In order to ensure his safety, at the very beginning, Yuan Shu was only about two to three kilometers away from the battlefield. Not long after the battle started, the Huainan Army quickly gained the upper hand as he firmly believed that his own army could eliminate Gongsun Zan in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, the situation on the battlefield went from bad to worse, and Yuan Shu's mood also plummeted several times. Just now, the situation had worsened yet again. In order to prevent Gongsun Zan's powerful charge forward, he risked everything to send out the guards beside him. He never thought that the guards would not be able to stop Gongsun Zan! It was fine if he could not block it, but Gongsun Zan was actually charging straight at him! Although he still had over a thousand walking soldier s in front of him and a dozen guards by his side, he did not have the confidence to stop Gongsun Zan!

"Retreat!" After considering for a very short period of time, Yuan Shu turned his horse and started to gallop towards the mountain where the battle had started. He was the noble descendant of the fourth generation and the third generation family descendant, and had always believed that the son of a thousand gold sat motionlessly, so he would definitely not personally go and fight with Gongsun Zan, who had already gone berserk.

When Yuan Shu retreated, the surrounding people also quickly followed suit. When the Huainan Army Warriors blocking in front of Gongsun Zan saw the Master's banner move backwards, they thought that something had happened on the battlefield.

Gongsun Zan looked at Yuan Shu's group that was turning around and escaping, and revealed a disdainful smile on his face, he pointed ahead and shouted: "Yuan Shu has already escaped, our sons will persist for a bit, as long as we break through the weak encirclement, we will be completely safe!" Saying that, he turned his horse and charged towards the crowd of enemy soldiers, dragging his exhausted body along with him.

It turned out that Gongsun Zan and his horse had exhausted all of their strength. Although there were not many enemies blocking them from the front, he did not have the strength to launch another fierce charge. When he saw that all of the guards around Yuan Shu had rushed forward, he suddenly had an idea and charged straight towards Yuan Shu with a bluff. As expected, the latter turned around in panic and ran away with the rest of the Huainan Army soldiers who were blocking his way. At that moment, there were no longer any strong obstructions in front of Gongsun Zan. As long as he rushed through the Huainan Army s who were turning around to flee, he would be able to completely break through his siege and step onto the official road leading to Jizhou. At that time, unless Yuan Shu and his subordinates were able to grow wings, they would definitely not be able to catch up.

The remaining one thousand plus cavalry of Youzhou were already on the verge of despair, who would have thought that their lives would come to an end in the blink of an eye, causing their morale to immediately explode as they clenched their teeth and followed Gongsun Zan in his final charge.

Originally, there were about two to three thousand Huainan Army in front of Gongsun Zan and the rest. If they did not escape with Yuan Shu, they only needed to hold on for a while, and the rest of the troops would arrive to provide support. At that time, Gongsun Zan's entire army would definitely be defeated. It was a pity that Yuan Shu had made the same mistake over and over again, and at this crucial moment, he had actually run away timidly, giving up on the chance to turn the situation around. At this time, the Huainan Army soldiers were running away from behind them. Gongsun Zan led the over a thousand riders to kill their way through from behind, like a gust of wind, he cut through the crowd and killed a few hundred enemy soldiers that were running too slowly.

In a single breath, Yuan Shu rushed to the hillside where the battle had started. Only then did he stop in shock, turned around and looked behind him, after which he scolded Gongsun Zan loudly in a flustered manner – So Gongsun Zan did not even have the intention to rush over and attack him, it was just a bluff just now, but he had been scared stiff! Watching Gongsun Zan's group rush off on the official road, the flustered and exasperated Yuan Shu suddenly coughed severely, after which his body swayed a few times, and then fell face first onto the ground.

"My lord!" The surrounding guards turned pale with fright, rushing forward one after another.

"He finally made it out!" After running along the public road for two to three kilometers, Gongsun Zan turned around to look at the chaotic and noisy battlefield behind him, and sighed in his heart. Previously, when he led a large group of cavalry soldiers to the south, he never thought he would fall into such a situation. If it weren't for Seventh Brother and his underlings risking their lives to help him, perhaps he would have already become a spirit of death!

At this point, one of the guards asked worriedly, "Master Hou, the enemy won't pursue us again, right?"

Gongsun Zan snorted and said coldly: Without the cavalry, what is Yuan Shu going to use to chase after us? "The highway, the highway, you better live a longer time, don't die at the hands of others!" He squeezed out the last sentence word by word from the gaps between his teeth. The iciness and hatred in his tone was beyond words.

Everyone in the surroundings trembled. Ever since the marquis had assumed a high position, it was rare for them to be this angry. Those that the marquis had hated in the past had all met with miserable endings.

"Go!" Return to Qing He! " Gongsun Zan waved his hand and pulled the reins to run forward.

A thousand or so cavalry of Youzhou s arranged themselves and encircled Gongsun Zan as he moved quickly.

After the group passed through a forest three to four miles away, the eastern sky had already become bright. It seemed that the sun would soon appear.

Gongsun Zan looked behind him; the battlefield had already disappeared from his line of sight. After taking a few deep breaths, he finally relaxed. There was a small stream in front of him near the official road. He was prepared to rest there for a while and let the people who had been fighting the battle drink some water to recover some strength before continuing on his way.

Dong! Dong, dong, dong!

Originally, Liu Bei was forced to head deeper into the forest by the fire and was eventually able to escape the chase of the fire. When they were searching for another way out, Liu Bei thought deeply about it for a while, then decided to give up on taking a detour to return to help Yuan Shu. Instead, he walked out of the forest from the side, and set up an ambush on the only way to get to Jizhou.

The reason why Liu Bei did this was firstly because the great battle had already started, but even if he brought his army to make a detour and return as fast as possible, he would definitely not be able to make it in time, and even if they could make it in time, Gongsun Zan and his subordinates would definitely fight to the death before he died, so letting Yuan Shu and Gongsun Zan go all out was the best choice for him.

After Liu Bei brought the army here to ambush the enemies, he secretly sent out a few groups of people to gather information. He was very clear on the situation on the battlefield ahead. He knew that if he brought his army to aid Yuan Shu in time, Gongsun Zan would definitely not be able to escape death on the spot, but he did not do so. Even if he knew that the Huainan Army might not be able to trap Gongsun Zan, he chose to continue lying in ambush here, quietly waiting for Gongsun Zan to charge head on. The result was not out of Liu Bei's expectations either. Gongsun Zan actually managed to break through the encirclement from the Huainan Army's army, but there were only a thousand people left, and each of them were exhausted.

When Gongsun Zan saw Liu Bei's big banner, his face changed drastically, and his heart sank. Right now, his side was extremely tired, and there were only a few thousand people, but Liu Bei had at least ten thousand. And with Liu Bei waiting leisurely, no matter how brave he was, it was impossible for him to bring these handicapped veterans to break through the blockade! He gritted his teeth as if he wanted to rush up and fight to the death with Liu Bei. However, after considering it in his heart, he decided to give up on this impulse and decided to bring his men to kill their way back to Qing He.

At this time, Liu Bei's complacent shout suddenly came from in front of him: "Bo Guixiong, don't even think about escaping. Look behind you!"

Gongsun Zan was shocked, he immediately turned his head to look, only to see a group of Xuzhou Army s rushing out from the forest a thousand steps behind him, blocking the road behind him. He immediately understood that Liu Bei had originally prepared for him to turn around and head south. As a result, he split into two sides early in the morning, completely sealing off his escape route.

Liu Bei continued to speak: "Bo Guixiong, you and I were originally deep in love when we were schoolmates, and when I was down and you helped me, I really couldn't bear to kill Bo Guixiong with my own hands! If Bo Guixiong is willing to get off the horse and be bound, I promise I won't hurt your life! "

Gongsun Zan snorted coldly, not believing Liu Bei's guarantee at all. If he had really dismounted and surrendered, even if Liu Bei didn't kill him on the spot, he would have definitely threatened Zhang Yan and Gongsun Xu with his life so that they could retreat. Once they heard Liu Bei's threat, Liu Bei would break his promise and kill him, and then, cooperate with Yuan Shao to attack Youzhou! Therefore, he would rather die in battle here than surrender to Liu Bei!

Liu Bei spurred his horse forward ten steps, and looked at Gongsun Zan as if he was sincerely advising him: "Bo Guixiong, I will give you half an incense's time to consider, I hope that you will not be so emotional!"

Gongsun Zan remained silent. It was not that he wanted to consider Liu Bei's suggestion, but he wanted to use this bit of time to let everyone regain some of their strength, and then fight Liu Bei with all their might!

"I shall give you another word of advice, Bo Guixiong, don't ever think about stalling for time, I won't give you the chance to do so!" Liu Bei, who was standing opposite of him, seemed to know what Gongsun Zan was thinking and shouted once again.

Following Liu Bei's shout, the large group of people from the Xuzhou Army began to slowly move forward. The large group of archers also nocked their bows and nocked their arrows, waiting for Liu Bei's order to attack.

Gongsun Zan completely lost the confidence to break out. He looked up to the sky and sighed, raising his spear, he roared: "As a dignified man, I would rather die than surrender! "My sons, do you dare to charge with this general for the last time?"

"We are willing to die with the general!" Over a thousand veterans shouted in unison.

Gongsun Zan laughed out loud, riding straight towards Liu Bei who was surrounded by layers of guards.

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