"General, Wen Hou is awake!"

"Feng Xianxiong woke up?" Gongsun Xu was surprised and happy at the same time. He anxiously looked back, and saw that Lv Bu, who was tied to the horse in the middle of the troop, weakly raised his hand and urged his horse forward.

"Reconstruction?" He had just woken up and did not have the time to understand the situation of the battle before, so he had always thought that he had suffered heavy losses. Now that he had heard the word "rebuild", he knew that something was out of his expectations.

Chen Gong cupped his hands, bowed his head, and said with incomparable shame: "Reporting to my lord, this subordinate is incompetent, saving my lord is already his limit. The other people, including Wen Yuan, are all gone!"

Lv Bu was stupefied after hearing that, and muttered: "All of them? Brother Zimin, is what Gong Tai said true? "

Gongsun Xu sighed, and nodded with a heavy expression.

"Heavens, why are you being so mean to me!" Lv Bu screamed loudly, blood spurting out from his mouth.

"My lord!"

"Feng Xianxiong!"

Chen Gong and Gongsun Xu hurriedly spurred their horses forward, placing the red rabbit horse on both sides of the road, afraid that Lv Bu would fall from his horse out of excitement.

Lv Bu's expression was confused, the corners of his mouth twitched, and only after a long while did he barely regain his senses, and asked with a hoarse voice: "Did you snatch Wen Yuan's corpse back?"

Chen Gong sighed, and slowly shook his head: "No! At that time, tens of thousands of enemy troops had surrounded them, in order to leave some fire seeds for Bingzhou Army, I had no choice but to bring my lord to break through quickly! If not for General Gongsun saving us in time, we would have been killed by Yuan Shu's men! "

Lv Bu turned his head with much difficulty and suddenly burst into tears: "I'm sorry, Wen Yuan! And it's even more disappointing for those brothers who died in battle! "

Gongsun Xu and Chen Gong looked at each other, and for a moment, they did not know how to persuade Lv Bu.

They were all old brothers who came from the State of Yue and had been friends for many years. Suddenly, more than 90% of their brothers had died in battle, they had long been dead, but there was no time for them to mourn. How could he endure Lv Bu's tears!

Lv Bu cried for a good while before he stopped and cried out in pain, "This one has committed a heinous crime, and the only way to apologize is to die!" As soon as he finished speaking, he struggled to reach his hand to his waist. But when he did not want to touch it, his hand found nothing. His sword had long been lost somewhere.

Gongsun Xu grabbed Lv Bu's wrist, and shouted sternly: "Feng Xianxiong, do you want those brothers who died in battle to die with grievances? They risked their lives to help Feng Xianxiong escape from the encirclement. There was no other choice but to hope that Feng Xianxiong would rebuild the Bingzhou Army in the future and help them wash away this time's humiliation! If you insist on staying alive, how can you face the ten thousand loyal Heroic Spirits? "

Chen Gong then tried to persuade him: "General Wen Yuan gave his life to buy the Lord a chance to escape, how can Master let down his painstaking efforts? How can I let him die with grievance in the netherworld? "

After listening to Gongsun Xu and Chen Gong's persuasion, Lv Bu's dull eyes started to shine, and the strong urge to commit suicide slowly calmed down. He gritted his teeth tightly, but the regret and anger in his heart did not subside in the slightest. What Gongsun Xu and Chen Gong said was right, only by leaving behind useful bodies could they avenge their brothers who had died in battle!

Seeing that Lv Bu had slowly calmed down, he could not help but secretly heave a sigh of relief. Just now, Lv Bu's desire to commit suicide was extremely strong, if he could not persuade her to pull herself together, he was worried that Lv Bu would find a chance to commit suicide. The current Lv Bu compared to the original Lv Bu, even though he had always been leading a wandering Bingzhou Army, he did not encounter any betrayal, nor was he captured alive. He was still that strong and confident general, and since he had given up on the thought of committing suicide, he should not make this choice again.

Lv Bu panted heavily and asked Chen Gong in a low voice: "Gong Tai, how many brothers are left?"

Gongsun Xu saw it very clearly, when Lv Bu asked this question, his eyes were filled with anticipation.

Chen Gong hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and told the truth, "There are still two hundred and twenty-seven people left!"

When Lv Bu heard this number, his body trembled. He painfully closed his eyes. Out of the 10,000 plus people before the departure, there were only 227 left! It could be said that these people had all died because of his mistake. They had come to the underworld, what face did they have to face the Heroic Spirits of their brothers?

Gongsun Xu looked into the distance and realized that there was dust flying everywhere several kilometers away. He knew that the pursuers would be here soon, so he did not dare waste any more time, and said in a deep voice, "Feng Xianxiong, we are not out of danger yet, and Yuan Shu and his army are about to catch up. Feng Xianxiong, please cheer up and continue your journey!"

Lv Bu slowly nodded his head, looking guiltily at his remaining subordinates, he lightly patted on the red rabbit horse's neck. The red rabbit horse gave a low cry and quickly rushed forward.

Just as Gongsun Xu was about to follow along, a few scouts came to protect him. "General, the enemy troops are already at a distance of five miles, there are about forty to fifty thousand of them!"

"Hurry up!" Gongsun Xu waved his hand and quickly spurred his horse to chase up to Lv Bu.

Lv Bu asked anxiously: "Brother Zimin, how is the situation with the Xiao Pei? Did you encounter the attacks of the Xuzhou? "

"On the night of two days ago, Guan Yu led more than ten thousand troops and horses to assault Xiao Pei, and there was also an internal conflict. Fortunately, a certain someone discovered their scheme in time, killed the traitor who opened the city gates, and seriously injured Guan Yu," Gongsun Xu explained everything that had happened in the past two days while walking side by side with Lv Bu.

When Lv Bu heard that his wife and children were safe and sound, his complexion looked a little better, but the shame in his heart was even thicker — he had always thought that Gongsun Xu's men were only well-equipped, and would definitely not be able to compare to the horses and horses of his men in a true battle. He never thought that Gongsun Xu, who only relied on several hundred people, to come and go freely in Guan Yu's army.

Gongsun Xu continued: "When we were rushing over, I had already sent a letter to General Gao Shun, telling him to prepare to break out of the city. The moment we return to the Xiao Pei City, he would immediately bring the troops to gather."

Lv Bu laughed miserably: "Thank you, Brother Zimin! If something were to happen to Gao Shun too, how would I have the face to continue living in this world?! "

"Feng Xianxiong, don't be too sad. With General Gao Shun and the xianzhen camp here, rebuilding the Bingzhou Army will be just around the corner! I can give Feng Xianxiong a promise that after the Jizhou's battle ends, I'll let you begin to rebuild my Bingzhou Army! "

"Thank you!" Lv Bu struggled to clasp his fist and saluted, and said with a firm tone: "General's righteousness is boundless, even if I am to be beheaded, I will still be unable to repay the general's kindness!"

This was the only wish of Lv Bu at the moment. He had promised to rebuild the Bingzhou Army after the battle with the Jizhou was over, which was a great amount of trust and expectation. That was why he suddenly changed his address, and was willing to consider himself as his subordinate.

"Feng Xianxiong, you and I are on the same side, why do you need to be so formal! Could it be that you think of me as an outsider? " Although Gongsun Xu's words were nice to hear, he was actually very happy in his heart. No matter the reason, to make Lv Fengxian make such a declaration in front of him was something extremely worth being happy about.

Lv Bu said embarrassedly: "The Brother Zimin is kind and kind, but this one is hard to reach! I hereby swear that in the future, I will follow General Gongsun Xu's lead. If I break this oath, thousands of arrows will pierce through my heart and I will die! "

Gongsun Xu said solemnly: "Feng Xianxiong is being too serious, I hereby swear a vow as well, that I will definitely abide by the promise before this, or else Heaven will be destroyed and the Earth will be destroyed!"

If the two of them were considered allies before, then with these words, the alliance would have already become a subordinate relationship. To Gongsun Xu, the goal of going down to Xiao Pei this time was already reached, but it was a pity that almost all of the Bingzhou Army were killed, otherwise, everything would have been perfect. However, Gongsun Xu was not depressed at all. With his fame and strong support, it would not be difficult for him to rebuild the Bingzhou Army. He could make use of this chance to add some sand to the reconstruction to ensure that the reconstruction of the Bingzhou Army would not betray him.

After the two of them swore the oath, they looked at each other and laughed, causing Lv Bu's heavy heart to ease up a bit.

The team madly sprinted, and very quickly, they were already three to four kilometers away. Perhaps it was because of the excessive loss of blood, but Lv Bu's head suddenly tilted to the side as he passed out again.

Gongsun Xu was shocked and hurriedly ordered the black cloud to approach the red rabbit horse to check.

At this moment, a burst of rapid drumbeats could be heard from the two sides of the forest in front of him as a large number of arrows came flying towards him.

Other than Gongsun Xu, only Hou Yong and the fifty over guards were still dressed in armor. The rest of the heavy cavalry s had placed their armors in their bags, and no one expected that they would be ambushed here. However, these heavy cavalry were after all, extremely skilled soldiers who were one in a hundred, and they quickly reacted and took out their weapons to shoot.

After the first wave of arrows, there was another wave that was even more concentrated than the last.

Gongsun Xu had already realized that the one ambushing him was definitely Guan Yu! His heart was filled with endless regret. He thought that Guan Yu was already afraid of being beaten up, that he was in a hurry to escape, that he did not send out any scouts.

He raised his spear and shouted: "Those in armor will follow me and charge! Everyone else hurry up and put on their armor!

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