The Thunder Demon Straw Hat Luffy

Chapter 26: It All Ends!

Luffy and Robin arrived just about the center of Alubarna while his crew members were scattered all around in the city of Alubarna and in the areas around it. When Luffy got to a position where he could sense every member of his crew, he stopped the cloud and sat back down on his throne. Robin looked at him with a slightly confused look on her face.

"All of your crew members appear to be in completely different locations and all of their battles appear as though they are going to be taken place at the same time," she said while looking at Luffy who simply smiled back at her and crossed his legs. "How exactly are you going to observe all of their fights?" she asked with a confused look on her face causing Luffy to chuckle.

"You will be surprised at the amazing things haki allows you to do," Luffy replied before he closed his eyes and began using his observation haki while Robin just looked out from the cloud down below to try and see what was going on. Luffy found each member of his crew along with their opponents. He then zeroed in on them and blocked out any other life force that was there. "Now then, let the games begin," he said as he observed his crew.

**Zoro, Nami, and Nojiko vs Mr. 1 and Ms. Double Finger**

Zoro was standing across from Mr. 1 and Ms. Double Finger with his hand on his swords while Nojiko stood off to his right with her three-section staff held diagonally behind her back with her right hand holding onto the top section and her left hand is on the bottom section. Nami was standing some distance behind the duo with three members of the Super Sonic Duck squad cheering them on.

"Go get em, big sis!" She yelled while pumping her fist in the air. "You show em, Zoro!" she continued causing Zoro and Nojiko's eyebrow to twitch.

"We don't need a cheering squad! Just go hide somewhere!" Zoro yelled back at her to which she ignored. The two Baroque Works agents then began walking forward with a calm look on their face as though they didn't even feel threatened at the presence of the straw hats. As they began walking Zoro and Nojiko's guard immediately went up, but much to their surprise the two Baroque Works agents simply walked right past them as though they didn't even exist and began making their way to Nami.

"The primary rule of assignation says all weaker targets are to be eliminated first," Mr. 1 said in a gruff voice.

"We'll show you how professionals handle these things," Ms. Double Finger said coolly as she swayed her h.i.p.s.

"Yes, we know, it is fairly obvious," Ms. Double Finger said. "As we said, picking off the weak ones first is the fastest way to work," she added with a smirk causing Nami to panic before she ran away.

"Ugg! That is exactly why I told her to shut up and hid somewhere," Zoro said as he looked at the retreating figure of Nami.

"That's my sister, always causing some kind of trouble," Nojiko said with a sigh before she turned and took off after the agents with Zoro right behind her.

**Luffy and Robin**

"That girl needs to grow up and learn that she isn't in the East Blue anymore," Luffy said with a sigh as he opened his eyes.

"She still has time," Robin said as she turned and looked at Luffy. "You just need to have a little patience," she added with a smile.

"That is one thing I do not have," Luffy grumbled under his breath before closing his eyes again began focusing on the battle down below. Just as he was about to zero in on Usopp and Chopper's fight his observation haki alerted to someone headed towards the city at amazing speed. "I'll be right back," Luffy said to Robin before he turned his body to lightning and teleported from the cloud before she had a chance to question him.

**The desert outside Alubarna**

A bolt of lightning struck down in the desert kicking up a lot of dust. When the dust cleared Luffy could be seen standing there with an apathetic look on his face as he stared at a large dust cloud approaching him along with the sound of a motor getting louder and louder as the cloud got closer. When the dust cloud got closer Luffy could see Smoker riding on a motorcycle heading towards him. Upon seeing Luffy standing there, Smoker began to slow down before coming to a full stop about 15ft in front of Luffy.

"I already took care of that," Luffy said surprising Smoker. "Besides, it's usually the marines who tuck their tails between their legs and run," Luffy jibed causing Smoker's eyes to twitch.

"Still haven't answered my question," Smoker said as he narrowed his eyes.

"I just came here to let you know that Crocodile has a bomb set to go off somewhere near the plaza," Luffy said causing Smoker to raise an eyebrow.

"And let me guess, you don't know where in the plaza do you?" Smoker asked causing Luffy to chuckle.

"Don't you think that would have been a bit too easy," Luffy said causing the marine captain to sigh.

"I guess," Smoker said.

"I'll let you get to your bomb hunting then," Luffy said before he turned his body into lightning and shot straight up into the sky before Smoker could ask any more questions.

"Damn Pirates," Smoker growled out before he revved his engine and took off towards Alubarna.

**Back on the cloud**

"You did that on purpose didn't you?" she asked causing Luffy to chuckle.

"Don't know what you're talking about," Luffy replied before he sat back down on his throne and closed his eye. He then resumed his observation of his crew through his Observation haki.

**Usopp and Chopper vs Mr. 4 and Ms. Merry Christmas**

Usopp and Chopper were currently at the southeast Gate standing in front of Mr. 4 and his partner Ms. Merry Christmas and their extremely strange looking dog. Usopp had his slingshot out and his sharpshooter goggles down and Chopper was currently in his heavy point form. Both of them had an extremely serious look on their faces. From up above, Luffy was impressed by Usopp. He could sense nothing but determination coming from him. His confidence wasn't where it needed to be but regardless, he was extremely determined.

"Okay Chopper, let's not do anything crazy. We still don't know what crazy abilities these two have and not to mention that freaky looking dog," Usopp said as he stared at the two agents.

"Right," Chopper replied. Ms. Merry Christmas looked at the two before she smirked before jumped into the air and began burrowing into the ground kicking up a lot of dust preventing Usopp and Chopper from seeing what was going on.

"What the hell is she doing!?" Usopp yelled as he loaded his slingshot and aimed it at the dust cloud.

"I don't exactly want to wait and find out," Chopper said causing Usopp to nod his head before he pulled the rubber on his slingshot back and yelled out.

"Special Attack: Exploding Star!" he yelled as he fired a pellet into the dust cloud. The small pellet went into the cloud of dust and exploded as it impacted the ground where the two agents were. The explosion kicked up even more dust, but it didn't matter to Usopp and Chopper. Both knew they weren't the best of fighters so a chance to end the fight before it even started was something they weren't going to pass up. Once the smoker finally cleared Usopp and Chopper saw that there was no sign of the two Baroque Works agents anywhere. There was only a large hole in the ground in their place but Chopper and Usopp didn't think much of the hole, they thought that hole was caused by Usopp's Exploding Star.

"I don't know," Usopp replied. "I don't see them anywhere so maybe we did get...MOVE!" Usopp yelled out as his observation Haki alerted him of danger coming up from below them. Chopper and Usopp quickly jumped away from the spot where they were standing with Usopp going to the right and Chopper to the left. A hole opened in the ground from the spot where they were previously standing. As Chopper landed about 10 ft away from the hole he was forced to jump away again as another hole opened from under him.

"What the hell is going on!?" Chopper yelled mid-air.

"They're underground!" Usopp yelled before he jumped away from his current position. As soon as his feet left the ground a hole opened in the sand. When he landed, he heard laughing coming through the holes.

"Hahahahah!" Ms. Merry Christmas laughed as she poked her head out of one of the holes. "I am Ms. Merry Christmas and I ate the Mole-Mole Fruit so I'm a mole human," she said rather quickly. "And now all me to introduce to our 4th batter!" she said while waving her hand and looking off in the distance in the direction of the southeast Gate. When Usopp and Chopper looked over they saw Mr. 4 slowly rising from underground through a hole holding a giant Baseball bat with the number 4 on it. "Mr. 4...come on hurry Mr. 4! Hurry up! Hurry up!" Ms. Merry said rather quickly. "And our star Pitcher...Lassoo!" she said as the weird-looking dog rose up from a hole behind Usopp.

"The dog is a pitcher?" Usopp asked with a confused look on his face. The strange-looking dog then sneezed and fired a baseball at blinding speed causing Usopp and Chopper's eyes to widen in shock. Usopp quickly dived to the ground causing the baseball to just miss him in the process. The ball traveled towards Mr. 4 who swung the giant bat and hit the ball with perfecting timing and power sending it flying back towards Usopp who was still on the ground. Chopper saw the ball's trajectory and saw that Usopp wouldn't be able to dodge in time. He immediately began sprinting towards Usopp trying to reach there before the ball could but sadly, he was not fast enough. Just as the ball was about 4 ft away from Usopp the strangest thing in the eyes of Ms. Merry Christmas and Mr. 4 happened. A random bolt of lightning came down from the sky and struck the ball causing it to explode. The explosion sent Usopp and Chopper tumbling a few feet away. The two Baroque Works agents were puzzled at what just happened but Usopp and Chopper knew exactly what happened. That bolt of Lightning means one thing and one thing only, Luffy was watching. Usopp and Chopper slowly got up from the ground covered in some small bruises and some burn marks in Usopp's case.

"Man, the two of you sure are lucky!" Ms. Merry Christmas said quickly. "But let's see your luck save you again!" she said before she signaled Lassoo to fire another one. The dog sneezed once more sending another baseball at Usopp who took off running towards Chopper. Mr. 4 sunk into the hole that he previously was in and rose up out of a new one behind Usopp and Chopper in a batter's position. Both Usopp and Chopper jumped out of the way making sure to land on their feet knowing that Mr. 4 is going to hit it back towards one of them. Just as they expected, the giant batter hit the ball back at them. The only difference was that this time, he was aiming for Chopper.

"Look out!" Usopp yelled at Chopper who skillfully jumped high into the air dodging the baseball. The baseball hit some old ruins in the desert and exploded surprising Usopp and Chopper. They had thought that the first explosion was due to Luffy's lightning, but it would appear as though the ball was like a cannonball. Usopp, deciding to think on about their plan of attack quickly before two agents attack them again began looking around trying to find something to work to their advantage.

"Usopp, what do we do?" Chopper asked Usopp while keeping an eye on the enemy. Usopp didn't reply right away, he thought about it for a few seconds before he had an idea.

"I got a plan," Usopp said getting Chopper's attention. "We are going to turn their biggest advantage into their downfall," he said confusing Chopper.

"Listen, all I need you to do is keep the big guy busy," Usopp said as he reached into his pouch. Chopper nodded before he took running towards Mr. 4 with his fist reared back getting ready to punch him. Just as he swung his fist Mr. 4 sunk into the hole dodging Chopper's punch. As Chopper's punch missed the sounds of Ms. Merry Christmas's laugh echoed through all the holes.

"You guys are a bunch of fool! Fools I tell ya! Fools!" she said quickly.

"No, you're the fool!" Usopp replied with his slingshot pulled back.

"Special Attack: Gas Star!" he yelled as he fired five small pellets that went into five different holes in the ground. As the pellets entered the holes, they broke open upon impacting releasing a gas into the underground tunnels.

"CHOPPER! RUN!" Usopp yelled causing the reindeer to run away from the immediate area.

"Special Attack: Gas Star!" Usopp yelled once more sending five more pellets into five different holes causing the same gas to be released. Usopp then took off running. As he was running, he loaded his slingshot with one more pellet and aimed it at one of the holes that had gas coming out of it.

"Special Attack: Exploding Star!" he yelled out sending the pellet into the hole causing it to explode on impact. When the pellet exploded it ignite the gas, he previously filled the underground tunnels with causing a huge explosion and enveloped the Baroque Works agents along with everything in a 50 ft radius. Usopp was sent flying due to the explosion but before he could hit the ground Chopper jumped in front of him and caught him before the two of them hit the ground. A huge dust cloud enveloped the area preventing anyone from seeing anything. Chopper and Usopp looked up from their position on the ground to see if they had got the agents but they couldn't see a thing. They waited a few minutes for the dust to settle before they saw a huge crater that was at least 100 ft wide in front of them and in the center of that crater was the two Baroque Works agents and their dog. Usopp and chopper looked at each other with a wide smile on their face before the two of them started laughing and celebrating.

"We did it!" they yelled out simultaneously. The two of them then helped each other up before walking over to the edge of the crater. They stared down at the two unconscious agents with a proud smile on their faces. Just as Usopp was about to say something to Chopper a bolt of lightning came down from the sky and struck near the center of the crater kicking up some dust. When the dust settled the two straw hat pirates saw their captain standing there looking up at them with a smile on his face.

"Luffy!" Chopper yelled out as he transformed back into his Brain Point.

"Wasn't Vivi able to talk to the rebels?" Usopp asked causing Luffy to shake his head.

"No," Luffy replied causing Chopper and Usopp to look down. "Don't worry about the past, focus on the future. Treat your wounds and go help Vivi," he said before he turned and walk back to the center of the crater. "I am going to see if the rest of the guys need any help with their fight," Luffy said before ropes of lightning came out from his hands and attached to the once that were binding the two agents. He then turned his body into lighting and shot up to the sky carrying the Baroque Works agents with him.

**On the Cloud**

Robin was once again startled by the sudden appearance of Luffy on the cloud, but the thing that surprised her, even more, was the fact that he appeared back on the cloud with Mr. 4 and Ms. Merry Christmas bounded similarly to Crocodile. He then threw the two agents and their dog next to Crocodile before he moved to sit on his throne.

"And what exactly are you going to do with them?" Robin asked as she watched Luffy walk over to his throne.

"Recruit them," Luffy said with a smirk causing her to raise an eyebrow.

"Just like Mr. 5 and the rest?" she asked in a curious tone to which he nodded. "And may I ask just what you are recruiting them for?" she asked causing Luffy to chuckle before he replied.

"All in due time," he said before he closed his eyes and began using his observation haki once more. "It's getting heated down there," he said as he sensed the fighting that was going on between the rebels and the royal army.

"Yes, it is," she said before she looked at Luffy with a serious look on her face. "And just when do you plan on putting a stop to it all?" she asked in a tone that let Luffy knew that she was not okay with what he was doing.

"Calm down," Luffy said firmly. "I'm not just teaching the princess a lesson, I'm also giving her a chance to stop the war," he added before he opened his eyes and looked at her with a serious expression on his face. "Besides, I'm the captain. I do as I please," he added in an authoritative tone. Robin didn't reply she just looked down at from the cloud at the battles that were going on.

**Sanji vs Mr. 2**

Sanji was currently standing opposite of Mr. 2 with a fresh cigarette in his mouth. Mr. 2 was still slightly out of breath from chasing after Sanji and the perverted camel that Nami named Eyelash. There was no one in this world who Mr. 2 wanted to kill more at the moment other than the blonde-haired cook that was standing in front of him.

"So, I take it that you are the ever so famous, Mr. Prince," Mr. 2 stated between breaths. Sanji just looked at him and took a puff of his cigarette before he replied.

"My name is Sanji, and I am the best cook in all the seven seas," Sanji said coolly as he placed one of his hand in his pocket.

"Really?" Mr. 2 asked as he made a dramatic pose. "I'm quite the cook as well, but I choose to focus my talents elsewhere," he said as he did a twirl.

"I don't care," Sanji said as he narrowed his eyes. "I'm going to kick your a.s.s," he said before he spun on his left leg and attempted to deliver a roundhouse kick to Mr. 2.

"I'd like to see you try!" Mr. 2 said as he did exactly what Sanji did and match his roundhouse kick. Both of their legs clashed in the middle and began trying to fight for dominance. To any onlookers, it would appear as though these two were clashing swords, only with their feet instead of swords. The two of them then pulled back the legs at the same time before trying to do the same thing only with a different leg this time. They once again retracted their legs before staring at each other. "You got quite good reflexes," Mr. 2 said.

"You aren't too bad yourself," Sanji replied as he took a puff of his cigarette.

"But still, you are no match for my Okama Kenpo!" Mr. 2 said before he arched both hands over his hand and began to dance and twirl like a ballerina causing Sanji to raise an eyebrow. Mr. 2 then began to spin his way towards Sanji. When he was about 3 ft away from Sanji he extended his right hand to punch the cook causing Sanji to lean back and kick off from the ground to dodge the punch. The Baroque Works agent also kicks forward and followed Sanji before he opened his closed fist and tried to stab down into Sanji c.h.e.s.t. To dodge the oncoming attack, Sanji leaned his head back and stretch his hand back over his hand until they touched the ground and started to spin as his legs came up and wrapped around the torso of the agent while doing a handstand. Sanji spun Mr. 2 around for a while before he let him go mid-spin causing the agent to go crashing into the side of a building.

"Would you look at that, I matched it," Sanji gloated causing Mr. 2 to kick some rubble off him and stared at Sanji with a look of pure hated.

"Oh, you think you are so good huh?" Mr. 2 asked rhetorically. "Let's see how you handle the powers of my devil fruit!" he yelled out as he brought his hands up to his face. "The true essence of Love and friendship lies in my devil fruit," he stated causing Sanji to smirk.

"I know what you're planning, and it is not going to work," Sanji said to which Mr. 2 ignored. The Baroque Works agents then touched his face and his face transformed into Usopp's face.

"Now let's see you fight one of your own-" Mr. 2 was just off by a powerful spinning heel kick to the face sending him tumbling to the ground.

"How could you do that!?" Mr. 2 yelled as he sat up and held the side of his face in pain. "You just attacked your little friend with the long nose. Clearly, you don't value friendship, do you?!" he yelled/asked.

"You're a real idiot," Sanji said coolly. "No matter what you transform your face to look like you are still only you," Sanji said surprising Mr. 2. "Images don't matter to me because a person is their soul," Sanji said strongly while pointing to his c.h.e.s.t. Mr. 2 back away and turned around with his back facing Sanji before he spoke in a depressed tone.

"So, it doesn't matter what I do to you," he said as he suddenly transformed into Nami causing Sanji to go crazy behind his back. "Even if I become her, for instance, it wouldn't matter because images don't matter," He said in Nami's voice before transforming back into himself and in turn causing Sanji to stop acting like a lovesick puppy. Sanji didn't manage to stop his act fast enough however because Mr. 2 caught a small glimpse of it causing him to stare at Sanji with a confused look on his face. He then narrowed his eyes and touched his face, transforming back into Nami causing Sanji to get hearts in his eyes before Mr. 2 undo the transformation and returned to normal with Sanji along with it.

'Well, he is easy to read,' Mr. 2 thought as he transformed back and forth between Nami and himself a few times just to see the reaction from Sanji. He then ran up to Sanji while transformed as Nami getting ready to attack but even though he was preparing to attack, Sanji did nothing. He just stood there with hearts in his eyes mumbling about how cute Nami looked. When Mr. 2 was about 2 ft away from Sanji he transformed back into himself and delivered a powerful kick to Sanji's face sending the lovesick cook airborne. Sanji crashed landed on his back and as he landed, Mr. 2 did and front flip and drove his heel into Sanji's head.

"Hahaha! I guess you are one of those all bark no bite kind of people," Mr. 2 mocked as he placed his foot on Sanji's head. "I must say though, this girl as an amazing body," he added as he started to run his hand all over Nami's body. At that moment Sanji saw red. He immediately stood straight up, knocking Mr. 2 over in the process. Sanji looked at Mr. 2 with a cold look in his eyes before he spoke in a cold tone.

"How dare you lay a hand on Nami's gorgeous body!?" he said as his right leg unconsciously became covered in Armament Haki, not that anyone could see due to his black shoes and pants. He then rushed forward at Mr. 2 before yelling out.

"Mutton Shot!" Sanji yelled out as he jumps and delivered a haki infused kick to Mr. 2's head causing a sickening crunch to be heard. Mr. 2 then fell back onto his back unconscious.

"Freaky bastard," Sanji said as he wiped some of the blood off from the side of his mouth. He then walked over to the downed Mr. 2 and gave him one final kick to the head for good measure. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigarette. As he was lighting the cigarette a bolt of lightning struck down behind him causing him to spin around quickly with his guard up thinking that he was about to be attacked. When he turned around, he saw his captain standing there with a smirk on his face as his coat was billowing in the wind. Sanji immediately relaxed upon seeing his captain, he lit his cigarette and took a puff before he spoke. "Hey, captain," he said while looking at Luffy.

"I see you took care of your business," Luffy said as he began walking over to the unconscious Mr. 2.

"The freaky bastard put up a good fight, but I was able to handle it," Sanji said hoping Luffy won't ask for details about his fight.

"Oh, I know. I saw the whole thing," Luffy replied with a smile causing a shiver to run down Sanji's spine. "You and I are going to have a little talk after this," Luffy said before he put his foot on Mr. 2's back.

"Bind!" he said causing five ropes of lightning to come out from the bottom of his foot and wrap their way around Mr. 2.

"You should head for the palace," Luffy said before he bent down and picked up Mr. 2, "I think Vivi, Johnny, and Yosaku are that way," he added as he tossed the Baroque Works' agent over his shoulder. "Go help them, Usopp and Chopper are also heading over there," He said while looking at his cook.

"Aye, Captain," Sanji said before he turned around and began running in the direction of the palace. Luffy stood there watching him running for a few seconds before he looked up and his entire body turned into a bolt of lightning and shot straight up into the sky.

**On the cloud**

Luffy appeared in a flash of lightning on the cloud before he tossed the unconscious body of Mr. 2 next to the other Baroque Works agents before he sat down on his throne. Robin looked at him and folded her arms before she spoke in a calm tone.

"Looks like there is only two more to go," she said causing Luffy to smirk before he replied.

"Just two more before we can stop this damn war," Luffy said in an excited tone causing Robin to raise an eyebrow at her new captain. Luffy then closed his eyes and focused on three final members of his crew.

**Zoro vs Mr. 1**

Zoro was currently standing 15 ft away from the strongest agent in Crocodile's organization. Zoro and Nojiko had intercepted Mr. 1 and his partner before they were able to catch up with Nami and they decided that Zoro should face Mr. 1 while Nojiko and Nami were going to handle Ms. Doublefinger together. Mr. 1 was just standing there staring at him with an apathetic look on his face as though he was not threatened by Zoro's presence.

"Let's get this over with," Mr. 1 in a bored tone as he kicked off from the ground and launched himself at Zoro with his right hand extended. Zoro immediately unsheathed two of his sword and blocked Mr. 1 hand. Zoro had expected to cut right through the Baroque Works agent's hand but instead of hearing and feeling his sword slice through the poor bastard's hand he heard and felt his sword hit metal. When he looked at Mr. 1's hand he saw the undersides of his fingers were steel blades. Zoro's eyes widen the moment he saw them causing him to use his swords and push off from the agent and put some distance between the two of them. As he pushed off h knocked Mr. 1's hand up away from him and as he did that the giant concrete pillar that was behind him exploded into five vertical strips.

"You ate a devil fruit," Zoro said as he narrowed his eyes and stared at Mr. 1.

"That's right," Mr. 1 said in a gruff voice. "I ate the Dice-Dice fruit making blades for my entire body," he said causing Zoro to unsheathe his final sword and placed it in his mouth. "You're one of them, aren't you?" Mr. 1 asked causing Zoro to raise an eyebrow as he untired the green bandana he had wrapped around his bicep. "One of the three men who cut down over 100 agents at Whiskey Peak," Mr. 1 said causing Zoro to chuckle before he took on a cold look in his eyes.

"Yeah, I was one of them. The idiots didn't want to surrender so...we massacred them!" Zoro said with a sadistic look on his face. "Now I am going to ask you the same thing we asked them and if you don't surrender...I will gladly dye the sands of this desert red with your blood!" Zoro said with an evil look in his eyes. On the thundercloud, Luffy couldn't help but think that his bloodl.u.s.t was starting to rub off on some of his crew.

"You think you can make a fool out of me!" Mr. 1 yelled with an angry look on his face as he turned both of his forearms into blades and rushed at Zoro. Zoro saw the attack coming and took a step forward and blocked both of Mr. 1's arms/blades before he used the third blade that he had in his mouth to slash at Mr. 1's neck while both of his arms were busy. Instead of dodging the incoming attack, Mr. 1 simply stood there and turned the side of his neck into a blade and blocked the slash. Zoro and Mr. 1 then simultaneously pushed off from each other before both of them stared at each other with a murderous glint in both of their eyes.

"You know that face of yours looks kind of familiar," Zoro said as he stared at Mr. 1. "If I'm not mistaken you used to be an infamous bounty hunter from the West Blue and an assassin at that too," he stated as he stared at his opponent. "What happened? You used to be at the top of the pack. Now look at you, you're Crocodile's lapdog," Zoro said with a chuckle causing Mr. 1 to grow. "Allow me to show you the difference between you and me, and the difference in the pride in your swords versus mine," Zoro said in a serious voice.

"Bull Needles!" he said as he held two swords like a bull's horns and began charging towards Mr. 1. Mr. 1 saw Zoro running towards him and took up a defensive stance before he spoke.

"Spider Defense!" he said as he banged both of his fists together causing the sound of two metal clashing to be heard. When Zoro got within 2 ft of Mr. 1 he executes a multi-hit running attack on Mr. 1 at amazing speed. He then ran right past Mr. 1 and sheathed two of his swords before he turned and looked at the Baroque Works agents and spoke.

"So basically, your entire body is steel, and unless I can cut steel I can't harm you," Zoro said as he stared at Mr. 1's back.

"That is correct. Cutting and smashing attacks don't work on me," Mr. 1 said as he turned and looked at Zoro.

"Well then, I guess I'm just going to have to learn how to cut steel," Zoro said with a smirk and he unsheathed his two swords again and placed the white one back in his mouth.

"Oni Giri!" Zoro yelled out as he launched his signature attack attempting to slice through his opponent with a three-way slash. The attack impacted Mr. 1 knocking him off his feet. Zoro not wasting any time launched himself into the air just above Mr. 1 and yelled out.

"Tiger Trap!" he yelled as he puts his hand swords over his mouth blade and swings forth a forward descending slash at Mr. 1. The slash impacted Mr. 1's midsection sending him crashing into the ground with great force. Zoro land about 5 ft away from where Mr. 1 impacted and looked over his shoulder to see if he got him. Much to his surprise, he could see the silhouette of Mr. 1 standing upright inside of the dust cloud.

"I told you, a weakling like you, could never dream of cutting me," Mr. 1 said before he kicked off the from the ground and rushed at Zoro. Zoro didn't know why but something told him to duck and that was exactly what he did. Just as he ducks, he felt the wind blew over his head and when he looked up he saw Mr. 1 in above him with his right leg extended and the blade visible on his shin. Zoro's eyes widen as the building off to his left his sliced in half thanks to Mr. 1's kick.

"Spar Claw!" Mr. 1 yelled out as he spun around mid-air and turned the underside of his fingers into blades and stabbed them down at Zoro who saw the attack coming and rolled out of the way just in time causing Mr. 1's hand to dig deep into the ground. Zoro then quickly stood up and brought his swords up to defend against any oncoming attacks. Mr. 1 stood himself back up and turned and faced Zoro before he rushed at him once more.

"Sparkling Daisy!" he yelled out as he places his hands together wrist-to-wrist before lunging at Zoro who blocked his hands with the two swords in his hands. As he blocked the Baroque Works agents' hands, the two buildings behind him were split into five due to the sheer force behind the attack. Zoro was having trouble holding back Mr. 1, not only was the baroque Works agent strong with his devil fruit but it would also appear as though he had great physical strength as well.

"Goodbye," Mr. 1 said as he took a step forward and gave one big push sending Zoro flying back into the two collapsing buildings. Mr. stood there and watched as the pieces of both buildings fell onto Zoro with an emotionless look on his face. "A couple of wannabe pirates like yourself could never even dream of defeating us," Mr. 1 one said as he stared into the rubble. "All of your friends are probably already dead, your captain was probably killed a long time ago by Crocodile," he said with a chuckle. "And I heard that fool wanted to be the King of the pirates, what a joke," he scoffed out. As he said that thunder boomed overhead but he simply ignored it. Zoro, on the other hand, heard it and knew that it was captain. Suddenly the rubble directly in front of Mr. 1 exploded out causing him to shield his eyes. When he removed his hand from in front of his eyes, he saw Zoro standing there with all three of his swords drawn all while bleeding from multiple parts of his body.

"You can say what you want about me, but I wouldn't exactly be a good vice-captain..." Zoro said as he got into his stance to launch his signature attack. "If I just laid there and let you insult my captain, now would I?" he added in a cold voice as he stared at Mr. 1 with a murderous look in his eyes. Zoro was so focused on Mr. 1 that he never noticed a pitch-black substance covered all his blades while a black and purple aura was coming from them. Mr. 1 saw this but didn't think too much into it. He just thought it was another one of the swordsmen weak attack.

"Oni Giri!" Zoro yelled out as he kicked off from the ground and dash forward towards Mr. 1. In the blink of an eye, Zoro was behind Mr. 1 with the two swords in his hands spread out wide. He then stood up straight and began sheathing his swords one by one. One by one the sounds of the guard of the swords touching the sheathe echoed through the empty buildings of Alubarna. When the 'click' was heard blood gushed out from three slash wound on Mr. 1's body causing him to fall onto his knees.

"I-impossible..." he croaked out before spitting up a large amount of blood. His eyes then rolled back into his head before he collapsed face-first into the sand.

"Luffy will be King of the pirates, and I'll cut down anybody who gets in his way," Zoro said with conviction just as a bolt of lightning struck down between him and the downed Mr. 1. When the lightning vanished Zoro saw his captain standing there with a satisfied smirk on his face.

"Well now, that's reassuring," Luffy said commenting on Zoro's previous statement before he turned and looked at Mr. 1 who had a large puddle of blood under him which was getting bigger and bigger by the second. "Damn, I wanted to recruit him but by the looks of things he might bleed out before I can get him first aid," Luffy said as he looked at the beaten agent.

"Sorry about that," Zoro said with a nervous chuckle causing Luffy to look at him with a smile.

"Don't worry about it, I'm quite proud of you," he said to his first mate. "Not only did you handle yourself in the fight well, but you also awakened your armament haki," Luffy said causing Zoro to look at him in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" Zoro asked as he tilted his head to the side.

"Never mind, I'll explain later. Here," Luffy said as he reached into his coat and pulled out a bottle of sake and tossed it to his vice-captain. "Head for the palace," Luffy said before he walked over to Mr. 1. "And Zoro, that is the palace that you are heading to," Luffy said as he stopped and pointed to the giant palace in the center of Alubarna. "You just keep staring at that building and head over there. DO NOT take your eyes off it!" Luffy said emphasizing on the 'do not'. "God knows you might end up on another island all together if you get lost," Luffy mumble to himself.

"I'm not going to get lost," Zoro said after he heard what Luffy mumbled.

"Yeah, and Nami hates money," Luffy replied causing his first mates' eyebrow to twitch. "Just keep your eyes on that palace," he said with a sigh.

"Thanks for this by the way," Zoro said as he took a drink from the bottle of sake. "What are you going to do with him," Zoro said while looking at Mr. 1.

"I'm going to seal the wounds," he replied before he rolled the Baroque Works agent over and placed his index finger over one of the slash wounds before using his lightning to seal out the wounds and stop most of the bleeding. "For his sake, I hope he doesn't have any internal bleeding," Luffy said before he placed his foot on the agent's c.h.e.s.t and bind him his lightning-like he did the rest. He then reached down and grabbed onto Mr. 1 shirt and lift him up before he turned and looked at Zoro. "See you at the end of all this," Luffy said before he turned into lightning and shot up into the sky.

"Okay then, time to stop a war," Zoro said before he began walking towards the palace with his sake in hand.

**On the Cloud**

Luffy appeared once again on the cloud carrying another unconscious Baroque Works agent. Robin looked at this one and saw that he was a bit bloodier than the rest and had three large burn marks over the slashes that Zoro gave him.

"You know, this cloud is beginning to get a bit crowded," she said while looking at Luffy.

"I know," Luffy replied as he tossed Mr. 1 onto the pile of unconscious agents. "Just one more to go before I drop them off at the Spider's cafe," he said as he sat down on his throne.

"And what are you going to do with me?" Robin asked as she folded her arms.

"I'll take you to see that Poneglyph," Luffy said causing her to get slightly excited. "The king is going to owe me for saving the country, so I'll just ask him to show it to me," he added. Robin looked at him with a smile before her smile vanished and look of panic spread across her face.

"Oh no!" she said suddenly causing Luffy to look at her in confusion. "I totally forgot. The king was kidnapped by Mr. 4 and Ms. Merry Christmas. It was all part of the plan to have Mr. 2 impersonate him," she said sounding slightly alarmed.

"Relax, we'll find him," Luffy said with a sigh as he rubbed his temple. "I'm starting to think I should have taken care of that bastard a long time ago," Luffy said while looking at Crocodile. "For now, let's just focus on this last agent then worry about the king," he added with a sigh.

"If you say so," Robin said as she watched Luffy closed his eyes once again.

**Nami and Nojiko vs Mr. Doublefinger**

Nojiko and Nami were currently standing across from Ms. Doublefinger with their weapons drawn. Nojiko was standing in front of her sister with her three-section staff held diagonally across her back, while Nami was behind her holding three blue metal rods between her fingers. It was her new weapon that she had Usopp made for her. She was tired of sitting back and letting Luffy and the rest of the crew do all the fighting. She wanted to do her part in all this and wanted to stop being a burden to all of them.

"Give it up girls, it's useless," Ms. Doublefinger said as she placed her hands on her rather small hip.

"Well, from where I'm standing you should be the one giving up," Nojiko rebutted as she tightened her grip on the two ends of her staff. Ms. Double finger then stretched out her right hand with all five fingers pointing at the girls before she smirked

"Your funeral," she said before all five of her fingers on her right hand turned into spiked and shot forward towards the girls. With Nojiko's observation haki being slightly better than her sister's she was able to dodge and weave through the spike and close the distance between the agent and herself. Nami, on the other hand, was not so Lucky. She managed to dodge most of the spike but one of them managed to stab into her shoulder causing her to drop the three metal rods that she was holding on to.

"Take this!" Nojiko yelled out as she got within 3 ft of Ms. Double finger and swung her staff at her mid-section. The end of the three-section staff impacted Ms. Doublefinger's side sending crashing into the side of one of the abandon buildings. Nojiko then turned and looked at her sister to see if she was okay. When she turned around, she saw her sister on her knees holding her bleeding shoulder while her three metal rods were scattered in front of her. Nojiko immediately ran towards her sister and helped her up.

"Nami, are you okay," she asked as he helped her sister stood up.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Nami replied as she stood back up to her feet. "She has devil fruit powers," she said while looking at the hole in the wall where the Baroque Works agent crashed into.

"Right you are little girl," Ms. Doublefinger said getting Nami and Nojiko's attention. When the two sisters focused on the source of the voice, they saw Ms. Doublefinger walking out of the hole in the wall slightly bruised. "I ate the Spike-Spike fruit allowing me to turn any part of my body into spikes," she said as she walked towards the girls.

"Wow, s.e.x with you must be quite painful," Nojiko said with a smirk as she swung the sections of her staff around.

"I don't know about that," Ms. Doublefinger rebutted as she swayed her h.i.p.s. "The male populace finds me quite...enjoyable," she said with a smirk. Nojiko was about to say something else but before she could Nami screamed at the two of them.

"Would you two perverts shut up already!" she yelled causing them to look at her. When they saw her face was completely red and she had a rather large blush on her face causing the two older women to chuckle.

"I guess my little sister is right," Nojiko said as she stopped spinning her staff. "Time to get down to business," she added with a serious look on her face. Nami following her sister's lead connected the three metal rods to form a long blue metal staff. Nojiko acted first and began charging Ms. Doublefinger with impressive speed. Ms. Doublefinger saw her approaching and pointed both of her hand at Nojiko before she yelled out an attack name.

"Double Stinger!" she yelled as she turned her hands into spikes before attempting to stab Nojiko multiple times in rapid succession. Nojiko dodged and weaved through the spikes before he leaped into the air.

"Lotus Shock!" Nojiko yelled as she brought the top two sections of her staff down onto Ms. Doublefinger who barely managed to jump out of the way of the attack. Just as she dodges the top end of the three-section staff impacted the ground and broke it back creating a decent size hole in the process. Ms. Doublefinger's eyes widen in shock at the destruction causing by that one hit. She was knocked further into shock however by the voice of Nami coming from behind her.

"Did you forget about me?" Nami asked causing Ms. Doublefinger's eyes to widen even further as she turned her head slightly and looked behind her only to see Nami fading into existence like some sort of illusion.

"When did you-" she said but was cut off by Nami swinging her staff at her head.

"Cyclone Tempo!" Nami yelled out as she swung her staff. Upon hitting the face of the female Baroque Works agent, it generated a massive gust of wind that blew Ms. Double finger away sending her crashing into the side of another building.

"Nicely done, sis," Nojiko said as she stood next to her sister. "Guess that weapon that Usopp made for you is coming in handy," she added she looked at her sister with a proud smile on my face.

"Yeah, glad I got to practice with it a bit beforehand. Could you imagine what would have happened if I just had to learn it on the fly amid battle?" she asked causing her sister to chuckle. Nojiko was about to say something else to her sister but before she could, the sound of rubble being pushed out of the way could be heard. When they looked over, they saw Ms. Doublefinger standing in the middle of the rubble covered in bruises and with her clothes slightly torn as well.

"You two are really...PISSING ME OFF!" she yelled before she leaped into the air.

"Stinger Hedgehog!" she yelled before rolled her body into a ball and then sprouted spikes from all over her body giving her the appearance of a sea urchin. the giant spike ball then landed onto the ground before it began to spin rapidly before she began rolling along the ground and leveling everything in her path. The human spike ball then began making its way towards Nami and Nojiko who simply stood there without a care in the world. The giant spike ball rolled right through the two sisters as though they weren't even there. Ms. Doublefinger stopped rolling and changed back to her normal form before she turned and looked at the spot where the girls were. When she looked over, she saw the image of the two sisters standing there fading away like an illusion.

"Where are they?" she asked herself as he looked around.

"We're right here," Ms. Doublefinger heard the voice of Nojiko said from behind her. Before she could react Nojiko's three-section staff wrapped around her neck as the illusion began to fade revealing Nojiko standing behind Ms. Doublefinger with both of their backs touching each other while holding on to the top and bottom sections of her staff while the third section was under Ms. Doublefinger's neck choking her.

"Mirage Tempo!" came the voice of Nami in front of Ms. Doublefinger getting her attention. When Ms. Doublefinger looked straight ahead of her, she saw Nami fading into existence with a satisfied smirk on her face. The Baroque Works agent was about to say something, but before she could Nojiko acted.

"Seismic Toss!" Nojiko yelled as she took a step forward and used her three-section staff to lift Ms. Doublefinger over from behind her and slam her down into the ground in front of her. The power behind the impact alone was strong enough to create a small crater along with a miniature earthquake. Nojiko immediately pulled her staff out of the way before she put some distance between her and the agent.

"Time to finish this," Nami said before she pulled out one of the metal rods and began blowing into it causing a bunch of red bubbles to come out. Once she had a decent amount of the red bubbles out, she took another rod and blew into it causing some blue bubbles to come out. The two groups of bubbles began mixing in the air causing a decent size raincloud to form. She then took the final rod and blew into it causing a few yellow bubbles to come out and go into the cloud. The rain cloud then began to give off some sparks causing Nami to smirk. "Now take this!" Nami yelled out.

"Thunder Tempo!" she shouted causing lightning to burst down from the cloud and strike Ms. Doublefinger who was still lying in the middle of the crater. The two sisters high fived each other at a job well done and just as they were about to continue celebrating, they heard their supposed beaten enemy growl. When they looked in the small burned crater, they saw Ms. Doublefinger slowly getting up to her feet while covered in bruises and electrical burns.

"You two have mocked me long enough," Ms. Doublefinger said in an angry tone. "This ends here," she said as she prepared to attack.

"You're right," Nojiko said as she stepped forward, "This does end here," she added as she let the two top sections of her staff fall to the ground while only holding onto the bottom section.

"Snatch!" Nojiko yelled as she swung her arm forward in a whip-like motion. When the top section of the staff was about 1 ft away from Ms. Double finger the tip opened and a metal spike extended out getting ready to pierce right through the heart of the Baroque Works Agent. Just then a bolt of lightning came down directly in front of Ms. Doublefinge startling everyone. When the lightning disappeared, everyone saw Luffy standing there holding onto the hidden metal spike attached to Nojiko's staff which was less than an inch away from the Baroque Works agent's c.h.e.s.t.

"Oh, my, beautiful and deadly," Luffy said as he let go of the spike and looked at his two female crew members. "You two make quite the fierce combination," he added with a smirk. Nojiko pulled back her staff and retracted the spike before looking at Luffy for an explanation. "Oh, I can't have you kill her. She is more useful to me alive rather than dead," he added. Nojiko was about to say something to her captain before she could a bunch of spikes erupted from all over Luffy's body compliments of Ms. Doublefinger causing Nami and Nojiko to look on in horror as their captain had spike sticking out all parts of his body. Luffy just sighed before he turned around and looked at Ms. Double finger and spoke.

"That's not going to work on me," he said before he backhanded the Baroque Works agent sending her crashing through 5 of the abandoned buildings. "Right, now, where was I?" he asked as he dusted off his hands while Nami and Nojiko just looked at him strangely.

'How do you just casually backhand someone through five buildings?!' they all screamed in their head. Just Nami was about to speak the voice of Zoro drew all their attention.

"Oh, hey guys," Zoro said getting their attention. "What's wrong? Are you guys long?" he asked as he walked over to him. Nami and Nojiko looked at him with a sweat drop on the back of their heads while Luffy stared at him with a huge tick mark on his forehead.

"What happened to not taking your eyes off the palace?!" Luffy yelled/asked.

"Yeah, I'm heading there right now," Zoro said nonchalantly.

"The palace is in the opposite direction!" Luffy yelled while the two girls looked on with an amused look on their face. Luffy then turned and looked at the girls before she spoke again. "You two take him to the palace," he said before he looked at the direction where he sent Ms. Doublefinger flying. "I'll take care of things here," he added seriously before he began walking through the holes in the buildings that the agent crashed through. He had to walk through ten human-sized holes in the walls of five house before he could reach the location where Ms. Doublefinger stopped. When he got there, he saw her laying on the ground unconscious with some of the rubble on top of her. Luffy bent down and picked her up before he turned his body into lightning and shot straight up into the sky.

**On the Cloud**

Luffy appeared once again on the cloud carrying an unconscious Baroque Works agent. He tossed Ms. Doublefinger on the pile of unconscious agents before he sat down on his throne and spoke to Robin.

"That's everybody," Luffy said while looking at her.

"I must say, your crew is very impressive," Robin said with a smile. "They are few in numbers but even so they make up for that in their strength," she added causing Luffy to chuckle.

"What can I say, I have an eye to talent," Luffy said before he winked at her causing a slight blush to creep up on her face. "Now then, where is this Spider's Cafe?" he asked.

"It's that way," she said while pointing off in the direction of where they came from. "It is in the desert between Nanohana and Alubarna," she said causing Luffy to nod.

"Hold on," Luffy said just before the cloud sped off in the direction of the Spider's cafe at about 120mph. It took them about 10 minutes to reach the skies above the Spider's Cafe due to the speed at which the cloud had been moving. When the cloud came to a full stop Luffy got up from his throne and looked out the side of the cloud down to the surface to see if he could see the cafe. Much to his surprise, there was a cafe in the middle of the desert. "So, I take it that's the place?" he asked as he turned and looked at Robin who was fixing her hair.

"Yeah, that is," She said not paying attention.

"Okay, you wait here. I'll just drop them off there and be right back," he said before he held out both of his hand. As he held out his hands ten ropes made from lightning which connected to the binding around everyone except Crocodile. Luffy then turned his body into lightning and teleported himself and all the Baroque Works agents down to the cafe.

**The Spider's Cafe**

Currently inside the cafe was Gem, Mikita, Marianne, and Jiro. The four of them were sitting at the counter drinking the beverages they found in the cafe. They had arrived there about an hour ago and were currently waiting for Luffy to arrive.

"Where the hell is he!?" Jiro asked in a frustrated voice. Before anyone could reply they all heard something impacted the desert outside causing the entire cafe to shake as though it was an earthquake.

"Ask and you shall receive," Mikita said with a chuckle. All four of them stared at the doors of the cafe in anticipation. Suddenly the doors to the cafe were kicked off their hinges starting all of them. The next thing they all saw was Luffy walking through the doors dragging five unconscious and bounded individuals. Luffy then threw the five agents further into the cafe before he spoke.

"Gem," Luffy said getting Gem's attention. "Treat their wounds," he said as he tossed him a first aid kit. "I'll be back in a few hours," Luffy said before he turned and began to leave.

"Wait!" Jiro yelled out stopping Luffy. "Where are you going?" he asked not liking the idea of waiting a couple of hours. Luffy turned and looked at him with cold eyes before he spoke.

"I got a war to stop, dumbass," Luffy said before he narrowed his eye. "You don't have somewhere you need to be, do you?" he asked dangerously.

"N-no, sir," Jiro stuttered out.

"Thought so," Luffy said before he left causing Jiro to let out a sigh of relief.

**On the cloud**

Luffy arrived on the cloud once more before he looked over and Robin and spoke.

"Where is the king?" he asked her.

"Crocodile told Mr. 4 and Ms. Merry Christmas to hid him in a cave just outside of Alubarna," she said causing Luffy to sigh.

"We should have gone there first," he said causing her nod in agreement. The cloud then turned around and sped off back to Alubarna. It took them another 10 minutes to reach the capital of Alabasta. When they arrived over the city Luffy look at Robin and spoke once more. "Okay where?" he asked. She stood up and looked around for a few seconds before she replied.

"Over there, near the eastern gate," she said causing Luffy to nod before the cloud made its way to the location. When they arrived Luffy once again teleported off the cloud and down to the surface. When Luffy reached the surface, he looked around and saw no one was around. In front of him, he saw a small opening in the rocks. He walked through the opened and found a cave just under the Alubarna. It was not that big a cave and it did not look to be a natural cave either. Luffy hypothesized that Ms. Merry Christmas made it with her devil fruit. Luffy looked around the cave checking if any Baroque Works agents were in the cave. Much to his enjoyment, there were none.

"Who are you?" a man asked over in the corner of the cave. Luffy looked over his shoulder where the source of the voice came from and saw a man bounded to the walls of the cave.

"I take it you're Cobra?" Luffy asked as he walked over to the man.

"Who are you?" he asked as he looked at Luffy with suspicion.

"A friend of your daughters," Luffy replied before he pulled the King's restraints off freeing him.

"You're with the group of pirates that helped my daughter?" Cobra asked as Luffy helped him to his feet.

"I'm the captain to be exact," Luffy said as he began to lead the king out of the cave. "Come on, we got a war to stop," he said causing the king to nod his head and follow Luffy. When they arrived outside the cave Luffy looked at the king and spoke once more. "This may feel a bit weird," he said as he placed his hands on the king's shoulders. Cobra looked at him in confusion, wondering what he meant. Before he could voice his confusion, Luffy turned his body into lightning and teleported himself and the king up to the cloud. When they arrived on the cloud the king immediately fell to his knees breathing heavily.

"I think you broke him," Robin said causing Luffy to chuckle as he sat down on his throne.

"If he is freaked out by that I wonder what will happen when he realizes where we are?" Luffy asked with a chuckle earning a laugh from Robin. The King looked up at Luffy and Robin with confusion on his face before he looked around at his surroundings and saw that there were in the sky.

"WHAT THE HELL!" the king yelled causing the two occupants of the cloud to chuckle.

"Relax would you," Luffy said casually. "Look behind you," he said causing the king to look at him in confusion before he turned around and looked behind him on the cloud where Crocodile was. The moment Cobra saw Crocodile his eyes widen in shock.

"That's," he said in shock barely able to speak. "Did you?" he asked as he turned and looked at Luffy.

"I did," Luffy replied with a smirk. "Listen, your Majesty," Luffy said in a serious voice. "We still have a war to stop but before we can do that, I need something from you," he said with smirk puzzling the king.

"What is it?" he asked while staring at Luffy.

"I want to see the Poneglyph that the Nefertari family have in their possession," Luffy said causing the king's eyes to widen in shock.

"How do you know about that?" he asked.

"Well, your family is one of the 20 kings who formed the World Government. It is only right that you have one in your possession," Luffy said while Robin looked on trying to hide the excitement on her face.

"Very well," he said surprising Luffy. "I don't see any harm in that," he said with a shrug.

'He agreed way too easy,' Luffy thought to himself as he stared at the king.

"Great, where is it?" He asked.

"Head to the Royal palace," the king said to which Luffy nodded before the cloud took off in the direction of the palace. Cobra then walked over to the side of the cloud and pointed to an area just outside the palace. "Over there," he said causing Luffy to nod before he moved the cloud over to the location. Luffy and Robin then got up from their seats and walked next to Cobra. Luffy put his hand on both before the three of them teleported down to the surface leaving Crocodile behind. When they arrived down on the surface, they all saw that they were at the royal tomb.

"The royal tomb, a place where generations of your kings lay in their eternal rest," Robin said as she looked around. Cobra then walked over to a statue of a Sea Cat and turned it horizontally. As he turned the statue a hidden stairway opened surprising Luffy.

"The Poneglyph is kept down there, deep underground," Cobra said before he leads the duo down the stairs. "Most people aren't even aware of the Poneglyph's existence. How exactly do you two know of their existence?" he asked as they walked down the stairs.

"Well, that's Nico Robin," Luffy said causing Cobra's eyes to widen. "She can read the ancient writings on the Poneglyph," he added surprising the king even further. "As for me, my mentors told me about them," Luffy said with a shrug.

"I take it you can't read them?" Cobra asked as he glanced at Luffy.

"Technically, no," Luffy said confusing Cobra and causing Robin to narrow her eyes at him. When they reached the bottom of the stairs they arrived in a secret underground chamber.

"The Poneglyph is just behind those doors," The king said while pointing at the door in the back. Luffy walked up to the door and pulled them open revealing the giant Poneglyph in the middle of the room. Robin's face took on a huge smile as she walked into the room while Luffy and the king just stayed in the back and leaned against the door frame. While Robin was deciphering the Poneglyph, Luffy could be seen with his eyes closed and his forehead scrunched up as though he was focusing on something, but no one knew what.

"Well," Cobra said getting their attention. "Can you read it?" he asked while looking at Robin.

"Yes," she replied as she looked at the king and took a glance at Luffy only to see him standing there with his eyes closed. "History is all that is on this Poneglyph," she said surprising Cobra. "It tells the history of this country and its former kings. Also-" she was cut off from continuing by the voice of Luffy.

"Cut the crap," Luffy said interrupting her. "I know it tells the location of Pluton," he said as he opened his eyes surprising both of them.

"How did you..." she asked in a slightly scared voice.

"You can relax, I have no interest in that weapon. I have all the power I need," Luffy said as he stared at her with a bored expression on his face.

"I thought you said you couldn't read the ancient language," Cobra said as he looked at Luffy.

"I can't," Luffy replied with a smirk. "It's kind of hard to explain. I don't even quite understand it myself. All I know is that I can hear the voice of all things," he said confusing the two of them. "If you think I asked you to join my crew just to find out what one the Poneglyphs you're wrong. I don't need you to tell me what's on a Poneglyph, I can do that myself," Luffy said seriously. "Now this Poneglyph doesn't have what you and I want so can we leave now?" he asked getting slightly tired of waiting around.

"Forgive me for asking but exactly are the two of you looking for on these Poneglyphs?" Cobra asked while looking at the two of them.

"The missing history of the world," Robin replied causing Cobra's eyes to widen.

"Missing history?" he asked to which she nodded.

"A century-long gap in the recorded and archaeological history of our world. The World Government forbids any research into the topic and that is why they made reading the Poneglyphs illegal. The missing history is recorded on a few of these Poneglyphs, whatever the government did in that century-long gap allowed the World Government to take political control of the entire world," Luffy said in a serious voice as he looked at the king.

"This is...something," Cobra said sounding a bit too overwhelmed.

"Forget about it, for now, we can talk about it later," Luffy said while Robin nodded. "Let's go stop this war," he said before he turned and began to leave. The and Robin soon followed Luffy back up the stairs after reclosing the doors to the chamber that held the Poneglyphs. When they got to the top Luffy looked at Robin and spoke. "What you want to do, Robin?" Luffy asked confusing her. "Do you want to go to my ship or the palace with me and the rest of my crew?" he asked with one eyebrow raised in the air.

"Well I was going to just go to the ship and wait for you there, but that sounds too boring," she said causing Luffy to chuckle before he nodded.

"Okay then," he said before he turned to the king. "Go with the king to palace and wait for me there," Luffy said before he turned to leave. He took a few steps forward before he turned around and spoke to Robin once more. "Oh, and I would stay away from the princess if I were you," he added with a smile causing Robin to chuckle.

"Never intended on letting her see me," she replied causing Luffy to chuckle. He was about to say something else but before he could, a giant explosion shook the entire city of Alubarna causing Luffy to spin around and look in the direction of the explosion. When Luffy turned around he saw a giant ball of light in the middle of the sky.

'Right on, Smoker,' Luffy thought with a smirk.

"Well, I got a war to go stop," Luffy said with a smirk before he turned his body into lightning and shot up into the sky leaving Robin and the king behind. when Luffy appeared on the cloud he looked down at the bounded Crocodile and smirked before the cloud shot off towards the plaza where the Royal Army and Rebels were fighting. When Luffy arrived there, he saw the two armies weren't fighting instead, they were all picking themselves up from the ground and looking up into the sky where the explosion took place.

'It would appear as though the shockwave knocked them all over,' Luffy thought with an amused smile on his face. He then looked at Crocodile and snapped his fingers causing the lightning that was binding Crocodile in place to vanish freeing the Warlord. The moment the lightning disappeared Crocodile's eyes snapped open.

"Huh? Where am I?" he asked in a pained voice. Luffy didn't answer instead he covered his hand in haki and grabbed the warlord by the neck and dangled him over the side of the cloud. Crocodile began struggling and gasping for air but Luffy just held him there with a smirk on his face.

"You wanted to be king of this land," Luff said before he reared his other hand back with a closed fist covered in haki. "Well long... live...the...king," Luffy said before he delivered a power punch to Crocodile sending the warlord barreling towards the ground. Luffy then looked around and saw rain clouds were beginning to form in the skies above Alabasta. "Now would you look at that," he said with a smile before he stood on the edge of the loud and looked down. When he looked down, he saw Crocodile in the middle of a crater surrounded by both members of the Royal and Rebel armies. "Well then, time for me to make my grand entrance," he said before he turned his body into lightning and shot straight down to the ground.

**Down on the Ground**

Crocodile was currently laying face first unconscious in the middle of a crater about 20 ft wide while people from both armies surrounded him with a puzzled look on their faces.

"Isn't that Crocodile?" one of the rebels asked.

"Yeah, but who could have done this to him?" another asked.

"Who has the strength to beat a warlord?" they all asked. Before anyone else can speculate on what happened, they all heard the screams and pleads of a young woman.

"STOP FIGHT!" they all heard the voice of Vivi said. When they turned and looked in the direction of where the voice came from, they saw Princess Vivi standing on top of a clock tower. But before Vivi or anyone from both armies could say anything a giant bolt of lightning struck down encasing the entire crater with Crocodile in it and knocked the people were standing around it off their feet. When the bold of Lightning vanished, everyone saw Luffy standing there with one of his foot on Crocodile's back and his captain coat billowing in the wind staring at all of them with a serious look on his face.

"This war is over," Luffy said a cold voice that sent chills down the spines of everyone there.

"W-who are you?" one of the royal guards asked while shaking in his boots.

"That's the T-Thunder D-Demon, Straw Hat Luffy!" a random rebel shouted out causing a bunch of the rebels and a few royal guards to let out a gasp in shock. Luffy ignored all their surprised looks and proceeded to speak.

"Crocodile here has been deceiving all of you all this," Luffy said confusing everyone. "Him and his organization, Baroque Works orc.h.e.s.trated this who war in hopes seizing control of the country," he said.

"Lies! it is the Royal Families fault! We won't rest until every member of the Royal family is-" a random rebel bearing the Baroque Works tattoo on his bicep said before he suddenly lost his head causing everyone around him to back away in fear.

"What just happened?" A royal guard asked.

"Anyone else wants to interrupt me?" Luffy asked in a dangerous tone causing all of them to sweat. "Good, now see that man that just died?" Luffy asked while pointing to the headless body. "Look at his right bicep, see that tattoo?' he asked causing a few people to nod. "That is the symbol of Baroque Works. he was one of Crocodile's people," he said causing everyone's eyes to widen. Luffy then turned and look behind him and spoke to someone.

"I take it you can take it from here...Igaram?" he asked with a smile as he stared at the supposed dead man carrying a small boy. Igaram and the small boy then began to explain to everyone what Crocodile's true intentions were and how he used the people of the country to further his own gain. At the end of their explanation, every person there dropped their weapons. Just as all of them dropped their weapons, thunder boomed overhead and the skies were filled with rain clouds. A few seconds later it began to rain for the first time in three years. Everyone started cheering and singing praises at the fact that their suffering had come to an end. Luffy ignored all their cheering and began walking in the direction of where he sensed his crew. As he was walking, the crowd of royal guards and former rebels parted creating a straight path to Luffy's crew all while thanking Luffy and cheering his name as he walked by. Luffy just ignored it and kept a stoic look on his face.

As he was nearing the end, he saw a group of marines being led by the swordswoman who is always with Smoker enters the path and began making their way towards Luffy. Luffy didn't stop nor did he look all that threatened by their presence he continued walking as though he didn't have a care in the world. The people who were on either side of the path, however, were not as laid back as Luffy. They started hurling insults at the marines due to them thinking that the marines were there for Luffy. When Luffy came face to face with the swordswoman he stopped about 1 ft away from her and a bit to the right. Neither one of them looked each other in the eye instead they just looked straight over the other shoulder. There was a lot of tension present and the marines behind the swordswoman were extremely nervous.

"I saw the explosion," Luffy said in a monotone voice. "Is Smoker alright?" he asked talking the marines behind the swordswoman by surprise.

"He is slightly injured, but he'll be fine," she replied somewhat strongly. Luffy could tell she feared him after what happened earlier when they met Ace.

"Good, tell him I'm looking forward to our next meeting," Luffy said as he turned and looked at her with a slight smile.

"R-right!" she stuttered out causing Luffy to chuckle before he continued walking. He took a few steps forward before he stopped and looked over his shoulder and spoke once more. "Swordswoman," he said getting her attention.

"Y-yes?" she answered letting her nervousness show.

"What is your name?" he asked causing her eyes to widen slightly.

"T-Tashigi," she said as he adjusted her glasses. Luffy didn't say anything else, he just nodded before he walked away. Tashigi and her marines let out a sigh of relief before continuing towards Crocodile. When Luffy reached his crew, he saw all of them there with Vivi with a tired expression on their faces causing him to drop the stoic look on his face and smiled.

"You look like you need a vacation," he said as he stopped in front of them.

"You got that right," Nami said as she leaned against a wall.

"Well, princess," Luffy said getting her attention. "Think you can find a place for my crew to relax?" he asked with a smile causing to smile at him widely with tears in her eyes.

"Yes, I can," she said before she leads them away.


Okay, this chapter turned out to way long that I anticipated. I had wanted to do some stuff with Shanks in this chapter but I'll just do it in the next one. Hope you enjoyed it!

Next Chapter we will see Luffy organization beginning, Some stuff with Shanks, and Luffy shaking the world! See you next time!


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