On the stairs of the Eagle's Castle's back mountain, groups of Xuzhou Army soldiers and soldiers started attacking the road under the orders of Liu Bei and the others. The bodies piled up all the way until there were more than a hundred of them. Thick and warm blood flowed down like a waterfall. If one was not careful, they would slip to the ground.

On the platform halfway up the mountain, Gongsun Xu placed his spear on the ground and stared coldly at the incoming waves of enemies.

Gao Shun and the xianzhen camp soldiers continued to shoot down their crossbow bolts. The moment the enemy approached, they would immediately launch a countercharge, forcing the enemy to stay far away from the entrance of the stairs.

Yuan Shu looked at the torches at the top of the stairs, and asked: "Xuan Dexiong, do you think that Gongsun kid and Lv Fengxian have already escaped?"

"I don't think so!" Liu Bei shook his head, and explained: "If Gongsun Xu and Lv Bu had already escaped, their resistance would not have been so intense! Eagle's Castle has already been abandoned for many years, even if there are small paths leading to the outside of the mountain, it would probably be very congested, so it will definitely not be an easy task for them to leave! "

Yuan Shu pondered for a moment, then nodded his head in agreement to Liu Bei's words. He then sighed anxiously, "Ah, those soldiers that went to scout the road have not come back yet? If we can confirm that there is no other way out of the back of the mountain, then we don't have to worry about casualties and continue to attack. They lack food and water.

Liu Bei also frowned, at this time, his heart was unavoidably filled with regret. Before, he had also come to the Eagle's Castle, but he had only walked around once outside the dilapidated city walls before leaving, he had no idea if there was any other way out of the rear mountains. If he had known that such a day would come, he would have personally ascended the stairs in front of him and thoroughly understood the situation up there.

Gongsun Xu took two steps forward, looked at the situation below, and asked Gao Shun in a low voice: "The enemy is cleaning up the corpses, after that they will definitely continue to attack! Can the General Gao still hold on? "

Gao Shun cupped his fist and said confidently: "General, you just need not worry, with this general and the xianzhen camp's brothers standing guard here, I guarantee that they will not let the enemy attack us!"

Gongsun Xu nodded, and the evaluation of these xianzhen camp s grew even higher. These heavily armored walking soldier s had already repelled more than ten of the enemy's attacks, killing and injuring no less than a thousand people, but their losses were not even a hundred. Even with the advantage of land and the help of Gongsun Xu's crossbow, his battle record was not bad. Even if it was Gongsun Xu's direct subordinates, they might not be able to do better than the xianzhen camp.

Gao Shun leaned forward, and said in a low voice: "Leave this to this lowly general, General should arrange for someone to go to Marquis Jin and ask for help as soon as possible!"

Gongsun Xu whispered: "The time is not right! This general has determined that Liu Bei and Yuan Shu will send people to circle around Eagle's Castle to check if there are any escape routes for us. If we send people out now, there is a high chance that we will be captured by the enemies and reveal our intentions! "

"General is right!" Your subordinate thinks so too! " He walked up to Gongsun Xu and bowed respectfully, then continued to speak: "When Liu Bei and Yuan Shu realize that there is no other way out, they will definitely choose to siege him and not force him, and at that time, it will be safer to send people to leave from the rear mountains!"

Gongsun Xu asked softly: "Mr. Gong Tai, how is Feng Xianxiong?"

Chen Gong looked to his left and right, then lowered his voice: "Wen Hou just woke up a bit, but he quickly fainted again. The two madam are currently protecting him, so there's no need to worry general! General, this subordinate has a suggestion.

Gongsun Xu smiled and said: "If Mr. Gong Tai has something to say, then just say it. If what you said is very reasonable, then how could this general not agree?"

Chen Gong said solemnly: "Later, when we send people to the Qinghe County to seek help, this subordinate would like to request General Lin to personally lead the way!"

Gao Shun immediately nodded his head in agreement: "I agree with Mr. Gong Tai's suggestion. General has a body of gold, there is no need to waste time and effort on enemies here. Furthermore, if the general were to personally go back and ask for help, Marquis Jin will definitely send troops to save him right away.

Gongsun Xu hesitated for a bit, but his heart was moved. It was just as Gao Shun had said, he had treated the entire Bingzhou Army with utmost benevolence, and Lv Bu had already personally handed over the Bingzhou Army to him. Everyone, from Chen Gong and Gao Shun, to the ordinary soldiers of the Bingzhou Army, admired him immensely. More importantly, it was an excellent opportunity. Liu Bei and the majority of his troops did not follow them, as long as his father's army could come to the south of the Eagle's Castle in time, they would be able to encircle Liu Bei and Yuan Shu. If he could get rid of these two, the Xuzhou and the Huainan would be at his disposal! Of course, the condition was that he had to stay here to boost his morale, and let Liu Bei and Yuan Shu know that he had not left yet. Otherwise, the enemy would completely lose this chance once they retreated!

Compared to the possible heavy injuries that would come from assaulting Xuzhou in the future, Gongsun Xu felt that it was completely worth it. Furthermore, this place was easy to defend and was hard to attack, as long as he did not make any major mistakes on his side, it would be difficult for Liu Bei and Yuan Shu to attack.

Chen Gong saw that Gongsun Xu remained silent and did not answer, but continued to advise, "General, please agree to this subordinate's suggestion!"

Gao Shun also anxiously said: "Please agree, General! General Jiang only needs to be at ease to leave, I promise that during the five days I have been here, nothing will go wrong! "

Gongsun Xu's heart felt slightly warm. Even though they had only been together for a short period of time, the respect Chen Gong and Gao Shun had for him came from the bottom of their hearts. Whether they did this to reproduce the glory of their Bingzhou Army or for other reasons, they had already done their best.

"This general has decided that he will not personally go back and call for reinforcements!" Gongsun Xu flatly refused Chen Gong's suggestion. Under Chen Gong and Gao Shun's complicated expressions of gratitude, disappointment, excitement, admiration, he told her his real intention in a low voice.

After Chen Gong finished listening, he said respectfully: "So it turns out that General's intentions are huge, but this subordinate's vision is a little shortsighted! Since the general was so confident, why would his subordinate spoil his plan? This subordinate is willing to bring people to Marquis Jin to seek for help! "

"Mr. Gong Tai wants to go?" Gongsun Xu was startled, and then immediately shook his head: "Let's switch to someone else! Mr. Gong Tai, Liu Bei and Yuan Shu will definitely send people to patrol around the mountain. Therefore, this general has decided to send two of his personal guards back to Qinghe County.

Chen Gong still wanted to argue with him, but Gongsun Xu interrupted his insistence with a single sentence: "According to the previous agreement, after we cross the sea to attack and acquire the Japan, Mr. Gong Tai will assist Feng Xianxiong in governing the Japan and turn that place into the Chinese territory! If he was able to do this, Mr. Gong Tai would have done great deeds, and would be famous throughout history! This general does not wish to see a future helper risk his life to call in reinforcements! "

Chen Gong laid on the ground, his tone respectful and humble, "This subordinate will never forget the kindness that you have shown me, General! This subordinate swear to the heavens, in the future, if Wen Hou and this subordinate can step onto the Japan's land, I will definitely turn the Japan into a Han's territory. If this subordinate cannot do it, I will die a horrible death! "

"Mister Gong Tai doesn't need to be like that. Quickly get up!" Gongsun Xu quickly helped Chen Gong up, patted his arm, and smiled: "Mr. Gong Tai is talented, and has the ability to adjust. It won't be a problem to teach a mere Japan, this general is relieved! But that will be a matter of the future, and the most important mission now is to deal with Liu Bei and Yuan Shu! "

"General, this subordinate thinks …" Chen Gong had yet to finish his words when he suddenly saw a few fast horses gallop over from afar and arrived in front of Liu Bei and Yuan Shu. Immediately, the rider dismounted and reported something to Liu Bei and Yuan Shu. If nothing unexpected happens, they will soon completely stop their attacks and come forward to persuade us to surrender! "

Gongsun Xu laughed coldly: "That's right! It is very likely that Liu Bei and Yuan Shu will personally come out to persuade us to surrender so as to stall for time. After all, we do not have enough food and water! " He looked down at Liu Bei and Yuan Shu who were being surrounded by torches, and an intense killing intent surged in his heart.

Liu Bei had already received a report from the scouts, and asked in surprise: "What? Was there really no other way around Eagle's Castle? "This is a big problem, are you sure?"

"My lord, there is absolutely no way out. We are willing to use our heads to guarantee it!"

"The heavens are on my side!" Liu Bei lamented, his face full of smiles.

Yuan Shu also laughed: "Xuan Dexiong, looks like there is no need to continue attacking! In order to stall for time, in order to prevent the Gongsun kid from going berserk, I am prepared to personally come forward and advise you to surrender! "

"Alright!" Liu Bei nodded and laughed: "Then I'll be troubling Gong Luxiong! Gong Luxiong's tone might as well be a little softer, since he's just playing around with the Gongsun kid! "

"Haha, I also think the same!" Yuan Shu laughed as he spurred his horse forward, slowly coming to the bottom of the stairs, and started shouting.

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