The sun slowly rose up, Liu Bei who was standing on the arrow tower at the back of the camp had his left hand placed in front of his forehead to block the sunlight, looking at the Youzhou Army who was continuously attacking his own camp, thick worry in his eyes. The majority of them were killed by arrows. Only a few of the Youzhou Army Soldiers s had managed to charge into the fences that were broken through, but they were all surrounded and killed by the Xuzhou Army who held the absolute advantage.

Liu Bei should have been happy, but he did not feel the least bit of joy in his heart. To him, time was very tight right now, and there was a high chance that Gongsun Xu had already escaped back to the Qinghe County, if he did not kill Gongsun Zan before he led his army to reinforce him, then there would not be such a good opportunity in the future!

"Just relying on Zhao An might not be enough to get Gongsun Zan into his trap! What should he do to make Gongsun Zan fall into this trap? Were they really going to draw an army to kill him? However, if he were to do that, Gongsun Zan would definitely grow suspicious, and then guess that Gongsun Xu had already escaped from the Eagle's Castle! ' Liu Bei looked at the slowly retreating enemy troops, racking his brains, he was unable to think of a good plan.

"Reporting to my lord, the brothers who were patrolling around at dawn caught a Youzhou spy at the foot of the cliff at the back mountain of the Eagle's Castle. It is said that he is likely Gongsun Zan's bodyguard!"

"Oh?" Liu Bei suddenly turned his head to look at the guard who was bowing and reporting to him, and asked anxiously: "Where is he?"

"We've arrived outside the main tent!"

Liu Bei quickly went down the tower and rushed back to his own tent. When they arrived outside the tent, they saw a few soldiers guarding a tall man. This man was covered with wounds, and his face was as pale as paper. He was breathing heavily, looking as if he could die at any moment.

Seeing Liu Bei coming over, all the surrounding people bowed at the same time, "Greetings, Master!"

Liu Bei waved his hand to excuse everyone's courtesy, and then asked anxiously: "How do you know that he is Gongsun Zan's guard?"

"My lord, this person is very powerful. When we were chasing him, he actually used the cover of the forest to kill more than ten of my brothers. At that time, I had already suspected his identity. After capturing him alive, I have found this identity card on his body, I hope that the lord can have a look! " After the military lord who caught Seventh Brother finished his report, he took out a identity token and gave it to Liu Bei.

Liu Bei received it and looked at it. It was a waist-plate made of red wood, with a cross shaped shield and ring head knife on the front. On the other side, the words' Marquis of Ji's Mansion, 7 'was carved on it. He nodded his head. When he was at Ji County, he had seen this kind of identity token before, and it was true that only Gongsun Zan's personal guards were qualified to have this kind of identity token. Furthermore, the number on the back of the identity token was seven, it seemed like the position of this person was not low.

Liu Bei weighed the identity badge in his hand a few times and instructed: "Bring him down there to recuperate, then bring him here to see me!"

"Here!" The few of them clasped their fists in agreement, then carried Seventh Bro away.

Liu Bei walked into the big tent, sat behind the table and drank some tea while pondering. Before he finished drinking a cup of tea, he suddenly smiled, as if he had thought of a good idea.

Not long after, several guards came walking in carrying Seventh Bro. The latter's injuries had already been treated and applied with the Gold Sore Medicine, but he still looked to be in a very sorry state.

Liu Bei walked up two steps and stared at Ol 'Seven for a while, and suddenly felt that this person was a little familiar. She asked amiably: "When I was in Ji County, had I seen you before?"

Old Seven glared at Liu Bei as if flames were spewing from his eyes. Suddenly, a mouthful of saliva was spat towards Liu Bei's face. Of course he knew Liu Bei. He hated him a lot from the start and thought that Liu Bei was an ungrateful vile character. The lives of these guards were tightly tied to Gongsun Zanfuzi's body, it could be said that they were living a life of both honor and disgrace. If anything were to happen to Gongsun Xu, the Marquis Jin would be in dire straits, and the good days for them and their families would come to an end! Therefore, to Seventh Brother and the others, Liu Bei was no different from an irreconcilable enemy.

Liu Bei quickly dodged to the side, the smile on his face did not decrease at all, but a dense killing intent flashed past his eyes …

After Seventh Bro spat out his saliva, he suddenly roared and jumped towards Liu Bei with a leap. Unfortunately, his body was extremely slow after being heavily injured, and before he could even touch Liu Bei, he was firmly pressed to the ground by Liu Bei's guards. One of them had even stepped on Seventh Brother's face, and purposely crushed him a few times.

"My lord, would you like to teach this fellow a lesson?"

Liu Bei shouted in dissatisfaction: "Foolish! This person's injuries were too severe. If he were to be tortured again, he would most likely die! Take him down with you to take care of him. Don't let him commit suicide! "

A guard asked in astonishment, "Master, aren't we going to interrogate him properly?"

"No need!" Liu Bei waved his hand, and said with a regretful tone: "This person is a loyal man, it is impossible for him to betray Gongsun Zan, furthermore, I have already made arrangements for this person, so it doesn't matter if he speaks or not! Take him away! "

The guards nodded in agreement and carried Seventh Brother out of the tent.

Liu Bei returned to his seat behind the desk and sat down, growling, "Have Zhao An come and see me!"

After a while, Zhao An, who had changed into a clean set of clothes, was escorted in by a few guards. His eyes looked lifeless, but when he looked at Liu Bei, it was filled with anger. If he had any other choice, he would definitely risk his life to bring Liu Bei along to hell with him. However, Liu Bei threatened his family and the lives of several hundred elders and children from the entire village, and he simply did not have any choice. He had no choice but to betray Gongsun Xu against his will, but the pain in the depths of his heart and his fury towards Liu Bei was even deeper.

Liu Bei took in all of Zhao An's anger, but he did not mind, and said solemnly: "Zhao An, I have something to do, and if you do well, I will let you go back to your village to reunite with your families, and promise not to hurt anyone in your village!"

Zhao An clenched his fist tightly, and then slowly loosened it. After repeating this three times, he said with a hoarse voice, "Liu Bei, you truly are a despicable, shameless and despicable person! You are not even worthy of carrying shoes for Marquis Jin! "

"How dare you!" The guards by the side roared, and two of them went forward to hold Zhao An down, making him kneel down and beg for forgiveness.

"Forget it!" Let him go! " Liu Bei waved his hand, and laughed indifferently: "For the sake of the citizens of Xuzhou not getting slaughtered by Gongsun Zanfuzi, even if I am despicable and shameless, it is still understandable! Zhao An, for the life of your family and your fellow villagers, I advise you to be sensible! "

Zhao An sighed, he sat down on the ground and muttered: "Speak, what kind of heinous matter do you want me to do?"

Liu Bei laughed and asked: Do you know the person who was carried out just now?

Zhao An hesitated for a moment, then slowly nodded his head. As Gongsun Xu's personal guard, he would frequently enter and leave the Marquis of Ji's Mansion, so he could obviously recognize the seventh brother, whose position was only second to the sixth brother.

"Who is he?"

"He is called Seventh Brother, Gongsun Zan's vice leader guard."

"Vice leader of the guards?" Liu Bei was startled, and then immediately exclaimed in joy: "The heavens are aiding me! Zhao An, up until dusk today. "

After Zhao An heard this, his heart was filled with fear, if Liu Bei's plan was successful, there was a high chance that the Marquis Jin would fall into a trap and lose his life. Even if Liu Bei kept his promise and allowed him to return to his hometown, it would be difficult for him to keep his little life. Unless Liu Bei sent an army to protect him, would Liu Bei do that? Of course the answer was no!

However, this thought was quickly covered up by the familiar faces of his hometown. If he promised Liu Bei, he might die, but if he didn't, then he and the entire village's people would definitely die, and Liu Bei would definitely not break his promise on this kind of thing! He shook his head dejectedly, and secretly made the decision that even if he could successfully execute Liu Bei's plan this time, after that, he would commit suicide and apologize to General Gongsun.

Liu Bei answered coldly: "Do you understand? "If you don't understand, I believe the people in your village will be happy to think of you!"

"Yes sir!" Zhao An weakly nodded his head, his fury quickly replaced by helplessness and sorrow.

"Go down and rest up. I will send someone to work with you at dusk!"

After Zhao An was brought down the stairs, he rubbed his forehead and carefully thought back to his plan, to see if there were still any mistakes. At this time, the Youzhou Army outside the camp started his assault once again. His shouts were clearly transmitted to the tent, but Liu Bei acted as if he did not hear anything.

He had overestimated the use of those crude equipment. In fact, during a strong attack, most of the Youzhou Army Soldiers would rely on their flesh and blood to rush forward, and those improvised instruments looked more like toys, which did not have much effect on them.

One of the trusted guards asked in a low voice, "Reporting to the marquis, the casualties among our brothers are too great. Would you like to withdraw and rest up for a bit?"

"No!" Gongsun Zan shouted angrily: "No one is allowed to take even half a step back, otherwise, the military will begin to enforce the law! Pass the order down, after two hours, if we are still unable to attack Liu Bei's tortoise shell, this duke will personally go up and charge! "

In the past four hours, the Youzhou Army lost more than two thousand men, but was unable to achieve the same result. The soldiers' morale had unknowingly dropped, and there were even some complaints coming out, after all, they were elites of the Steel Cavalry, but now they had to dismount and fight in a horse stance. Furthermore, using their flesh and blood to attack the enemy camp which was guarded by a large number of archers, no matter how one looked at it, it was an unwise move. However, after Gongsun Zan's order was passed down, the soldiers of the Youzhou Army still abandoned all thoughts that they should not have, and once again, started to fiercely attack the camp in front.

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