Behind a large tree in the forest, two scouts from the White Horse Camp were staring closely at the road ahead. The sunset shone through the leaves on their bodies, and their drenched clothes could clearly be seen under the mottled light and shadow.

The person on the left suddenly crouched down. After listening for a while, he said in a low voice, "It's here!"

"Fifty to sixty thousand people?" Gongsun Xu pondered for a while, then laughed coldly: "Xuzhou Army only has around fifteen thousand people, so this means that Yuan Shu actually sent out an army of forty thousand, to the point where the normally petty Yuan Shu nearly went all out. I wonder how much of a price he actually paid? "According to the original plan, the others will leave with this general!"

Following Gongsun Xu's order, everyone jumped onto their horses and followed him. The remaining men led their horses out into the wilderness behind the woods. They tied bundles of branches to their horses with kudzu vines. Their expressions were very calm, and they did not seem to be frightened of the tens of thousands of soldiers.

After about an hour, Liu Bei and Yuan Shu brought an impressive army of tens of thousands to their front, and a few people who had been watching the forest all this time quickly rushed down to report. With a wave of his hand, the leader of the group jumped onto the back of his horse and galloped along the edge of the forest. A bundle of branches brought up a large cloud of dust. From afar, it looked like a magnificent army of thousands of men and horses galloping.

Just as the dust settled, it was discovered by the scouts of the Huainan Army. They immediately ran back to report, "Reporting to our lord, there seems to be an ambush ahead!"

From the looks of the dust, there were at least three to four thousand cavalrymen running at the same time. The problem was that the entire Bingzhou Army had been wiped out, and Gongsun Xu only had a few hundred cavalrymen, how could there suddenly be a few thousand cavalrymen here? He turned to look at Liu Bei, and saw that he had a face of shock and suspicion, and did not seem to be fake.

Liu Bei frowned, he was sure that Lv Bu did not have that many cavalrymen, nor did Gongsun Xu. Could it be that his eyes contracted suddenly, and he suddenly thought of an extremely terrifying possibility, and anxiously asked Yuan Shu: "Gong Luxiong, do you think Gongsun Zan will suddenly send an army to the south? Gongsun Xu is his biological son, how could he possibly allow Gongsun Xu to bring over a thousand people to the Xuzhou! "

Yuan Shu was shocked, and said with a trembling voice: "Impossible! Uncle Gongsun Kui is fighting against Yuan Shao, the vertical beam of light as he descended from the Qing He City. His words were firm, but in his heart, he was skeptical of Liu Bei's words. Gongsun Zan was strong to begin with, and with the help of Army of Heishan and Xianbei People Wu Huan, it was possible for him to send ten to twenty thousand people south.

The Xuzhou was his territory, and with Yuan Shu's help, he was not afraid that Gongsun Zan would send ten to twenty thousand people to assist Gongsun Xu. The worst outcome would be that Gongsun Xu would not be able to stay. What he was afraid of was that Yuan Shao might lose completely, and Gongsun Zan was prepared to swallow all of the Xuzhou in one go.

Just then, Yuan Fu cupped his fists and said: "Master, I request that you investigate!"

Having seen the power of the heavy cavalry s under Gongsun Xu's command, Yuan Fu was actually very afraid in his heart. But compared to his fear of Gongsun Xu, he was even more worried that he wouldn't have the chance to redeem himself and would be punished by Yuan Shu later on. Moreover, he felt that he was only going to investigate and report back after finding out that something was wrong. He didn't seem to be in any danger, so he volunteered to take the lead.

Yuan Shu nodded, the anger he felt towards Yuan Fu lessened a lot. No matter what, this servant still dared to use him. He waved his hand and said, "Go! After finding out what happened to the other party, report it immediately! "

"We will not disappoint our lord!" Yuan Fu responded as he ordered a thousand riders to charge forward.

The tens of thousands of soldiers stopped in their tracks, anxiously waiting for Yuan Shu and his order.

Yuan Shu asked softly. "Xuan Dexiong, if Gongsun Zan's army comes from the south, how will we deal with them?"

Liu Bei sighed: "If that's really the case, then I can only guard the Xuzhou City!"

Both he and Liu Bei knew clearly that if their guesses were not wrong, then there was a high chance that the Qinghe County City had already been breached, and even the Yuan Shao they hated most in the world would not be able to survive this! Once Gongsun Zan's army went south, it would be very difficult for Liu Bei to defend the Xuzhou. At that time, Gongsun Zanfuzi would bring a great victory over the Huainan, so how could he possibly defend against it?

Liu Bei suddenly cupped his hands and said: "Gong Luxiong, if Ben Chu loses, we must sincerely cooperate!"

"Of course!" Yuan Shu immediately understood what Liu Bei meant, and said in a heavy voice: "If Yuan Shao is done for, I guarantee that I will give my all to help Xuan Dexiong defend Xuzhou! If you want people to pay and money to pay, I will not be vague about it! "

"I am deeply grateful for Gong Luxiong's righteousness!" Liu Bei thanked him, shook his head, and sighed: "Hopefully I will not reach this step!"

Yuan Shu shook his head, for a moment, he was no longer in the mood to talk, he only stared at Yuan Fu's back.

Yuan Fu quickly reached the start of the dust cloud. He realized that the dust was flying far away and it was obvious that the unknown cavalry army was moving far away. He let out a sigh of relief and waved his hand to have the others go up to take a look.

A few soldiers rode their horses into the forest and looked forward. They were immediately struck dumb. How were there thousands of cavalrymen? Only a few cavalrymen were dragging a large number of tree branches as they madly rushed forward!

Yuan Fu saw that the few of them were stunned and did not move, and anxiously shouted out: "What's the situation?"

As if they had awoken from a dream, they quickly ran down to report what they saw to Yuan Fu.

Yuan Fu was also dumbstruck when he heard this, but the boulder in his heart had finally dropped. Since it was a suspicious strategy, it meant that Gongsun Xu didn't dare to face the tens of thousands of enemies. With the support of tens of thousands of soldiers, why should he be afraid of Gongsun Xu?

"All of you, quickly report to the lord. Everyone else, follow me!"

Seeing that a few horses were rushing back, Yuan Shu led the rest and caught up with them. Taking a deep breath, he smiled: "Xuan Dexiong, looks like there's nothing wrong, otherwise Yuan Fu will definitely wait for reinforcements!"

Liu Bei nodded, as he hoped that what Yuan Shu said was true.

The few fast horses quickly rushed over, one of them shouting loudly: "Reporting to our lord, there is no army lying in ambush ahead, only a dozen or so White Horse Camp cavalry soldiers dragging their branches and running, Commander Yuan Fu has already caught up!"

Yuan Shu was startled, then laughed out loud: "Xuan Dexiong, Gongsun kid is so poor, to actually use such a suspicious tactic! It's a pity that we all actually suspected that it was Gongsun Zan's army just now, it's just too laughable! "

Liu Bei laughed along with him, the worry in his heart also quickly disappeared, as long as Gongsun Zan's army did not come from the south, no matter how strong his army was, how could they win against the tens of thousands of soldiers?

Yuan Shu arrogantly waved his hand and shouted: "Pass the order, the army will immediately go and chase after them!"

Seeing that Yuan Shu did not plan to negotiate with him and gave orders, Liu Bei was a little unhappy in his heart, but the smile on his face had disappeared. In any case, the Huainan Army cavalry that was chasing after him did not care about such a small matter. He was not worried that he would encounter an ambush. After all, Gongsun Xu only had a small amount of men and horses.

Yuan Fu chased after them all the way, wanting to keep the dozen or so White Horse Camp cavalry behind. Unfortunately, the other party's warhorses were extremely powerful, and they were already quite a distance away, so no matter how hard he tried to chase after them, he was unable to catch up. Just as he was feeling infuriated, the small troop of riders in front of him suddenly charged into the woods. Immediately after, he saw another cloud of dust rise up from behind the forest.

Yuan Fu immediately determined that the other party was doing it again, but in order to be safe, he sent people to the top of the forest to take a look. Sure enough, his thought process wasn't wrong. Behind the forest, there were more than a dozen cavalrymen, dragging their branches and dashing forward. They were also mixed in with the group that just charged in. He was secretly angry at himself for being too cautious and wasting some time, so he quickly sent people to report to Yuan Shu, and he continued to chase after him with his people.

Yuan Fu and his group advanced a distance, the cavalry in front of them once again charged into the forest, following that, dust and dirt flew behind the forest. He originally wanted to give up and give chase, but he still felt uneasy, so he rode his horse to a higher place and looked. He wanted to give up and give chase, but he still felt uneasy, so he rode his horse to a higher place. This number of people was not even worth mentioning when facing an army of tens of thousands. This was the third time he sent someone back to report to Yuan Shu, at the same time swearing in his heart that if the other party continued to play such tricks, he would definitely ignore them and chase after them.

Yuan Shu heard the same report for the third time, and couldn't help but become angry: "Gongsun kid is going too far, to actually use such an obvious tactic consecutively, do you think we are all idiots?! Go and tell Yuan Fu so he doesn't have to worry about any ambushes! He just needs to keep chasing after them and chase them as far as he can! "

Liu Bei originally wanted to advise them against it, but after thinking about it for a moment, he found that it was unnecessary. With Gongsun Xu's strength, even if he tossed and turned, he would not be able to cause any great harm.

However, this time, he listened to Yuan Shu's orders, and without caring about anything, he brought his group to chase after them along the road, he was not the least bit worried. He did not know that just behind the forest where he was running towards, Gongsun Xu and the three hundred fully equipped heavy cavalry were already prepared to attack.

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