The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6630: Just appetizers

As for the supernatural power, the great consummate, he completely disappeared into the endless dust.


Speaking of it, Zhang Xiaofan glanced down at the huge pit under him, and then his indifferent gaze swept over again, facing the strong team that was only saving people, enough to hook his fingers, teasing, Says: "Next!"

All of a sudden, everyone on the sky became extremely difficult to look.

Fan Shengtian, Ye Yanqing, and Sebayu are three and a half steps. The Xeon who transformed the infant world, one by one, can not help but change the number.

What none of the three of them had thought of was that Zhang Xiaofan was just a face-to-face effort, and he could directly put a strength in the magical realm. The great and powerful man completely lost his combat power and ended in a tragic end to death.

In the same way, there was a pair of Zhizhu holding the "Red Lotus Goddess" Elina, and her heart was even more inexplicable.

She suddenly realized that there was no deviation in her previous judgment, and the last time Zhang Xiaofan blasted a punch with a hand to wreck herself, apparently she had not used her true strength yet.

After thinking about this, Elina couldn't help but ‘cuckoo—! ‘A cry, a chill ran down the soles of her feet, rushing towards her celestial gait, letting her, Alina, shiver violently.

Until now, she realized that the meal was not an order from a high-level executive to lead the powerful men of the World Arbitration Council out of the mountain.

It was purely a private action by the group of arbitrators headed by Elina, and they wanted to complete the 'Dragon Cut Plan' set by the high level of the parliament in the shortest time!

However, what Elina never imagined was that she was unexpectedly successful this time and died first.

How about Zhang Xiaofan? I have been the first one to be directly solved by Zhang Xiaofan.

As for Leng Yue and other Chiyoutang's gods, Xiaocheng's protectors, they are all looking at each other, and I see you, all seeing the deep fear in the eyes of each other.

Undoubtedly, compared with the Divine Realm. Great Dharma practitioners, the work of these three-legged cats on their hands is not enough.

Even the supernatural powers. The great consummates, before Zhang Xiaofan did n’t even walk in a face-to-face, they were beaten. The life and death of them were unknown, and where was the courage of these little fishes and shrimps? What about the fist?

The moment of seeing everyone was a bit timid and afraid, and the arrogance of Zhang Xiaofan's face became more intense.

"Ha ha....."

"It's just this appetizer. Did you frighten you all?"

Speaking of it, Zhang Xiaofan was full of momentum, and a mighty warfare even tore the clouds and straight into the sky.

"If you don't dare to act rashly, let's just go together."

"Tonight is not a fight, but a unilateral ...."


"call out--!"

I saw that as soon as Zhang Xiaofan's words fell, his whole figure suddenly disappeared in place.

The masters of the World Arbitration Council who noticed this are all very heavy looking .....

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