The Thunder Demon Straw Hat Luffy

Chapter 33 - 33: A Battle on Angel Beach!

"Was that such a good idea, Luffy?" Nami asked with a slightly fearful look on her face. While she was out on the waver on the water, she saw what this God Enel can do, and it terrified her.

"Normally I would say no, but this is far too interesting for me not to," he replied as he turned around and looked at his crew.

"Was that you just now, captain?" Robin asked as she looked at Luffy questioning him about the thunder they just heard rumbled in the sky.

"No, that wasn't me," he replied surprising them while confusing the two Skypieans.

"Is it possible for two of the same-" Sanji began to ask before he was cut off.

"No, it is not possible," Luffy replied cutting Sanji off. He didn't want this Enel guy to know he had a lightning devil fruit. He wanted it to be a surprise. "It is likely similar but not the same, hence why I'm interested," Luffy said with a smirk. He was about to say something else but before he could Conis spoke up in a panic tone getting all their attention.

"Don't you guys understand what you have just done?!" she asked in a slightly scared voice. "This is a crime of the fifth degree," she said trying to make them understand. "Once you are found guilty of committing a fifth-degree crime, Almighty Enel will banish you to the land of the drifting clouds," she said in a soft but scared voice.

"That doesn't sound so bad," Sanji said as he smoked his cigarette.

"It's a death sentence! You die!" she yelled back in a worried voice. "they will put you and your ship on a drifting cloud and leave you there with no chance of escape and you will eventually die a slow and painful death," she said starting Nami, Usopp, and Chopper. "I've known you guys for only a short time, and I know you are not bad people so you should take this chance that you got and get out of here!" Conis screamed before running off.

"I must get these men to a doctor now," Pagaya said as he walked over to the unconscious soldiers.

"I think we would take her advice," Nami said as she turned and looked at Luffy and the crew. "While I was out on the waver, I saw it for myself, an island filled with monsters!" she said scaring Usopp and Chopper.

"Great, you did the one thing everyone expected you not to do," Zoro said as he folded his arms.

"You mean the island where God lives and we are not supposed to set foot on or go anywhere near," Luffy said with a smirk.

"This isn't anything to be getting excited about, Luffy" Nami scolded. "If we stay here any longer, we could get Pagaya and Conis in trouble," she added.

"What difference does it make if we stay or leave," Luffy said in a serious voice. "There is no guarantee that if we leave, they still won't be charged for a crime. Hell, they may even be charged with facilitating our escape," he said causing a few of his crew members to nod their head in understanding.

"The world isn't a black and white place, Ms. Navigator," Robin said while Looking at Nami. "This God doesn't appear to be someone of fairness and reason. Just look at all the crimes we were charged with, a lot of them were bogus and made no sense," she added.

"It is almost as if they were doing everything in their power to charge us with a crime," Nojiko said adding onto Robin.

"So, there is a chance that if we leave all the crimes we are accused of will be transferred onto Conis and Pagaya," Luffy said causing Nami to look down slightly. "Besides, I want to have a little chat with their so-called god," he added lowly. The crew stayed on the beach discussing it amongst themselves for a few more minutes before they made their way towards the ship leaving Luffy, Zoro, and Nojiko standing on the beach.

"So much for a nice relaxing vacation," Nojiko said with a sigh causing Luffy to chuckle.

"Don't worry about it," he said as he turned and patter her on the shoulder. "This shouldn't take that long, we should be done with their so-called god before the log pose resets giving you guys enough time to relax," he said before he began walking towards the ship.

"Don't jinx us now, captain," Zoro said as he too turned to leave with Nojiko following behind. As they were making their way towards the ship the voice of the captain of the soldiers, they encountered not so long ago got their attention.

"Trying to escape, criminals!" he yelled getting the attention of the three of them along with the rest of the crew who were already on the ship. When everyone looked over, they saw the very same group of soldiers standing on the beach along with Conis and Pagaya. "I don't know what it was you did earlier to knock us all out but I can assure you that it will not happen again," the captain said quite confidently causing an amused smirk to appear on Luffy's face.

"For someone who doesn't even know what happened to them, you sure are confident," Luffy said in an amused tone causing the captain to growl lowly.

"I nearby find you guilty of committing a crime of the 5th degree, in the name of almighty Enel you are banished to drift in the clouds for all eternity!" he yelled out.

"I'm so scared," Luffy mocked in a bored tone causing the man to grid his teeth before he gave out an order to his soldiers.

"Men! Arrest them!" he ordered out causing the group of soldiers to step forward with arrows and bows. Luffy raised his eyebrow at this while Nojiko and Zoro stepped in front of him with both of their weapons drawn. "Fire the milky arrow!" the Captain commanded causing all the soldiers to release the arrows from their bows. As the arrow sailed towards the three straw hats it left a trail of milky white smoke behind it as if it was a missile. Nojiko and Zoro leaped forward and skillfully dodge the incoming arrows while Luffy simply took a step to the side allowing all of them to miss him completely. As the arrows sailed past the three, they immediately realized that there was something wrong with the smoke left behind from the arrows. it wasn't until Nojiko and Zoro landed on top of the supposed smoke did they realized what it was.

"It's clouds!" Nojiko said as she and Zoro tried to get their balance on top of the stream of clouds.

"That's interesting," Luffy said in a bored tone as he continued to stand on the beach. Right after he said that the second group of soldiers wielding a variety of swords and knives along with the strange skates similar to the ones the masked man was wearing that allowed him to skate on the clouds, leaped up from the beach and landed on the streams of milky white clouds and began skating towards Zoro and Nojiko. The two of them were about to attack the oncoming soldiers, but before they could the voice of their captain stopped them. "Hang on you two," Luffy said before he leaped forward and landed on an unoccupied stream of clouds between the two of them. Luffy then thrust his right palm forward at the incoming soldiers. The soldiers saw him do this and paid it no mind because they didn't see any sign of an attack heading towards them. Then suddenly an invisible force struck the oncoming group knocking them all back and off the streams of clouds that they were taking on. The captain, Conis, Pagaya, and Luffy's entire crew were bewildered by this point.

"What the hell was that?" Nojiko asked.

"That's a more advance form of armament," Luffy replied as he turned and looked at the two of them. "That's beside the point, however, you're not ready for that," he said before he reached into his coat and pulled out two blindfolds causing Nojiko and his first-mate to stare at him as if he was crazy as they already figured out what he was about to tell them. "here, put these on," Luffy said as he handed them the blindfolds while at the same time completely ignoring the looks on their faces.

"You can't be serious?" Zoro asked as he stared at his captain. Luffy just looked at him and held out the two blindfold with an unreadable expression on his face.

"We could die!" Nojiko yelled.

"Then don't die," Luffy replied with a shrug causing everyone's jaws to drop. "You all need to get stronger at a faster pace. I plan to conquer the Grand Line, bring the four emperors to their knees, and become the king of the pirates," Luffy said in a serious tone. "For me to do that I need the strongest people on my crew," he added. causing the two of them to stare at him for a while before Zoro shrugged his shoulders and took the blindfold.

"You can't be seriously thinking about trying this?!" Nojiko yelled/asked as he turned her attention to Zoro who was in the process of tying the blindfold around his eyes.

"If this is going to help me become the strongest swordsman in the world, then I'll do it," Zoro said strongly. "If this kills me then it wasn't mean to be," he added as the tightened the blindfold.

"I'm surrounded by crazy people," Nojiko grumbled to herself before taking the blindfold from Luffy. "Just so you know, if I die here today, I'm going to haunt your a.s.s," she said causing Luffy to chuckle before returning to his position on the beach. As he landed, he turned his attention to his crew who were all staring at Zoro and Nojiko with a worried expression on their faces. "The rest of you don't worry," Luffy said getting their attention. "Your time will come," he said with a smirk causing a shiver to travel down all their spines.

'Robin might prove the be most difficult to train this way with her being able to spawn eyeballs wherever she wants to,' Luffy thought to himself before returning his attention to the upcoming fight. Contrary to what his crew may believe in this situation, he won't allow any of them to die. After hearing the rumbling of thunder in the sky, it made it aware to Luffy that the so-called god of Skypiea had a lightning-based devil fruit. He had been purposely not using his devil fruit because he wanted to see the look on the poor bastard's face, he saw Luffy's Logia fruit. Giving the fact that this Enel's fruit seems to have a lightning element it was either a paramecia or a Mythical-Zoan type, neither of which actually posed a threat to Luffy but they could fetch a pretty high price on the open market and sometimes an even higher one on the black market. Luffy smirked to himself at that thought before his face turned serious once again and looked on as the fight was about to begin again.

The captain of the White Berets stared at his men climbing back onto the streams of clouds getting ready to attack once again. He had no idea what had just happened to his men. One moment they were attacking, getting ready to deliver almighty Enel's scared judgment and then the leader of this group of criminals leaped forward and just trusted his palm forward. At first, it looked as though nothing had happened but not even two seconds later all his men were sent flying back as though they were hit by some invisible force. The leader of the White Berets just didn't understand what was happening.

'Blue Sea dwellers are supposed to be weaker when they first arrive at a sky island due to them not being accustomed to the thin oxygen present here at this altitude,' the captain thought to himself as he stared at Luffy through narrowed eyes. 'Just how powerful you have to be down there to come all this way up and still be a force to be reckoned with,' he wondered.

"Doesn't matter though, they're all ants in the eyes of almighty Enel," the captain whispered to himself before focusing his attention back to the fight that was about to take place.

Nojiko and Zoro each stood on a different stream of clouds with their blindfolds on and a large group of soldiers rushing towards them once more. Nojiko had her three-section staff held behind her back as she tried to use her remaining four senses along with her observation haki to try and tell the attacks would be coming from. Zoro on the other had only had two of his swords drawn instead of his usual three. In his eyes, these soldiers weren't worth all that effort and with him being an experienced swordsman he was confident he would be able to avoid any attacks that came his way along with replying with a suitable counterattack. That's not to say that he wouldn't be using his observation khaki, he absolutely will be using it was just that he was confident that he would be able to survive even without it. Both him and Nojiko calmed their nerves and began trying to fell out their enemies with observation haki. When the soldiers were about 50 ft from the two of them both of them dashed forwards at an amazing speed to meet their enemy. Nojiko swung her three-section staff diagonally from right to left across her body effectively slamming the top section of her staff onto the head of one of the soldiers who were wielding two knives. She then flipped forward and landed a stream different stream of cloud in which caused her to become surrounded on all sides by soldiers. Nojiko then began spinning her three-section staff around her body like a pair of nunchucks before he jumped and twisted her body around in the air and started spinning mid-air before she shouted out.

"Demonic Whirlwind!" she yelled out. As soon as she yelled out her attack, numerous wind blades shot out in all direction hitting the soldiers who had previously surrounded her. There were more wind blades than there were soldiers causing a lot of those blades of pressurized wind to hit unsuspecting soldiers who weren't anywhere near her.

'That was quite a powerful attack,' Luffy thought to himself as he saw Nojiko's attack. 'but it lacks control,' he added as he turned and looked at a slash mark that was in the clouds beside him. Some of Nojiko's wind blades had made their way towards him and the surrounding area around her, it was clear that it was a new attack of hers and she didn't have that much control over it. Thankfully, none of the blades reached the crew who were all on the ship looking on in awe, especially Nami. She couldn't believe that her sister had gotten that powerful, it made her want to get stronger too that way she won't be left behind by her sister.

The remaining soldiers charged towards Zoro who was running on the stream of clouds to meet them with both of hid swords drawn. As he was running, Zoro held both swords in front of him pointing up, like rhinoceros' horns before he began to spin, slashing the air around him.

"Two Sword Style: Rhino Cycle!" Zoro yelled out causing wind blades to fire out in the direction of the incoming soldiers knocking them all into the air and onto the beach. Both Nojiko and Zoro then stood still for a few seconds before taking their blindfolds off to see unconscious white berets scattered out all over Angel Beach.

"What's the point of even blindfolding them if they're just going to use such wide-range attacks," Luffy said to himself with a sigh as he shook his head. "Good job you two," he then said getting their attention. Before any of them had a chance to speak the voice of the leader of the White Beret got all their attention.

"Sorry criminals," he said loudly getting everyone's attention. "You should have done what I told you to do. Of all the upholders of the law here on Skypiea, we of the White Berets are the most lenient, however, THEY are not nearly as forgiving," he said causing Nami to gasp and a fearful look to appear on her face. "hahaha! Congratulations, you are now considered 2nd-degree criminals. You can try to cry for mercy, but you will all be judge, by the priest of Upper Yard!" he said while pointing at Luffy and the crew. Luffy just shrugged his shoulder before ignoring the man completely.

"Haven't these people realized by now that we don't really care," Luffy said as he walked up to Zoro and Nojiko. "For what it's worth, I'm really looking forward to experiencing God's judgment," he added with a chuckle as an exciting look crept up onto his face.


**AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey all, it's been a while. First things first I would like to apologize for the long wait. I know it has been a few months since I last uploaded, but the thing is that every time I sat down to write this chapter I can only seem to write about 100 words before writer's block sets in. I think my writer's block is coming from the fact that the Skypiea Arc was never really my favorite as I always felt as though it dragged on longer than it should and I think because of the fact that it is one of my least favorite arcs that I am having trouble writing through it. So as a result, I will be rushing through this particular arc of the story. I hope you don't mind but I really need to just get it behind me that way my old writing style can resume. I would like to apologize in advance if the quality of the chapters in the arc diminishes and I can promise you that once we get through Skypiea those long exciting chapters that you all enjoy will return. If you have any suggestion on how to get over my writer's block faster please let me know.**

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