought over ten doctors with him to the south, of which, Shen Qing was one of them. After Gongsun Xu had interacted with Shen Qing twice, he felt that was very compatible with him, so this time, he brought Shen Qing along with him to the south of the mountain.

Shen Qing checked Chen Gong's injuries, and said with a calm expression: "Reporting to General, the injuries aren't really that serious, but we need to quickly pull out the arrowhead, or else the wound will definitely worsen!"

Gongsun Xu heaved a sigh of relief, and asked: "How long will it take?"

"It should be soon! About the time it takes an incense stick to burn! "

Gongsun Xu secretly nodded his head. The time needed to burn an incense stick was indeed fast, he could afford to delay it completely.

Shen Qing walked to the front of the red rabbit horse and was about to reach out to check Lv Bu's pulse, when the red rabbit horse suddenly cried out and sent a kick towards him.

Shen Qing was shocked, and quickly retreated a few steps. Just a moment ago, if he had been even the slightest bit slower, he would have been kicked in the thigh. The result must have been severe.

Gongsun Xu stepped forward quickly and gently patted the red rabbit horse's head: "Don't be afraid! Don't move! "

In the past few days, Gongsun Xu had met the red rabbit horse a few times. The horse was very smart and knew that the person was his master's friend.

Shen Qing wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead, then walked over and started to check on Lv Bu's injuries.

At this time, the leading ten odd Huainan Army soldiers had already reached the wooden bridge. With shields in hand, they carefully walked forward, prepared to defend against the arrows fired at them at any time.

The range of White Horse Camp's equipment was not far, it could only reach thirty-five steps, but if one wanted to threaten the life of the enemy, it would need twenty steps or so. Hou Yong had already estimated that the wooden bridge was about one hundred and thirty meters long, and walking to the middle of the wooden bridge was the best time to attack.

Yuan Fu saw this scene and frowned, his expression was extremely ugly. He had never seen the crossbow before, but he could tell that it was a crossbow. The other party had been motionless, obviously waiting for the best opportunity to shoot. was very clear about the power of the crossbow bolts, which was why he let these people carry their shields when crossing the river.

Shen Qing quickly checked on Lv Bu's injuries, and said: "General, Wen Hou did not receive any fatal injuries, but because of the lack of injuries, he has bled too much, and if not treated quickly with the medicine, I am afraid."

Gongsun Xu frowned and asked: "Is there no other way?"

Shen Qing shook his head: "This little one doesn't have enough medicinal herbs, I can only try my best to stop the blood from flowing, and after I find the medicinal ingredients …" He had not finished speaking when he was interrupted by Hou Yong's loud shout.


The twenty people in the front row continuously pulled the trigger, and in that instant, everyone shot out three bolts.

The Huainan Army soldiers on the bridge had long shielded their shields, so they believed that they would definitely not be harmed while hiding. Unfortunately, things didn't turn out as they had hoped. The tiny crossbow bolts easily penetrated the rattan armored shield in their hands, and in the next moment, they were pierced through by flesh and blood! He could only hear screams of pain one after another, as one Huainan Army soldier after another fell under the bridge. Soon after, they were washed away by the river and disappeared.

The crossbows that Ma Jun had refined for the crossbow were all made from fine iron, and in order to emphasize the effect of armor piercing, each arrow was specially made for quenching. Although the armor breaking effect was good, the construction cost was extremely high, and if not for the huge profits from the sea salt, Gongsun Xu would never have been able to equip this kind of expensive equipment.

"What's that?" Yuan Fu was stupefied. He could see very clearly that the enemy White Horse Camp Soldiers could shoot the crossbows in succession! If the enemy had such a terrifying crossbow, his thousand men would have died for nothing! He suppressed the shock in his heart and waved his hand: "Go get an arrow!"

One of his men crouched down and ran fearfully to the end of the bridge. He picked up a missed bolt and ran back.

Yuan Fu took the small and exquisite arrow, and after scrutinizing it, his expression became extremely solemn. He was a man who knew what was good for him, with one glance he could tell that the arrow had been specially treated, no wonder it was so sharp. From this arrow, Gongsun Zanfuzi could tell that the blacksmiths under his command were not ordinary people. From this, it could be inferred that the other equipment on Youzhou Army were not much worse off. After thinking about this, Yuan Fu suddenly felt that his master Yuan Shu had taken a stinky step. He didn't even want a strong ally, yet he just had to cooperate with Liu Xuande.

"Is there anyone who isn't afraid of death?" Hou Yong then laughed out loud and asked proudly.

Yuan Fu was furious, but after his previous probing, he was very clear that if he wanted to rush past this narrow wooden bridge, the thousand of people in his hands would not amount to much, and furthermore, it was unknown whether or not he could break through the seal of the enemy's crossbow! At this moment, he couldn't care less about anything else, he only wanted to return and report this news to Yuan Shu as soon as possible.

"Retreat!" He waved his hand and was the first to turn the horse around and gallop away.

Yuan Fu's subordinates were rejoicing, they quickly followed one after another, and in the blink of an eye, the west side of the bridge was empty.

Hou Yong watched as Yuan Fu and the others disappeared into the distance. He walked in front of Gongsun Xu and cupped his fists: "Master, Huainan Army has escaped!"

Gongsun Xu nodded his head indifferently. This bridge was so narrow, and also had crossbow bolts blocking the bridge surface. Unless that Huainan Army general went crazy, he would definitely retreat. If anything happened to Lv Bu, the Xiao Pei City would definitely be in chaos. Guan Yu would definitely not let go of this chance, and it would be extremely difficult to take care of the mess left behind by Lv Bu. He walked to the side of the river and looked at the other side. If nothing unexpected happened, Liu Bei's and Yuan Shu's army would quickly catch up. Xiao Pei City was in danger, so he could only rush back as soon as possible to let Gao Shun and the rest out of the city to avoid an entire army being annihilated.

Shen Qing took care of Lv Bu's wounds, walked over and bowed: "General, I have already bandaged Wen Hou's wounds, would you like to remove the arrows for Mr. Chen?"

Gongsun Xu waved his hand: "Time is of the essence, hurry up and do it!"

Shen Qing replied as he quickly walked in front of Chen Gong, bent down, and started cleaning up his wounds.

Gongsun Xu looked at the river surface and thought for a moment, then shouted: "Hou Yong!"

Hou Yong bowed and said: "This little one is here! What is the general's command? "

Gongsun Xu pointed to the wooden bridge: Destroy the bridge! "Send someone to go five miles upstream and downstream to see if there is any place where we can cross the river!"

This river was not considered wide, so no matter what, it would not stop Liu Bei and Yuan Shu's huge army of tens of thousands. Gongsun Xu just hoped that they could find the place where the huge army had crossed the river earlier, so that he could rush to Xiao Pei City in time.

Hou Yong nodded, and immediately went to arrange for manpower.

After a while, Shen Qing took out the arrow head from Chen Gong's body, the latter was battered and exhausted as if he was immersed in sweat.

Gongsun Xu walked over and asked: "Mr. Gong Tai, can you still move?"

Chen Gong gritted his teeth: "I'm fine! Time is of the essence, please give the general the order to return to Xiao Pei! "

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