Gongsun Xu climbed up the branches and vines and very easily slipped to the protruding rock. He leaned out and looked down. It was just as the guard had said. The cliff was very steep, and it looked bare. If he didn't use a rope, it would be difficult to climb down.

He took out a roll of rope from his chest and tied a fist-sized stone onto it. Then, he slowly put it down.

If other people were not taken into consideration, Gongsun Xu could easily descend with the help of the rope, but in order to bring Lv Bu along, he had no choice but to be cautious.

Originally, Gongsun Xu should have returned to the top of the mountain at this time, but he suddenly felt a bit of itch. In his previous life, when he was a mercenary, climbing these cliffs was a common occurrence, and it was unknown how many times he had climbed it.

He tied the rope to a tree and pulled at it with all his might, but the tree did not move. He nodded his head in satisfaction, took out a pair of thin deer-skin gloves, and put them on. His hands intertwined with the ropes, and with a step on the cliff, he disappeared under the large rock.

The guards at the top of the mountain who were watching were all shocked. They knew clearly that Gongsun Xu was far stronger than them, but they still held onto the branches and slipped down the mountain.

Gongsun Xu's feet alternated as he stomped on the cliff. Each time, he would descend by twenty to thirty meters, and after a mere few breaths of time, he had already smoothly stood on the ground. This place looked like a small valley with thick humus on the ground. If one were to exert a little more force, their feet would sink into the ground. He looked up and saw a few figures standing on the edge of the rock, looking down. He knew it was the guards without a second thought. He mimicked a cuckoo bird and signaled to them that he was safe. He told them to wait on the spot and carefully moved forward.

After walking forward for about a hundred steps, Gongsun Xu's eyes suddenly lit up. He had originally already walked out of the 'valley''s range, and before his eyes was a flat wasteland. Even though he did not know the direction of the main road, he was completely at ease. As long as he could bring Lv Bu here, he would be able to claim that he was out of danger.

There was no point in continuing forward. Gongsun Xu casually picked up a tree branch and cleaned the dirt on his boots before turning around to leave. At this moment, he suddenly heard an unusual sound in front of him. He quickly hid himself in the bushes.

A moment later, three figures appeared a dozen or so steps away, and the rustling sound of their footsteps clearly reached Gongsun Xu's ears. He was ecstatic, if the patrolling team sent by Yuan Shu and Liu Bei were here, it would be impossible for them to only have three people, and they would also not give up on their horses. Then, the most likely possibility would be that Zhao An had returned! However, he did not act rashly. Instead, he remained motionless on the grass while trying his best to reduce the sound of his breathing.

Three figures quickly arrived in front of Gongsun Xu. They were dressed in black clothes and black pants, and looked like ghosts in the darkness.

Gongsun Xu looked at the person walking in the front. Because he couldn't see his face clearly due to the light and angle, he felt a strong sense of familiarity. Just as he was about to stand up and greet him, the man suddenly rushed forward without a sound. He drew his sword with lightning speed and stabbed forward.

Gongsun Xu did not care about opening his mouth to speak, and immediately rolled on the ground.

When the sword struck the ground, it stirred up a large amount of dirt.

Gongsun Xu breathed in a large mouthful of dirt and immediately started to cough violently.

At this time, the other two also rushed forward from the left and right, trying to capture Gongsun Xu alive.

"Stop!" The person who made the first move quickly shouted, and asked anxiously: "Are you General Gongsun?"

Gongsun Xu spat a few times and stood up with a bitter smile: "Zi Long, you're way too vigilant, even I am suppressing my breath, and you still noticed it!"

"It really is the general!" Zhao Yun called out emotionally, he cupped his fists and bowed: "This general greets General! It's great that the general is safe and sound! "

The other two were shocked at first, but then exclaimed in surprise, "It's really the young duke! I pay my respects to the young duke! "

"No need for formalities!" Gongsun Xu supported Zhao Yun and asked with a smile: "Why is Zi Long here? Where are the reinforcements? "

Zhao Yun replied softly, "Reporting to the general, the Marquis has already personally led the reinforcements to this place, but he was stopped by Liu Bei's great army. Master Hou was worried about the general's safety, so he had two generals try climbing up the back of the mountain with him to see what was going on inside the Eagle's Castle. If the duke knew that the general was safe and sound, he would surely be delighted! General, why are you here? "

"I speculated that Liu Bei had already brought a large army to obstruct the reinforcements, and staying in Eagle's Castle is extremely dangerous, so I was prepared to bring Lv Bu and his family members to evacuate first. In order to ensure that there would be no accidents, I personally came down to explore the way" Gongsun Xu explained the situation concisely.

"So that's how it is!" Zhao Yun nodded, and said with some emotion: "I have long heard that Lv Fengxian is unrivalled under the heavens, so I had always wanted to take a look at him, but who would have thought that his injuries would actually be so severe. General, since we have decided to leave, let's move as soon as possible! "I rode six horses with these two brothers and hid them in a forest a few miles away. If we only take a few people with us, then six horses should be enough!"

"That's right!" Without further ado, Zi Long will follow me back to the mountain! " Gongsun Xu nodded, then instructed the two guards: "In a while, the two of you wait below the cliff!"

The two guards cupped their hands together and said at the same time, "As per Young Marquis' orders!"

"Let's go!" Gongsun Xu shook off the soil on his clothes and smiled at Zhao Yun: "Zi Long, let's walk and chat. I still have something to ask you!"

As Zhao Yun followed along, he said, "General, please ask!"

"Father must have already seen Zhao An, right?"

"That's right!" The Marquis met Zhao An the night before yesterday and ordered him to return to report to the general. Is Zhao An really not back? " Zhao Yun suddenly came to a realization and said in a deep voice, "Could it be that it was just as Master Hou guessed, that after Zhao An was captured by the enemy, he turned traitor?"

"Looks like it's true. Otherwise, how could Liu Bei have blocked Father's reinforcements!" Gongsun Xu's heart was filled with anxiety. He felt that he was very good to Zhao An and Zhao An was also a loyal person. He truly did not understand why would betray him.

Zhao Yun urged in a low voice: "Actually General does not need to remember this matter. The situation is already clear, it does not matter whether or not Zhao An has betrayed us! As long as General can bring Lv Bu back to the marquis' army, even if Liu Bei and Yuan Shu come to our sides, we can kill our way back to the Qinghe County! "

Gongsun Xu laughed bitterly: "This one really shouldn't care about this matter, it's just that since the establishment of the White Horse Camp, Zhao An is very likely the first person to betray the White Horse Camp, so I feel a bit uncomfortable inside! Zi Long, how's the situation with the Qinghe County? "

Zhao Yun laughed: "There are a few big holes in the wall, Jizhou Army is already the last of the strong crossbow. If Master Hou had not rushed over to save the general, it would have taken at most seven days to take over Qinghe County City's outer city."

Gongsun Xu nodded in satisfaction, then asked: "What about the casualties?"

"Our casualties are no less than thirty thousand, of which the Army of Heishan accounts for more than half, the casualties among them are lower, but most of their casualties are elites, so we still had the advantage."

Gongsun Xu laughed out loud and said: "Yuan Shao only has around a hundred thousand or so capable weapons at the most, doesn't that mean that he can get thirty percent of them in one go? It looks like our victory is only a matter of time! As long as we attack and break through the Qinghe County City, Yuan Shao will become a turtle in a jar, and at that time, who in this world will be able to fight against my army of Youzhou! "

Zhao Yun laughed: "Indeed! Once Yuan Shao is defeated, the Marquis and the General will be in control of half of the world. If we can take advantage of this opportunity to seize Xuzhou and the Huainan, the chaotic world will come to an end.

Gongsun Xu suddenly thought of something and hurriedly asked, "Has there been any activity with the Li Que two thieves in the pass recently? "How is the Puppet Sky Child these days?"

"Li Que, the second thief, has been sending troops to the west, but has not been advancing to the east. In order to be safe, Master Hou specially arranged an army to the west, and at the same time summoned Xianbei People and Wu Huan to assist! As for the Son of Heaven, there was still no news of him being in danger, so the Marquis was prepared to welcome the Son of Heaven into the Youzhou after calming down the Jizhou, thus he had Mo Niangzi secretly go to the Luoyang, and wait for the right time to make his move. "

"Has Bingmei gone to the Luoyang?" Gongsun Xu was a little surprised. According to his previous decisions, Mo Bingmei should have caused chaos within the Qinghe County City.

Zhao Yun saw Gongsun Xu's surprise and immediately explained, "On the day the general left, Yuan Shao washed everything in the Qinghe County City. Master Hou had almost lost all his spies, and Mo Niangzi was also forced to leave the city!"

"So that's how it is!" Gongsun Xu was still a little doubtful just now. Although the people in the Qinghe County City were obviously panicking, why did everyone's ambitions suddenly converge? It was actually Yuan Shao who had hardened his heart to clean up the interior.

With that, they arrived at the bottom of the cliff. The guards at the top of the cliff were already waiting anxiously, and when they saw a few figures come over, they were immediately frightened out of their wits. Fortunately, Gongsun Xu had used the bird cry to report their safety in time. Only then did they heave a sigh of relief, and anxiously waited for Gongsun Xu to climb up.

Gongsun Xu grabbed onto the rope and gave a few brief exhortations to Zhao Yun before he climbed up first.

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