Zhou Da was one of the military lord's cavalry military lord, he was born and bred in Peixian, when Tao Qian was the master of the Xuzhou, he was a constable for a long time, he was usually tactful, he did not want to offend anyone, and did not dare to offend anyone.

After Liu Bei stayed in the Xuzhou, in order to win over more Xuzhou people, he hired a lot of people. With his great riding skills, he luckily became a cavalry military lord, and was transferred to the Xuzhou City as a guard, but his family lived on in the Xiao Pei.

Not long after, someone discovered the ropes hanging down from the back of Eagle's Castle's mountain and immediately reported to Liu Bei. Liu Bei was shocked and angry, he immediately sent more cavalry to search around, and Zhou Da also brought 40 of his men to join the group.

At that time, there were no less than two thousand people searching around the back mountain of Eagle's Castle. Zhou Da felt that even if they found Gongsun Xu and Gongsun Xu, it would be difficult for him to snatch a single spoonful of soup even if he were to say anything. He felt that Gongsun Xu would very likely escape back to Qinghe County, thus, he led the team northwards. He did not expect that after waiting for less than two hours, he would discover that a small squadron of cavalry had rushed over. In order to identify the enemy, all of the Xuzhou Army's cavalry who were searching tonight had lit torches.

Seeing that the other party was in a state of panic and that someone had been hit by an arrow, Zhou Da was extremely excited. He immediately led his forty underlings and rushed out of the forest to kill them. At this time, he did not know who the person facing him was, he only knew that regardless of whether it was Gongsun Xu or Lv Bu, as long as he captured or killed one of them, the entire family would be able to live a life of luxury and luxury for the rest of their lives. If Zhou Quan knew who the person in front of him was, and also knew of his fame in the history books, he would definitely choose to continue hiding and not lead the crowd out.

It was a pity that Zhou Da did not know who he was going to face, thus there was no need to explain the outcome. When Zhou Da took the lead and rushed forward, Zhao Yun used his spear and stabbed him down from the horse! If he hadn't twisted his body the moment the spear point reached him, he would definitely have been pierced by the spear to the point of chills, rather than being seriously injured and falling from his horse.

After Zhou Da fell from his horse, he rolled a few times before lying unconscious on the roadside.

The other Xuzhou Army Cavalry soldiers were shocked and furious when they saw this. Although Zhou Da was tactful, he was still very good to them, his skills were still acceptable, but who would have thought that he would be struck down in a single move! Could it be that this man was Gongsun Xu? These cavalrymen knew clearly, regardless of whether the opponent was Gongsun Xu or not, if they did not rush forward to kill him, when the enemy charged forward, no one present could stop a single spear! Immediately, all forty people rushed forward, with their long spears and swords raised, they waved at Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun sneered, he did not retreat, and rushed forward instead. The long spear in his hand danced continuously like a silver dragon, and without an opponent that matched it in hand, the riders in the Xuzhou Army that passed by all let out miserable cries and fell from their horses. In the blink of an eye, Zhao Yun had killed his way through the crowd of his opponents, and more than twenty people fell under his silver gun.

It was unknown who shouted, "This fellow is too powerful, quickly retreat!"

The remaining seventeen or eighteen people were scared out of their wits. When they heard someone shout for retreat, they immediately spurred their horses forward without hesitation.

's injuries were too heavy, so Chen Gong stayed by his side to take care of him. The only one who stood in front of these cavalry of Xuzhou s was Gongsun Xu. He lightly tapped the ring head knife in his palm, standing in the middle of the road with a grand blade, completely disregarding the opponents rushing towards him.

After a few breaths, the three people at the front had already rushed to the front of Gongsun Xu, raised their weapons, and slashed down.

Gongsun Xu bellowed, he did not dodge or slash at all!

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! The sound of metal clashing rang out, followed by the sound of a sharp blade slashing into flesh!

The middle Xuzhou Army Cavalry Knight was cut into two halves, his body split from a point below his neck, two pieces of his body fell to the ground from the two sides of the horse, fresh blood splashing onto the ground like a waterfall.

The person on the left was also in a miserable state. The knife was severed, the head flew, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

Because Gongsun Xu's blade had reached the point where it was unable to move anymore, the person on the right was slightly luckier. The weapon in his hand was not cut off, but it was driven by Gongsun Xu's powerful slash and the back of the blade ruthlessly smashed into his neck. He did not even make a sound before falling off his horse and fainting.

The people behind were shocked, a few of them steeled their hearts and continued to rush towards Gongsun Xu, while others spurred their horses to rush out of the road, attempting to escape through the forest.

Gongsun Xu spurred his horse forward, and the ring head knife slashed down continuously like lightning. Under the cold moonlight, the blade's light was like snow, and broken limbs flew everywhere. In less than ten breaths of time, the few Xuzhou Army Cavalry that were charging at him were all killed on the spot.

Just then, Zhao Yun also returned to kill, and in the blink of an eye, he had killed four to five people who did not manage to escape the official road.

Out of the forty odd riders, none of them were able to last through one move from Gongsun Xu and his lackeys. When Zhao Yun and his lackeys rushed to the sides of the road, only five of them luckily escaped into the forest.

Zhao Yun asked: "General, do we need to chase them?"

"No need! For a few little pawns, it doesn't matter whether they are killed or not! " Gongsun Xu shook his head, jumped down from his horse and walked towards Yan Shi.

Yan Shi laid flat on the ground, completely breathless. Diao Chan held her head, while Lv Linger pounced on her body and cried out in pain, "Mother, wake up!".

Lv Bu, with the support of Chen Gong, had also arrived in front of Yan Shi. Looking at his motionless wife, he felt very sad in his heart, although his and Yan Shi's relationship was very ordinary, they had after all been together for so many years, and had long gotten used to each other's existence. He sighed heavily, squatted down and hugged Lv Linger.

Lv Linger held onto Lv Bu's arm and cried loudly, "Father, I beg you, please wake mother up! Ling'er, don't let your mother die! "

Lv Bu sighed once again, stroked Lv Linger's hair and said softly: "Ling'er be good, don't cry, your mother isn't dead. She's just going to the heavens to enjoy.

"Daddy is lying!" Lv Linger pushed Lv Bu away and threw himself onto Yan Shi's corpse once again, crying as he shook Yan Shi's arm, "Mother, wake up quickly! Ling'er, I don't want you to die! "

Hearing Lv Linger's miserable wails, everyone's hearts could not help but ache.

Diao Chan patted Lv Linger's back lightly and kept comforting her in a low voice.

Gongsun Xu didn't know how to coax children, so he could only sigh and gently rub Lv Linger's head to comfort her.

Lv Bu stood up, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Zimin, we cannot stay here for long, it is time to go!"

Lv Linger screamed: "I'm not leaving! I want to stay with mother! "

Gongsun Xu said softly, "Ling'er, let's bring your mother with us, okay?"

Lv Linger sobbed and asked, "Foster father, Mother will never come back, right?"

Gongsun Xu hesitated for a moment, then said softly: "Ling'er, your mother is indeed not coming back, but what your father said is not wrong, your mother has actually gone to the heavens to enjoy her fortune. She will transform into a star in the sky to look at Ling'er, and will protect Ling'er and live a peaceful life!" He paused for a moment, then pointed at the brightest star in the sky and softly said, "Ling'er, look, that star was transformed by your mother. She will always be there to watch. If Ling'er is sad, then she will be even more sad!"

"Foster father!" Lv Linger suddenly interrupted her. She bent down, kissed Yan Shi on his forehead, then stood up and said: "Ling'er knows that her foster father and father are lying. But Ling'er will not blame you two, because you two are lying to comfort and love Ling'er!"

Gongsun Xu awkwardly coughed, he never thought that his first time lying to comfort a little child would be exposed, he turned his head to look at Lv Bu, and saw the embarrassment on his face under the moonlight.

Lv Linger pulled Lv Bu with one hand and Gongsun Xu with the other, and sobbed, "Father, foster father, Ling'er, don't cry anymore. Let's bring mother with us!"

"Alright!" Gongsun Xu and Lv Bu nodded at the same time.

Diao Chan stood up and said softly: "Ling'er, why don't you let this Uncle Zhao ride with you?" She was holding Yan Shi's body just now, her body was covered with blood, but now blood was still dripping onto the ground nonstop.

Lv Linger asked in a low voice: "Second Mother, are you bringing mother with you?"

Diao Chan sighed and nodded heavily.

Lv Linger lightly lifted the corner of her skirt and bent her knees to salute Zhao Yun: "Uncle Zhao, I'll have to trouble you again!"

Zhao Yun said somewhat awkwardly: "Of course! "Young lady, there's no need to be so polite!" Saying that, she gently picked up Lv Linger.

"Let's go!" Lv Bu turned and walked unsteadily towards his warhorse.

Chen Gong stepped forward to support Lv Bu, but he was pushed away.

Diao Chan carried Yan Shi and placed him in front of the warhorse. Then, he jumped onto the horse's back.

Lv Bu rejected Chen Gong's help. With much difficulty, he climbed onto the back of the horse and silently rushed forward.

The others also jumped onto their horses and galloped towards Lv Bu.

Gongsun Xu was at the very back. After walking a few steps, he suddenly heard a pained moan from behind him. He turned around and saw a person writhing in pain on the ground, as if he wanted to sit up. He stopped, dismounted, and walked back.

The few people in front all heard the commotion behind them and turned around to check on what was going on.

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