"Greetings, my lord!" A Xuzhou Army scout wearing black tight clothes walked in and knelt down to salute Liu Bei.

Guan Yu saw that he was indeed the one who sent out, and was extremely happy in his heart. Previously, he was only hoping for a chance to send someone to follow Gongsun Xu, but he never thought that there would actually be a reward!

"Haha!" When Liu Bei heard the three words "Eagle's Castle", he immediately laughed loudly.

"Why is Xuan Dexiong laughing?" Yuan Shu was confused.

"Gong Luxiong doesn't know, that the Eagle's Castle was actually an army camp built by the High Ancestor Emperor when he was still alive. Although it is an army camp, it is actually a castle built on a mountain." Liu Bei described the situation of the Eagle's Castle briefly, then laughed: "Gongsun Xu's forces are insufficient, to actually dare enter the Eagle's Castle to rest, you are simply courting death!"

After Yuan Shu heard this, he was also overjoyed. He clapped his hands and shouted, "If it's really like this, as long as we surround and trap the Eagle's Castle, the Gongsun kid will not be able to escape! Xuan Dexiong, what are you waiting for, immediately send your troops to the Eagle's Castle! "

"Gong Luxiong is right, it's just that the soldiers have been rushing for an entire day, and everyone is exhausted. It's better to get some food first, so that they can recover some energy before rushing to the Eagle's Castle!"

"Alright! Thank you, Xuan Dexiong! " Yuan Shu thought for a while and nodded in agreement. In any case, it was impossible for Gongsun Xu to leave Eagle's Castle in the middle of the night, so it wouldn't be a big deal to delay him for two to four hours.

Liu Bei called for a personal guard and ordered him to go inside the city to pass on the order to make food.

Guan Yu frowned, all the food in the city had been completely burnt down by Gao Shun, and there were not much that had been transported from Xuzhou City, so it would be difficult to supply the huge army with food. As he did not want Yuan Shu to know that the grain in the city had been burnt, he did not say it out on the spot. He was prepared to report to Liu Bei later, at most, he would make his subordinates feel wronged and eat until they were half full.

After the guards had left, Liu Bei asked the scout kneeling on the ground in an amiable manner, "What is your name? "Who are they?"

The scout was stunned for a moment, he did not expect Master to ask about his name, and immediately replied ecstatically: "Reporting to Master, my name is Wednesday, a native of Xuzhou."

Liu Bei smiled: "I will remember Wednesday! You did well this time, going down to claim your reward twenty times, and when the troops arrive at Eagle's Castle, you will still have to lead the way! "

Wednesday was overjoyed, and immediately knelt down and kowtowed, "Thank you, my lord! This little one swears that I will die for the Lord! "

Liu Bei waved his hands: "Go down! Your companions will also receive rewards! "

"Here!" "Thank you, my lord!" Wednesday stood up and cautiously withdrew.

Yuan Shu had always been watching Liu Bei's performance with a smile on his face. He paid more attention and more vigilance to Liu Bei as he thought to himself that this person was good at seizing every opportunity to win over people's hearts. His scheming was also very deep, no wonder he could become a prefectural governor of a province in a short one to two years. It seemed that he couldn't be careless at all times when interacting with Liu Bei in the future!

At this time, Guan Yu stood up and cupped his fists: "Brother, there's chaos in the city, little brother is preparing to go back to look after it to prevent any accidents."

Liu Bei raised his eyebrows. He understood Guan Yu very well, and knew that the other party definitely had something inconvenient to say in front of Yuan Shu. Thus, he said in a deep voice, "That's fine.

Guan Yu solemnly declared, "Brother, don't worry. Within two hours, we will definitely have the soldiers eat a full meal!"

Liu Bei nodded, and smiled to Yuan Shu: "Gong Luxiong, Yun Chang's injuries are not light, I'll send him off."

"Xuan Dexiong, please do!" Yuan Shu replied with a faint smile. He also knew that Liu Bei and Guan Yu had something to say in private, but he did not have the intention to openly ask. As long as it did not harm his and the Huainan Army's interests, what did he care?

Guan Yu cupped his fists and bowed to Yuan Shu, then followed Liu Bei out of the tent.

After leaving the tent, Liu Bei asked in a low voice, "What do you have to say for yourself, Second Brother?"

Guan Yu's expression was extremely shameful, he told her everything that had happened in a low voice, even the ugly things that he had been defeated by Gongsun Xu over and over again.

Just before the battle, Guan Yu bowed and said: "I am useless, and have lost many people. I even let the remnants of the Bingzhou Army turn the Xiao Pei City into ruins, I hope brother can give me more punishments!"

After Liu Bei heard this, he was shocked. He had thought that Guan Yu had only spent a bit of effort to obtain the Xiao Pei City, he did not expect that there were still so many secrets! He did not scold Guan Yu, but rather comforted him. After all, he had personally witnessed how powerful Gongsun Xu's group of heavy cavalry were.

Seeing Liu Bei's actions, Guan Yu's heart felt even more guilty and moved.

Liu Bei lightly patted on Guan Yu's arm and said softly, "Yun Chang does not need to blame himself. If no accidents occur, Gongsun Xu will become a prisoner under the heavens tonight.

"Thank you, brother!" Guan Yu thanked him gratefully, and said with a deep voice after some hesitation: "However, this little brother only wants to openly defeat Gongsun Xu, if he becomes a prisoner, this little brother will not find trouble with him! I hope that brother will not take offense to it! "

Liu Bei was startled, and then laughed: "Yun Chang is a noble and noble man, I have no time to be happy for you, so how can I be surprised? Right, how much food has Xuzhou City brought over for the army to eat? "

"I'm afraid it's not enough!" Guan Yu shook his head: "I have already calculated before, I can at most feed 45,000 people."

"Forty-five thousand people," Liu Bei repeated the name and thought for a while before replying, "Now that Yuan Road has over thirty-seven thousand people, we should eat our fill first to prevent any dissatisfaction from Yuan Road!"

"I understand!" "My men have already eaten their fill. It's fine to eat gruel now, but my brothers have brought soldiers who have been rushing for a whole day. If they can only eat half of their fill, I'm afraid someone will resent them!"

"No worries!" Liu Bei waved his hand, and with a self-confident expression: "I will make the Bai'er Soldier only drink one bowl of porridge. If I explain it more carefully, the warriors will understand."

Guan Yu cupped his hands: "Since that's the case, little brother will be returning to the city now. When we get back to the Eagle's Castle, little brother will reunite with big brother."

"Yun Chang, hold on!" Liu Bei called out to Guan Yu, and said respectfully: "Your injuries are not light, stay in Xiao Pei City and wait for my good news!"

Guan Yu frowned, he unwillingly agreed, and with the support of the guards, he mounted his horse and slowly rode towards Xiao Pei City.

Liu Bei watched as Guan Yu disappeared into the night. His expression suddenly became gloomy — Zhang Fei had not recovered from his severe injuries, and Guan Yu had not been able to come forward to fight, so now that both he and Yuan Shu did not even have a general on their heads, if Gongsun Xu hid in the Eagle's Castle and stubbornly resisted, even if he could not find a general to charge forward to fight, would Zhang Fei want him to go up in person? The more he thought about it, the more frustrated he became, and he could not help but miss Zhao Yun even more. He only hated that Gongsun Xu brat for not only killing him on his own accord, but also for tricking him into putting his all into serving him. He stamped his foot as he thought of this, then kicked a small rock far away.

Liu Bei did not know that Gongsun Xu had done many things in order to catch Zhao Yun. He had even arranged a safe place for his brother who was weak, allowing Zhao Yun to rest. In just a few short months, Zhao Yun had changed from a mere military lord to a general capable of commanding an army of tens of thousands of soldiers. Forget about the hard work Gongsun Xu had put in, just the fact that he didn't hold back any trust made Liu Bei unable to compare to Gongsun Xu.

He looked at the bright moon in the sky and sighed. "After this is over, I must find a way to recruit a few powerful generals!"

It was at this time that Yuan Shu's voice came from behind them, "Xuan Dexiong, the moonlight tonight is not bad, and it is beneficial for us to march overnight.

"Gong Luxiong is right!" Liu Bei turned around and said in a deep voice, "As they say, if you commit crimes, you will commit them. If Gongsun Zanfuzi were to spread out in all directions, it would result in the northern lands being annihilated.

Yuan Shu scoffed in his heart, expansion was also called injustice? This was simply the biggest joke in the world! In this world, only those with strength could expand. Those without strength wouldn't dare to offend others. Before you, Liu Xuande, took over the position of Xuzhou, didn't you also act with your tail between your legs? Once you sat on the throne of Xuzhou Mu, you immediately started to move, and fought with my Huainan multiple times in order to expand Xuzhou's territory. According to you, you, Liu Xuande, were also a great sinner. But since they were both allies, no matter how much Yuan Shu despised Liu Bei, he could not show it.

Yuan Shu looked at the moon and laughed. "Xuan Dexiong, if we can successfully besiege Gongsun Xu in the Eagle's Castle, who should be the one to launch the attack?"

Gongsun Xu was not the only one in Eagle's Castle, there was also the famous Lv Bu, no matter who captured these two people, they would become extremely famous. This time, when Yuan Shu heard about Liu Bei bewitching his army to the north, he did not expect that they would be defeated before even reaching Qinghe County. If he could not quickly recover his face, how could he have the face to be arrogant in front of Yuan Shao?

Liu Bei hesitated for a moment, then smiled: "Gong Luxiong, Yun Chang is severely injured, I do not have any general on hand right now, and's commander, Li Feng is also a hero. If we can successfully surround Gongsun Xu, then let him lead the charge to attack Eagle's Castle!"

Yuan Shu was overjoyed, and immediately thanked him with a smile: "Xuan Dexiong is a noble and righteous man, I am extremely grateful! Xuan Dexiong is relieved, I know what I'm doing, in the future I will definitely repay you! "

Liu Bei feigned anger: "Gong Luxiong, you and I are on the same side, are you sure you can say all these? Could it be that you do not see me as one of your own? "

"Haha, Xuan Dexiong is too serious, it was a slip of the tongue of mine, I hope that Xuan Dexiong would not take offense to it!" Yuan Shu then cupped his hands in respect to Liu Bei.

Liu Bei smiled as he cupped his hands in return, the atmosphere seemed extremely harmonious, but as for what the both of them were thinking, only he knew.

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