Noon, Ji County County, In the living room.

This place was where Liu He usually took a nap. It was spotlessly clean with a desk, bookcase and five round stools inside. The desk was filled with all kinds of files, the shelves were neatly filled with dozens of books, the majority of them were the Great Han Dynasty's Law Encyclopedia. Under the narrow window, a large brazier was burning brightly, bringing warmth to the small room.

"You really want to do this?" After a long while, Liu He raised his head and looked at Gongsun Xu, and asked bitterly.

Gongsun Xu paused for a while, and then said coldly: "Even if Zi and Brother (Liu He) didn't have today's matter, based on the matter of beasts that they committed, shouldn't they be heavily punished?"

"This …" Liu He smiled bitterly, not knowing how to answer.

When Liu Ji, Wang Liang and the rest were brought to the county magistrate area, they were already completely distracted. Liu He asked a few questions, and all of them admitted to their crimes that Ku Le had announced. When Liu He heard this, he became furious. He wanted to kill Liu Ji and the others on the spot, but he had no choice but to do something, not only was he unable to punish the Confucian Scholars, he also had to think of a way to obtain Gongsun Xu's understanding and protect Liu Ji and the others' lives.

It was just that from Gongsun Xu's attitude, Liu He did not have much hope for this matter. Of course, he did not wish to pester Gongsun Xu endlessly for the sake of Liu Ji and the rest, and let their good relationship break down.

"I know that my son and brother have their own difficulties!" Your father is a noble and pure person, this must have nothing to do with him! Since that's the case, "Gongsun Xu looked into Liu He's eyes, and asked solemnly:" Why can't I speak frankly? You and I are fellow soldiers who have experienced life and death situations.

Liu He smiled bitterly again. After not seeing Gongsun Xu for ten months, this Gongsun Xu had become even more eloquent, and his face was even thicker and darker than before. He had experienced life and death situations, and might not even be considered a 'fellow disciple', otherwise, why would there be no one to lead them, and I, Liu He, would not even be able to enter White Horse Camp? Also, my father and Gongsun Zan seem to be cooperating, but in reality, they are still sworn enemies, alright? For you, Gongsun Zimin, to not even bat an eyelid while speaking nonsense, you are truly a formidable person!

"I have come to inquire about it because I respect my son, brother and senior. If I want to know more, I will have to put in a little bit of effort."

"Forget it." Liu He sighed. "Zheng Xuanzheng sent a message, I have to talk about the best I can."

"Zheng Xuanzheng?" Gongsun Xu thought about it, but there didn't seem to be any impression at all.

"It's the head of the Youzhou's government, Zheng Jin." Seeing Gongsun Xu's doubt, Liu He opened his mouth to explain, and then added, "Zheng Jin is the nephew of the great scholar, Kang Cheng. My father has a good relationship with Kang Cheng, I can't help but give him face."

"Duke Kang Cheng?" Gongsun Xu was confused.

Liu He rubbed his forehead and said softly, "The great scholar Zheng Xuan is a successful man."

"So it's him!" Gongsun Xu suddenly realized, even though he did not know anything about the Confucian classics, but he had heard of the names of the great scholar Zheng Xuan, Cai Yong, Zhao Qi and the others. The person he was most familiar with was, of course, Cai Yong. This person had a well-known but ill-fated daughter, Cai Yan.

Gongsun Xu remembered that Cai Yan was kidnapped by the Hunters during Li Que's time of chaos. Counting the time, it was only a matter of two years. Since he had suddenly thought of Cai Yan, he might as well send someone to investigate and see if he could change the tragic fate of this talented girl who was kidnapped by the Huns.

Liu He sighed, "Since Zi Minxiong knows Kang Cheng's great name, I believe he would understand my difficulties, right?"

"What is your esteemed self thinking about this matter?" Gongsun Xu probed further. Although the morally noble Liu Yu's chances of pleading for leniency for those fellows were slim, if Liu Yu really opened his mouth, there was no harm in giving him face. In any case, Liu Ji's and the other's reputation were all rotten beyond belief.

"Sigh." Liu He gave a long sigh and said sadly, "My father became sick from working hard and passed out in the morning. He still hasn't woken up yet!"

"What?" Gongsun Xu was shocked, and anxiously asked: "Have you ever invited Godly Doctor Hua to treat me?"

"He's been invited."

"What was the result?"

"I don't know either, not long after Godly Doctor Hua arrived, Zi Minxiong arrived."

Gongsun Xu smiled apologetically, standing up and cupping his hands: "Since that's the case, I will take my leave first. I will first imprison these few fellows, and then deal with them in a few days."

"Zi Minxiong, hold on!" Liu He called out to Gongsun Xu, stood up and walked a few steps back from the desk, then said with a serious expression: "I hope that your son and brother can inform Marquis Jin that my father is old and weak, and is no longer able to hold the post of Youzhou's Mu. I ask Marquis Jin and Zi Minxiong to be at ease, that my father will abide by the three year agreement, and definitely will not use some tricks that cannot be put on the table! "

Gongsun Xu was shocked. Without Liu Yu, who worked all day and all night, the citizens of the Youzhou would have surely disappeared. Whether it was himself or his father Gongsun Zan, neither of them had the ability to shoulder the pile of trash in Liu Yu's hands.

"How can we do that!?" Your esteemed lord is highly respected, who else is capable of being the Youzhou's Mu but him? I hope that your son and brother can advise your esteemed self otherwise, the people of Youzhou cannot leave your esteemed self! " Gongsun Xu quickly regained his senses and sincerely requested Liu He.

"Heh heh." Liu He sneered, shook his head and said: "Zi Minxiong, my father has already completely understood the matter at the execution grounds!"

"Cough!" Even though Gongsun Xu had a thick skin and a dark heart, he was almost choked to death by his own saliva. He had successfully tricked Liu Yu, who had worked hard for his father and son, and was extremely pleased with himself, but who would have thought that Liu Yu would see through him.

"Haha", Liu He saw the awkward look on's face and laughed, "I thought Zi Minxiong wouldn't blush at all!"

"Hehehehe …" Gongsun Xu laughed foolishly, but he really didn't know what to say.

Liu He did not seem to mind, and suddenly changed the subject: "I heard that Zi Minxiong has mastered a method to quickly create a book?"

Gongsun Xu was slightly shocked: "How did Zi and brother know?"

Liu He didn't answer and continued, "After the appearance of Cai Hou's paper, the books are cheaper and lighter, but it's impossible to copy a book in a few days. It's still very difficult for poor citizens to learn how to read and write. If Zi Minxiong can really produce books quickly, he will definitely garner the gratitude and respect of all the scholars in the world! "

Liu He paused for a moment, looked at Gongsun Xu, and continued: "Zi Minxiong's ambition is great, he treats his soldiers and citizens well, but Zi Minxiong cannot ignore the power of a scholar, if not, even if there is a change in the future, Zi Minxiong will only be the second Chen Sheng."

Gongsun Xu was extremely shocked. Liu He was a member of the Imperial Family, and was also the loyal son of the Han Dynasty, Sect Leader Liu Yu. Liu He's words made sense. The reason for Chen Sheng's loss was that he did not have the support of the scholars or the tyrants of the six nations' families. However, Gongsun Xu's path was different, so he was not too worried about gaining the support of the aristocratic families.

"Why are you telling this to me?" After pondering for a moment, Gongsun Xu decided to ask directly.

"My father and I have very different views." Liu He sighed, and explained in the first sentence, "My father values the people, and worked so hard to let the people live a good life. His goal is to make the people loyal to the government, and do his best to keep this crumbling Great Han Dynasty alive! I also want to let the people live a good life, but I also want to expand my ambition, as for who is sitting in that seat, it doesn't matter! Liu Xie just couldn't wait to eat the flesh! "

After Gongsun Xu heard this, he fell silent for a moment. Then, he asked: "Your son and brother are relatives of the imperial family, and your father is the head of your clan with an esteemed status. Why would your son and brother have such thoughts?"

"This is a long story." Liu He shook his head and sighed, before revealing a piece of secret.

In order to prevent Li Que from establishing a new monarch in the Chang'an City, he had ordered all the clan members to bring him along to escape. But unexpectedly, the moment they left Chang An, they were blocked by Guo Si's subordinates. In order to escape quickly, Dong Cheng ordered Yu Lin Wei to abandon the clan members, and flee in panic, leading Liu Xie and the imperial concubines to be captured by Li Que before they could escape too far. From then on, Liu Xie was placed under house arrest in the palace, and as for the clan members they abandoned, they suffered miserable fates.

'The Liu family has a tradition of abandoning their loved ones and running away. When Liu Bang was being hunted down by Xiang Yu, he actually pushed his own children out of the carriage three times in order to make the carriage run faster. If it wasn't for Xia Hou's help, how would there be Emperor Han Huidi and Grand Princess Lu Yuan afterwards? ' After Gongsun Xu heard this, he muttered to himself, this segment of Liu Bang's black history was spread far and wide.

"When my father heard the news, he was also furious. However, his loyalty to the Emperor was deeply rooted, and although he was angry, he did not have the slightest bit of resentment. Instead, he repeatedly warned them not to resent the Imperial Family! How could I forget such a deep hatred? Li Que should be killed, Dong Cheng and Liu Xie should die too! " Liu He's tone was indignant, and tears rolled down his cheeks as he said the last two lines.

Gongsun Xu advised: "Brother and son, please grieve! Li Que was going all out, and his defeat was just around the corner! That Dong Cheng is a resourceful man, he will die a violent death sooner or later! "

"Even if they are all dead, my revenge is still incomplete!" Liu He clenched his teeth, his face twitching sinisterly as he said fiercely: "Only if Liu Xie dies will I be able to face my wife in the netherworld safely!"

Gongsun Xu sighed: "Brother and Son, that Liu Xie is the Son of Heaven after all. Unless I can sweep the world, there's nothing I can do to help!"

Liu He rubbed his eyes, suddenly brushed his sleeves and bowed: "I am willing to help Zi Minxiong win over the hearts of warriors, I just hope to obtain a promise from Zi Minxiong!"

"Brother and son need not be so courteous!" Gongsun Xu quickly went to help Liu He up, and said solemnly: "I hereby swear that this son and brother will definitely obtain what they want in the future!"

"Thank you, my lord!" Liu He ignored Gongsun Xu's persuasion and knelt down to pay his respects.

"What are Zi and brother planning to do?" asked with a smile as he helped Liu He up again.

"Liu Ji and the rest are still useful. May you allow me to do whatever I want with them."

"Alright!" "What else is there?"

"After my father requests Youzhou to submit, this subordinate will recommend someone to you. I hope Master can persuade Marquis Jin to agree to this matter."


"The Shanyang Person, Wang Zhong Xuan, is from a distinguished family. His great-grandfather, Wang Gong, was once a Grand Commandant. His grandfather, Wang Chang, was also a disciple of Sikong. In the past, Wang Zhongxuan was given a room full of books by the great scholar Cai Yong, and he even boasted that he was a peerless genius. In an instant, his name spread throughout the world. Wang Zhong Xuan is currently disappointed by Liu Biao, if Master can get his help, then all the scholars in the world will definitely vote for him! "

Wang Chao was later called the leader of the Jianan Seven, and was also known as' Cao Wang 'along with Cao Zhi. There were many poems and poems.

"I'm afraid it's just a one-sided show!" Gongsun Xu shook his head: "I will not hide it from you and your brother now, even if I succeed in chasing the deer in the future, I will not be the only scholar, so even if a scholar comes, I am afraid that they will leave me in the future."

"My lord, you are wrong!" Liu He shook his head and explained, "My lord might not know, ever since the great chaos, many knowledgeable people have been reflecting on the veracity of the 'Solitary Sword Technique', so the ones who came to seek refuge are not necessarily the disciples of the Confucian School. It is said that Master is going to build a medical academy in the Youzhou, is that true? "

"That's exactly what happened."

"Since you wish to restore hundreds of families to their former glory, why don't you build a school of law, Mo, and Zongheng as well as other schools of thought at the same time to recruit different kinds of talents? Furthermore, from what I know, Wang Zhongxuan knows all the different families, and seems to be biased towards the Mo family. "

"Hmm?" Gongsun Xu was startled, and then immediately said happily: "Zi is kind! I didn't think of that! That's right, since I want to restore the Hundred Clashes, how can I build just a medical academy? Of course he had to go through a major special cultivation! As long as you are truly capable, no matter which school you're teaching, I will accept it! If you want talent, then you have to 'take them for granted'! "

Liu He sighed, "Master is wise and wise, this subordinate is very pleased!"

Gongsun Xu laughed and asked: "Since Zi He has proposed this idea, does this matter have any intentions?"

"Thank you for the lord's trust, this subordinate truly wishes for it!" Liu He bowed and expressed his gratitude with great excitement. If all the universities were built by themselves, then in the future, they would all have the feeling of burning incense. This was a huge human relationship!

"The address will be given to you at Youzhou City. I will have someone deliver 50,000 slots to you first. If not enough, you can dial later."

"My lord, rest assured, your subordinate will not disappoint you!" "However, the lord wants to move the barracks to Tianjin and pay the soldiers. I wonder if there's enough money and food?"

"Haha, Zi He only needs to be assured and do what he needs to do. There is no need to worry about money and food. I have my own opinions."

"Since that's the case, your subordinate shall immediately send the cultivation book to Wang Chao. Your highness, please wait quietly for the good news!"

"Good!" Son He, if your father wants to return to your hometown, Tan City, I can agree to that! I won't go visit your father. If you need any medicinal ingredients or anything else, just open your mouth. "

"Thank you for your concern, my lord." Liu He thanked him and said, "Master, you don't have to worry about such a small matter. I will discuss it with my father."

Gongsun Xu nodded, he turned and walked out of the small hall.

Liu He walked to the door and watched as Gongsun Xu disappeared. After closing the door, he sat down and looked at the ceiling above him as he murmured something, and did not move for a long while.

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