Early in the morning, sunlight shone down from behind the clouds, the pale sunlight shone into every corner of the Liucheng, causing the citizens of the Wuhuan of Liaoxi to feel a bone-piercing cold. Compared to the cold sunlight, their hearts were even colder. Throughout the entire night, the soldiers of Wuhuan of Liaodong had been burning and killing them. Lust. The Liucheng had become a living hell on earth.

Other than the collapsed residence, there was not a single intact building in the city. Ruins and rubble littered the area, and with just a glance, one could easily see corpses buried in the rubble. Wisps of black smoke rose from the charred ruins, and the stench of charred bodies and unburned debris filled the air. The streets were littered with broken corpses. The puddles of blood had already turned into black-green 'mirrors', reflecting a devilish glow under the sunlight.

On the left side of the street, in front of a five-foot-high wall, an old man with a head full of white hair was holding onto the wall with both hands. Half of his body had already turned over, but unfortunately, a long spear pierced through his back and nailed him to the wall. Five or six steps away from the old man was a white-haired old woman lying in a pool of blood. Both her arms and legs had been cut off, and her orange-skinned old face was filled with the pain and fear before her death. There were no less than thirty people lying dead on the street. They were all old, weak, and handicapped – Wu Huan would treat the prisoners of war differently, abducting women and children, killing the old, the weak, and the women and children.

Zhao Yun, who was standing behind the Gongsun Jia brothers pulled Yan Rou and whispered: "Zi Hu, has Wu Huan always been treating the losers this way?"

Yan Rou's mouth twitched a few times, and revealed a smile that looked more like crying, tacit acknowledgement of Zhao Yun's inquiry.

Zhao Yun rubbed his forehead with his right hand, using it to hide the shock in his heart.

Gongsun Xu who was standing at the back shook his head and sighed, then turned and walked out of the city.

The few of them looked at each other in dismay for a moment, then quickly followed.

Three kilometers outside the west gate, there was a single horse station. Behind the horse stand a neat line of White Horse Camp warriors.

Gongsun Xu walked out of the city gate and took a deep breath as he looked at the deathly pale sun. Gongsun Xu did not care about how many people Wu Huan killed, nor did he care about how many people Wu Huan had killed. After all, he was the one who planned all this when Kurna entered the city. For a moment, Gongsun Xu felt as if he had once again passed through time and space, and entered the city that the wild dog had once destroyed.

"People?" After realizing that Gongsun Xu was acting weirdly, he quickly spurred his horse over and shouted in concern.

"Your nephew is fine." Gongsun Xu slowly shook his head, and gently clenched his right fist inside his sleeve.

It only stared at Gongsun Xu for a while, then advised: "Hu people are always like that, the victor gets everything, and the loser becomes the fish, they are already used to it, why would they care too much about it?"

Gongsun Xu nodded his head, and the anger in his eyes quickly disappeared.

He twirled his beard and smiled approvingly, thinking that the young duke had a firm and compassionate personality. He was much stronger than the duke in this aspect.

Gongsun Xu said softly: "We should at least teach them a lesson!"

"You can't!" He jumped down from his horse and walked in front of Gongsun Xu, saying respectfully: "The military order is like a mountain, how can it be changed so easily? This subject had previously promised Kurna that he would do whatever he wanted after the city was destroyed. If he were to suddenly impose punishment on him, not only would Wu Huan be unwilling, I'm afraid that the soldiers of this subject army would also feel resentful! "

Simply speaking, robbing during a war was the main way for soldiers to get rich. If Gongsun Xu used the words "burn, kill, loot" to punish Kurna, the soldiers of White Horse Camp would definitely think that the master was ungrateful. Once on the battlefield, who would be willing to work for him?

Gongsun Xu was shocked and quickly bowed and said: "Thank you uncle for your teachings, this nephew will be forever grateful!"

"Ke ke." Simply said, he gently laughed, "Is there a need to be too courteous to our own people?"

Gongsun Xu smiled along with it, but thought in his heart: "Looks like I have to reform the military system as soon as possible, and raise the soldiers' salaries!"

Simply fondling his beard, he suddenly said: "If this subject wants to punish Kurna properly, I do have a reasonable method."

Gongsun Xu was suddenly interested, "Please enlighten me, Uncle!"

Suquan raised his head to look at the black smoke in the city and leisurely said, "It's simple, just give the Liucheng to Kurna."

Gongsun Xu's eyes lit up as he immediately understood the meaning of the Single Scripture. The distance between Youzhou and Liucheng was more than 800 kilometers, which was a waste of food. But Kurna had to split up and defend this place. If Ta Dun or Wu Yan were to lead a large group of people to attack him, Kurna would definitely put his life on the line to defend the city for the sake of his reputation and the benefits of his subordinates.

The Meridian's idea was to kill two birds with one stone, which was the same as how Guo Jia suggested to keep Zhang Yan as the Magistrate of Ji that day.

"Uncle is very shrewd, this nephew is extremely impressed!" Gongsun Xu wholeheartedly bowed to Single Meridian with his hands folded in front, secretly sighing that there was no incapable person who could come up with such an appearance.

Simply being praised to the point that he could burst into laughter, Kurna thought of a bad idea, "Didn't Kurna say that he would only take population?"

"That's right. Uncle wants to laugh it off. Let's do it this way!" Gongsun Xu was startled for a moment before understanding and he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Gongsun Yi poked his brother, and laughed softly: "Young Noble is preparing to cheat again, what a sinister smile!"

Gongsun Jia glared at him fiercely, but he agreed with what he said in his heart. Ever since Young Master had woken up, his actions had changed greatly. There were rumors in the Marquis of Ji's Mansion that Young Master had been guided by an immortal in his sleep.

Gongsun Xu waved to the soldiers of White Horse Camp and shouted: "Everyone line up neatly."

Zhao Yun and Yan Rou walked into the group, and helped Wang Wei and his team up.

After the time it took for two incense sticks to burn, the troops who were originally acting as a proper team became even more orderly. The soldiers held their heads high and held their chests high, their swords and spears like a forest as a chilling air assaulted their senses.

Clatter clatter * At this time, the sound of horse hooves came from inside the city gate, and Kurna wobbled out of the city gate with a group of guards around him. Upon seeing the scene in front of him, Kurna was immediately sobered up and quickly rushed over.

Gongsun Xu laughed from far away, "Did Your Majesty enjoy last night to his heart's content?"

Kurna blushed and could not say a word. Last night, he occupied a collapsed mansion, and after getting drunk, he 'visited' his wife and daughter many times. He played around with them for an entire night, and when the sky was bright, he drank a cup of Soul-Returning Wine before wobbling out of the city.

"The King must have enjoyed himself to his heart's content, otherwise he would not have come out so late."

Kurna curled his lips in embarrassment and cupped his hands in apology.

Gongsun Xu no longer teased him and seriously asked: "What does the King think of Liucheng?"

Kurna was startled. "What does the Young Marquis mean by this?"

"After discussing with General Dan, I have decided to give Liucheng to the King. Does the King have this intention?"

"What!" Kurna was pleasantly surprised, after defeating his mortal enemy, he would take over his opponent's imperial city. To Wu Huan, this was the greatest of honors! Just on this point, those people in the tribe who were against him trying to curry favor with Gongsun Zan could no longer think of anything else to say!

"However …" Gongsun Xu looked at Kurna, and suddenly paused.

Kurna anxiously said: "If the Young Marquis has anything to say, please do it. As long as I can do it, I will take responsibility!"

"It's not a big deal." Gongsun Xu's expression was relaxed as he casually said, "Previously, the King had said that he would take no one else apart from the population. Youzhou is already destitute, and our army has expended a lot of resources to travel a thousand miles, I thank the King for his generosity! " After which, he cupped his hands and bowed.

Originally, when he was with Gongsun Zan, he had also encountered similar situations. Even Gongsun Zan would treat the agreement from the beginning as a joke, and at the very least, he would get thirty to forty percent of the profits. Who would have thought that Gongsun Xu would not give him the slightest bit of face.

'Fortunately, I got my hands on the Liucheng, otherwise I would be in big trouble this time.' Kurna didn't dare to refute his, and could only console himself in his heart.

"Hehe." Dan Chuan laughed at the side: "Half of the reason for attacking Liucheng this time was to avenge the King. Back then, there was someone within the Youzhou who opposed this matter, and it was thanks to the people's perseverance that they were able to send troops. Now, we still have to give Liucheng to the King. If we do not capture him heavily enough, we will not be able to explain ourselves when we go back! "

"Rushing Liucheng to take revenge for me? This reason was really the same as meeting you face to face. Mother. "What a big head!" Kurna secretly cursed, but he had no choice but to smile along, "What General Dan said is extremely true, this king will take note of it! Please rest assured, This King will make them hand over the loot right now. " With that, he dispiritedly ordered his trusted aides to go into the city and send orders for his men to come out of the city as soon as possible.

"Very good!" Gongsun Xu laughed: "The King is indeed my father's most reliable friend! "My predecessors have thanked the King for his generosity!"

"Hehe, that's how it should be! "It should be," Kurna laughed and dripped blood in his heart. He wanted to smack Gongsun Xu's smiling face a few times, then knock him down and kick him forcefully a few times.

After a full hour, groups of Wuhuan of Liaodong soldiers finally left the city and began to slowly arrange a formation at the riverbank. Many people were cursing and swearing in low voices. It was so easy for them to win the battle, and most of them were happily playing. Woman, who would want to leave the hot quilt at this time?

Kurna spurred his horse and rushed to the front of the troop, waving his arms around as he shouted, "My sons, I shall tell you some good news first!"

"Your Majesty, if you have something to say, hurry up and say it. After you're done, I'm going back to sleep!"

"That's right, my king. It's such a cold day, why do you need us to line up? Isn't this a depraved person? "

"Great King, Achoo! What good news? Is it to reward us women Achoo and the money? "

"Haha, haven't you fought enough?" Your father saw with his own eyes you steal a large chunk of gold yesterday! "

Kurna was enraged, he took out his bent blade and shouted: "All of you shut up! Whoever spouts nonsense again, behead! "

The group quickly quieted down as everyone stared intently at Kurna.

Kurna scanned the surroundings with an imposing gaze and shouted, "This king has asked the young duke and General Dan for the Liucheng. From today onwards, the Liucheng is ours!"

Gongsun Xu and One-Pun looked at each other and saw the trace of a smile in each other's eyes.

"Slap your face to make it look fat" Gongsun Yi muttered with a light smile.

The soldiers of the Wuhuan of Liaodong were stunned for a moment, and then they let out an earth-shaking cheer. Back then, they were chased away by Qiu Liju and Wu Yan together. Right now, the tides have turned and the Wuhuan of Liaodong has taken over the Wuhuan of Liaoxi's imperial city. This is extremely good news! However, many people were thinking, since the good news is so good, the bad news must be quite bad as well, right?

"Silence! Silence! " Kurna shouted for a few times before calming everyone down. He straightened his back and shouted, "Before this expedition, this king and the young duke made an agreement. After this battle, this king will take the entrance and gift the rest to the young duke. The young duke's spirit of loyalty is deep, how can we break our promise? "My sons, the women you've robbed are still yours. As for the gold and silver, cough cough, everyone, you should hand it over!"

As soon as he said that, the team in front of him exploded.

"Why should I? According to the rules, whoever got it would get it! Wasn't that how you fought when you fought with the duke in the past? "

"That's right! "Great King, we fought so hard last night that we managed to take over the city. We lost a few hundred brothers. If we 'painstakingly found' those gold and silver treasures and were given them away, how would we be worthy of our dead brothers?"

"Your Majesty, please discuss this with the young duke. Can we not hand it over or only hand it over to a small half?"

"All of you shut up for This King!" A bunch of greedy idiots! " Kurna was enraged and could not help but scold loudly, "Killing and robbing women, the elderly and the weak and fighting with their lives? F * ck all of you! milk. Milk! If it wasn't for the young duke's order taking down the city gates, you wouldn't even be able to enter the city! You don't know what's good for you! Someone come! "

"Great King, please give the order!" Dozens of personal guards cupped their hands and waited for orders.

Kurna waved his waist blade, and shouted with killing intent: "Get them to hand over their gold and silver products! Defiance Slash! "Hidden Hand Slash!"

"Here!" The personal guards jumped off their horses and walked towards the group, holding their weapons.

"Great King, do you need my help?" Gongsun Xu asked with a smile, but before Kurna could reply, he waved his hand at him.

Yan Rou understood tacitly and brought a thousand archers forward.

"Cough cough cough!" "Thank you, young duke!" Kurna almost failed to catch his breath, as he continuously cursed Gongsun Xu in his heart.

The situation was better than the enemy, so the soldiers of Wuhuan of Liaodong could do nothing but open their pockets painfully and pour down the gold and silver money that they had spent so much effort to loot. In an instant, the front of the moat was covered with gold, silver, copper coins, jade pendant, pearls and other items.

"What are you all planning to do? Dog. Day. "How dare you hit me!" Suddenly, a clamor came from the crowd.

Everyone looked up, only to see a few dozen soldiers dressed in leather armor pushing and shoving Kurna's bodyguards, cursing non-stop.

"What's going on?" Kurna asked with a gloomy face.

The leader of the personal guard said loudly, "Your Majesty, these fellows refuse to hand the item over!"

Kurna was enraged: "You don't want to live anymore, right? I will count to three. If I don't hand over this thing, I will cut you down! "One!"

Gongsun Xu laughed coldly and gave Yan Rou a meaningful look.

Yan Rou waved her hand, and all the archers shot their arrows at him.

The companions around those few dozen people were afraid of getting into trouble, so they quickly moved to the side. In the blink of an eye, the area around those people was emptied. They looked at each other, hesitant.

"Two!" Kurna shouted out the second number.

"Kill!" Gongsun Xu did not wait for him to shout "three", and suddenly shouted loudly.

"Shoot!" With Yan Rou's order, the hundreds of archers standing in front released their bowstrings and released their arrows.

In the blink of an eye, every single one of those men had been shot by over ten arrows. They all died on the spot before they could even make a sound. There were too many arrows on their bodies. Even though they were all out of breath, their bodies did not collapse. Their faces were all filled with horror and disbelief before they died.

"Young duke!" Kurna shouted angrily, "May I ask what is the meaning of this, Young Marquis?" After enduring Gongsun Xu for so long, he could no longer tolerate it.

"What do you mean? Hahaha "Gongsun Xu laughed out loud. After laughing, he glared at Kurna and shouted coldly," Do I still need to ask the King for permission to do anything? Does the King think he is worthy enough for me to ask? Or could it be that the King thinks that the power in his hands can contend against my Youzhou? "

As if a bucket of cold water had been poured over his head, the anger in Kurna's heart instantly vanished like smoke into thin air. It was only at this moment that he finally understood one thing — not only was this young duke who had been beaming this entire time shrewd and scheming, he was also ruthless and merciless. His methods were far superior to his father, Gongsun Zan!

Kurna was so frightened that he was trembling, and the warriors of the Wuhuan of Liaodong were even more afraid to breathe, afraid that they would anger Gongsun Xu and get back at him for the severe consequences of having thousands of arrows piercing their hearts.

Gongsun Xu's vicious gaze swept from left to right, and all the soldiers of the Wuhuan of Liaodong that his gaze touched hurriedly lowered their heads, not one of them daring to look him straight in the eyes! The power of a single glance … was so great that it could even reach the heavens!

Gongsun Xu retracted his gaze, stared at Kurna whose legs were trembling, and said sternly: "What I give you, you can take! If I don't give it to you, whoever dares to reach out my hand will have their head smashed to the ground! Do you understand? "

These words were spoken in a stern voice, and the last sentence contained an ice-cold killing intent that soared to the sky. The soldiers under Kurna's command were all terrified, they knelt down and kowtowed to him.

Kurna looked left and right, then hopped off the horse helplessly and knelt down to beg for forgiveness.

In the following days, Gongsun Xu's actions and words today would frequently flash past his mind, and every time he recalled them, his back would be drenched in cold sweat. Every time he had ill intentions, he would think of Gongsun Xu's sneer and those dozens of subordinates who had been shot like hedgehogs. Throughout his entire life, Kurna had never dared to go against Gongsun Xu's orders!

"Haha, my King, General Gongsun was only joking! Great King, please get up! " The Single Passage walked up to Kurna in time, smiling as he helped him up.

"Hehehehe." Kurna laughed foolishly, and only after a long while did he calm down. He looked at Gongsun Xu with a fawning face and said, "This subordinate only found out today that the Young Marquis actually liked to joke around."

Before, Kurna had even called himself "this king", but now, he was calling himself a subordinate. Even when he was facing Gongsun Zan, he had never been this respectful.

"Haha!" Gongsun Xu laughed out loud as he jumped down the horse, and grabbed onto Kurna. In the blink of an eye, his expression turned into one of spring breeze, "Your Majesty is right, I really like to joke sometimes, isn't it?"

"Yes!" "The young duke is right!" Kurna smiled fawningly, he did not dare to say that he was wrong.

Yan Rou swallowed her saliva with much difficulty and turned to look at Zhao Yun. She realized that Zhao Yun's face was also filled with shock.

As for Yang Hong, Wang Wei, Gongsun Jia Brothers and the others, they had long been stupefied by what they heard about them.

At this moment, countless of people had the same thought in their hearts, 'What a formidable person!'

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