The reinforcements of the Wu Huan from the west of the city carried the red standard. The leader of the reinforcements, the man with the round face, was furious. He had arrived in person. Behind the collapsed area was a thousand five hundred torches, approaching elite cavalry in full fury. This was also the last unutilized army he had left.

When Na Li and Lou Ban brought half of the troops and horses away, Collapse knew that the Wuhuan of Liaoxi would not be able to turn the situation around. The best course of action was before the invasion of the Youzhou Army, the entire clan would come to Wu Yan's aid, and only then would they be able to preserve the bloodline of their tribe, and be able to have the chance to rise again. It was just that he could not do such a thing, otherwise, not only would the clan members look down on him, they would also meet with cold eyes under Wu Yan's command. Who would think highly of a tribe's ruler who had abandoned the Royal City without even releasing an arrow?

After it got dark, Collapsing Mountain patrolled the city for the last time, and discovered that although the Han people's offense was loud, it was useless. He became even more joyous, and after returning back to his residence, he bought a few dishes and wine to discuss with Zhang Yuan. He did not expect that before he had even finished the last jar of wine, Na Yong would come running in panic to report that the Chinese had killed his way into the city! He thought that the city gates had been broken and the army of Youzhou had already entered the city. In a hurry, he brought the last of his elite soldiers and rushed over.

He was relieved when he saw that the city gates were not out of order yet. At this moment, he could guess that the enemy had not come from the front, but had snuck in from the north or east side of the city. He sent three hundred men to the north and east of the city respectively, and then ordered them to rush forward to kill the enemies in front of them.

"Speed up the charge!" When he was seventy steps away from Zhao Yun, he raised his machete and gave the order.

The Wuhuan Cavalry raised their scimitars and began to speed up as they shouted.

The streets to the west of the city were four to five times wider than the north. Even so, they could only hold ten horses side by side. As a result, although Collapsing Mountain and the rest looked to be extremely ferocious, as long as Zhao Yun could withstand the first few waves of the charge, it would be impossible for the successive waves of riders to rush over.

Zhao Yun had obviously seen through this point with one glance, which was why he had ordered them to form a formation to fight the enemy. On his side, there was not a single person who carried a shield or a long spear. If it was chaotic battle, it would be impossible to defend against the charge of the cavalry. He would definitely be easily defeated by his opponent.

The two sides got closer and closer. Fifty, thirty, twenty steps …

Under the dim yellow light of the torches, both sides appeared extremely ferocious.

Zhao Yun clenched his sword, his expression as calm as water.

Fifteen steps!

"Shoot!" The sword in Zhao Yun's hand suddenly slashed down.

"Bang!" At the sound of the bowstring, the twelve White Horse Camp Soldiers at the very front shot their arrows at the same time.

At such a close distance, the crossbow bolts shot by Zhang Tie were almost unavoidable. Eight of the ten Wuhuan Cavalry soldiers at the front were shot down from their horses, and even their horses fell to the ground screaming. The war horses that had not been hit by the arrows also tripped and fell to the ground. Before they could stand up, they were pushed down by the war horses.

Behind them were another ten cavalrymen charging over, they looked at the miserable scene as though they did not see anything, and directly stepped over the bodies of the soldiers on the ground, straight towards the small square formation that Zhao Yun had gathered.

"Shoot!" When the two parties were still ten steps away from each other, Zhao Yun gave the order again.

A few horses were just in the air when they were shot in the head. They fell to the ground with miserable cries, causing the riders on their horses to be badly battered. However, the other Wu Huan Cavalry Soldiers had already rushed over, and with a loud bang, they crashed into the few White Horse Camp Warriors in the front, causing them to be pushed back as they spurted out blood.

Zhao Yun turned his head to look, Ku Le and his men had already reached the city gate. Wu Huan was fighting back with all his might, and looking up, Yan Rou and his men were fighting with Wu Huan on the city wall.

"Charge!" Zhao Yun clenched his teeth, and threw his sword at Wu Huan.

Without the cover of arrows and spears, as well as shields, it was no different from sending sheep into a tiger's den for the infantry soldiers. It was just that time was of the essence, and Zhao Yun could not help but harden his heart. Even if I have to use my life to do it, I have to at least buy Yan Rou and Ku Le enough time.

These eight hundred people were all carefully chosen brave and not afraid of death. Gongsun Xu also offered them a heavy reward and a pension, and when they saw that their master, Zhao Yun, was the first to rush out, they all followed him while shouting.

In the blink of an eye, the two sides had closed in on each other. Zhao Yun dodged the blade that was hacking down from above and leaped up to stab the incoming person off his horse.

Bang! The soldiers behind Zhao Yun didn't have his level of skill, so they clashed head on with the Wu Huan Cavalry Soldiers.

The sound of bones breaking and blood-curdling screeches suddenly rang out, and the White Horse Camp Warriors who were charging at the very front were all knocked ten meters away, colliding with the people who were charging from behind.

"No retreat, no advance!" Zhao Yun roared.

"No retreat, no advance!" Everyone behind him shouted in unison, and they all bravely rushed forward.

On the narrow street, the White Horse Camp's soldiers slashed, shouldered, and even threw themselves at their opponents and rolled on the ground while holding them in their arms. The street was in a mess as they fought with each other, blood and limbs flying everywhere.

About three to four kilometers away from the city gate, Gongsun Xu seriously stared at what was in front of him. Yan Rou's figure was faintly discernable on the wall, leading his men to beat Wu Huan who was guarding the wall until he was forced to retreat step by step. It seems that they could very quickly seize the rope to the suspension bridge, what made them uneasy was the situation behind the city gate. If the city gate could not be opened, it would be meaningless to seize the suspension bridge!

"Be patient, my people." He consoled them by saying, "Since they are still fighting behind the city gate, it means that their sons can still continue to fight. Furthermore, Yan Rou seems to have the upper hand, the moment the drawbridge's ropes are cut off, he will definitely go and support them."

Gongsun Xu nodded his head, but his anxious heart had not calmed down much. He looked at Wu Huan's figure that had just appeared in the north part of the city, and suddenly felt a bit of regret. If he knew that Ta Dun's reaction would be so slow, he would have sent a few hundred more people with shields and spears to meet him.

A hundred steps in front of Gongsun Xu, Kurna sat on his horse and stared fixedly at the city gate, prepared to give the order to rush in at any time. The warhorse beneath Kurna's body snorted impatiently, causing the warhorses around him to become restless. He brought over eight thousand people with him, preparing to loot everything after entering the city.

"Cut the ropes!" Yan Rou finally managed to kill Wu Huan Ren. She rushed to the rope on the suspension bridge and slashed with her blade towards the closest rope.

The others all rushed forward, raising their weapons and started chopping.

The Liucheng's suspension bridge had a total of eight ropes, and each of them was as thick as a teacup. Yan Rou used a treasured blade, and consecutively chopped down seven or eight times to cut apart the rope. The other people's weapons were not as strong as his, and their strength was far inferior to his.

On the street, Zhao Yun's group had already lost more than half of their members, but they still held onto the street tightly, not allowing Ta Dun's group to take another step forward.

However, the streets were filled with the corpses of cavalrymen. The cavalry had completely lost their advantage in speed and strength, and could only slowly walk forward to face those fierce and fearless Chinese with their weapons in hand. The short soldier was not the chief of the Wusong people, and when facing an enemy with less than half the enemy force, they would fight with the enemy and would not be able to start a fierce fight.

Just then, Zhang Yuan caught up from behind. When he saw the situation, he shouted: "The King should quickly have them dismount! Walk over there! "

As if he had awoken from a dream, Ta Dun hurriedly gave the order, and then led his group of personal guards to push their way through the crowd.

Ta Dun personally went up on stage bare-handed. Wu Huan's morale was boosted, he quickly jumped off his warhorse and shouted as he raised his curved blade high up, surrounding Ta Dun as he rushed forward. Losing the constraints of their warhorses, Wu Huan's fighting strength increased exponentially. They charged forward like a swarm of bees and fought ferociously, forcing Zhao Yun to have no choice but to retreat step by step.

Behind the city gate, Ku Le was slashing his blade at the lock on the city gate. This lock was two feet long, and three inches thick. Ku Le was so anxious that beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, he suddenly shouted, and used all of his strength to wield his blade and slash.

Clang! The fine iron scimitar broke from the middle, causing Ku Le's palm to go numb. However, that large lock only added an inch of wound to it.

Ku Le threw away the broken blade, and casually grabbed a blade from someone beside him, and continued to cut, and shouted: Go find the axe! "Go find the axe!"

When Zhao Yun heard Ku Le's shout, he hurriedly turned his head around to take a look. Seeing that the city gates had yet to be opened, he became extremely anxious, and shouted at the city walls: "Yan Rou, quickly help Ku Le open the city gates!"

Yan Rou did not bother to agree, she cut off a rope that was on the verge of collapse and ran up the stairs.

Crash! * Bang!

Halfway up the stairs, Yan Rou saw that the remaining suspension bridges were all cut down. The heavy suspension bridge suddenly dropped, bringing about a large amount of dust.

The Wuhuan of Liaodong's cavalry all cheered, all of them were prepared to rush out, but unexpectedly after the dust has cleared, the city gate still could not be opened.

"His milk... milk. Why haven't they opened it yet! " Kurna cursed anxiously, he really wanted to rush over and knock down the city gate.

Seeing the drawbridge fall down, the old man suddenly exclaimed, "Charge over there and guard the city gate! Otherwise, once the Chinese army breaks in, they will not leave a single dog or chicken!" Kill one Chinese man, reward fifty cows and lambs each! Kill! "

Wu Huan knew that the situation had reached its most critical point. He didn't care about the opponent's attacks at all, preferring to risk his life to charge forward. In a short period of time, Zhao Yun and his subordinates were forced to retreat a few dozen steps. Just as they were about to retreat until they reached the city gate, Zhao Yun roared out and pounced towards the collapse, attempting to capture the thief and the King.

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