At dawn, Gongsun Zan stood on the hillside with his hands behind his back, looking at the resplendent stars in the sky. The moon was about to disappear. The moonlight was cold and pale, making the worry on his face even more obvious.

In the forest behind Gongsun Zan, a large group of Youzhou soldiers were chopping down trees with various kinds of unsuitable weapons. The timber was moved to the foot of the mountain. Over a hundred burly men were working on some simple siege equipment. Since they did not have the proper tools, their progress was slow.

As Gongsun Zan had hurried south before this, the group had only brought food that could last for two to three days and a large amount of arrows. Other than that, they had almost brought nothing else. Facing Liu Bei's heavily guarded camp, no matter how strong the cavalry of Youzhou was, it was simply impossible to rely on his flesh and blood to break through the enemy's attack. tried to attack him a few times but to no avail. In a panic, Gongsun Zan personally went up to him and cursed at him, but unfortunately the other party remained unmoved. He did not know that Liu Bei had secretly returned to the Eagle's Castle to plot with Yuan Shu, but even if Liu Bei was still here, he would not be so stupid as to give up his encampment and fight against the The Steel Cavalry of Youzhou head on.

Gongsun Zan had no choice but to listen to his sixth brother's suggestion. He cut down the trees to make simple equipment, and was prepared to break out of the camp forcefully and charge towards the Eagle's Castle. However, Gongsun Zan could not care about all this anymore, as long as he could save Gongsun Xu, even if there were over ten thousand elite cavalry s fighting all of them, they would not hesitate to go all out!

The night wind at the beginning of summer was extremely gentle, but Gongsun Zan actually gently tightened his cape and turned his head to look in the direction of the Eagle's Castle.

In the past, Gongsun Zan also loved Gongsun Xu dearly, but at that time, Gongsun Xu was very wooden and did not have the potential to make others sigh in admiration. Thus, he only doted on him, and in the depths of his heart, he did not hold much hope, but hoped that his son would be able to protect the foundation of the Youzhou. This was one of the reasons why he wanted to kill Liu Yu.

Later, when Gongsun Xu was "blessed by the gods and ghosts", he actually "comprehended" it all in one go. Although Gongsun Zan looked indifferent on the surface, he had actually burned incense and prayed in front of the ancestral tablets many times, thanking the ancestor for protecting his son's rebirth. He even made a vow in front of the ancestral tablets, that he would definitely listen to Liu Weitai's prophecy and use all his strength to protect Gongsun Xu and the rest of the world. If the Gongsun family really sat on that seat one day, then he would have no regrets in his life!

On this point, Gongsun Xu still had a reason to thank Liu Weitai, if not for the fact that he spoke so many times in front of Gongsun Zan, and pretended to be mysterious and make Gongsun Xu the human master several times, Gongsun Zan, who always valued power and authority, would never be so open-minded, willing to push Gongsun Xu to his current position.

'My son is someone blessed by the heavens. He will definitely be beheaded! ' Gongsun Zan thought back to what Liu Weitai had said, and the worry in his heart lessened.

"Master Hou, we have enough wood. Do you want to stop logging?" At this moment, the Sixth Brother's voice came from behind him.

"En!" Gongsun Zan snorted.

Old Six nodded and turned to leave.

"Hold on!" Gongsun Zan suddenly called out to him, and asked in a low voice: "How do you think the person that I sent back to report a few days ago is?"

The Sixth Brother thought about it and said, "To be chosen by the Young Marquis to deliver a letter, he must be pretty skilled!"

Gongsun Zan immediately asked: "How is it compared to yours?"

"This …" The sixth brother hesitated for a moment before replying confidently, "I've never fought with him, but if it was a one on one fight, killing him would be no problem at all!"

Gongsun Xu said excitedly: "If that's the case, then you can definitely do what he can?"

The Sixth Brother immediately understood what Gongsun Zan was trying to do, and nodded: "I got a lot of good stuff from the White Horse Camp, I can infiltrate the Eagle's Castle from the back mountain, but it shouldn't be a problem."

"Enough!" Gongsun Zan interrupted the Sixth Brother and instructed him: "Bring a few people with you. If we can successfully sneak in, no matter what means you use, we must bring our people back!"

The sixth said with a frown, "This little one has two concerns! Firstly, Liu Bei will definitely guard against the young duke's escape from the back mountain of the Eagle's Castle, so it's impossible for him to not have made arrangements. Secondly, the letter the young duke gave Zhao An to take back said that he was very resolute and that he must bring Lv Bu with him.

Gongsun Zan raised his head to look at the sky again, and then turned his gaze towards the Xuzhou Army's camp, and said: "At most another half an hour, it will be daylight. In an hour, this old man will give the order to attack the enemy's camp, you can bring a few men with you! Oh right, if Liu Bei has really set up a large army at the bottom of the mountain of the Eagle's Castle, you only need to find a way to meet the citizens and tell them the news that this old man has arrived.

"Here!" The sixth brother bowed respectfully and said in a low voice, "Master Hou, the enemy is too strong and our troops are not good at fighting. Do we need to send someone back to draw out a large number of troops?"

"Alright then!" Gongsun Zan nodded and thought for a while before replying, "Looking at the time, the two days should have passed already. Write an order, if they arrive, ask Kurna to lead the troops here to assist them, if they do not, tell Guan Jing to bring the thirty thousand elite soldiers there quickly! "

Old Six nodded and ran down the hill.

Gongsun Zan stared at the camp of the Xuzhou Army and muttered: "Liu Bei, oh Liu Bei, I will kill everyone in the Xuzhou City, and only then will I be relieved of the hatred!"

More than an hour later, the sky had already brightened up. The two thousand cavalry of Youzhou s turned into walking soldier s, pushing a dozen of simple and crude siege equipment, and silently advanced forward to the camp of the Xuzhou Army.

In the camp of the Xuzhou Army, a few waves of scouts were constantly observing the movements of the Youzhou Army. The moment they sensed the enemy's forceful attack, they immediately rushed to report to the tent. Liu Bei had not returned yet, and when he left, he had no one left to lead the troops, so he had no choice but to entrust the camp to the Academy Officer s who were his trusted aides. At the same time, he also gave the order that no matter what the Youzhou Army did, they were to guard here, and were not allowed to fight.

After a few simple discussions, the Academy Officer decided to arrange heavy soldiers to guard the front of the camp. In any case, the sides of the camp was surrounded by steep hills and they were not afraid that the enemy would suddenly attack the camp from both sides. Following their orders, three thousand Huainan Army s and three thousand Xuzhou Army s quickly gathered, forming a thick and heavy defensive formation behind the main gate of the camp. Behind these six thousand strong army, there were still more than twenty-five thousand Xuzhou Army s who could come forward to reinforce them at any time. Therefore, these Xuzhou Army s were extremely confident.

Under the escort of a large group of guards, Gongsun Zan rode his horse and followed the vanguard team as they slowly advanced. When the two thousand soldiers were less than a hundred steps away from the Xuzhou Army's camp, he gave the order to charge. A battle drum as heavy as thunder rapidly sounded out. From the sound of the drum, two thousand vanguard troops pushed their siege equipment forward while shouting loudly.

"Let's go!" At the sound of the drum, Liu's sixth brother gave a low shout and led his three guards into the nearby woods.

Xuzhou Army's attention was focused on the front side of the encampment, only a few soldiers were patrolling back and forth absentmindedly. The sixth brother and his three subordinates easily passed through the forest beside the encampment and arrived at the rear of the encampment. The Sixth Brother looked down and was immediately shocked. Wasn't the Xuzhou Army's camp too cheap? The fence behind the encampment was not even as high as a person. Compared to the fence in front of it and the fence on both sides, it was simply a fake! If they could rush in from the back of the camp, the Xuzhou Army would not be able to survive! He sighed regretfully, this was just a beautiful idea, the Xuzhou Army's camp occupied the best position, and firmly guarded the passage to the south. There was no problem for a few, or even dozens of people like them to secretly go around it, but if a large number of soldiers and horses did that, they would definitely be discovered.

At this time, the Youzhou soldiers who were charging at the front were already less than thirty steps away from the camp, and the drum sounds from the troops at the back became even louder, they all increased their speed and rushed forward.

"Release the arrows!" A Xuzhou Army archer of the Xuzhou Army ordered loudly.

In that moment, the sounds of the bowstring continuously sounded out, like a swarm of bees dancing, as wave after wave of arrows rapidly rained down on the Youzhou Army's soldiers.

When the soldiers of the Youzhou Army went south, they did not bring shields. Fortunately, they had created hundreds of rough shields just now. At this moment, these shields were the only thing they could rely on. All they could see were shields raised in front of them, looking more like simple fences. At such a close distance, the defensive power of this kind of shield could be imagined. Just the first wave of rain of arrows had caused 300-400 casualties among the Youzhou Army's soldiers.

After paying the price of seven or eight hundred casualties, seven or eight simple and crude wooden vehicles finally crashed into the fences of the encampment, producing a muffled sound. Without an iron hammer, the impact force of this kind of car was reduced by at least 70 to 80%. After the sound of collision, only a dozen of bowl-sized railings were broken. However, the whole fencing remained unscathed.

Seeing that, the Xuzhou Army in the camp let out waves of cheers, instantly raising the morale.

The Xuzhou Army archer ordered his Academy Officer to release arrows nonstop. In a short period of time, there were close to ten thousand arrows being shot out.

Even the strong The Steel Cavalry of Youzhou could not withstand such a violent arrow rain attack, and could only retreat quickly.

Gongsun Zan frowned slightly, and said coldly: "Continue to attack! "Retreat to martial law!"

Seeing this scene, the sixth brother shook his head and quickly disappeared with his three lackeys.

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