The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6648: Why thank you

"Remember, those who insult your ancestors, Huaxia Zhang Wutian-!!!"

This voice was full of domineering and arrogance, and everyone was in awe of it.

Revenge? !!

This is just a big joke, right?

In the face of such an unparalleled and amazingly powerful peerless power, it is too late to hide, how can it run away and send people a thousand miles away? !!


Just as the upper and lower gates of the Holy Fist were frightened by the sentence just left by Zhang Xiaofan, Wang Yuanping and Zhang Xiaofan walked together on the mountain road, grateful, said.

"Brother Zhang, this time is really thanks to your help."

"If you don't have you, then the four of us really don't know what kind of torture and humiliation we will encounter under the holy fist ...."

In this regard, Zhang Xiaofan just changed and shook his hand, said.

"Wang Yuanping, we are friends. Since you are friends, what other words do you thank me for?"

"I thought back then that when I arrived in the imperial capital, Wang Yuanping and your brother Wang Yuantao also took care of me a lot, and even almost didn't tie up with Murong Wushuang."

"Every time I think about the things at that time, I still feel a lot of emotions ..."

In this regard, Wang Yuanping also grabbed his own hair, embarrassingly grinning.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaofan was at the apex of the cultivation world at this moment, but he still couldn't forget the little help he had given him.

In particular, after learning that he was captured by the holy fist door, he traveled thousands of miles from the imperial capital to Siam overnight, which moved Wang Yuanping's heart.

As Wang Yuanping's heart was full of emotions, Zhang Xiaofan turned around and looked at Mu Bingyun and Chen Feixue.

For these two women, Zhang Xiaofan naturally has a certain impression of them, and in terms of their appearance, they can definitely be called peerless beauties, which can be described as immortal.

Then, Zhang Xiaofan once again combined with Wang Yuanping's previous expressions. After his expression, he suddenly showed a touch of clarity, and soon he understood the cause and effect of this matter. ,

"However, at present, it seems that Wang Yuanping has done a little too unkindly about you."

I saw that Zhang Xiaofan got to Wang Yuanping's side and rubbed his arm with his elbow, said.

"Wang Yuanping, you just came to China to travel to the backcountry of Siam, in order to win the love of the beautiful women. It hurt me a long way to come and rescue you, and then I was besieged by the people of the World Arbitration Council and Chi Youtang."

"If it weren't for the fact that I still have two hands on my hands, this time I miss you and my brother, I'm afraid I'll be buried elsewhere ..."

Zhang Xiaofan's half-joking and half-serious words made Wang Yuanping's heart ‘cuckoo—! ’Beep.

And not far behind, Mu Bingyun, who had been listening to the situation with her ears open all the time, was also changing her face, and she was about to explain something.

After all, from the perspective of Mu Bingyun, she really does not want Zhang Xiaofan to misunderstand that there is any cross-border relationship between himself and Wang Yuanping beyond ordinary male and female friends.

And at this moment, did not wait for Mu Bingyun to speak, but Wang Yuanping suddenly asked, saying.

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