The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6306: Are you the steward?

"Oh, really!"

After hearing that Kudo Takumi said that he did not know the whereabouts of the Demon King on the sixth day, Zhang Xiaofan raised his mouth and a cold smile was drawn on his face. I saw that his right foot was raised again high, Step down hard.

"no, do not want!"

After seeing this scene, Kudo Takumi hastily screamed with screams, his eyes were cracked, and the depth of his eyes was full of unprecedented deep despair.

"call out--!!!"

However, just at this critical moment, just listening to a sharp sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded, a knife flashed, and greeted Zhang Xiaofan's back position straight.

"Ha ha...."

In response to this, Zhang Xiaofan just sneered, leaning over to his side, and the sharp swordman flew across his body, across the ground, and cut a thick reinforced concrete wall in an instant. Crush!

Coming with that swordman, there was also a figure. He was holding a samurai sword, and his old face was even more gloomy, almost all dripping water.

"Patriarch Kudo!"

After seeing the arrival, everyone in the Kudo family exclaimed suddenly.

The visitor is not someone else, it is the head of their Kudo family, Kudo Hanyu!

"Kudo, Kudo, you're finally here, boy, he's dead today!"

After seeing that it was the head of the Kudo family, after the appearance of Kudo Hanyu, Kudo Shizuka's original fear and horror finally let go, and Zhang Xiaofan's eyes were filled with deep compassion.

As everyone knows, Kudo Hanyu is the deserved first strongest of their Kudo family, and the real Yuan Xiuwei has already reached the level of inner Dan, respect for the lord, and superior strength.

Even if you look at the whole East, you can beat Kudo Hanyu in the front, it is only a few palms!

It is precisely because, in the eyes of Kudo Shizuka, Zhang Xiaofan simply belongs to the kind of grasshopper that cannot grow after the autumn, and can only be so arrogant for a short while!

There is no doubt that Zhang Xiaofan, who I do not know is a so-called little cub, will soon die under the Katana Hanyu's katana, and become a dead soul buried in a foreign country!

In the meantime, Zhang Xiaofan is still the same as before, right foot on Kudo Takumi's chest, slightly measuring over, looking towards Kudo Hanyu who is standing in front of his horizontal sword not far behind him.

"It looks like you are the real steward of the Kudo family!"

From the beginning to the end, Zhang Xiaofan didn't even look at Kudo Hanyu in the face of his eyes. Why was his posture so big?

Moreover, Kudo Hanyu, the head of the Kudo family, and the peerless power of His Holiness of the Inner Realm, did not even have the qualification to enter his eyes.

"Kudo, Kudo ... Quickly shot and beheaded this lunatic, he has already killed our Kudo family no less than 30 people!"

Several children of the Kudo family just wanted to flee the door, but a few of them had just arrived at the main entrance of the banquet hall, but they were all stiffened.


I saw that the heads of dozens of people were chopped off all the items on the top of the item. One after the other, like a gourd, rolled down on the dots, and Kudo Hana could not help looking.

Suddenly, Kudo Hanyu only felt a chill running down the soles of the feet and rushed to the sky cover ...

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