"Evil creature, you dare to make such a huge decision, why aren't you kneeling down!" When the group returned to the study room of the Marquis Mansion, the first thing Gongsun Zan did was to make Gongsun Xu kneel down.

From the corner of his eyes, Gongsun Xu could already see the corner of a skirt outside the door.

In the past, when Gongsun Zan was slightly cold, the Zhuo County's prefecture chief Zhang Shi saw that his talent and martial arts were outstanding. This favor was something Gongsun Zan would never forget and he had always respected and respected Hou Yue ever since she had risen to prominence. As a result, there were quite a few rumors about him being afraid of her family.

The corner of Gongsun Zan's mouth twitched, it was really hard to say.

Gongsun Xu snickered in his heart, but even though he was saying it, he helped Gongsun Zan out: "Mother was wrong about father, this time I did something wrong!"

"My son is already seriously injured, what wrong can he do?" Hou Yue obviously did not believe him, and stared at Gongsun Zan as she asked for an explanation.

Gongsun Zan clapped his hands and cried, "Aiya! "My lady, this is a matter between the Gongsun Clan's men, please do not pursue it further!"

"Since that's the case, then I won't ask anymore!" However, before I drink any water after I wake up, can I take him to eat some and then let him talk to Master? " Hou Yue asked, but before she could reply, she had already supported Gongsun Xu and walked out.

Gongsun Zan shook his head helplessly, and casually flipped through a document with an absent-minded mind.

When a Great Han Dynasty man looks 20 years old, she will be crowned. At that time, her elders or teachers will be given a "watch", meaning that she will be an adult from now on.

Gongsun Xu had only turned seventeen this year, so he did not get crowned. The reason he had this title was because before the great scholar Lu Zhi died, Gongsun Zan brought him to pay his respects. Lu Zhi heard that this child was very brave and fierce, and would sometimes do things to bully the common people, so he used the word 'citizen', hoping that he would think for the common people before doing anything.

Gongsun Xu had neither crowned nor married, so he did not move out and start anew. Instead, he lived in the westernmost courtyard, just a wall away from Gongsun Zan's residence.

After following Hou Yue through a long and zigzagging corridor, then passed by a small pond that was a dozen or so meters in radius, and finally through a small garden that was blooming with chrysanthemums, after being greeted respectfully by at least twenty servants, Gongsun Xu finally stood at the entrance of his own courtyard. He shook his head lightly as he looked at the tall crescent gate in front of him. If it weren't for the fact that he had integrated some of his memories, he would have definitely gotten lost in the house of the Marquis if no one were to lead the way.

"Xun Er, is your head hurting again?" Seeing him shake his head, Hou Yue hurriedly asked with concern.

"No, I'm just a little hungry." Gongsun Xu hurriedly found an excuse.

Hou Yue held Gongsun Xu's hand and said with a gentle smile: "Mother has already prepared the food for us to eat. Let's go, let's go in and have a taste!"

The food was placed on the table in the side hall. It was covered by a copper bowl and steaming hot after being opened.

When Gongsun Xu saw the dishes, he started to drool: stewed lamb, ginseng stewed hens, red dates king eight soup, a dozen or so dishes were all over the place, either stewed or boiled.

Hou Yue personally cooked the food and urged them to eat more. She couldn't wait for Gongsun Xu to finish all the food on the table.

It had already been an hour since Gongsun Xu stood up from the table after eating his fill.

At this time, Gongsun Jia, who was waiting outside the door, respectfully said: "Madam, Master Hou has been waiting for you in the study room."

Hou Yue took out a handkerchief and wiped Gongsun Xu's mouth, pointing at Gongsun Jia, she laughed: "Lie'er, don't be afraid, if the Old Master is making things difficult for you, he will immediately come to report! Oh right, Gongsun Jia, you have to tell the old master that Shangguan'er's injuries are serious, don't say things for too long! "

Gongsun Jia looked like he was not good with words, he only bowed and agreed, but did not say much.

Gongsun Xu suppressed his emotions and followed Gongsun Jia to Gongsun Zan's study.

Gongsun Jia passed on the message from outside of the door, then turned around and stood together with Gongsun Zan's guards in the courtyard.

Gongsun Xu pushed the door and entered. Gongsun Zan immediately put down the document in his hand, and asked with a smile: Are you full?

"En!" Gongsun Xu nodded, walked to the round stool in front of the desk and sat down.

Gongsun Zan stood up, poured a cup of tea and passed it to Gongsun Xu: "Drink some tea to quench your hunger."

"Thank you, father." Gongsun Xu felt very uncomfortable in his heart, but he had to get closer to Gongsun Zan. Hence, he deliberately stretched out his left hand to receive it, then grimaced in pain, before he finally extended his right hand to receive it.

Gongsun Zan saw through his trick with a glance, and sneered: "Kid, are you saying that the deities are going to teach you and your family to play with your hearts?"

"Hehe, hehe" Gongsun Xu laughed foolishly as he drank his tea, but he did not bother to answer this question.

Gongsun Zan turned around and sat down, then waved his hand: "Forget it, you getting the blessing of the gods and ghosts is your good fortune, I will not pursue this matter any further. But when you made those three promises in front of everyone, you put me in a dilemma, could it be that this was also taught to me by ghosts and gods? "

Gongsun Xu shook his head, and said with a face full of sincerity: "I do not dare to lie to father, this is not taught to me by the gods. However, when I followed that deity, I heard him tell a story. Today, I suddenly thought of that story, so I made the agreement with Liu Yu on my own. "

"What story?" Gongsun Zan was suddenly interested.

Gongsun Xu laughed and said: "I will speak first. This is only a story, father does not need to investigate deeply if it is true or false."

Gongsun Zan nodded and made a gesture for his to quickly speak.

Gongsun Xu organized his thoughts and slowly said: "I do not know when, nor what dynasty, the Central Plains is ruled by the strong races. Those foreign invaders were merciless. Slaughter and extermination could be seen everywhere, and the Han people could not even be one in a hundred! Ten years later, tens of thousands of people rose up from all over the place. These people had led tens of thousands of troops, and after going through tough battles, they finally managed to chase away those brutal non-humankind beings. However, once the Chinese had no enemies, they would fight internally. After the foreign invaders were expelled, the nobles everywhere called themselves emperors and fought against each other. The world was in chaos. The victor will be decided after a few years, and the final victor will become the founder of the empire. "

The founding emperor! Gongsun Zan chewed on these four words, and his eyes immediately burned with ambition.

Seeing that, Gongsun Xu laughed, and intentionally gave an excuse: "Father, guess, which duke won in the end?"

"You still need to guess?" Gongsun Zan replied without even thinking, "It must be the person with the biggest territory and the one with the most troops who seized the world! If I can defeat Yuan Shao, and take over the four northern regions, I might be able to establish a nation in the future! "

"Father was wrong! The duke who had achieved domination in the end wasn't the strongest, and his territory wasn't the largest, but he was the best at hiding his strength! "One of the top strategists under his command suggested a strategy of nine words. That duke endured his words from beginning to end before sweeping through the world in one go and becoming the final victor!" Gongsun Xu paused here for a while, then raised the teacup to his mouth and drank a few mouthfuls of water.

"Which nine words?" Quickly tell me, how dare you fool around with your father in front of him, look for a beating! " Gongsun Zan could not wait any longer and extended his hand out to attack.

"To build a wall, to store up food, and to slowly claim the title of king!" Gongsun Xu enunciated the nine words of 'rebellion' word by word.

Gongsun Zan suddenly stood up, and started pacing while reflecting on these nine words. The more he tried to understand them, the brighter his eyes shone, and in the end, he suddenly let out a long sigh.

Gongsun Xu asked in surprise: "Why does father sigh?"

Gongsun Zan clenched his fists tightly and sighed: "Such a top-notch strategist, I actually wished for nothing, what a pity! There were hundreds of civil servants in the Youzhou, but not a single one of them had such a strategy! "What a pity!"

Gongsun Xu advised: "strategists can visit him slowly, and the world can slowly seek to see him! It's just that the situation in Youzhou is rather dangerous right now, I hope that Father has already planned it all out! "

"The world can also slowly move. I am comforted by the wild ambition in your heart!" Gongsun Zan muttered these words softly, and sighed with emotion, then suddenly frowned: "It's just that Your Majesty has already made a vow in front of everyone, if you were to raise your arms and fight for the world today, I'm afraid that people will despise you! Have you ever thought about what is called a dishonest name? "

Gongsun Xu laughed out loud: "Father, please remember, I said 'never revolt', I did not say 'never attack and attack dukes of the wrongdoings'! If my family is strong enough, then who is the marquis of grievances? It would be up to us to decide! If my clan were to defeat all the dukes, what would happen even if I break my oath? "Haha!"

Gongsun Zan was startled for a moment. On the surface, he did not know whether to laugh or cry as he pointed at Gongsun Xu. Having received the blessing of the gods and ghosts, his son actually dared to ruthlessly fool that stubborn old man Liu Yu in public. This was truly a cause for celebration!

"Let's not talk about the future for now! There are many hidden dangers in my house now, I can't help but to be on guard! Father, please look! " Gongsun Xu walked in front of the huge public opinion map hanging on the wall, pointed at the Changli in the northeast and said: "Liu He's tens of thousands of soldiers are in Changli, and he can reach there in a day, it can be said that he's being carried on his back!"

Gongsun Zan laughed out loud: "My son doesn't understand Liu He, that vertical pillar has a weak character and is extremely filial. Now that Liu Yu is not dead yet, he will definitely not put up a fight!"

Gongsun Xu pointed to the south of the Ji County, and continued: "Yuan Shao is sitting in the Acropolis Province and the Cyan Plains Region, and is even colluding with the Hu people, coveting Youzhou and the Jizhou.

Gongsun Zan nodded in agreement, "Yuan Shao cannot be underestimated, I, your father, am preparing to start another war in the spring of next year. Continue to speak! "

"Army of Heishan has an army of two hundred thousand, although they are allies, Zhang Yan is trapped in the Yanshan, and has nowhere to retreat to! If he wants to fight for the territory, he will be enemies with us sooner or later! "

"Even though Zhang Yan was born a bandit, he was still a real man. This man is worth a thousand gold, since he has an alliance with us, it won't be so easy to change, don't worry, San-er!" But my son's words are a reminder to my father. Although Huainan Yuan Shu is an ally, he is a snob on both ends of the head and a mouse.

Gongsun Xu didn't say anything more. He had successfully saved Liu Yu using the words of the Ghost God and Gongsun Zan seemed to believe without a doubt, but who knew if he was actually suspicious? Their goal had already been achieved, so there was no need for them to have any unnecessary arguments with Gongsun Zan.

Gongsun Zan saw that Gongsun Xu did not say a word, and was afraid that he had a knot in his heart, hence he smiled and comforted: "Even though what I said makes sense, I still value my son's advice a lot. Tomorrow morning, we will gather to discuss Liu He. As for the situation with Army of Heishan Zhang Yan, I will always take it to heart. "

Gongsun Xu nodded, he stood up and prepared to leave. Once he finished, he did not want to stand in front of Gongsun Zan anymore. After all, that feeling of unfamiliarity and awkwardness was not something that could be removed in a day.

"Qian'er!" Gongsun Zan reached out to stop him, and said respectfully: "You are my thousand mile single child, I, your father, would rather die myself, than to let you be injured in the slightest! Don't do that kind of dangerous thing again yesterday, remember! "Remember!"

Gongsun Xu was startled for a moment, but for some reason, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his nose. He quickly replied and quickly left the study room.

Gongsun Zan walked to the window and watched Gongsun Xu and Gongsun Jia leave the courtyard.

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