At dusk, a clear ringing sound once again rang out. A large number of Youzhou Army and its soldiers began to slowly move back, bringing the injured and the corpses of their fellow soldiers, leaving a mess on the ground.

On the west side of the city, Gongsun Zan stood about five hundred steps away from the city wall, looked at the receding crowd, and then raised his head to look at the ten meters wide hole in the city wall.

Although Jizhou Army had blocked the attack outside the city once again, Gongsun Zan could clearly feel that the enemy was exhausted. As long as he continued his fierce attacks, it would take at most three to five days to break out of the city. It was precisely because of this that Gongsun Zan felt relaxed, and in his eyes, the Qinghe County City was already a piece of cake, the only thing he was worried about was Gongsun Xu bringing a thousand troops south. In the past few days, Gongsun Xu did not send any news, and Gongsun Zan was extremely anxious. Hence, he had sent a few squads of scouts to the south early in the morning in an attempt to obtain more accurate information on Gongsun Xu.

Guan Jing rode his horse over from the back, followed by a Academy Officer. He stopped behind Gongsun Zan and cupped his hands: "Master, the General Zhang has sent someone!"

Gongsun Zan turned his head and sized up Army of Heishan, but he did not have a clear impression of Academy Officer, so he asked indifferently: What do you want to discuss with me?

"Reporting to the duke, near the retreat time, a large portion of the city's wall at the south of the city was smashed apart by lithograph. All the brothers were very excited, and their morale was very high. The marshal has sent a villain to ask if they can fight in the night? "

"Oh?" Gongsun Zan's expression became gentle, and he asked solemnly: "Has Fei Yanxiong also made significant progress? This was really good news! Go back and report to Fei Yanxiong, tell him that the Jizhou Army is already exhausted, and that the destruction of the city is just around the corner. In order to reduce the casualties of the soldiers, you don't have to attack the city overnight, just continue to attack tomorrow! "

"Here!" The Academy Officer nodded respectfully and asked in a low voice, "Does Master Hou have any other orders?"

Gongsun Zan waved his hand: "No more! "Go on!"

The Academy Officer cupped his fist and turned his horse to leave.

Guan Jing laughed: "Congratulations, the enemy has already shown their fatigue, this subordinate thinks that in at most five days, Master will be able to sit peacefully in Qing He City! After Yuan Shao is defeated, who in this world can stop our master's great cause? "

Gongsun Zan laughed, looking extremely pleased, he rarely concealed his emotions in front of his trusted aide Guan Jing. He stroked his beard and asked in a deep voice, "Has there been any news from the capital?"

Currently, Cao Cao Cao was only left with half a breath, while Gongsun Zan, Liu Biao and Yuan Shu were not even in Gongsun Zan's eyes. Once Yuan Shao was completely defeated, Gongsun Zan believed that Youzhou Army's strongest enemy would be Li Que's Xiliang Army. The Xiliang's two hundred thousand strong army had been stationed in the Luoyang. Despite Li Que's constant disagreements, the two of them had absolute control over the political situation, and did not dare to disobey the orders of the two of them.

Originally, Li Que was very close to Gongsun Zan who kept paying tribute to them, but after Cao Cao Cao's defeat and Yuan Shao's siege, Li Que had become very cautious of Gongsun Zan, and it was rumored that they had been transferring troops all this time, so it was very possible that they were leaving and meddling in the war between the Jizhou s. In order to not get suddenly attacked by the Xiliang Army, Gongsun Zan used up all of his spies in the Luoyang, and even Mo Bingmei was sent to the Luoyang. He was in charge of this matter and it was Guan Jing who asked him this question.

"Reporting to the Marquis, this subordinate just received news, it is said that in the imperial court a few days ago, Li Que had a huge argument over the position of Grand Tutor, and almost got into an argument on the spot. After that, the two of them went their separate ways, and Li Que even said that he would make Guo Si's head fall on the ground sooner or later. After Guo Si returned to the camp, he attempted to bring his team out of the Luoyang and head for Chang An, but for some reason, he changed his mind. He even had a secret conversation with Li Que that night, after which the two sides ceased fighting and started to mobilize their troops frequently.

Gongsun Zan said angrily: "If Li Que enters the Jizhou, it will not ruin my plans! No, I must try to stop them! Someone, bring Feng Xiao over! "

After a while, Guo Jia rushed over from the back on his horse, and after bowing to Gongsun Zan and Gongsun Zan, he asked if there was anything he could discuss with them.

Guan Jing repeated what he had said a moment ago, and after he had finished speaking, he said with a smile: "I believe Feng Xiao will be able to think of a countermeasure soon with a brocade in his chest!"

Facing Guan Jing's obvious flattery, Guo Jia only smiled indifferently, rubbed his forehead and started pondering.

Gongsun Zan did not urge him, upon seeing that Zhao Yun who was leading his army to attack the city had retreated, he beckoned him over.

When Zhao Yun arrived and saw that Guo Jia seemed to be thinking about something important, he respectfully cupped his fists and bowed to Gongsun Zan and Guan Jing, and then quietly stood to the side and waited.

After a while, Guo Jia said in a deep voice, "Father-in-law, the best way to stop Xiliang Army from advancing eastward is not to send troops to block him, but to start with Luoyang, so that he will have no time to take care of Jizhou's matters! Now that all the officials in the palace have hated Li Que to the bones, if there were people with enough power, they would definitely follow him. Even if they cannot kill Li Que, it would cause their hearts to tremble, and with that, they will wholeheartedly stabilize the situation in the capital, not daring to lead their troops away so easily! "

Gongsun Zan nodded his head, as his thoughts matched up with's. He asked softly: "Feng Xiao, do you have a specific strategy?"

Guo Jia smiled and said: "Father-in-law, if there is anyone who wishes for Li Que's death the most, other than the Son of Heaven, let's first push General Wei, Dong Cheng, and his servant, Zhong Fu, to death! One of them was a imperial concubine and the other was a queen. Even in their dreams, they wanted to help the Son of Heaven take back the imperial government from Guo Si! Wang Ziyi, Zhizhi, Wu Shuo, Wang Yichang and the rest had either openly or secretly pledged their allegiance to Dong Cheng, and they had tens of thousands of servants in their hands. As long as they were given the right opportunity, they would definitely take care of Li Que! "

Gongsun Zan nodded, and asked: "What do you think of being a warrior?"

Guan Jing frowned: "Feng Xiao is right, it is just that with the power they have, I am afraid they are unable to contend against Guo Si! Furthermore, most of them were people who were exaggerating, so it was likely that their secrets would be leaked before they could make a move. When that happens, a great disturbance will definitely occur in Luoyang City, and the situation will definitely go out of control! "

Guo Jia smiled, he did not respond to Guan Jing's question, but a cold glint flashed past his eyes.

Gongsun Zan laughed coldly: "A wise man, a gentleman, this old man will ask you this. Does the current Luoyang have anything to do with us?"

Guan Jing was startled, but soon after, he secretly took a deep breath and instantly understood what Gongsun Zan meant. Since the Luoyang was not Gongsun Zan's territory now, then what if there was a huge commotion and more people died? As long as they could stop Li Que from meddling in the affairs of the Jizhou! After thinking about this, when Guan Jing looked at Guo Jia again, he couldn't help but feel some fear. This youth looked kind and friendly, but he didn't expect that he would treat human lives like grass. He secretly swore in his heart, in the future, he could offend anyone, but he definitely could not offend Guo Jia!

Zhao Yun couldn't help but frown when he heard this. In his opinion, killing more enemies in battle was of no importance, using schemes and tricks to achieve one's goal wasn't impossible, but to cause hundreds of thousands of citizens to fall into a abyss of suffering was a bit too much! He gently shook his head. He wanted to open his mouth and object, but he knew that his suggestion would not be accepted by the Marquis. He could not help but sigh inside, but it was a pity that Gongsun Xu was not here, otherwise he would definitely persuade the Marquis to give up on this idea.

"Then it's decided!" Gongsun Zan stroked his beard, and laughed at Guo Jia: "Leave this matter to your brother-in-law. Regardless of whether it is for money or people, this old man will fully support you!"

Guo Jia cupped his hands: "Thank you for your trust, father-in-law! Xiao Xu would not fail his mission! Father-in-law, there is not much time left, Xiao Xu will make the necessary arrangements! "

"Go!" Gongsun Zan smiled and waved his hand.

After Guo Jia left, just as Gongsun Zan was about to ask Zhao Yun about the casualties, a few fast horses galloped over from behind, and the horseman was surprisingly the guard that was following Gongsun Xu south. Gongsun Zan was shocked, he anxiously asked them to come forward to answer.

"Greetings, Master Hou!"

Gongsun Zan asked sternly: "Quickly, tell me, did something happen to this citizen?"

Lv Bu has been completely annihilated. The General Gongsun led the troops and saved Lv Bu, yet they were besieged by the allied forces of Liu Bei and Liu Bei in the Eagle's Castle! Now that the situation was critical, General Gongsun begged the Marquis to send troops over as soon as possible! This is a letter from the General Gongsun, please have a look, Master Hou! "

"What!" Gongsun Zan was both shocked and furious. She anxiously took the letter from the man's hand and opened it to read, and after reading, she bellowed: Yuan Shu, Liu Bei! This old man vows to take your dog heads! "

Guan Jing asked anxiously: "Master Hou, is the young duke really trapped? Then what kind of place is the Eagle's Castle? "

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