About two to three miles away from the walls of the Eagle's Castle, Yuan Shu and Liu Bei stood together on horses as they stared at the two elites who were close to the door — a thousand Bai'er Soldier and a thousand Wan-Sheng Camp soldiers. They were tasked with the task of seizing the door.

From Liu Bei's and Yuan Shu's point of view, the main gate of the Eagle's Castle was definitely dilapidated and could not be repaired. Furthermore, there were very few soldiers and horses inside the gate, so seizing the gate should be an easy task. They waited for the gate to open, and then they ordered the whole army to rush in.

More than a dozen people rushed up together, pressing their shoulders against the door and silently shouting at the same time.

After the door had been pushed open, the creaking sound it made was so distinct that it could be heard clearly in the silent night.

The people outside the gate were all shocked. They hurriedly stopped pushing the gate and raised their heads to look at the wall, afraid that they would be attacked from the top of the wall in the next moment.

Liu Bei and Yuan Shu who were behind were also shocked, if they alarmed the enemy on guard, then they could only choose to forcefully attack, but in the dark night it was easy to create chaos, and once Gongsun Xu and Gongsun Xu took advantage of the chaos to escape, it would not be good.

Fortunately, after waiting for a long time, the top of the city gate was still silent. Regardless of whether it was the people outside the city gate, Liu Bei, Yuan Shu or the others, all of their worries were slowly retracted. They did not know that the loud noise from the door had not only shocked them, but also Gao Shun and the rest who were behind the door. A few of the soldiers were too nervous, and almost pulled the trigger of the crossbow.

"It seems that Gongsun Xu was too careless, and did not place the person on guard at the top of the city wall." That was what Liu Bei and Yuan Shu both thought, as they felt that they could break through the door and enter the city in the next moment.

The military lord who pushed open the door first gently unsheathed his blade, and probed around the crack of the door with his fingers, attempting to push open the latch. If it was the door from back then, not only would it be extremely sturdy, there would also be a metal chain locked on top of the door lock. Unfortunately, this door was no different from a normal door, it was at most a bit heavier.

The xianzhen camp's soldiers looked at the shining blade in front of them, but no one dared to move carelessly, they all looked at Gao Shun.

Gao Shun made a gesture, signalling for the soldiers to stay calm. He knew that once the enemy forcibly seized the gate, this small group of people would not be able to defend the gate. Rather than that, it would be better to just ignore them and let the enemy waste more time. This way, they could give the General Gongsun more time to come and rescue them.

The soldiers of the xianzhen camp did not understand Gao Shun's intention, they were extremely anxious, and wished that they could rush out and fight their opponent to the death.

military lord used the tip of his blade to press against the door latch and carefully began to pull. The door latch slowly moved to the left, making a low creaking sound. From the looks of it, in at most a hundred breaths' time, the door lock would be pried off and people outside would rush in.

Gao Shun's men were even more nervous, they were all ready to fight.

Gao Shun waved his hands, ordering his subordinates to leave Da Menfujin's side.

The dozens of people did not understand, but they still obeyed and quietly followed Gao Shun out from the back. When they were about twenty steps from the door, Gao Shun waved his hand to signal for everyone to stop, and turned to form an offensive formation. Twenty steps or so, was the best charging distance for the heavily armored walking soldier. Everyone finally understood what Gao Shun meant, and all clenched their weapons tightly, waiting for the door to open.

Ka-cha! * With a crisp sound, the door latch was finally unlatched onto the floor.

The people outside the door let out excited growls, while Gao Shun and the rest inside were prepared to attack at any time.

The large door was slowly pushed open and a group of people quickly rushed in. They did not shout loudly, but they did not conceal their footsteps at all. Now that the big door had been opened, in their eyes, the Eagle's Castle was already in their pockets, there was no need to hide their whereabouts.

When Liu Bei and Yuan Shu saw that the door had opened, they both chuckled softly at the same time. Liu Bei who had always been steady like a mountain couldn't help but wave his fist. However, Guan Yu's side suffered a huge loss at the hands of Gongsun Xu, and Lv Bu had also appeared in time to be rescued by Gongsun Xu. The two of them wanted to capture Gongsun Xu alive to save their own reputation. Furthermore, Gongsun Xu had a decisive effect on the direction of the battle with the Jizhou. According to Liu Bei's previous assumption, as long as they could capture Gongsun Xu alive, they would definitely be able to force him to return to the Youzhou.

Liu Bei suppressed the excitement in his heart, and extended his hand: "Gong Luxiong, please!"

"Haha!" Yuan Shu laughed loudly, "Xuan Dexiong, please! I am very much looking forward to how Gongsun Xu will perform when he finds out that he has mysteriously become a prisoner. "

However, a trace of unease suddenly flashed across his heart. It was said that Gongsun Xu was brave and unyielding, if he was determined to not surrender, and even begged for death with all his heart, how could he deal with him?


At this moment, rapid shouts of battle could be heard from within the city gates. Following that, miserable cries could be heard one after another.

Liu Bei and Yuan Shu were shocked, the screams were mostly from the Xuzhou or Huainan, it could be seen that the subordinates who were rushing in had suffered an ambush!

Liu Bei waved with all his might, and shouted loudly: "Quickly rush to the reinforcements, you must seal the door!"

More than two thousand elite Xuzhou heard the sound and moved, holding their weapons as they rushed forward.

Yuan Shu said as he gnashed his teeth, "Could it be that Gongsun kid sensed our arrival and pretended that he didn't know, so he set up an ambush behind the city gates?"

He was not afraid of his subordinates suffering heavy casualties. What he was afraid of was that Gongsun Xu and Lv Bu were right behind the gate, if they were to rush out in the chaos, it was very possible that they would get lucky and escape, which was why he ordered them to seal the gate.

Inside the city gate, Gao Shun raised his blade and hacked down continuously, in the blink of an eye, there were seven or eight people that fell to the ground, even the military lord that opened the door just now had become a ghost under his blade. Dozens of xianzhen camp soldiers followed closely behind Gao Shun, their movements extremely orderly. If Gongsun Xu was here, he would definitely exclaim out loud "Confusing Saber Formation". xianzhen camp's method of fighting in such a small space was indeed very similar to the famous "Great Tang Dynasty's Mo Saber Formation" later on.

When the door was opened, it was too easy for them to be on guard, so the crowd outside the door did not let their guard down, and because it was the Bai'er Soldier and the Wan-Sheng Camp that were moving together, both sides could not accept this outcome. When they rushed into the door, they even pushed, shoved and cursed at each other. The elites of the two teams were not as good as the two normal teams at this moment. If Liu Bei and Yuan Shu knew that this would happen, they would definitely only send one team to seize the gate.

Under the ferocious attacks of Gao Shun and the rest, the two to three hundred people who were charging in were being pushed back, but people outside rushed in too quickly, one side was anxiously retreating, the other side was urgently rushing in to help, and the people who wanted to rush in also belonged to the two teams, and it was inevitable that there would be conflicts between them, the chaos in the situation could be imagined.

"How could this be?" Liu Bei and Yuan Shu had already walked fifty to sixty steps away, and upon seeing this scene, they were instantly angered and enraged.

Yuan Shu scolded angrily: "What a bunch of idiots! Men, get the Wan-Sheng Camp to defeat the enemy quickly or else we will start the military law! "

A few of his personal guards ran forward and shouted Yuan Shu's orders. It was a pity that this time, it was a complete mess. Many people could not even hear their shouts, let alone the fact that they could not do anything even if they did hear it. Gao Shun and the rest took advantage of the chaos to rush forward and quickly chase away all of the enemies who were rushing in. Blood was flowing from both inside and outside the gate and more than a hundred Wan-Sheng Camp s and soldiers had fallen into a pool of blood.

Liu Bei had already figured out the problem and shouted anxiously: "Ming Jin, tell Bai'er Soldier to retreat quickly!"

Yuan Shu was startled, and then said angrily: "What is the meaning of this Xuan Dexiong? Could it be that he wants my Wan-Sheng Camp to fight against the enemy alone? "

Liu Bei secretly cursed at the moron and quickly explained, "What is Gong Luxiong thinking! How could I be such a person? Right now, the Wan-Sheng Camp and the Bai'er Soldier were fighting on their own, but it had actually created a huge mess. It would be better to let one side retreat for a while, only then would the other side be able to freely attack! Gong Luxiong, rest assured, as long as you stabilize the situation with Da Menfujin, you can leave the rest to my subordinates! "

Yuan Shu nodded, and accepted Liu Bei's explanation.

The Xuzhou Army's clanging sounds quickly came out, the Bai'er Soldier s heard the familiar sound, and they all started to retreat.

The Wan-Sheng Camp soldiers did not receive the order to retreat, so they could only continue to fight against Gao Shun and the others. Liu Bei's actions were extremely correct. After the Bai'er Soldier s pushed him away, the soldiers of the Wan-Sheng Camp quickly twisted their ropes and turned the tables.

Yuan Shu clapped his hands and laughed: "We've accomplished big things! Xuan Dexiong was sharp, respectful! I'm so impressed! "

Liu Bei smiled slightly: "Gong Luxiong is too kind! Looks like Gongsun Xu is not here, I wonder if he will choose to break out, or choose to quietly escape? "

Yuan Shu muttered to himself for a bit, and sighed: "Although he is an opponent, the Gongsun kid is still worthy of respect! Based on his temperament, it's impossible for him to abandon his subordinates and flee for his life.

"You're courting death!" Liu Bei stroked his beard proudly. At this time, the Eagle's Castle had gathered an army of thirty to forty thousand people, if Gongsun Xu wanted to break through, it would be difficult!

Gao Shun had already been forced a few steps back from the great door. There were only thirty or so people by his side, but what he faced was a large group of enemies that continuously poured in.

Gao Shun looked back to the depths of the castle and saw a large number of torches heading towards him. General Gongsun will be here to assist you soon! " Finished speaking, he did his utmost to cut down the two enemies in front of him. Like a windmill, his large blade danced as he bravely rushed forward.

The thirty odd soldiers of the xianzhen camp were inspired by Gao Shun's bravery, and rushed up while shouting.

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