Under Gongsun Zan's lead, the morale of the cavalry of Youzhou people skyrocketed, they quickly dispersed the large number of Huainan Army soldiers blocking the way, and rushed into the midst of the archers who had almost no defensive capabilities, easily and easily killing the opponent. The Huainan Army archers instantly crumbled, throwing down their bows and arrows as they fled.

Facing the Huainan Army Archers who were running for their lives in panic, Gongsun Zan and the rest of the riders did not hold back at all. Like a pack of wolves that were chasing after a flock of sheep, they surrounded and killed the Huainan Army Archers, and after only thirty to forty steps, close to a thousand of them had already fallen under their blades. Finally, the nimble and nimble archers stopped trying to escape in the opposite direction, but instead, they tried to escape in two different directions. The cavalry of Youzhou s only followed Gongsun Zan and charged forward, ignoring those who were trying to escape in two different directions. More and more people noticed this, and they all started to turn around and run in two directions. After a while, almost all the archers disappeared from the front of cavalry of Youzhou.

"Even a normal person would not be able to withstand a single blow from him!" Gongsun Zan laughed in disdain, pointed at Yuan Shu's banner and bellowed: "My sons, do you dare to follow me to capture Yuan Shu alive!?"

Although the advance troops and archers of the Huainan Army were defeated, there were still over ten thousand people in front of them. Although Gongsun Zan's plan was inspiring, it was still too reckless! Right now, the most accurate thing to do was to take advantage of the moment when the enemy troops were in chaos, and lead his subordinates to break out of the encirclement as soon as possible, rather than blindly wanting to kill Yuan Shu.

The cavalry of Youzhou did not even bother to think whether Gongsun Zan's words were true or not. They only felt their blood boiling, not only did the Marquis Jin not think about rushing out when he was in danger, he even tried to kill the enemy general. What kind of heroic spirit was this! They all agreed with their voices, loudly shouting "Capture Yuan Shu alive!", and closely followed behind Gongsun Zan, who was hundreds of steps away, charging straight towards Yuan Shu's banner.

It was obvious that he had the advantage, yet he was forced into such a situation by Gongsun Zan. It was simply unbearable! However, his anger turned into worry in the blink of an eye. His confidence in his subordinates were already severely lacking, if Gongsun Zan rushed forward without care, would they be able to withstand it?

A guard next to him with flexible thoughts cupped his fists and said, "Don't worry, my lord. Our soldiers are several times stronger than the enemy, and we have not suffered any losses in the rear. As long as my lord strictly orders us not to retreat, as long as we block the first few waves of the enemy, their momentum will be depleted, and we will once again fall into our encirclement."

"Hm, that makes sense!" Yuan Shu's nervousness had lessened, he was right, the enemy had been charging several times, the strength of the troops must have decreased by a lot, as long as they could stop Gongsun Zan's next charge, they would definitely become the last of the strong crossbow!

"My lord, look!" The guard suddenly pointed ahead excitedly and shouted, "The Wan-Sheng Camp's brothers have finally charged up!"

Yuan Shu looked towards the direction the guard pointed. Sure enough, he saw that there were two halves of the Wan-Sheng Camp cavalry army rushing towards the enemy from both sides, with three thousand elite walking soldier s following behind them. The Wan-Sheng Camp did not need to defeat the enemy troops, as long as they could stop Gongsun Zan's charge, it would be considered a huge achievement. Once the enemy's speed dropped, they would definitely be trapped again.

Actually, Wan-Sheng Camp should have already arrived at the battlefield, but he was stopped by the archers fleeing in different directions. Otherwise, they would have already attacked Gongsun Zan.

Gongsun Zan's guards also quickly noticed the Wan-Sheng Camp and immediately reported in a loud voice: "Master Hou, enemy cavalry is coming from both wings!"

Gongsun Zan looked to his sides. He was still about 400 steps away from Yuan Shu's banner, and the enemy cavalry units that were attacking him from both sides were already within 100 steps. Not waiting to reach Yuan Shu, they would be stopped by the enemy troops from both sides. He stared at Yuan Shu's banner for a few times and shook his head regretfully. It seemed that he could only give up his previous thoughts.

"Retreat the formation, prepare to defeat the enemy cavalry!"

Following Gongsun Zan's loud shout, the gathered Oxhorn s sounded once more, and the remaining three thousand cavalry of Youzhou s quickly moved towards the center.

A moment later, the two Wan-Sheng Camp's cavalry army rushed forward and attacked the enemy at the same time.

Although the Wan-Sheng Camp's cavalry was far inferior to Gongsun Xu's heavy armored cavalry, they were still considered elite cavalry, and were not inferior to the cavalry of Youzhou at all. Furthermore, they had launched their attacks from both sides, occupying a huge advantage in the direction of attack. If Gongsun Zan had not been prepared, and if the number of cavalry of Youzhou was much greater than the Wan-Sheng Camp, he would have quickly saved the situation, and be cut in half by the enemies.

After the cavalry of Youzhou blocked the attack of the two enemy cavalry, he continued to advance without stopping under Gongsun Zan's lead. The three thousand elite walking soldier s who were rushing over under his lead had already arrived, holding onto their spears, they once again started to attack Gongsun Zan's group from both sides. If they were to face each other head on, Gongsun Zan would not even put these three thousand people in his eyes. However, the other party was attacking from two sides, and with the advantage of their long weapons, his own cavalry advantage had been reduced by more than half. Furthermore, the Wan-Sheng Camp's cavalry soldiers were also attacking from time to time, which made it difficult for Gongsun Zan to take even one step forward.

One of the Wan-Sheng Camp's soldiers who was sent flying by Gongsun Zan's spear, felt extremely vexed, "If I had known that Yuan Shu would do this earlier, I would have taken the opportunity to break out of the encirclement!"

Seeing that the situation had turned critical again, Old Seven hurriedly shouted, "Please take your men and leave me behind to deal with the enemy cavalry!"

Gongsun Zan frowned, he looked at the enemy walking soldier who was quickly approaching and nodded helplessly: "Whatever, this marquis is leading 2,000 people to rush to the front, you and the others are here too!"

"Your Lordship, don't worry. I will definitely block the enemy cavalry!" The seventh brother solemnly cupped his fists in reply, knowing very well in his heart that this time it would be a narrow escape.

At that moment, Gongsun Zan brought over 2000 people to quickly leave the group, and rushed towards the large group of enemies. Seventh Brother brought the rest of the thousand over to block the Wan-Sheng Camp and attacks at the risk of their lives, even if they were going to die.

The sky was getting brighter, Yuan Shu looked at the battle in front of him, his face still showing worry. Even though the Wan-Sheng Camp forced Gongsun Zan to split up his troops and break out of the encirclement, making it hard for the remaining cavalry of Youzhou to escape, he no longer had any riders in his hands. If he could not stop Gongsun Zan's charge, once the other party broke through, he would not be able to catch up.

"Pass down the order, you are not to retreat half a step, and you are not to slack off and fear battle, or else the entire sect will be beheaded!"

The surrounding guards quickly passed down Yuan Shu's orders. The soldiers of Huainan Army were shocked and furious, but for the safety of their families, they did not dare to be dissatisfied or slack. They all harbored the thought of stopping the enemy at all costs, and firmly stood in front of Gongsun Zan. However, many of them swore in their hearts that if they could return alive, they would bring their families away from Huainan and definitely not work for Yuan Shu anymore! Yuan Shu used this move to temporarily raise the morale of the warriors under his command. However, no matter what the result of this battle was, he would lose most of his morale.

At this time, Gongsun Zan had already brought over two thousand people with him to rush over. He stared at the dense crowd a hundred steps away and could not help but frown. However, he had no choice but to make his move. Even though he knew that the enemy would probably attack them together, he still ordered them to charge forward. No matter what the enemy thought, they had to break out of the encirclement!

Looking at the approaching cavalry of Youzhou, the warriors of the Huainan Army suddenly shouted, and sprinted forward, actually wanting to take the initiative and attack.

With a wave of his long spear, he shouted sternly, "My sons, as long as we charge through the enemies in front of us, we will be able to return without a hitch! Kill! "

"Kill!" The two thousand plus people echoed his words, raised their swords and spears and followed Gongsun Zan.

Bang! Dozens of steps passed in the blink of an eye, and the two sides fiercely clashed. The Huainan Army at the very front were knocked several meters away, and the entire group of people suddenly caved in. In just a single exchange, seven to eight hundred Huainan Army s had already lost their lives. However, their deaths were not completely worthless.

Gongsun Zan had charged forward about twenty, thirty steps. At this time, everyone in front of him were enemies, and the ones following him were only thirteen hundred or so people. Looking at the berserking gazes of the enemies around him, the usually fearless Gongsun Zan felt his heart palpitate. These enemies don't seem to care about their own lives, what did Yuan Shu do? It was just that at this time, he could not afford to think about this issue. The Huainan Army's soldiers had already started their crazy attacks from all directions, they did not care about their own safety, even if they had to die together, they would drag the other party down.

Gongsun Zan and his subordinates had never met such a crazy opponent, not to mention the fact that the number of opponents was far greater than their own.

The surrounding Huainan Army soldiers increased in number. Although Gongsun Zan and the rest were trying their best to kill the opponent, they were still unable to stop the encirclement from shrinking quickly. Gongsun Zan sighed in his heart, he was regretful for his decision just now. If not for him impulsively wanting to kill Yuan Shu, he would not have landed himself in such a situation! He looked around at the frenzied crowd, and no longer held any hope.

"Master Hou, hurry up and charge out!" At this moment, Seventh Bro's anxious voice sounded from behind him.

Gongsun Zan turned his head to look, only to see Seventh Brother, who was covered in blood, bringing the remaining two to three hundred men and rushing over.

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