The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6560: Such an amazing record

However, even if Su Wanqing thinks with her own head, she can think of the ones who can rank among the top ten in the list, and all of them can be with the Xiuzhen Sect, the second echelon of the hundreds of families, and even the first The elders of the echelon of the echelon, and even the master of the one, can face the horror that exists!

But looking back at the ‘Women of the Skyless Demon. Zhang Wutian’, it is possible to achieve one enemy and three with their own strength.

Such bravery is far beyond Su Wanqing's limited imagination, okay? !!

"Master, in which end will this war of one enemy and three be the final?"

Obviously, Wan Duo Tong was also interested by Master Wan Duo's remarks, and hurriedly asked.

In this regard, the old poisonous ghost was silent for a long time before he spit out a word slowly and slowly.

"In the end, Zhang Wutian used one person to kill Elson Smith, the sixth day to forget the river, and the sixth day the demon king."

"At this time, Wutianzun. Zhang Wutian is already on the top of the list of 100 international scholars!"

In a word, Wan Du Tong's entire body suddenly became completely stiff, and his two hands shook uncontrollably!

Wan Du Tong claims to have more talents and qualifications than ordinary people in the practice of cultivation, but it is comparable to his own age, and even a few years older, the Skyless Demon. Zhang Wutian.

Well, even if Wan Duchou is carrying shoes behind Zhang Wutian's buttocks, he may not have such qualifications.

One person alone fights the three supernatural powers, and the strength of two supernatural powers is at least the horror realm that is already at the late stage of supernatural powers or even the great supernatural powers.

Moreover, in that shocking battle, Zhang Wutian also took advantage of the situation to leave all three of these supernatural powers strong, all of them gave the coefficient to defeat the horse!


What a horror and an amazing strength? !!

Even if they were the masters of the first echelon of monasticism, they might not be able to complete such brilliant achievements as Zhang Wutian. Such incredible results? !!

Compared to Wan Du Tong, Su Wanqing is also shaking her heart at this moment!

What she never dreamed of was that in the world, there was such a world-shattering world-weaving hero like a weeping ghost!

Moreover, this world hero is similar to his age, but he is only twenty-four or five years old!

In each person's heart, there will be a seed called "hero dream"!

Huaxia has a legend since ancient times that beautiful women love heroes. Su Wanqing is naturally unavoidable. She is already irresistible to the godless deity that only exists in the legend. Zhang Wutian has generated unprecedented strong interest.

At this point, the old poisonous ghost took a deep breath, and then continued slowly, said.

"Right now, Wang Zhenyuan has discovered that the existence of our teacher and apprentice is irrelevant. You and I alone have 100% absolute confidence for the teacher and we can retreat!"

"But if the godless **** Zhang Wutian is also in the imperial capital, and he is also aiming at us, then you, our teacher and apprentice, will be killed today ..."

During the conversation, Wanduo old ghost waved his hand and looked at Zhang Xiaofan with a cold voice.

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