The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7366: Never dare to disobey

, Bowed solemnly and salute him, almost exhausted all his strength, his voice squeezed out of the teeth, said.

"Everything, according to Lord Mozun."

"Hahahaha ....."

Zhang Xiaofan first laughed wildly on his back, then abruptly stopped the laughter.

He opened his eyes and stood upright. He ignored Qin Xiyan's small hand from the beginning to the end, and strode away. Before he left, he just turned around half-heartedly. A glance at Guo Yunsheng said.

"Remember, at noon tomorrow, the equity I want will be transferred to Xi Yan's name with no factor left."

"If not, don't blame me for Zhang Wutian's relentless sword!"

"Dare to ..."

"Younger, don't dare to disobey the demon's will ..."

Hearing this, Guo Yunsheng shivered severely, and his head was almost on the ground.

At this point, Zhang Xiaofan and Qin Xiyan, in the horror, doubt, or complex eyes of the crowd, went away.

After waiting for Zhang Xiaofan and Qin Xiyan to leave Guo's house, Guo Yunsheng dared to stand up from the ground. He patted his chest and breathed a long sigh of relief.

The head of the Guo family just seemed to have gone through a fierce battle. Even the clothes behind him did not know when they were soaked in cold sweat.


After Guo Zhenping saw this, he hurried over three steps and made a two-step trot. He stepped forward to support his father, and his heart was somewhat indignant.

"Father, even if the kid is extraordinary, why should we cut such a large piece of meat and give away so much of our Guo family's property to a foreigner ?!"

"If this is the case, then the entire Guo Group may be changed to another person's name."

"Sinko, if it wasn't for the sincerity and decisiveness your father just showed, you would have been with him now.

"Fei Tiancheng has a dead body, and his head is on the ground, right ?!"

After Guo Yunsheng saw that his son was still obsessed with ignorance, he was angry at the roar of iron and steel.

"Zhang Xiaofan, he has killed Fei Tiancheng of the Fei family. Does he dare to kill my Guo family again and again? Is there any king law in this world?"

Guo Zhenping was unconvinced, said.

In response, Guo Yunsheng shook his head in disappointment after hearing this statement.

Although his son's talents in business are very outstanding, his son's vision is too short-sighted, and he always stays at the stage of businessmen.

It can be said that his son does not have a deep understanding of the horrible existence that truly stands at the top of this world pyramid, let alone does not mean what the golden body supreme strong represents behind it.

"Brother Guo, I just got the news recently. In the last one and a half months, Zhang Wutian just returned to China. The first thing is to give the entire Gusu Ke family to the three ethnic groups, and he has not given up . "

"After that, Zhang Wutian successively beheaded Gusu Xia, Song, and Sun, including the heads of twenty-one clan leaders of all sizes in Gusu."

"At this point, Zhang Wutian went on to fight in various cities in the south of the Yangtze River, killing a thousand and one thousand soldiers ..."

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