The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7461: I can't die if I want to die

"You are not qualified to bargain in front of me!"

Zhang Xiaofan looked icy cold, word by word, saying.

Hearing this, the killer in black was even more depressed and almost no old blood spurted out. I just just wanted Wen to say it so smoothly. Even if you don't want to say it, there is no need to cut off one arm again?

Thinking of this, the black killer's heart ignited an unknown fire.

Generally, when they do the business of hanging their heads on the belt of their trousers, they naturally have a certain pride in his heart. His eyes were closed, his heart was crossed, and he said.

"You kid are too arrogant. You had to talk well and talk about it. Then I might explain what the employer behind the scene is."

"But now?"

"Hehe ... I lost my head and a big scar on the bowl, I will not betray my employer!"

In this regard, Zhang Xiaofan didn't even respect the bird, but his heart moved and Feijian killed him again.

And when Fei Jian returned again, the right leg of the black killer was also cut off by Zhang Xiaofan.


Zhang Xiaofan's voice was still the same as before, and he did not mean to fight with the black killer.

At the same time, the killer was finally unsteady. A stun, he fell directly to the ground injury.

At the moment of falling, the killer's teeth moved, and he wanted to bite the 'cyanide' on his back alveolar, intending to take poison by himself.

But I thought that this series of plans for the black killer was under the close supervision of Zhang Xiaofan's mental strength.

At the moment when his teeth were about to bite, Zhang Xiaofan's flying sword was already pre-emptive, and the blade was stabbed directly on the killer's teeth, and his teeth containing the 'cyanide' capsule were directly given to his mouth. I came out.


Seeing that I didn't even want to die, how could this killer's heart be so humiliated? !! !!

His left and right arms and his right leg were cut off by Zhang Xiaofan one after another. At this moment, the whole person is hurting and is about to die, right? But even if he wanted to die, he could not die ...

Thinking of this, the heart of the black killer also felt helpless.


Is this something special still human? He's the killer.

This man's method is ten times more vicious than a common killer, a hundred times. This guy is just a demon who chooses to kill others!

A bloody, violent demon!

At this moment, Zhang Xiaofan kept stepping forward, step by step.

He first glanced at the life-threatening black killer spread on the ground. Now his right leg has been cut off by Qi Gen. Only one left leg is still intact, and the whole person is like a blood gourd. What a miserable one? !!

"Say it!"

Zhang Xiaofan stood down, looking down at him, said.

Under the pale moonlight, the killer in black stared at Zhang Xiaofan for a moment, and his extraordinary face of Zhang Yi was actually made to look elegant and holy under the light of moonlight.

However, it was clear to the killer in black that this man was a devil, a devil in human skin!

"Hello vicious, you are the devil ..."

The black killer took a deep breath, hard, said.

"If the next thing you say is nonsense ..."

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