The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6668: Just because i am better than you

"To put it bluntly, today, I still can't get used to people like you who are inferior to chase Luo Yurou, why aren't you convinced ?!"

Seeing Zhang Xiaofan in front of everyone present was so direct and so humiliating to Chiguo, this also made Fa Fantian's face with deep anger and cold voice, "Why are you on?"

"Why am I?"

After hearing this, Zhang Xiaofan sneered and said.

"I'm better than you!"

"Better than me ?!"

After hearing this, Panyu's expression on the sky couldn't help but froze. He was the first time he heard someone say arrogant and arrogant words in school.

It is true that Panyutian was not born in Emperor Capital. Beiping, but their Fan family is a well-known family in Youzhou. They are rich in Tao Bai and have a good skin. The accomplishments in this respect are extremely high.

Therefore, Panyu Tian was held by his family's elders as a pet, afraid of being broken in his hands, and afraid of becoming fragile in his mouth. No matter where he went, he was an absolute focus.

For this reason, when Panyu Tian was in high school and university in Youzhou, he was so mixed with water that the female college students who loved him were endless like a river.

It is no exaggeration to say the last sentence. As long as he is willing to do so, he does n’t need to do anything else. He just needs to tickle his fingers a little, and hundreds of beautiful girls will be like wild bee waves He rushed madly.

In these years, so far, no boy in a school has spoken to himself, I am better than you.

As for the events that happened in the field, and Pan Yutian's angry expression, Luo Yurou couldn't bear it anymore, and just covered his mouth and giggled.

I have to say, no matter who Zhang Xiaofan is facing, he is such an unscrupulous and accurate range strike!

On the other side, Wu Peipei was still standing still, her head flinching, and she dared not say a word for a long time, for fear that Zhang Xiaofan would notice her existence.


"Look at it, isn't that our first school flower at Peiping University, Zhao Yinger's boyfriend? How could he show up here!"

"I'm going, aren't I ?!"

"No way, he's here this time with Panyutian holding a plan to grab people ?!"

"Is this the rhythm of stepping on two boats!"

"Abominable ... it's abominable!"

"This kid is just eating the bowl and looking at the pot, so insatiable ?!"

"You said that he is clearly sitting on the first school flower Zhao Yinger, and he doesn't plan to give up on it, but he has also hit his brain on the second school flower Luo Yurou."

"What are you still doing? Don't hurry up and drag me? If you don't drag me, maybe I'll rush up in anger, and go up and give the boy a king eight punches! "

"Asshole calf!"


"It's really cheap and sell well!"

At this moment, one after another against Zhang Xiaofan and the sounds of insults are ringing from the crowd .....

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