Guan Yu endured the pain from the wound, and with the help of a few of his personal guards, he donned on his armor, and slowly walked out of the simple and crude tent. After a day of rest, his spirit had recovered quite a bit, but the injuries on his body were recovering slowly. After a day of rest, he recovered quite a bit, but the injuries on his body were recovering slowly.

The three thousand elites had already gathered near the tent, and they all heard the nine beacons of fire. They were discussing softly, and when they saw Guan Yu coming out, they quickly shut their mouths.

"General Guan! General Guan! The enemy is ready to leave the city! "

Just as Guan Yu ran for more than 10 steps, there were hurried shouts coming from behind him. He anxiously turned his head and saw that the Xiao Pei City's door was slowly opening, as a large group of armored riders rushed out first. His pupils immediately contracted, and the one that rushed out was shockingly Gongsun Xu's terrifying cavalry! If they were allowed to rush over and fight successfully, how could they withstand it?

Without hesitation, he gave the order, "Have the soldiers retreat to the rear of the deer skin s to defend, make the archers move quickly!"

After suffering so many losses in front of Gongsun Xu's heavy cavalry, aside from being enraged, Guan Yu was also constantly pondering about how to deal with the situation. As he did not have enough Lance Soldier s and blade and shield soldiers, it was not easy for him to deal with heavy cavalry. Until the people arrived, he suddenly had an idea. He had let them cut down trees to create many deer skin s, and was prepared to use the thick group of deer skin s to block the enemy cavalry's charge. Then, with the help of the archers, as long as he slowed down the cavalry's charge, he would have a great chance of besieging and killing them.

Following Guan Yu's orders, a large number of Xuzhou Army soldiers, with the help of the commoners, yelled their horn and carried the large number of deer skin and ran forward. After the short span of a few hundred breaths, a group of deer skin that was five kilometers long and a dozen steps deep appeared in front of Xuzhou Army. Immediately, hundreds of archers moved forward at high speed, their bows nocked with arrows aimed in the direction of the city gates.

The five hundred heavy cavalry s did not immediately start charging after they exited the city gates. They lined up outside the city gates, not only did they have to break through, they also had to help Gao Shun and the rest to get out. Their leader was a military lord called Hou Meng. Just like Hou Yong, who had already died in battle, Hou Meng was also a member of Hou Yue's clan.

Gao Shun, Wei Xu and the others quickly followed them out of the city gate. Seeing the densely packed deer skin in front of them, Gao Shun shook his head and sighed, "Looks like Guan Yu was prepared long ago! Can military lord rush past it? "

Hou Meng expressionlessly pondered for a moment, then slowly shook his head: "There are simply too many deer skin, it's hard to rush through!"

Gao Shun frowned, then asked: "Does military lord have any countermeasures?"

"Charge out from there!" Hou Meng pointed to the corner of the city wall, where there were a few deer skin s and their defense seemed to be very weak.

Gao Shun looked at them and shook his head: "The distance is quite far, I'm afraid before we can rush over, the enemy's deer skin s have already moved over! Does anyone have any good ideas? "

Wei Xu said in a deep voice: "General, why not send a cavalry unit to the front to attract the attention of the enemy, while military lord and his men lead the way, we will break out from the corner of the city wall!"

Gao Shun had a troubled look on his face. After hesitating for a moment, he shook his head and said, "That's inappropriate! We are too small to begin with. If we split up our forces, we might lose too much! Furthermore, Guan Yu is not a reckless person, upon seeing that there are not many people who are rushing towards the front, he will definitely be wary of us breaking out from other directions! "

At this time, an aged voice suddenly came from inside the city gate, "General Gao, this humble one has something to say!"

Everyone quickly turned their heads to look and saw an old, gray-haired guard striding over. Behind him were three to four hundred similarly aged soldiers.

Gao Shun nodded at the old servant, and asked affectionately: "Old Qiu, what do you have to say?"

This Old Qiu had the most seniority in the Bingzhou Army, and was even older than Gao Shun and the others. When Ding Yuan was in charge of the Bingzhou Army, he was in the army, and later on he followed Lv Bu. Although it was just a small military lord, no one in the army dared to look down on him. When Gao Shun was preparing to charge out of the encirclement, he especially left them in the city to guard the treasury. The goal was to avoid the lives of Old Qiu's army when they entered the city, since the treasury was still in good condition.

The Old Qiu sighed: "General Gao, we have all followed Wen Hou for many years, and this old one has followed him since Wen Hou's youth. The rise and fall of the Bingzhou Army is a hundred times more important than this old one's life! Now that the situation is critical, this old man and the rest request for the order to charge from the front and buy enough time for the general to break out of the encirclement! "

"You can't!" The moment Old Qiu's voice fell, Gao Shun and the rest all voiced their opposition. If Lv Bu knew that they were actually letting the Old Qiu rush forward to attract the enemy, everyone would suffer a heavy punishment.

"Since the Bingzhou Army became an army, they have battled everywhere, and their reputations have spread far and wide. This old man and the rest have long treated the Bingzhou Army as their home, and even their homes are gone. What use do they have for this worthless old life? General Gao told us to stay in the treasury, simply to give us a chance to live! "Old Qiu paused here, looked at the surrounding crowd, and shouted:" But, we cannot accept the general's good intentions! Although we are old, we can still go on the battlefield and kill the enemy. We can still use this old life of ours to buy time for our sons to break out of their siege! Even if we die, we will die on the way here. If not, wouldn't we lose the prestige of the Bingzhou Army and Wen Hou! Brothers, don't you think so? "

"Exactly!" Hundreds of old soldiers answered in unison.

Old Qiu knelt on one knee, and shouted sternly: "military lord, please accept my order to rush to the formation!"

"Old Soldier Zhang Zhang Zhang, please charge the formation, General Gao agrees!"

"Old Servant Qian Gou'er!"

"Old Warrior Shen Si."

A few hundred old soldiers followed Old Qiu on one knee and asked Gao Shun loudly for a fight.

Gao Shun's eyes instantly filled with tears. He recognised all these old people, and was able to call out the names of the majority of them. In the past two years, they had grown old, and were mostly assigned to guard the supplies or do some chores, and Bingzhou Army's situation was very bad, so Lv Bu, Zhang Liao and the rest of them were all very concerned about these old people. They were not 20-30 year old strong young men, but 40-50 year old old old men!

Wei Xu and the rest were extremely excited too, they all went forward to support him.

Old Qiu pushed Wei Xu away and said in a deep voice, "If General Gao does not allow us to fight, then we will kneel here to our deaths!"

Several hundred old soldiers shouted, "General Gao, please allow us to fight! Even if I die, I will have no regrets! "

and the others were also very moved by this scene. These old soldiers of the Bingzhou Army were not even comparable to the soldiers of the White Horse Camp, even life and death, they were still worried for Gongsun Xu. They didn't even have a military payment, yet they had such a deep sense of recognition towards Lv Bu and the Bingzhou Army as a whole.

Just then, Old Qiu suddenly stood up, and shouted sternly: "Gao Shun, time is of the essence, quickly give the order! Could it be that you are only willing to let us kill ourselves here? "

Gao Shun sighed, and cupped his fists respectfully: "Old senior, please do not be like this, I promise! Please do your best, old senior. If things go south, there's no harm!

"Shut up!" The Old Qiu declared, "We would rather die than surrender before the battle!"

Gao Shun had a face full of shame, and said with a low voice: "It's a mistake, Old Senior, please don't be angry!"

Old Qiu glared at Gao Shun fiercely and waved his hand as he laughed, "Brothers, let's go!"

"Let's go!"

"Let's go!"

After putting on their helmets, they tore off their sleeves and wrapped their grizzled white hair with them. Then, under the lead of Old Qiu, they lined up in an orderly manner and strode towards the deer skin s in front of them.

and the others looked at each other, their eyes filled with respect and admiration. Old Qiu and the others wrapped their whiskers around their hair, obviously not wanting the opposing Xuzhou Army s to see any clues.

Gao Shun clenched his fists tightly and muttered: "My Bingzhou Army, will never sink into depravity just like this!"

Old Qiu suddenly turned his head and made a very vulgar gesture. Then, under Gao Shun and the others' astonished gazes, he once again strode forward with large strides. The hundreds of old soldiers laughed and scolded him, and then they also started to shout.

The eyes of Gao Shun and the others warmed, many of them had tears flowing down their faces, and unknowingly, they started singing along with Old Qiu and the others.

"What are they going to do?" Behind the deer skin s that were two miles away, Guan Yu looked at Old Qiu and the rest in shock, not knowing what they were here for.

One of the janissaries said in a low voice: "Merely a few hundred people, to actually dare to rush straight into the group of deer skin, you are obviously courting death!"

Guan Yu frowned, a trace of doubt suddenly arose in his heart, and anxiously moved forward, noticing that Gao Shun and the rest were following behind them, his frowned eyebrows quickly relaxed. As long as Gao Shun led his troops and rush forward from the front, even with the help of Gongsun Xu's cavalry, he would be unable to break through the deer skin array he had set up!

After approximately three hundred breaths, Old Qiu and his group had already reached a hundred steps away from the group of deer skin. He raised his right hand high up in the air, and the hundreds of old soldiers behind him immediately stopped.

Old Qiu turned his head to look, only to see Gao Shun and the rest following him at a pace that seemed neither fast nor slow. In fact, their speed was extremely slow, obviously waiting for the best opportunity to break out of the encirclement. He smiled widely. He had already seen the power of General Gongsun Xu's cavalry the day before yesterday, and as long as he could give his men some time, they would definitely be able to escape the encirclement with the help of the heavy cavalry.

He supported his helmet and raised the broken ring head knife in his hands, shouting loudly: "Brothers, kill!" Before he could finish his words, he charged forward with large strides.

Hundreds of old men shouted out in unison as they followed closely behind Old Qiu.

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