The Three Realms of Super Students

Chapter 916: Come sit next to me

At this time, Zhou Guohua made the person under his hand.

The White Swan Hotel was notified of what happened here.

Here at the White Swan Hotel, after receiving the news.

Naturally dare not neglect!

Give it directly to Zhou Guohua and relocate it to the box.

Directly, adjusted to Suzaku Hall next to Qinglong Hall.

However, when I was in charge of the staff at the White Swan Hotel.

In the Qinglong Hall, this looks like a typhoon crossing.

I was surprised at all.

However, they also knew they were little people.

Things like this are best practices.

Naturally, this kind of thing should be rotten in one's stomach.

So as not to cause yourself any unnecessary trouble.

Thus, causing trouble to the upper body.

Soon, Zhang Xiaofan and others waited directly to the Suzaku Hall.

At this time, in Suzaku Hall.

It was already taken early, and a good table was prepared in advance.

As for Zhou Guohua, who has been sitting at the top.

This time, he said that he didn't dare to continue pretending.

Respectfully, Zhang Xiaofan was welcomed to the first place.

In this regard, Zhang Xiaofan did not quit.

Anyway, today I am also a matter of trust.

If it were not for his shao wénqiáng's face.

This week Guohua, and the lives and deaths of the high-level people in Kowloon.

He Zhang Xiaofan was too lazy to take it to heart!

Therefore, at the moment, he sits at the top of the list.

At this time, everyone in Suzaku Hall saw Zhang Xiaofan seated.

Only then did they dare to sit back one by one to their respective positions.

However, on the empty seat next to Zhang Xiaofan.

But no one dares to sit over.

After all, this is where Master Zhang is.

If, if there is no personal gesture of Master Zhang.

They had no courage and sat hurriedly.

Otherwise, if something makes Master Zhang angry.

Such blame is not what they can bear.

At this time, I saw the prudent face of everyone.

Zhang Xiaofan froze, even if he laughed suddenly.

It seems that the hand he showed before is indeed a bit overdone.

Look at them scared one by one, just like a quail.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaofan reached out his hand.

Shao Mingzhu who rushed aside casually beckoned and waved.

"Miss Shao, just sit beside me!"


Shao Mingzhu now has a little bit of awe.

However, Shao Wénqiáng beside her was ecstatic.

He quickly winked at his daughter.

Begged her to sit over quickly.

After Shao Mingzhu saw his father's wink.

Do not dare to neglect too much.

Quickly also carefully, sat next to Zhang Xiaofan.

Shao Mingzhu itself is a beauties in the level of disaster.

Coupled with the enchanting and **** figure, and that dark blue oL professional suit.

This made her a whole person, adding a little zhìfúyòu confusion in it!

When others saw this, they couldn't help cursing.

"This Shao wénqiáng is really an old fox!"

"Using such beauties to Master Zhang?"

At this time, the senior members of the Kowloon Gang were okay.

After all, what does "Shao Mingzhu" mean?

Can also be considered as a half family.

If, if she can get Zhang Xiaofan's favor, ...

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