The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6621: I'm embarrassed.

This person is one of Chiyoutang's four major protection methods, Lengyue!

I saw that Leng Yue struck a purple robe over her, and her body was also exuded with a dark purple qi. She stood up and down, standing three on her left and right sides.

Elina had not spoken at this time, but that cold moon had taken the lead in speaking, said.

"Wu Tian Mo Zun, that day when you took me to the six heroes of Chiyoutang on your own, I said that at that time, and we will surely remember this account today!"

Speaking of this, I saw Leng Yue's pair of Danfeng's eyes rising-a little bit of dangerous cold mang, cold and gorgeous but deadly!


After listening to Leng Yue's mention of the day, Zhang Xiaofan shook his head and laughed, and then continued, Tao said.

"Interesting, this is really very interesting ..."

"You Chiyoutang, when did you mingle with the people of the World Arbitration Council, and you were so embarrassed? It really surprised me!"

Regarding Zhang Xiaofan's remarks, Elina didn't understand it at all. After exchanging glances with Leng Yue, she smiled and said.

"Who made the Heavenly Demon revere you are too powerful. The last punch I gave to the little girl is still fresh in my memory."

"This time, I'm here to trouble you again. If you don't seek some patrons, how dare the little girl appear in front of you again?"

Speaking of this, Elina's tone was a little pause, and then the words turned around and continued.

"However, the last time the little girl invited you to join the World Arbitration Council, Lord Mozun, you directly rejected it without hesitation."

"Since then, people have been sad and sad for a long time."

"So, the little girl came here today to find some helpers, and wanted to let Lord Magzon see you well and see our means of the World Arbitration Council!"

In this regard, all the disciples at the holy fist gate below are inexplicable to each other, and they have no idea where the party such as Elena and Leng Yue came from.

However, compared to this group of holy fist disciples, the five elders are all aware of each other, and there is a turbulent wave in their hearts!

Chi Youtang, although it is only one of the hundred families of the Chinese people, only one of the six halls of the farmhouse.

But even among the six halls of the farmhouse, Chiyoutang is the second-best place in the six halls of the farmhouse.

This point is even better than their holy fist gate. It is a well-known and powerful force in the field of cultivation, and it is even stronger in some aspects because it is backed by the farmer. What a fist!

As for the World Arbitration Council, it goes without saying that it is an absolute BOSS level of terror.

In this world arbitration parliament, there are almost superb first-class masters from various countries in the world of international cultivation. The inside story can be described as unfathomable. In the world of arbitration, they call themselves arbitration parliament!

In these centuries of long years, the World Arbitration Council did not know how many sanctioned powerful men who did not obey their sanctions, nor how many amazing wizards who stupefied themselves ....

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