The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 6740: With one hand and foot

Suddenly, the ‘scaring cloud hand’ attacked by Duan Tianmo was completely wrapped in that red lava!


After several consecutive muffled sounds, the lava giant fist that came later was menacing. With the tendency of destroying and dying, it rushed into the sky and hit the dark black giant palm with a thousand miles. There was no power to fight back.

Not only that, everyone also was horrified to notice that the hot lava rising above the lava giant was eroding away at a speed visible to the naked eye, quickly evaporating the dark mist.

Just in an instant, the dark giant with hundreds of feet is already being burned by the lava. It is only a few dozen feet in scale, and the scale is rapidly declining.

"it is good....."

"What an amazing power, what a terrible lava!"

The elders of Wuleizong and Honglianzong, all of them were shocked. Under the crimson lava giant fist, they could clearly feel that it was a high temperature full of death and burning Why is it so dangerous? !!

If they were to be wrapped in this lava, I am afraid that in a short period of time, they would not have even the ashes burned in them, and they would completely disappear in this earthly world.


Immediately afterwards, another deafening sound came, and I saw that the dark and black palm finally disappeared at this moment.

And the section of the demon who was in the middle of the air, he also snorted heavily at this moment, the expression on the face with a deep unwillingness to the unspeakable shock, backwards one after another.

Duan Tianmo stepped back five or six steps in the air, before he could barely stabilize his body, and Jinghai in his heart reached a point where it could not be added.

He placed himself above the sky and devoted his best effort to the blow, but in one stroke he saw the entire gate of Wuleizong being completely annihilated into a mass of ruins, and the entire Wulei mountain was cut off by half!

But Zhang Xiaofan's seemingly ordinary and fancy punch was a blast of flames. He burned all the offensives of his demons invisibly, and even the real energy released by him was hot. The lava burned into nothingness.

There is no doubt that the means just exhibited by Zhang Xiaofan just now, even with the knowledge of his demons, are difficult to understand for a while.

How could there be such a terrible lava between this world? !!

Even the strong ones who are obsessed with spiritual practice, I am afraid that even if they were replaced, they might not be able to control such a terrible lava? !!

With this in mind, Duan Tianmo once again looked diligently in the direction where Zhang Xiaofan was just now, but the expression on his face froze at this moment.

I saw that there was nothing on the performance martial arts field. Where could Zhang Xiaofan's shadow be seen? !!

"I said, defeat you, one hand is enough!"

The indifferent voice sounded behind him, Duan Tianmo's complexion was a little stiff, and his heart was even more awkward! ’With a sound, an ominous premonition surged like a tide.

He suddenly turned around and released his true energy in an instant. His body was overbearing, and the overbearing energy was directly converted into an oval radon shield ...

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