In a forest five to six kilometers northeast of Xiao Pei City, Chen Gong stood at a high place as he anxiously stared at the road in front of him. The forest was very dense. Although they could hear the shouts of the Xiao Pei City, they could not see the actual situation of the battle. Gongsun Xu had already walked for more than an hour. There were several times when he wanted to send people to check, but he was worried that his whereabouts would be revealed. He was also afraid that it would harm the unconscious Lv Bu's life.

Beneath the big tree surrounding Chen Gong, fifty heavy cavalry s were anxiously waiting. They were under Gongsun Xu's orders to protect him, and even though they wished that they could fly to the Xiao Pei City to help the rest of his brothers, they did not dare to move recklessly due to the army order.

Chen Gong could not hold himself back anymore, he casually picked one of Lv Bu's personal guards and said softly: You can go to the edge of the forest to take a look at the situation!

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, the sound of horse hooves came from the front of the forest.

"Hurry and hide!" Chen Gong's face changed as he quickly hid behind the bushes.

The other heavy cavalry s had already equipped their horses with mounts. At this time, they were dodging and taking out their crossbow s at the same time, even if there were a large number of enemies, they would not surrender so easily!

The horse steps quickly approached, when Chen Gong saw the shadow dozens of steps away with pupils, his heart tensed up. Gongsun Xu's voice suddenly came over: "Mr. Gong Tai, I'm back!"

Chen Gong was overjoyed, and quickly ran over. After ten breaths of time …

Chen Gong saw that Gongsun Xu's entire body was covered in blood, and more importantly, Gao Shun, Song Xian and the rest were following behind him. He quickly crouched on the ground and respectfully kowtowed and said: "General Gongsun's successful return is simply too joyful. This one thanks the general for his great kindness on behalf of my lord and on behalf of the entire Bingzhou Army!"

"Mr. Gong Tai, please wake up!" Gongsun Xu anxiously jumped down the horse, using both hands to support Chen Gong, and said: "Since we are all on the same side, why do we need to say such words? Time is of the essence, let's get out of here first! Right, how is Feng Xianxiong? "

Gao Shun and the rest of the Bingzhou Army s all looked at Chen Gong, their expressions filled with worry, afraid that they would hear the worst news.

Chen Gong restrained the worry in his heart and acted relaxed: "Although Master has yet to wake up, the situation is still stable, so General and the rest of you do not need to be too worried!"

"Very good!" Gongsun Xu heaved a sigh of relief, waved his hand and said: "I'll go take a look at Feng Xianxiong first!" With that, he took the lead and walked forward.

Now that the Bingzhou Army had encountered a huge change and Lv Bu was unconscious, Chen Gong and Gao Shun would definitely discuss about the future. Therefore, Gongsun Xu intentionally left them a chance to talk to each other alone.

Chen Gong understood what Gongsun Xu meant. He watched as Gongsun Xu walked into the forest in front of him with gratitude before turning his head and cupping his hands towards Gao Shun with a face full of shame and saying, "General Gao, everyone, Chen Gong is incapable. Not only did he fail to help Master win, he even caused the death of a large portion of the soldiers.

Gao Shun and the others cupped their fists in return, consoling Chen Gong in a low voice. Everyone's expression was extremely sorrowful, they had only separated for two or three days, but it felt like a lifetime had passed. Even if the Bingzhou Army from a few days ago wasn't strong, not everyone could possibly underestimate them. Who would have thought that they would be completely annihilated in the blink of an eye!

After a few simple words of greeting, each of them explained their situation. Gao Shun then asked anxiously: "Mr. Gong Tai, can Master wake up?"

Chen Gong looked at the soldiers around him, nodded resolutely and said, "Master has already woken up twice, and will wake up completely soon!"

Chen Gong's skill in the Yellow Division was profound, upon hearing his words, everyone started to cheer, but Gao Shun quietly frowned, and asked: "Mr. Gong Tai, when Master woke up, did you have any orders?"

Chen Gong nodded, and retrieved a golden plate from his sleeves and held it in his hand, and said solemnly: "Master's order badge is here! Master ordered us to listen to the orders of the General Gongsun! "

"Of course!" Gao Shun and the others all cupped their fists and agreed, even if they did not have Lv Bu's order badge, they would not reject Gongsun Xu's order now. After all, if not for Gongsun Xu, they would have already been killed by Guan Yu's army. However, with Chen Gong's words, when they listened to Gongsun Xu's orders, they were even less inclined to resist.

Chen Gong kept the golden plate and waved his hand as he shouted, "Go and see the lord, then immediately leave this place!"

Everyone nodded and rushed forward.

Gao Shun purposely lagged behind, waiting for everyone to get further away before asking softly: "Mr. Gong Tai, how are Feng Xian's injuries?"

"Very bad!" Chen Gong shook his head and said softly: "Furthermore, even if I can preserve my life, I probably won't be as brave as I was before! When the Lord woke up, he said a few words to me. He said that he had originally planned to ally with General Gongsun Xu, but now it seems that he could only completely rely on the General Gongsun in order to protect a bit of Bingzhou Army's vitality! In the future, it will also be possible to rebuild the Bingzhou Army! "

"As long as Feng Xian's life is safe, it's not a bad thing for him to completely submit to the General Gongsun. The General Gongsun father and son are both incomparably powerful and loyal, so I think that he must be an enlightened lord!"

"I also mean that!" Chen Gong nodded: "Say something that you shouldn't, I think that General Gongsun is more suitable than Master to be the leader. "Let's go see our lord first. We will gather everyone and decide on this matter later!"

"Sir, please!"

Gongsun Xu lowered his head to look at Lv Bu who was lying on the ground. His face was pale white, and some of the wounds on his body were still bleeding. He reached out to touch Lv Bu's forehead, but there was no sign of a fever, causing him to heave a sigh of relief. Right now, he was severely injured and unconscious, and it was even from a cold weapon of injury.

Perhaps because he had felt someone touching his forehead, Lv Bu suddenly opened his eyes slowly and looked at Gongsun Xu with a bewildered expression.

Gongsun Xu was first stunned, but then he immediately exclaimed in joy: "Feng Xianxiong, you're awake! "How do you feel?"

Chen Gong and the rest happened to walk over, upon hearing Gongsun Xu's voice, they all rushed over in surprise and joy.

Gao Shun half knelt on the ground, holding Lv Bu's right hand tightly.

Lv Bu stared at Gongsun Xu for a good while before finally waking up and screaming: "Zi Minxiong, did Gao Shun and the others escape?"

Gao Shun was very moved when he saw that the first thing Lv Bu asked him after waking up. Without waiting for Gongsun Xu to speak, he shook Lv Bu's hand and said in a heavy voice, "Feng Xian, I'm here!"

Lv Bu was a dignified nine foot man, at this moment, he was crying loudly: "My younger brother, I underestimated the enemy's reckless advance, in the end, I ended up ruining the lives of Wen Yuan and my sons. I deserve to die a thousand times for this crime!"

Gao Shun endured his pain and urged in a low voice: "Feng Xian, you cannot revive when dead. Rather than dying from grief, it is better to pull yourself together and think of ways to avenge Wen Yuan and the brothers!"

Chen Gong kneeled on the ground, and said in a heavy voice: "I ask for Master's condolences, and for you to revive my Bingzhou Army's honor!"

"My lord, please restrain your grief and turn your back on my Bingzhou Army!" Song Xian and the rest followed suit and fell to their knees.

Gongsun Xu also advised, "Feng Xianxiong, the enemies you are facing are many times stronger than before, it is not because you are useless! Brother, please pull yourself together quickly, Bingzhou Army cannot leave you! "

Lv Bu stopped crying and said dejectedly: "In the end, they are still brothers that have been together for more than ten thousand days! Furthermore, even Wen Yuan was unable to forgive himself! If I had been a little more careful, how would I have gotten so far? My regret! "

Gongsun Xu frowned, no wonder the original history of Lv Bu did not succeed in the end, this kind of 'wild ambition, then failure, then disappointment' mentality was unbearable, from the looks of it, Liu Bei and Cao Cao, which one of them did not end up doing great things after going through a series of setbacks? However, Lv Bu and the Bingzhou Army's defeated soldiers could only rely on themselves to walk this path. With Lv Bu's character, it was actually a good thing.

At this time, Gao Shun sternly advised: "Feng Xian, time is of the essence, let us leave this place first!"

Lv Bu nodded, and said in a low voice: "Help me up!"

Gao Shun held Lv Bu up with both hands, carefully helping him up.

Lv Bu stood up, and looked at the thousand odd remaining Bingzhou Army soldiers, his heart was in extreme pain, his body swayed, and almost fell to the ground. Luckily, Gao Shun was able to hold on in time.

Lv Bu took a deep breath and asked: "Gong Tai, where is the order badge?"

Chen Gong took out the golden plate from his sleeves and gave it to Lv Bu with both hands.

Lv Bu received the gold medal with trembling hands and handed it over to Gongsun Xu with both hands. With a serious expression, he said: "General Gongsun, this is the command token for my subordinates, and now I offer it to you, General! From today onwards, only the generals of the Bingzhou Army will listen to my orders, if there are any who disobey, including Bu Zhen, the general will follow the military law!"

Gongsun Xu was extremely happy in his heart, but he quickly declined: "This matter is not to be allowed! Bingzhou Army has been Feng Xianxiong's hard work for many years, and we have already agreed on it beforehand, you and I are equal allies, how can I go back on my words? "

Lv Bu sighed, he knelt down on one knee and said: "If General Gongsun does not accept this order badge, I would rather kneel here and die!"

Gongsun Xu turned pale with fright. She stepped forward to support him with gratitude, but Lv Bu was definitely not willing to stand up and insisted on Gongsun Xu agreeing to his request.

Chen Gong knelt on the ground, and said respectfully: "I request that General agrees to Wen Hou's request, we are willing to accept your orders, even if we have to die willingly!"

Gao Shun kneeled down as well, and said respectfully: "I request that General agrees to Wen Hou's request, as we are willing to go through fire and water for General!"

Song Xian and the rest did not dare to be negligent, and they all knelt down to request Gongsun Xu's consent.

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