Old Qiu held onto the arrow shaft on his left thigh, clenching his teeth, he pulled it out forcefully. The blood and flesh on his fist was being pulled out by the arrow arrows, causing his face to twitch non-stop, and blood to gush out of his thigh. Although the Xuzhou Army's archers had purposely avoided the Old Qiu, the arrows were too concentrated, and he was unable to avoid being hit in the thigh.

Old Qiu wiped away the cold sweat on his forehead, and raised his head to look at the large group of enemies a few steps away. At this time, he had finally surpassed the last deer skin, but he no longer had a companion. He held the saber in his left hand and his right arm hung limply by his side. His steps were unsteady and firm as he walked forward, one step at a time.

The Academy Officer raised his spear and took two steps forward, clasping his fists: "I am Xuzhou Army and will ride Academy Officer, may I know your name?"

Old Qiu raised his blade to show his respect and said solemnly: "Bingzhou Army's old guard, Old Qiu!"

"Old soldier?" Zhang Tai frowned his eyebrows in doubt, but he did not pursue the matter. He pointed his spear at Old Qiu and said solemnly: "It does not matter if you are an old soldier or an old general, I will fight you fairly today! Do not forget to tell the King of Hell, whoever kills you, Xuzhou Zhang Tai will do the same! "

Old Qiu grinned: "That depends on whether you have the ability to take my life! "Look at the blade!" Before he finished his sentence, he clenched his teeth and rushed forward in pain, slashing towards Zhang Tai's head.

Zhang Tai frowned once again. Old Qiu's slash seemed to be light, not only did it lack strength and speed, its entire body was also full of openings. He could casually take his life with a single spear strike, could it be that this admirable Bingzhou Army old soldier had already completely lost all of his strength? He raised his spear and pierced towards Old Qiu's chest.

The Old Qiu's ring head knife was not even four feet long. If the Old Qiu did not dodge in time, before's blade even landed on his body, he would have been pierced through! Seeing that Zhang Tai's spear was right in front of Old Qiu, not only did the latter not have any intention of dodging, he had even staggered and charged forward, looking as if he was about to collide with the spear himself.

The surrounding Xuzhou Army soldiers sighed in succession. If there were no surprises, then Old Qiu would be assassinated on the spot in the next moment. But in the blink of an eye, all of them had widened their eyes as they looked at what was happening in front of them with inconceivable eyes. Old Qiu staggered forward on purpose, and used his right chest to receive Zhang Tai's spear, and with a muffled thud, the sharp spear instantly pierced through Old Qiu's body. At the same time, the ring head knife in his hands suddenly accelerated, and with a speed that was multiple times faster than before, he ruthlessly slashed at Zhang Tai's neck!

Zhang Tai screamed out, he quickly threw away the spear and tried to cover the wound on his neck with his hands, but the slash was too ruthless, it almost cut half of his neck into two, blood spurted out, there was no hope for treatment at all. After a few breaths, he fell face first onto the ground, twitched a few times, and then died.

Old Qiu looked at Zhang Tai's corpse and laughed sinisterly. He lowered his head to look at the spear that had pierced his chest, then spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground. The moment before he died, he turned back with all his might to look, only to realize that Gao Shun and his group had already rushed past the corner of the wall, and were about to break out of the encirclement. He revealed a satisfied smile, and then closed his eyes.

The surrounding Xuzhou Army soldiers were stunned for a while before recovering, they all went up to check if Zhang Tai and Old Qiu were really dead.

Gao Shun did not know that Old Qiu's group had been completely annihilated. With Hou Meng and him leading the way, they smoothly arrived at the defensive position of the Xuzhou Army in the southeast direction.

Because Guan Yu had brought a large number of deer skin to the front, there were only three deer skin here, and the troops defending at the back were not many as well, only around one thousand and five hundred people. Most of them were ordinary spearmen, and there were only a few hundred archers. Seeing the large group of enemies rushing towards them, and that the one in the vanguard was the heavy cavalry that they were extremely afraid of, the defensive position was suddenly filled with panic, the leading Academy Officer even had to shout loudly, and in the end, had no choice but to brandish his butcher's blade to kill seven or eight people who turned around to escape, which barely stopped the convoy from collapsing.

Gao Shun and the other heavy cavalry s rushed to the front of the enemy lines. When they were twenty to thirty steps, they turned around and shouted with their arms spread out, "As long as we rush over, we can reunite with Wen Hou! Brothers, charge! "

Wei Xu and the rest agreed loudly. Their morale was high as they quickly quickened their steps and followed behind.

"Crossbow!" Just then, Hou Meng bellowed out and took the lead to lift the crossbow.

The five hundred men moved in unison. Almost at the same time, they raised their crossbow s and aimed at the Xuzhou Army Warriors behind the deer skin.

"Fire!" After sprinting another seven or eight steps, when the two parties were within twenty steps, Hou Meng gave the order to attack loudly …

"Whiz!" In an instant, hundreds of bolts left the crossbow, floating forward like dark clouds.

The Xuzhou Army warriors behind the deer skin were immediately frightened out of their wits. They quickly laid on the ground or used their simple and crude shields to shield in front of them. At the same time, they desperately tried to hide behind the others. Those who had slow reactions were in trouble. Just as they raised their weapons to block the incoming crossbow bolts, they were shot like hedgehogs.

Just a single volley had caused more than two hundred Xuzhou Army soldiers to fall to the ground.

"Shoot again!" Hou Meng pulled the crossbow and once again took the lead to shoot an arrow.

Following the bow sounds, another few hundred crossbow arrows flew out. This time, the distance was closer, and more people died, so did the Academy Officer that gave out orders. After a few breaths of time, Hou Meng had broken through the first deer skin, and at this time, there were already six to seven hundred corpses lying on the ground in front of him.

Hou Meng smoothly stepped across three deer skin s, looking at the scattered Xuzhou Army soldiers who were running away, he shook his head in regret. Those were all military merits.

"Thieves, don't be rampant!" At this moment, an explosive shout sounded from the side.

Everyone anxiously looked over, only to see Guan Yu leading the charge, followed by thousands of his subordinates, forming a fan shaped encirclement, quickly surrounding them.

Gao Shun was shocked, he never thought that Guan Yu would actually come so quickly! He hastily cupped his fists at Hou Meng and anxiously said: "military lord Hou, I'll be counting on you!" He was very confident that he could let xianzhen camp lead the way and charge out of the encirclement, but the casualties would not be small. He had seen the might of the heavy cavalry a few times, so he did not care about face and asked Hou Meng to bring the others along.

"Of course!" Hou Meng replied as he turned around and rushed towards Guan Yu.

The five hundred heavy cavalry s quickly turned around and rushed forward like an unstoppable wave of steel.

Guan Yu snorted coldly, although he was valiant, he was not an idiot who did not know what was good for him. He had long since been certain that Gongsun Xu's men would charge forward, and as a result, before he could come over, he had already prepared himself. He quickly stopped and raised his right hand to stop the convoy. The large group of soldiers at the back carried a large number of deer skin and quickly moved to the front to place them in position. Then, over a thousand soldiers holding large blades and heavy wooden shields rushed to the back of the deer skin and formed a sturdy shield array.

"Can you rush through?" Gao Shun looked at the dense and heavy shield array in front of him and could not help but feel a little apprehensive.

Wei Xu replied solemnly: "There shouldn't be any big problems! However, I'm afraid there will be quite a bit of damage! "

"If their losses are too great, we won't be able to explain it to the General Gongsun!" Gao Shun stroked his beard and thought for a moment, then ordered: "General Wei, you lead your brothers from the five hundred xianzhen camp s to follow them, if Hou Meng and the others are not successful in their charge, then immediately rush forward to help!"

Wei Xu cupped his fists and loudly promised as he pointed to the five hundred heavily armored walking soldier s and followed closely behind Hou Meng and the rest.

By now, Hou Meng and the five hundred heavy cavalry were already less than fifty steps away from the enemy's defensive position. Guan Yu knew that the arrows were useless against the heavy cavalry, so he did not give the order to shoot, instead he strictly ordered the shield array in front to defend against the continuous attacks from the heavy cavalry. As long as they could control the forward momentum of that cavalry army, more than half of their power would be wasted. At that time, the army would surround them and even if they had to put their lives on the line, they would completely annihilate that terrifying cavalry army!

Hou Meng had long since pulled down his mask and hid his face behind it, but there was still a trace of worry in his eyes. The opponent's shield array was simply too dense, and if the first two attacks were unable to break through their shell, then he and his brother would be in trouble! Previously, General Gongsun had said clearly that he must use his speed and strength to the best of his ability. He must resolutely avoid getting involved with the enemy, or else he would suffer a heavy loss. However, he had no choice but to give it a shot. No matter what, he had to give it a try!

After ten or so breaths, Hou Meng and the thirty to forty heavy cavalry at the front collided head on with the shield array that was sent down by Guan Yu, causing a series of painful muffled sounds to ring out, followed by a miserable scream. It was as if the front part of the shield array was smashed by a sledgehammer, causing a large part of its body to cave in, causing the dozens of people at the front to have their tendons and bones fractured, as they fell down frantically while spurting out blood. As the shield array were too heavy, the Xuzhou Army soldiers who were struck dead could not even land on the ground. Instead, they were pushed down by their comrades behind them to continue standing, it could be said to be a defensive line formed by flesh and blood and shields.

Hou Meng and the rest had only charged forward seven or eight steps when they were blocked by the thick shield and the crowd. They could not rush forward anymore and could only wave their weapons and kill the enemies beside them. The heavy cavalry s behind them all rushed over. However, they only took seven or eight steps forward and were no longer able to charge up. They fell into a chaotic battle with the enemy forces.

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