The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7093: You guys have a try

"Zhang Wutian, what you are doing is simply challenging our great and majestic Emperor Russia!"

"If it wasn't for the old and wretched struggles at the conference, the Emperor of the Russian Empire will probably have to press the nuclear button at this time to completely wipe you out of this world!"

"Oh? If that guy really dares to do this, give it a try, I don't care!"

With that said, Zhang Xiaofan shrugged his shoulders indifferently, his eyes filled with disdain.

As we all know, this nuclear button is not what you want to press.

Putting aside some international, external and other complex and changeable elements, let's just say that nuclear weapons themselves require a series of complicated and thoughtful preparations.

At first, Uncle Sam wanted to use "little boy" to greet the enemy, and it took about one and a half months to prepare for the launch.

However, Zhang Xiaofan followed the Trans-Siberian Railway all the way from east to west, and his mental energy radiated a full ten kilometers away.

Even in the process of his meditation practice, the coverage of his mental strength has never been completely relaxed.

If the Emperor who wants the Emperor Russia really decides to use a destructive weapon against himself and press the nuclear button, it will definitely be captured by Zhang Xiaofan the first time, so that the most correct one can be made in an instant. Coping Solutions!

And it is worth mentioning that if the emperor really decides to press the nuclear button, it means that the last bit of leeway between Emperor Russia and his Zhang Xiaofan will be completely wiped out.

From that moment on, whether it be Zhang Xiaofan or Emperor Russia, the representatives of the two sides have reached a tragic situation where you die or I die.

By that time, Zhang Xiaofan simply didn't have to worry about the so-called "concealer cloth" at all.

At the same time, the targets he killed were not limited to KGB agents.

As long as Zhang Xiaofan is willing, he can let a city with thousands of birds fly and all people disappear.

Moreover, with Zhang Xiaofan's own exquisite body style, speed, omnipresent mental strength, and endless magical powers, if the Emperor Russia wants to use Zhang Xiaofan to operate, it is simply difficult to enter the sky!


After hearing Zhang Xiaofan's threat of such a red fruit, a anger appeared on the druid's face, and he was ready to rush forward to give Zhang Xiaofan some lessons, but he was attacked by the army. The old man in the coat shook his hand and blocked it directly.

I saw that the old man in the military coat also shot two fascinating lights in his eyes, and his blood was full of a little bit of blood, a little bit spreading all around, and the atmosphere in the entire field became more tense and swift.

"Looks like, Lord Zhang Wutian, are you determined to confront our Emperor Russia?"

"Do you know that you are doing this to ignore the profound friendship that has existed for more than 70 years between our two countries?"

"That's right, Lord Mozun, and leader Lu Jianming took me to Emperor Russia, the City of Thousand Peaks this time. The purpose is to hope that you can think about the big picture and don't take it easy."

"In short, Lord Mozun, you have to think about the big picture ..."

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