The Thunder Demon Straw Hat Luffy

Chapter 14 - 14: Entering The Grand Line and Laboon!

It has been an hour since the crew left Logue town and were currently sailing towards the Grand Line. Usopp was manning the rudder while Johnny and Yosaku were up in the crow's nest looking out. Zoro was sitting at the rear deck of the ship with Luffy cleaning his swords, Nami and Nojiko were looking at a map of the Grand Line while Sanji was in the kitchen putting away the stuff he bought. Luffy was drinking his whiskey while staring up at the thundercloud infested sky. These weren't his clouds, it looked like an actual storm was coming their way but Luffy didn't mind. They had a tailwind since they left Logue Town and were likely to be out of the storm before it even began. Luffy was about to take a sip of his drink when suddenly Nami screamed startling everyone and causing Luffy to spill some of his whiskey on the floor.

"AHHHH!" she yelled. Luffy looked over to her with a murderous look in his eye before he spoke.

"You better have a good excuse for causing me to spill my whiskey," Luffy said in a cold tone causing her to sweat a bit before she nodded her head. "Well, what is it?" he asked as Sanji and everyone ran over to see what is wrong with Nami.

"I was looking at this map of the Grand Line that I stole from Buggy and it says here the entrance of the Grand Line is a mountain," she said causing everyone's eyes to widen except Luffy.

"A mountain?" Zoro asked while looking at Nami. "Are we supposed to crash into it?" he asked causing Luffy to look at him as though he was stupid.

"Really?" Luffy asked while looking at Zoro. "Crash into it? Does that sound like how you enter the Grand Line? or does it sound like how you die?" Luffy asked rhetorically causing Zoro to look away in embarrassment.

"So how do we enter the Grand Line then?" asked Sanji. Luffy took a sip of his drink before he replied.

"We sail up the mountain," he said surprising everyone.

"Sh.i.p.s can't sail up a mountain!" Usopp said causing everyone to nod their heads in agreement to what he said.

"Hand me that map Nami," Luffy said as he stretched out his hand. When he got the map from Nami he sat it down on the floor in front of them and began explaining how it works. "You see this mountain right here?" he asked while pointing to the mountain in the center of the map. All of them nodded their heads and paid close attention to what he was saying. "That mountain is a part of the Red Line and is called Reverse Mountain. Currents from all four of the seas run up the mountain and into the Grand Line," he said while tracing his finger on the small blue line that represents the currents that go up the mountain. Everyone's eyes widened when they heard that information.

"But that is impossible, currents cannot flow up a mountain," Nojiko said while having a disbelieving look on her face.

"In the normal world it doesn't, but this is the Grand Line," Luffy said as he rolled up the map and looked all of them in the eye before he continued. "If you go into that sea and try using logic to explain everything that happens there you will go mad," he said before handing the map back to Nami. "There is nothing sane about that sea. One minute it is raining, and one second later it starts snowing, and two seconds after that it is raining hail the size of a galleon," he said causing their eyes to widen and their jaws to drop.

"You-you are kidding right?" Nami asked.

"Nope...well the hail thing I only saw that in the New World, but it could happen in Paradise," he said getting them to relax a bit. "By the way, Nami," he said getting her attention. "Did you and Nojiko a log pose?" he asked causing them to nod.

"Yea we did, but why do we need it?" she asked.

"It's how you navigate the Grand Line, regular compasses don't work there," he said surprising them. "Do not lose it or else we will all die," he said causing her to nod her head furiously. "By the way what did all the rest of you buy while you were there?" He asked.

"I bought some fresh vegetables to cook some healthier meals a lot with some meat," Sanji said causing Luffy to nod. "I also bought some new pots and pans for the kitchen and some more knives, but the best part is I won a Blue-Finned Elephant Tuna in a cooking contest," he said happily. Luffy looked him with an amused smile on his face before he spoke.

"I'll be looking forward to eating it," he said before he looked over to Usopp to hear what he bought.

"I bought these new pairs of goggles," he said while pointing to the goggles on his head. "They are going to help me hit my targets better," he said causing Luffy to nod his head and waited for him to continue. "I also bought a few chemicals to experiment with so I can make my slingshot attacks deadlier that way pirates and marines everywhere will fear the name Captain Usopp!" he yelled while pointing to the sky causing everyone to chuckle in amus.e.m.e.nt before looking over to Zoro.

"I cannot say I bought these two swords because the guy gave them to me for free," he said surprising everyone.

"Why would someone give you two swords for free?" Sanji asked causing Zoro to pick up the sword in the red scabbard before he spoke.

"It is because of this sword he gave me both of them for free," he said as he showed them the swords. Luffy saw the swords and narrowed his eyes at them.

"But why?" asked Nojiko while looking at the sword.

"Because it's cursed," Luffy said while looking at the blade. Everyone's eyes widen when they heard that. "It is one of the Kitetsu blades isn't it?" Luffy asked causing Zoro to nod his head.

"Kitetsu blades?" Usopp asked with a curious look on his face.

"There are three Kitetsu blades, and all three of them are cursed. Once unsheathed they must spill an enemy's blood or else they will take their master's blood instead," Luffy said scaring all of them. "Or so the myth goes," he said with a chuckle. "what did those two buy?" he asked Zoro while pointing to the bounty hunting duo up in the crow's nest.

"I had thought they were going to buy swords but instead the two of them bought a bisento each," he said surprising Luffy. Luffy didn't complain if that was what they were comfortable with then so be it. He then looked over to Nami to hear what she bought.

"I bought new clothes and shoes," she said happily causing all the boys except for Sanji to roll their eyes. "I also bought high-quality charting paper and back up ink and pens to chart with," she said causing Luffy to nod his head before looking at Nojiko to hear what she bought.

"I also bought clothes and shoes with Nami but I also bought this three section metal staff," she said as she pulled out the staff from behind her back and showed it to everyone. It was a silver staff broken into three sections while a chain connected each of the section together. Luffy hypothesizes that it could be used as a staff and as nunchucks and if she adds haki to it it might just a deadly weapon. [picture Ban's three section staff from Seven Deadly Sins]

"Nice, better practice how to use it," he said causing her to nod her head before putting it away. "Usopp man the rudder and tell when the current is so strong that you can no longer steer the ship," he said causing him to salute and run off to the rudder. "Sanji I am quite hungry can you go and prepare Lunch," Luffy said causing him to nod and head towards the kitchen. "And the rest of you," he said getting their attention. "I do believe you all still have some training to complete," he said causing them to run and get their blindfolds and sticks. Luffy poured himself some more whiskey before staring up at the sky.

After sailing for about ten more minutes the ship finally exited the thundercloud infested skies and into clear blue one. The water was calm but Luffy could feel the ship picking up speed. He stood up and walked over to the side of the ship and looked down at the water and saw the water currents moving rapidly with the ship.

'Finally, in about a few more minutes the current should be too strong for Usopp to steer,' Luffy thought as he stared at the water. Suddenly the voices to Johnny and Yosaku knocked Luffy out of his thought.

"BIG BRO!" they screamed from the crow's nest getting Luffy's and everyone else's attention. "MARINES!" they yelled while pointing ahead of the ship. Luffy forward and saw an entire fleet of about 25 Marine sh.i.p.s lines up sailing towards them/

"It would seem as though they really don't want me to re-enter the Grand Line," Luffy said with a chuckle.

"What are your orders captain?" Nami asked as she and Nojiko ran towards Luffy. Luffy smiled before he replied.

"Sail towards them," he said causing their eyes to widen. "Johnny, Yosaku, come down from there and take over for Usopp," he said causing the two of them to come down from the crow's nest and head towards the rudder. Usopp came out and looked towards Luffy for orders. "Usopp get to the cannons in the front and start picking off their sh.i.p.s. I'll take care of the majority of them," he said causing Usopp to nod before heading below deck to work the large cannon that was under the figurehead. Nojiko and Nami went to the two cannons that were on the upper deck and started firing at the fleet.

"What are you going to do captain?" Sanji asked as he walked with his captain and Zoro towards the front of the ship. Luffy chuckled before he replied.

"Something I've been dying to try out," he said before he hopped onto the figurehead and look ahead. "It would seem as though this fleet is from branch 8, meaning this is Commodore Nelson's fleet," he said.

"Is he strong?" Zoro asked.

"No he is just really fat," Luffy said with a chuckle as he looked on as Nami, Nojiko, and Usopp took out three of the twenty-five sh.i.p.s.

"Luffy," Sanji said getting his attention. "Look behind the marines there is a storm coming our way," he said causing Luffy to look and see storm cloud just behind the marines.

"That's not a storm," he said causing all of them to stop and look at him. "That is the entrance to the Grand Line," he said causing their eyes to widen. Luffy then clasped his hands together as though he was praying with his elbows sticking out and began focusing on his devil fruit powered. As he did that electric blue sparks surrounded his body and the sky started to darken with thunder booming overhead. Luffy then looked at the Marine Fleet with narrowed eyes before he yelled out.

"Thirteen Heavenly Pillars!" he yelled causing a loud thunderclap before thirteen pillars of lightning to come out of the sky and strike down thirteen marine sh.i.p.s causing them to explode. Everyone stared at the attack with their jaws hanging on the floor except for Sanji and Zoro who had come to learn that Luffy can do some unbelievable things and wasn't surprised anymore after seeing him destroy an entire island. Luffy then looked at the nine remaining sh.i.p.s before he spoke.

"Make sure to leave one ship untouched Usopp!" he yelled.

"Aye Captain!" Usopp yelled back from below deck before continuing to fire on the marines. Luffy then spotted Nelson's flagship and smirked before unsheathing his sword and pointing it directly at Nelson's flagship before covering the entire sword in lightning. Luffy then yelled out his attack in a cold emotionless tone.

"60 Million Volt Thunder Dragon!" he said. As he said that a giant dragon made entirely out of lightning shot out of the tip of his sword and raced towards Nelson. The dragon made contact with the front of the flagship and immediately blew the entire ship into a million pieces. Luffy then looked around and saw there was only one ship from the entire fleet left and it was sailing away from Luffy and his crew heading to the left. He then hopped back onto the deck of the ship and gave out orders.

"Raise the sails, the current is going to be enough to take us in," he said causing Zoro and Sanji to nod before running off to tie up the sails. Nami and Nojiko went to go look at the map to help Johnny and Yosaku steer the ship while Luffy walked and stood on the main deck while watching ahead for the entrance. As the ship was sailing towards the entrance they sailed through the wreckage of the fleet they just destroyed. There was wood and dead marines everywhere. As they sailed through Luffy looked over and saw Nelson struggling to stay afloat on a piece of wood. Luffy pulled out his pistol and aimed it at Nelson's head and pulled the trigger causing a small bolt of lightning to fire out and pierce right through Nelson's head killing him.

"Luffy! Up ahead!" Nami yelled getting Luffy's attention. He looked forward and saw a giant wall that stretched high above the clouds.

"That's the Red-Line!" he yelled before he walked and stood beside the door where the rudder was. "Keep her steady, the entrance is just ahead!" he yelled out. He could head Johnny and Yosaku struggling to keep the Rudder steady. Sanji and Zoro came and stood next to Luffy and Usopp and watched as they approach the giant mountain. Luffy then summoned some thunderclouds and had it surround the ship creating a kind of padding just in case they hit the Red Line.

"Luffy I don't see the entrance! All I see is a giant wall in our way!" Nami yelled.

"See that tiny crack in the mountain?" Luffy asked while pointing at the tiny crack in the mountain.

"Yeah, I see it," she said. Luffy tossed her a pair of binoculars before he spoke.

"That's the entrance," he said. She looked through the binoculars before she spoke in a disbelieving tone.

"I cannot believe it, the current is really flowing up the mountain," she said before passing the binoculars to Nojiko.

"Hold her steady boys and aim for that crack," he said while pointing forward.

"AYE BIG BRO CAPTAIN LUFFY!" yelled causing Luffy to chuckle. As they got closer everyone could see the entrance clear. They all saw the water running up the mountain and just at the entrance there were arches going over the canals. it was then Luffy noticed that the ship was drifting off to the right.

"We are drifting off course! Hard to starboard!" Luffy yelled.

"Going hard to starboard!" the bounty hunting duos yelled before they began to push to rudder over to the right as hard as they could. With the extremely strong currents, it was very difficult to steer the ship so they had to push as hard as they could. It was then everyone heard something that made their eyes widen.

"WE MADE IT!" Usopp, Johnny, and Yosaku yelled as they started dancing.

"It now a straight shot from here to the summit," Luffy said before he walked over and sat in his throne and watched as his crew took in the sights. They all had a wide smile on their face as the ship climbed higher and higher.

"We're in the clouds!" Nojiko said in amazement.

"No, we are above the clouds!" Sanji said as the ship climbed higher above the clouds.

"I can see the summit!" Johnny said while pointing forward. In front of them, they all saw where the currents from all four seas meet and run into the Grand Line. It was a beautiful sight to behold, the four currents crashing into each other splashing of water into the air that immediately froze and turned to ice, and when the sun like hit the ice it looked like diamonds shining in the sky. The Going Merry rode the wave perfectly and entered the canal leading into the Grand Line.

"There it is, the greatest sea of them all," Luffy said as he stood up from his throne and walked forward towards the balcony on the upper deck. "The Grand Line," he said as he looked out with a smile on his face. As the ship began to descend the mountain the closer they got to the bottom the more puzzled everyone was becoming.

"Luffy is there supposed to be another mountain at the bottom?" Nami asked in a confused voice. Luffy looked at her with a puzzled look before he spoke.

"No, why?" he asked. She pointed in front of the ship causing Luffy to turn and look at where she is pointing. At the base of the mountain where the canal ran into the Grand Line, Luffy saw something rather large blocking the exit. "Well that wasn't there 10 years ago," he said as he looked ahead. Suddenly a weird noise filled the air as they descended. It sounded like an animal wailing or crying out. As they got closer to the bottom Luffy Looked to Johnny and Yosaku and yelled out an order to them. "Get to the rudder and get ready to steer the ship or else we are going to hit whatever that is!" he yelled causing them to run inside before they yelled out back at Luffy.

"AHHH THE RUDDER IS BROKEN!" they yelled causing Luffy to sigh. Luffy then began summoning large thunderclouds and adding them to the thunderclouds that were already around the ship in order to increase the padding in case they crash into whatever that was. As they got closer the unknown sounds became louder and louder.

"What is that sound!" Nojiko asked while placing her hand by her ear to try and hear the sound a bit better. As the ship got closer Luffy was finally able to make out what it was.

"Oh f.u.c.k," Luffy said. "It's a giant whale!" he yelled causing everyone to panic.

"Luffy we are moving too fast if we don't slow down the clouds won't be enough to save us!" Nami yelled. Luffy turned to Usopp and yelled out an order.

"Usopp, get to the main cannon in the front and fire it when I tell you," he said causing Usopp to run below deck. As the ship grew closer and closer everyone started to get even more scared as the ship fastly approach the behemoth of a whale. When they were twenty feet away from the whale Luffy yell out. "NOW USOPP!" he yelled causing Usopp to fire the cannon. As the cannon fired the ship jerked back a bit knocking Nami and Nojiko off their feet before it started to slow down. The ship did not come to a complete stop but it slowed down enough for the clouds absorb the impact. When it was all said and done the ship was safe and everyone was alive and that was all Luffy wanted. "Grab the paddles and start paddling around this thing!" Luffy said causing Sanji, Zoro, Johnny, and Yosaku to grab the two paddles and started paddling to the left of the giant whale and away from danger.

While they were paddling around the whale it was then Luffy got a chance to get a good look at it. It was an extremely large black whale of comparable or greater size than the Sea Kings in the Calm Belt. It many scars across his head from which Luffy assumed it was bashing its head against the side of the Red Line for some unknown reason.

"That's one big whale," Sanji said while rowing causing everyone else to nod their head while staring at the whale in amazement and with a tiny bit of fear. It was then the whale suddenly looked at all of them with its extremely large eyes causing their eyes to widen.

"I guess it didn't like us shooting at it with the cannon," Luffy said with a chuckle as the whale opened his mouth and wailed loudly while showing everyone its extremely large and pointed teeth that was bigger than the Going Merry. As its mouth opened water from the ocean bean pouring into its mouth and down its throat. The Going Merry began to get pulled it with the water that was being s.u.c.k.e.d in causing everyone to panic.

"We're all going to die!" screamed Nami.

"Is this how it end!?" Usopp yelled. Luffy stepped forward and covered his hand in lightning getting ready to kill the whale when suddenly it closed its mouth and began to submerge under water.

"Shit it's going under," Luffy said knowing if he punched a while in the whale they will die for sure. Everyone looked in front of them and saw they were about to crash into the whale's stomach and closed their eyes including Luffy. everyone waited and waited for their impending doom but it never came. So, they decided to open their eyes to see what was going and what they saw had their jaws practically hanging from their mouth.

"Is this real?" Sanji asked in a voice of pure disbelief.

"I don't know. I'm sure we swallowed by that whale. Johnny said while Yosaku nodded from behind him. In front of everyone, they saw clear open skies with birds in the air and off to the right of the Going Merry was a small island with a house on it. It beyond puzzled everyone, one minute they were being swallowed by a whale and the next they are back in the open sea. They all turned towards Luffy to see if he knows what was going on but Luffy shook his head saying no.

"I don't know what is going on, but I know for sure we are not in the real ocean," he said to everyone before he walked over to the side of the ship and looked into the water. "The water in here is green and the sky is painted on," Luffy said pointing to the sky. Before any of them could respond to what Luffy said a giant squid rose out of them and was getting ready to attack them. Luffy had expected everyone to freeze up and get scared but instead, they all were ready to attack. It brought a smile to his face when he saw their reaction. Zoro's hands immediately to his swords, Sanji was getting ready to kick it, Johnny and Yosaku pulled out their bisentos getting ready to attack, Nojiko pulled out her three section staff and started spinning it, Nami pulled out her bo staff and stood next to sister getting ready to strike, and the most surprising of all was Usopp was with his slingshot aimed at the squid. Luffy had hypothesized that they all sensed it come up and were ready but he still liked the way his crew reacted to the threat. He didn't even need to do anything, he was sure they could handle it. Just as all of them were about of attack three harpoons came out of the house on the island and struck the squid right in the head killing it. Luffy narrowed his eyes and stared at the doorway of the house and saw a man slowly walking out from the shadows.

"Looks like someone's home," Zoro said while staring at the man with narrowed eyes.

"I say we should fire our cannons there!" Usopp said while pointing at the man.

"No, hold on a sec," Sanji said while keeping his guard up. When Luffy saw the man he immediately knew who it was after hearing about him from Shanks, but Luffy wasn't going to say anything. He wanted to see what his crew would do. They all stared at the old man as he walked out of the house never taking his eyes off of the crew while he walked over to the lawn chair. The tension was growing and Luffy could see some of those brave hearts from earlier were starting to sweat a bit. Everyone expecting the man to attack or something but instead, he just stared at them while he walked to the chair making all of them nervous before he plopped himself down on a lawn chair and began reading a newspaper.

"YOU GOING TO SAY SOMETHING!" Yelled Sanji at the old man.

"Hey, if you want to fight we can fight," Usopp said from way inside the cabin causing Luffy to sweat drop.

'Seems he's back to his old self,' Luffy thought in a deadpan tone.

"We got cannons back here you bastard!" he yelled once more from inside the cannon while pointing at the old man. The old man's eyes narrowed a bit as he stared at them once more causing the tension to sky-rocket once more making everyone sweat while Luffy was trying to hide his amused smile.

"You try it and someone's going to die," the old man said in a serious voice causing Usopp to whimper a bit while Zoro and Sanji narrowed their eyes and prepare for an attack with Nojiko right behind them while Nami ran inside with Usopp.

"Yeah, whose that?" Sanji asked.

"Me of course," the old man said causing Luffy to start laugh.

"Crocus you want to stop scaring the kids," Luffy said with a chuckle before he stepped forward.

"Who are you and why are you interrupting my running gag," Crocus said in an annoyed voice.

"I'm a friend of Red-Haired Shanks and Rayleigh," Luffy said making everyone wonder who was Rayleigh. Luffy saw Crocus's eyes widen before he chuckled.

"Oh Ho, it's been a while since I head those names," he said as he placed the paper down. "How are they doing? It has been a while since I saw either of them," he said.

"They are fine, I can tell you all about them if you tell me where are we and how we can get back to the outside world," Luffy said.

"I thought it would be obvious as to where you are seeing as how you were eaten," he said causing the crew's eyes to widen. "And the exit is right over there," he said while pointing off to the side causing everyone to look over and see two giant metal doors.

"Okay, I am no specialist on whales, but I am sure they don't usually have giant metal doors in the side of their stomach," Yosaku said as he leaned against his bisento. Before anyone could respond the entire place shook as though it was an earthquake causing the calm waters to become rough.

"What the hell is happening!?" Nojiko shouted as she and everyone on board tried to keep their balance on the ship as it rocked against the rough waters.

"It's begun," Crocus said causing Luffy to look at him strangely wondering what has begun.

"LOOK!" Nami yelled getting everyone's attention as she pointed at the island. "That's no island, it's some kind of ship!" She yelled as she pointed at the island Crocus was on causing all of them to look and see at the bottom of the island was made of iron.

"Yeah of course, because we are floating on a sea of gastric acid," Usopp said as he looked over.

"That means a wooden ship won't fare well if we stay here too long," Sanji said.

"Just what the hell is wrong with this freaky whale, old man!?" Yosaku yelled at Crocus. Crocus got up from his chair and looked up to the fake sky before he replied.

"He is very angry," Crocus said in a sad tone. "These aftershocks are a result of him hitting his head against the Red Line," he said surprising the crew except Luffy who had already figured that out.

"That explains why he has so many deep scars on his forehead," Nami said as she held on to the side of the ship. "And not to mention all of the howlings," she added.

"But why is he doing it?" Johnny asked.

"It's because he is suffering," Luffy said as he leaned against the cabin.

"And what's the deal with the old man?" Nojiko asked.

"He is most likely trying to kill the whale from the inside out," Nami said causing everyone except for Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji to take on a look of pure disgust.

"What a despicable thing to do," Usopp said.

"Okay we figured out the mystery of the whale, now how about we find a way out of its belly before it digests us," Zoro said while looking back at the rest of the crew.

"We have no right to judge the old man nor do we need to save the whale. What we need to do is focus on how to get the hell out of here," Sanji said as he and Zoro began walking towards Luffy. Just as Luffy was about to say something Crocus did something that surprised everyone. He jumped into the gastric acid.

"Is he crazy! The acid will eat him alive," Luffy said as he stared into the spot where jumped in.

"Luffy we have to get out of here!" Nami yelled.

"We can't," Luffy said causing their eyes to widen. "The whale is most likely underwater right now, the moment we open those doors we will sink to the bottom of the Grand Line," he said surprising them even more.

"So we just stay in here and die?" Yosaku asked.

"Don't be an idiot, the whale has to go up from water sooner or later," he said causing them to relax and nod. Two minutes later the old man resurfaced next to the two giant doors and began climbing the ladder that was right next to it. As he was climbing up the ladder the smaller doors that were at the top of the ladder flew open and out stepped two individuals with guns in their hands. They aimed their guns at Crocus and pulled the trigger. Just as the two bullets exited the guns two small bolts of lightning impacted the two bullets causing them to explode just in front of the guns destroying the barrels of said guns. Crocus and the two newcomers were shocked at what just happened. When they all looked at the ship that was floating in the middle of the whale's stomach they saw a very tall boy with a straw hat and a captain's coat dr.a.p.ed over his shoulders holding a smoking gun aimed right at them.

"Now, that wasn't very nice of you to trespass on the old man's private resort and try to kill him," Luffy said in a cold tone that sent shivers down the spine of the man and the woman. He then tucked his gun away and outstretched both of his hands and faster than the man or the woman could react, two ropes of lightning came out of Luffy's palm and wrapped around them.

"AHHH! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!?" the woman asked/yelled. Luffy didn't respond he simply yanked the roped causing the two of them to fly over and land on the ship. Luffy then let go of the lightning rope causing the majority of it to disappear leaving only the pat that was binding them in place. Everyone then saw Crocus walked through the doors that the man and the woman came out of and disappeared.

"No who are you two?" Zoro asked as he walked toward the two. Sanji was sitting next to the woman trying to flirt with her while everyone else just looked on as the man and woman spoke to each other in hushed tone. Soon everyone noticed that the whale stopped thrashing around and had calmed down causing the sea that was inside of its stomach to calm down as well.

"You parasites are still here!" Crocus yelled from the top of the ladder getting everyone's attention.

"The old guy is back again," Usopp said.

"I grow weary of this and for the last time. So long as I draw breath you will not lay a single harmful finger on Laboon!" he yelled from the top of the ladder. Soon the two people who Luffy caught started laughing before they stood up even though they were bounded causing Luffy to raise an eyebrow.

"You cannon bully us into abandoning our mission," the woman said.

"We were sent here to kill this whale and that is exactly what we are going to do, and this time we won't let you interfere! We are-" the man said right after her but was cut off when the lightning binding them gave both of them a shock they will never forget.

"Put a sock in it," Luffy said as the two of them g.r.o.a.n.e.d in pain on the deck of the ship. "Hey old man Crocus," Luffy said getting the man's attention. "Can we leave now and talk about all of this outside where my ship isn't at risk of being digested," Luffy said.

"Fine," Crocus said before he dived back into the water and swam over to his boat/island. "Follow me," he said before the island started to move towards the two giant doors. As the doors opened the two sh.i.p.s began sailing through a canal inside the whale.

"Why does this whale have a canal inside of it?" Johnny asked.

"Call it a doctor's playful mind," Crocus replied. "It is impossible to treat a whale of this size so I had to come up with a way to work around that," he said causing them to nod their head showing that they understood. As they reached the end of the canal they came upon another set of doors. When they reached in front of the doors Crocus sailed his boat/island up to it and pulled a lever causing the door to open. As the door opened everyone was immediately hit by a ray of sunlight causing all of them to smile. They sailed out of the whale and docked the ship next to the Twin Capes where Crocus lived. The entire crew got off of the ship and went on the small island connected to the Red Line that housed a lighthouse.

"Sanji," Luffy said as he exited the ship getting his attention. "Why don't you make lunch seeing as how we didn't get to eat due to those marines interrupting us," Luffy said causing Sanji to nod his head. before walking back onto the ship and into the kitchen.

"I'll whip up some of that blue-fin tuna that I got back in Logue Town," he said happily. After thirty minutes Sanji reemerges from the from the ship carrying multiple plates of food that look extremely tasty. "Lunch is served," he said as he laid out all of the plates in front of everyone including Crocus.

"This looks delicious, thanks Sanji," said Nojiko.

"Anything for you my lovely Nojiko!" Sanji replied with hearts in his eyes. Luffy pulled out two glasses and place one in front of Crocus before he poured both of them a glass of whiskey.

"So Crocus," Luffy said as he picked up his plate. "What's the deal with this whale?" he asked causing everyone to look at Crocus to hear what he had to say.

"The whale's name is Laboon. He is a unique and magnificent creature, an island whale, one of the largest species in the world that could only be found in the West Blue," he said before he took a sip of the whiskey Luffy poured for him. "Those two people from before were hunting Laboon for whale meat. A whale the size of Laboon could feed a small island for at least two years," he said.

"So that's who those two are," Johnny said. "Hey, where are they?" he then asked after looking on the ship and seeing them gone.

"I guess my lightning binds wore off and they escaped," Luffy said with a shrug before Looking to Crocus waiting for him to continue.

"There is a reason he keeps hitting himself against the Red Line and howling at Reverse Mountain," Crocus said before he ate some of the food. "Inside Laboon beats the heart of a human and is absolutely devoted to a certain band of pirates," he said causing Luffy to raise an eyebrow at that. "You see Laboon followed a group of pirate all the way from the West Blue and entered the Grand Line. When they arrived here at the Twin Capes their ship was so badly damaged that they spent several months here trying to repair. After they repaired their ship they set sail and because the Grand Line was so dangerous they had to leave Laboon here, but before they left they promised him they could come back for him," he said with a sad look on his face. "It has been 50 long years since then," he said causing everyone's eyes to widen.

"Don't you think 50 years is a bit extreme," Usopp said as he finished his food. "Those pirates sure know how to test someone's patience," Usopp said.

"You idiot, this is the Grand Line," Zoro said from his place next to Luffy. "Those pirates are most likely dead," he said.

"Sad to say but that's likely true," Nami said between bites. "Back in those days when they sailed, the Grand Line was an uncharted sea, thousand times more precious than it is now," she said.

"Come on big sis," said Yosaku. "They could still come back for him, have some sympathy," he said making Luffy chuckle. It was an amusing thing to hear, pirates having sympathy.

"You may one to believe that, but the reality is cold," Crocus said getting their attention once more. "Those pirates aren't dead, the truth is they abandoned their quest. I learned that they turned tail and left the Grand Line," he said causing all of them to take on a sad look on their face.

"What a bunch of spineless cowards who rather save themselves instead of keeping a promise to a friend," Nojiko said angrily causing everyone to nod.

"that's just cruelty on a grand scale," Johnny said. Luffy just looked at the whale with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Did you tell him?" Luffy asked while never taking his eyes off Laboon.

"I did, every miserable detail," he said sadly. "That was the day that Laboon began to howl at Reverse Mountain. Soon after he had begun to slam his body against the Red Line, it is as if he believes that wall is what is keeping his friends away and if he could break it they would soon return," Crocus said causing the bounty hunting duo to tear up a bit along with Usopp. "Laboon is a lost soul dying to be with his friends and is killing himself trying to get to them," he said. Luffy the got up from his seat and walked over to the side of the Twin Capes with Laboon was and stared at the whale. Then out of the clear blue sky, a bolt of lightning came down and struck the whale causing him to howl in both pain and anger.

"You want to fight you stupid whale!" Luffy yelled at the whale. Everyone was beginning to panic at what Luffy was trying to do. Laboon narrowed his eyes at Luffy before he jumped out of the water and slammed his head into Luffy. Luffy didn't dodge, nor did he let the attack pass through him he simply stood there and took it. When Laboon went back into the water and turned towards him, Luffy covered his fist in Armament Haki before launching forward and punching Laboon right in the head.

"LUFFY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Nami and Nojiko yelled. Luffy didn't reply all he was doing smiling widely as he and Laboon fought. Laboon then swam away from the Twin Capes for a bit before it came charging towards Luffy. As he was about to attack Luffy spoke and stopped him in his tracks.

"It's a draw," he said causing Laboon to stop in his tracks and stare at Luffy. "I'm a lot stronger than I look, but I had a feeling you already knew that," he said as he dusted himself off. "I could always tell when someone was itching for a fight and if you want a battle I'll gladly give you one. You shipmates use to spar with you did they?" he asked causing everyone's eyes to widen. "Well, I could rival anything they could throw at you. Tell you what, after me and my friends conquer the Grand Line I'll come back here and throw down with you," Luffy said causing tears to form in Laboon's eyes. Laboon then looked up to the sky and howled happily for once in 50 years. Crocus looked at the scene with a smile on his face. Luffy then turned into Lightning and teleported in the ship before reappearing on Laboon's head with a few buckets of paint and a large paintbrush. "Now hold still," Luffy said before he started to paint Laboon's head. When he was done a perfect copy of Luffy jolly roger on Laboon's head. "Good, now it is a rush paint job so you are going to have to avoid hitting your head or else it will come off," he said causing Crocus to smile. Laboon wailed happily telling Luffy he won't. Luffy then began to walk over to his crew.

"That was really nice of you, young man," said Crocus.

"Oh right I never introduce myself," Luffy said with a chuckle. "My name is Monkey D. Luffy, pleased to meet you," he said as he stuck out his hand for Crocus to shake.

"I'm Crocus, lighthouse keeper here at the Twin Capes," he said as he shook Luffy's hand. "Now how is it that you know Shanks and Rayleigh?" he asked with a smile. Luffy smiled right back before he replied.

"I was a member of Shank's crew," he said as he pulled up his shirt showing him Shanks's jolly roger. "He and Rayleigh taught me Haki," he said before taking on a thinking pose. "Well more like Rayleigh taught me Haki while Sanks got drunk," he said with a chuckle causing Crocus to laugh.

"It's been 10 years since I last seen Red-Hair," he said surprising Luffy. "It was ten years ago when he returned from the East Blue," he said.

"Yeah, That was when I joined the crew, but I don't recall seeing Laboon when we came through," he said.

"Laboon must have been under ramming his head against the Red Line," he said causing Luffy to nod. "Hey Crocus could you do me a favor?" Luffy asked.

"Sure, after what you just did for Laboon I'll do anything," he said. Luffy smiled and looked thankful before he spoke.

"Great, could you explain how the log pose work to my navigator," he said while pointing to Nami. "I would but I want to get out of these clothes," he said while looking at his dirty clothes. Crocus smiled at him before he replied.

"Sure thing," he said before he walked over to Nami.

"Thanks a lot," he said before turning to the rest of the crew. "The rest you finish eating and get ready we will be setting sail soon," he said before turning and began walking towards the ship.

"AYE CAPTAIN!" they all yelled in unison. Luffy entered his captain's quarters and began to change his clothes. When he emerged from his personal quarters he was wearing the same black steel-tipped shoes with black cargo pants and instead of his usual red dress shirt he was wearing a back slim fit long-sleeved dress shirt with the top two buttons undone showing off his chain with a lightning bolt pendant and some of his c.h.e.s.t. Over the dress shirt was captain's coat with his jolly roger on the back dr.a.p.ed over his shoulder and to top everything off was his famous straw hat on his head.

As Luffy exited his personal quarters he heard a commotion over the side of the ship. deciding to see what was going on he walked over to the side and saw the two people who were trying to kill Laboon on their knees in front of his crew.

"What's going on here?" Luffy asked in a monotone voice getting everyone's attention.

"These two are here to ask us for a ride to someplace called Whiskey Peak," Nojiko said causing Luffy to perk up a bit when he heard the name.

"Do they make whiskey there?" he asked excitedly causing everyone to sweat drop.

"Umm, no," said the woman causing Luffy's smile to disappear.

"Well I'm not interested," he said before he looked over to Usopp, Johnny, and Yosaku. "You three go fix the rudder," he said causing them to salute before running off to the ship.

"Please!" The man yelled causing Luffy to look at him with a raised eyebrow. "Our ship was destroyed and we have no other way to return home," he said.

"And how is that my problem," Luffy replied coldly causing them to flinch. "You should have thought about that before you tried to Kill Laboon," he said before he jumped off of the ship and landed next to Nami. He grabbed her wrist and looked at the Log pose before looking at Crocus. "What island is it pointing to?" he asked. Crocus took a look at the log pose before he replied with a sigh.

"Whiskey Peak," he said causing the two whale hunters to perk up.

"What are you two getting excited for," he said while looking at the two. "I didn't say I was taking you," he said causing them to deflate a bit. "Just who are you two anyway and what is it you do?" he asked.

"We cannot tell you," they said causing Luffy to narrow his eyes at them. "You see mystery is our company's motto, however, you may call me Mr. 9," said the man with a crown on his head.

"And you can call me Ms. Wednesday," she said. Luffy just sighed before he spoke.

"Let's just say I help you, what's in it for me?" he asked while looking at them with one eyebrow raised. The two of them looked thoughtful for a moment before they started whispering amongst themselves before they replied to Luffy.

"We have lots of gold and money," Mr. 9 said causing Nami to become giddy and Luffy to smile even though he knew they were lying.

"Very well then, We'll take you," he said causing the two of them to hug each other. Luffy looked over to Zoro and gave him a silent signal to keep an eye on them. Zoro saw this and nodded his head.

"Captain!" Usopp yelled getting everyone's attention. "The rudder is fixed!" he said causing Luffy to nod before he turned to his crew.

"Okay! pack it up, it's tie to set sail," he said causing everyone to take the plates and cups back on the ship before they all started boarding. Luffy walked over to Laboon and spoke to him.

"I'm going now Laboon and I promise I'll be back to fight you someday," causing Laboon to howl happily. "And stop hitting your head or that paint will come off, he causing the giant whale to nod. Luffy then turned to Crocus and shook his hand before he spoke. "You take care of yourself and Laboon, Crocus," he said with a smile as he shook his hand.

"And you say hello to the Vice-Captain for me when you see him," he said.

"Will do," Luffy said before he walked onto his ship. "Nojiko, Zoro," Luffy said getting their attention. "Tie those two up for me," he said while pointing to Ms. Wednesday and Mr. 9. The two of them screamed when Zoro and Nojiko began to tie them up but Luffy simply ignored it.

"All set Captain," Nami said as she stood next to Luffy. Luffy nodded before he yelled out orders to the crew.

"Alright! Johnny, Yosaku, hoist the anchor!" he yelled causing the two of them to run towards the anchor and began pulling it up. "Nojiko man the rudder, Sanji, Usopp set the sails!" he yelled causing the three of them to scramble. Zoro then walked up to Luffy with the two passengers on his shoulders.

"Where do you want them, captain?" he asked. Luffy looked at him as he thought about it for a second before he replied.

"Toss them in the there with Nojiko, she can keep an eye on them while steering the ship," he said causing him to nod before walking off.

'Now on to Whiskey Peak,' Luffy thought as he poured himself a drink before walking over to his throne and sitting down.


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