The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6729: Duan Tianmo's Dreads

However, although Zhang Xiaofan is only a young man who has just reached the age of a weak crown, but at such a young age, he has a realm that ordinary people may not be able to touch throughout their lives. .

In this regard, Rao is very knowledgeable with Duan Tianmo. For a while, she was very surprised, and she felt a lot of fear in her heart.

In addition to worrying about Zhang Xiaofan's practice that does not match his age jealousy, Duan Tianmo is more worried that Zhang Xiaofan is the inside world, or even the peerless genius who exists in the world of heaven, and the background is quite good. .

If Duan Tianmo beheaded Zhang Xiaofan for a short time, it directly or indirectly offended the inside door behind Zhang Xiaofan and even the behemoth and horror sect door in that day.

Presumably, even then, even if their Nine Demon Halls have the ability to move mountains and rivers, in the end, in the face of such terrible and amazing enemies, all they can do is 'mourn,' and the miserable 'destruction'. fate.


"He's really coming ..."

Just as Duan Tianmo was secretly jealous of Zhang Xiaofan's identity card behind him, Shangguan was invincible and his four teachers and brothers wiped the blood stains on the corners of their mouths with each other. Hope to come.

However, after Shangguan Wudi and his party once again looked at the luxurious lineup headed by Duan Tianmo at the Nine Demon Palace, the unspeakable anxiety in their hearts spread again.

You know, the other party still has the half step of the King of Drugs.

At the same time, there are nine magic halls of the Nine Demon Temple-the king of magical powers. The silhouette of the great consummation, and this is not the most terrible, the most terrible is that there is also a section of Tianmo that has really arrived Peerless powerhouse of the infant world.

Even if it is a step back 10,000 steps, although Zhang Xiaofan has created a strong step in the international cultivating world by himself, he can kill half a step, transforming the infant realm, and the supernatural power.

But after all, these strong men are not truly infantile Xeons like Duan Tianmo. When he faces Duan Tianmo, is there really a way to deal with it? !!

At this moment, Shangguan Wudi and others were starting to feel a little bit upset.

For a while, there was no settlement. As for the upcoming battle between Zhang Xiaofan and Duan Tianmo, it is still inconclusive until now.

"I don't know, who is the disciple of your master? Can you tell me one or two?"

While everyone was secretly thinking about it, Duan Tianmo looked at Zhang Xiaofan slowly and hurriedly made a fist. He didn't have the soaring performances shown in the face of the Red Lotus Sect and Wu Lei Sect. domineering.

However, if you think about it, although Duan Tianmo is arrogant and arrogant, he is not the kind of stupid who has no brain and only knows how to pretend to be brainless.

Regarding the situation in the field, Duan Tianmo, as the Lord of the Nine Demon Temple and the First Temple, naturally looked more clearly than anyone in the field. And the Nine Demon Hall behind it evoked the scourge of death.

In this regard, Zhang Xiaofan is still the same as before, indifferent like water, the steps under his feet are not sick, and approaching Duan Tianmo step by step ...

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