Hou Yong was one of Hou Yue's clansmen. If it weren't for Hou Yue's care, he would definitely still be living an ignorant life in the countryside. Thus, he was one of the most loyal people to Gongsun Xu. When Gongsun Xu was in danger, even though he knew that rushing forward meant death, he still charged into the group of enemies without hesitation.

If Hou Yong galloped his horse and charged into the group of enemies, he might have been able to disrupt their attack. Unfortunately, he gave his horse to Gongsun Xu just now, since there were truly too many enemies, he killed five or six of them with all his might and drowned himself within the crowd.

Guan Yu saw everything clearly from behind and sighed helplessly, before he quickly ordered his men to retreat into the forest. He was very clear that the moment Gongsun Xu's heavy cavalry began to charge, his own subordinates would definitely not be able to hold him back. Since his scheme against Gongsun Xu had failed, there was no need to pester them here, as his brother and Yuan Shu's army would arrive any moment.

Following the incessant ringing of gold sounds, the Xuzhou Army's soldiers quickly rushed towards the forest on both sides of the road. They had all witnessed the power of Gongsun Xu's heavy cavalry, so none of them wanted to face that terrifying charge again.

At this time, Chen Gong rushed in front of Gongsun Xu and asked anxiously: "General Gongsun, were you injured?"

"I'm fine!" Gongsun Xu shook his head, and shouted to the subordinates behind Chen Gong: "Quickly go and kill them, don't let them easily escape into the forest!"

These soldiers had all seen Hou Yong's tragic death from afar earlier, and all of them were holding back their bellyful of anger. Now that they heard Gongsun Xu's angry shout, they all started to charge forward with all their might. Those Xuzhou Army soldiers who were able to run quickly rushed into the forest, avoiding the fierce attacks that followed, but those who were left behind could not avoid them. They could only turn around in despair to block, but it was a pity that their resistance was no different than mantis blocking a chariot.

When the Guan Yu in the forest saw this, he gritted his teeth to the point of shattering them, feeling extremely remorseful. If he had not ordered his men to chase after Gongsun Xu and escape into the forest as soon as possible, no matter how powerful Gongsun Xu's heavy cavalry was, how could he have charged into the forest to kill him! However, it was too late to regret it now. He could only watch as his subordinates screamed and ran under the blades, thinking to charge out and fight to their deaths with Gongsun Xu. Unfortunately, his entire body was in pain and he was powerless, so even if he tried to charge out, he would only end up dying in vain.

Seeing Gongsun Xu retrieve his spear and rush over quickly, Guan Yu suppressed the anger in his heart and shouted: Withdraw! Hurry and retreat! " He then lifted the reins and led the way into the depths of the forest.

Seeing that the main general had left, Guan Yu's subordinates all ran after him into the depths of the forest. The soldiers who didn't manage to escape in time completely lost their courage to resist, they all knelt on both sides of the road and raised their hands in surrender.

Gongsun Xu turned a blind eye to the kneeling enemies, his eyes focused on the back of Guan Yu in the forest. Seeing that the other party was about to disappear from his sight, he had no choice but to give up the idea of chasing after him.

At this time, Gongsun Xu was at least a hundred steps away from Guan Yu. This arrow flew over the heads of the Xuzhou Army's soldiers and arrived behind Guan Yu in the blink of an eye. Guan Yu did not know that Gongsun Xu had suddenly released a cold arrow, but he was quick to react. Hearing the alarmed shouts and warning from his subordinates behind him, he immediately rolled down from his horse.

"Whiz!" The arrow flew past Guan Yu's back and landed on a big tree in front of him.

The arrow stabbed into the tree with a one-foot long shaft. The tail of the arrow constantly trembled and let out a slight buzzing sound.

Guan Yu rolled on the ground a few times, before struggling to sit up. Looking at the arrow on the tree, he felt a lingering fear in his heart, if his reaction had been slightly slower, he would have died from the arrows.

All of the surrounding soldiers rushed over, and supported Guan Yu up with their hands and legs, and even helped him onto his war horse. In the blink of an eye, they disappeared from Gongsun Xu's sight.

Gongsun Xu sighed in regret, quickly putting away his bow and arrows, and spurred his horse to run over to Hou Yong's corpse. The others had already taken off Hou Yong's spear, only to see him drenched in blood. Even though he had already died a long time ago, his face was still filled with anger, and his eyes were as wide as bells.

Gongsun Xu jumped down from the horse, gently touched Hou Yong's eyelids, and placed his corpse on the horse, instructing people to look after it, he walked over to Hei Yun's side.

Seeing his master coming over, Black Cloud screamed a few times and struggled to stand up. Unfortunately, he couldn't use his hind legs, so he tried several times but still couldn't get up. Gongsun Xu looked at his injuries, they seemed to be fractures of his leg, so he ordered for a few branches to be chopped off, and after applying the medicine on the black cloud, he used the branches to make a simple splint, temporarily fixing the broken bones together, so as to not affect the recovery of his injuries.

Chen Gong originally wanted to come over to discuss what to do next with Gongsun Xu, but when he saw that Gongsun Xu was seriously treating his warhorse, he stood to the side and watched in silence. Chen Gong was the Overlord of the north, so although he could not believe that he could not find a good horse, he was unwilling to give up on one which had heavily injured his hind leg. This could only mean that he was a person who was very nostalgic, the choice he and his master had made seemed to be the right one, he was even loyal to his horse, how could he be merciful to others?

After Gongsun Xu finished busying himself, he used his strength to support Black Cloud's uninjured hind legs. Black Yun Chang hissed and used his three good legs together to finally stand up. Gongsun Xu nodded in satisfaction, patted Hei Yun's head to comfort him, and turned to walk towards Chen Gong.

Chen Gong cupped his hands and said: "I am extremely impressed by the righteousness of this General Gongsun!"

Gongsun Xu forced out a smile, and said: "Mr. Gong Tai is flattering me, I am only doing what I should be doing. If a general does not even care about his own warhorse, how could he be expected to do anything else?"

Chen Gong nodded his head: "General's words are good! Wen Hou was usually the same, loving red rabbit horse more than life, cherishing even the warriors. General, Guan Yu has led his troops to ambush us, the seal on the Xiao Pei City is definitely much weaker than before. We should hurry over and support General Gao Shun and the rest out of the city as soon as possible! "

"That's also what I meant." Gongsun Xu nodded, looked at the forest where Guan Yu had escaped from, and his expression turned slightly better, as he said in a deep voice: "If Guan Yu wanted to gather the troops, it would take quite a bit of time, and he wouldn't be able to stop him again. As long as he rushed back to the Xiao Pei City before him, he would definitely be able to help General Gao and the rest get out of the city without a hitch. Therefore, I have decided to ambush them in the forest with three hundred people. Mr. Gong Tai brought the others and went back to the Xiao Pei City as soon as possible to help them kill their way out of the city! "

"General, please do not!" Chen Gong was shocked, and quickly advised: "General, Liu Bei and Yuan Shu combined have 40-50,000 people, if General wanted to use 300 people to stop them, I am afraid that if we do not stop them, we will be surrounded!" If the general insists on leaving troops behind to stop his pursuers, I request that he stay behind and bring his men back to Xiao Pei! "

Gongsun Xu smiled, and shook his head: "I appreciate Mr. Gong Tai's good intentions, but this group of heavy cavalry are very difficult to control, I am afraid that Mr. Gong Tai will not be able to convince me, and please bring your people back to the Xiao Pei quickly, I have my limits and will not put myself in danger! Someone, escort Mr. Gong Tai to Xiao Pei quickly! "

Chen Gong still wanted to advise, but Gongsun Xu shook his hand: "I have already decided, Mr. Gong Tai doesn't need any more persuasion! Sir, please be at ease. If Liu Bei and Yuan Shu had caught up fast enough, I would have led my troops to intercept them. If they had arrived late, I would have quietly retreated! I do not wish to be distracted enough to protect your safety before the pursuers arrive. "

laughed bitterly and shook his head. The master and he had become a burden because of him, it was quite shameful of them, but he knew that Gongsun Xu was saying those words on purpose, so he could quickly bring Wen Hou away. He solemnly bowed to show his respect. Then, under the protection of the eighty heavy cavalry s, he brought the unconscious Lv Bu along the main road.

Gongsun Xu watched Chen Gong and his group leave, walking to the top and looking behind. He realised that they were covered with dust, and it seemed like a large group of enemy troops would catch up to them soon. He rushed to the road and led the group forward. When they were on the way south earlier, Gongsun Xu had already memorized the surrounding terrain in his heart. The ambush location that Guan Yu had chosen was indeed not bad, but he did not have enough manpower, so if he wanted to chase after them, he would not be able to do so. He might not even be able to steal a chicken, but he remembered that there was a better place a few miles ahead where he could ambush his pursuers.

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