The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7417: Anyone come to sing?

Hot Bar stood on the stage, with a slight smile on his face, said.


Along with the voice of the hot bar, the atmosphere of the entire stadium has become increasingly high.

What all the fans did not expect was that the hot bar actually asked the fans to take the stage to interact with each other. This should not be too happy, okay? !! !!

The lighting, the cheers up and down the entire stadium are like the tide, the waves are not flat, and the waves are rising again. The pink support stick is waving rhythmically.

"I'm going, aren't I ?!"

"Hot Bar actually invites others to come on stage to sing together? This is too outrageous, right ?!"

Hearing the heat said that when inviting fans to sing along with the stage, this made Zhao Jianfei even more excited and almost didn't stand up directly from the position.

"If you can choose me, it would be so beautiful ..."

Really speaking, Zhao Jianfei is still relatively young, and naturally admires female stars. After hearing this from the heat, the whole person was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

As for Zhao Yinger, although she also likes to be hot, it is also limited to the singing of the other party, and she will not show up completely like her brother.

For Zhao Yinger, being a quiet listener and enjoying wonderful songs below the stage is already a very enjoyable thing.

"Long Brother, have you just heard clearly?"

"Hot, she's going to pick someone to sing together!"

"You know, if you're doing it in the past, it's hot, but it's never been this hot at the meetup!"

At this time, Zheng Pengfei also got into Long Shaojie's ear, said.

However, compared with the previous few times, Zheng Pengfei's voice is obviously much lower this time.

At this point, Long Shaojie's complexion has also become very unsightly, he is a very possessive, even to the point of metamorphosis.

Therefore, Long Shaojie naturally does not want someone to sing a love song on the stage with Rebecca, even if he is just a small fan.

"Ha ha....."

"If this woman is a good friend, it's best to choose a female fan for me. If she chooses a male fan, she can only blame him for being unlucky."

"When that time comes, when I pack up that Xiao Sansan, he will clean up even one!"

Long Shaojie clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said.

"Hahahaha ..."

"Long brother, this decision is fine, I like to solve the problem with violence!"

After hearing this from Long Shaojie, Zheng Pengfei naturally smiled on his side, but now he has nowhere to vent the evil fire in his stomach, so he wants to find a few more unlucky eggs, vent well, and vent.

Although the "lucky fan" who is about to be selected by the hot bar is indeed an innocent person, but because he was selected by the hot bar, he can only blame him for his deserved, unlucky!

"Okay, I'm going to choose now ..."

The hot bar squinted and smiled, and the beautiful eyes began to glance at the bottom continuously. At the moment, with the eyes of the hot bar, the stage was a mountain tsunami .....

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