The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 7640: Change of attitude

Even from the beginning to the end, Zhang Xiaofan didn't have any intention to take the initiative to step forward and settle with the hot bar.

Liu Qingqing had a good talk with Rebecca, and the conversation became more and more interesting. She found Rebecca to be very kind and very enthusiastic about herself.

And, unlike the elegance shown on the TV screen, the hot bar feels so cheerful in private.

If Zhang Xiaofan were to know it, he would definitely scoff at Liu Qingqing's idea.

Hot bar is not a kind, gentle person, her character is very different from what is shown on the big screen.

Zhang Xiaofan still remembers clearly that the first time she met Reba, she was a self-righteous woman.

After a long time, Zhang Xiaofan felt that time was running out. On the contrary, Liu Qingqing and Reba II did not have the concept of time at all. Instead of having any meaning to end the topic, the more they talked, the more happy they got, and the closer they got closer.

"Just fine. We have other things to deal with!"

Zhang Xiaofan walked over and said to Liu Qingqing.


"It's been such a short time, but I still want to talk with Rebecca for a while ..."

After hearing that Zhang Xiaofan was going to tell himself to leave, Liu Qingqing apparently showed some reluctance, Tao.

Hot Bar treats herself very enthusiastically, making her reluctant to leave here for a while.

"Xiao Fan, Qing Qing still wants to stay here for a while, and you can let her hide for a while ..."

It's hot and pursed his mouth, and deliberately didn't look at Zhang Xiaofan's side, talking to the air, said.

"Well then, stay a little longer."

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaofan didn't have to pull Liu Qingqing away, but nodded, saying.

If he had talked to himself like this before, Zhang Xiaofan would have said nothing, and forced Liu Qingqing to leave with an undeniable tone.

But this time is different from the past. Now the weight of the hot bar in his heart is obviously heavier than in the past.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan was also willing to give this girl more patience when facing the heat.

As for eating, the two daughters, Liu Qingqing and Sister Song, did not notice anything unusual, but they were hot but could not help but move slightly.

Among the people present, only the hot one knows Zhang Xiaofan's personality.

The man in front of him has always been very arrogant and domineering, but rarely takes the requests or suggestions made by others seriously.

Hot Bar still remembers deeply that the first time he met Zhang Xiaofan when he was in the capital of the Tang Dynasty. When this man first met Zhang Xiaofan, the man did n’t give his star a good look at all. Identity, fame.

But nowadays, he obviously speaks with Zhang Xiaofan with a bit of delicate tone. Instead of leaving his sleeves, he will stay here, which makes the hot bar inevitably move, but he feels deep inside. There is so little joy and happiness.

Let ’s feel like you ’re giving ‘stupid’, okay? !!

So many people like themselves, so many people are pursuing themselves, and all of them have always refused to be far away from these crazy bees and butterflies, and ignore them at all ...

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