
It is supposed to be a day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, but in fact Christ's birthday is not clear, so it is said that it was the twenty-fifth of December combined with the original Winter Solstice Festival.

By the way, I used to see the day as over at sunset, so technically it would be Christmas from the evening of the twenty-fourth to the evening of the twenty-fifth.

I mean, Santa, who brings presents on the 25th night, is late.

I'm still disappointed in the children of the world, as opposed to the whole country, if I'm late.

"So, what happened to that pagan festival?

Mr. Grauze is explained about such a Christmas and distorts his face just because he says it's abominable.

It's also a good place to celebrate Christmas and harass vampires.

There was no Christianity in the world where Mr. Grauze lived, but he was basically vulnerable to sacred and light attributes. So it's nothing but the sun-god Amateras or their natural enemies who combine those two.

Holy attributes to Lady Amateras............?

"Mm-hmm. That sounds interesting, so I decided to deal with Santa myself and hand out presents to the kids."

"Why are you telling me that?"

Mr. Glauze looks at Mr. Glios with absolute zero degree eyes, who puts his chest up and says annoying things.

You could get compressed water or something firing out of your eyes as it is.

"Though you are also a parent of a person. Don't you think I'm going to please my children?"

"If that's the case, you can ask Rimbel out too."

"Huh. That was not long before I came into this world."


Mr. Limbell was also Mr. Glause, who tried to get involved, but something abruptly began to speak with a distant eye.

Wow, I stepped on a mine. I understand that. Mr. Grauze's eyes are also distant.

"On that day, I was satisfied with the new rice made by Lynbel. I'm in a good mood for booze. And with that momentum, he praised Limbel's husband for being such a reward."

"Well, you're modest."

It's like, "If it tastes like a muffin, it tastes like a grandmother!" and so on. "He was Grauze, who wondered if he had set up a direct attack on Tochiba, but just as Grios didn't seem rude enough to fly such a gag (not to joke) at the person he'd just met.

"Then Limbell said with a laugh." Ha, it would certainly have been a convenient woman for a husband who only saw his wife as a housekeeper, "he said."

"What happened, LIMBELL!?

Whatever you think about it, Mr. Grauze is also worried in many ways about statements that don't seem to build a happy family or anything.

Apparently, Mr. Rimbell is harsh on the old guys because his husband was Madao.

"I see that that woman's family situation is not a good one. But you'd be adorable about Sheena and Elte."

"No, I did want to talk to him at first. But on behalf of my parents... I feel like I'm going to start a new mine even if I just put out the word" parent. "

You're in a better position to worry about landmines.

No matter how you think about it, Mr. Glios started Mr. Limbell's mine and turned it into a burning field.

Still, I hope I don't have a choice. Mr. Limbell is nice to you, too, around baking care.

"But well, I'm taken care of by Sheena, too. Let's bite one. I don't care about the other little girls or kids!

"You're not being honest."

I'm Mr. Grauze, who stresses that I don't care, but my kids quite like teaching Mr. Erte magic and bringing cats home.

If no one is bad for a cat lover, it is tattooed by Yayoi with something significantly more personal.

"So, what are you going to prepare when you say a present? If they give you something weird, you'll be in trouble."

"What is it? Isn't it riding? Sheena first, but I'm thinking about cooking tools, aprons, etc."

"Ignore the fact that choices look like they're for mothers, not daughters, at this time, but if they give you cooking tools, won't they waste what you're using now? Giving you tools that you don't normally use would be in the way of storage."

"Ha. It won't pull out there. I'm confirming that I was whining 'Sounds like a pressure cooker would be useful' while watching TV the other day. It would be perfect if you accompanied the photo album taken when you went out with Adachi just in case!

"Oh, that's perfect. I'm very worried about her future."

As always, I feel subtle about Sheena, who likes Anda-kun too much, as a man parent with a daughter.

If my own daughter brings a boyfriend her own age or something, I can't honestly support her because I would definitely tap into the aerial combo at the upper starting point.

"Erte next? She's studying, and I don't say much, so it's hard to understand."

"Hmmm. Is it still a reference book that will help you study?"

"Stop. What kind of harassment is that?"

Unless you're also a kid who likes to study a lot, you'll definitely grey study pickles and stuff up to your gift.

"Mind you, it's a difficult year for me to live without my parents. Accessories without difficulty."

"Accessories? Isn't it too early?

"It doesn't mean it's too early for a girl. If it's a gift from Santa, it's fine."

"I see. But isn't that too much to say that it's not family either?

"So mind you. It's more depressing for a woman of her age than even a man inside her."

Mr Grauze, who says it like an experience.

Apparently, Mr. Miraka crushed a lot when he was in adolescence.

"Uhm. I don't know because I only have a son. Then next time, it's Yayoi."

"It seemed interesting to hear you start fishing, so why don't you just give him your fishing gear and take him?

"Are you serious? What, look closely while pretending to be uninteresting?"

"It would be easier to understand. That cat and daughter..."

When Mr. Yayoi is interested in something, it is very easy to understand because his ears and tails move around like pins and standing antennas.

But you can immediately see that because Mr. Grauze is turning into a cat breeder when it comes to policing the city.

"At the end of the day…… Kid."

"Mm-hmm. I honestly feel like I can fly, but I'm sorry, so that's not going to happen."

We're both not very handled, Mr. Roman.

But you deserve about 80%, so you can't help it.

"Why don't you just accommodate some of the games you're haunted with?

"I'll do it if I want to."


Mr. Glauze turns a frigid eye to Mr. Glios, who has more than enough to make an adult.

There is no concept of loading gay on this wasted old man.

"How about a watch or something? He cares about himself. Give me something that sprinkles and I'll be happy to wear it."

"Hmm. A watch. I just wanted to say if I should know the clock and other times, but where might I care about each person?"

"Don't you understand? Mind your own business."

Mr. Glause bitterly complains about Mr. Glios, who is more pragmatic than he looks for what an emperor was in a position to do.

That's what vampire-style aristocratic men say differently.

"Then we need to procure the gift quickly. Let's go, Grauze!

"Don't take vampires outside during the day!? At least let him apply sunscreen!

Goodness is about to be killed by momentum with Mr. Glios, who just wants to hurry. Mr. Glause.

I'm telling you to apply sunscreen, but there's no way you can handle it with about normal sunscreen. But the world is strange because we can actually figure it out.

If you are curious as to why Mr. Grauze is concerned about the sunscreen and the sun is fine, buy a book version and read the transcript short story! (clever stema)

That was how it was Christmas day and it was Mr. Glios and Mr. Glause who cosplay in vain and headed to the children's room, but it was another story that I bowled in with other adults who were thinking about something similar.

Japan is still at peace today.

- Let's celebrate Christmas.

He was like Tsukuyomi, who was sure and vigilant that his sister would start saying that, but the reality ran more diagonally.

"What's up, brother? Look, the booze's stopped!


Master Susanoo comes shoulder to shoulder with the sake poured side by side on the jock.

Tsukuyomi wants to cling to "sake isn't what you drink that way" while turning a frigid eye to Susanoo like that, but now there are more priorities to cling to.

"... why is God gathering when it is not a cloud or a divine moon!?

Yes. There are currently Tianjin gods in Takatenhara, as well as Kunizu gods. And there's a bunch of things with the Buddha and the God and the Kamui.

Of course, it's uncomfortable that the Japanese-style mansion is decorated for Christmas, but it's filled with even more sights of angels that aren't supposed to be eventually destined.

"Why, it's Christmas, isn't it?"

"That's right. It's Christmas."

Master Tsukuyomi realized that it would be easier to give up on Susano, who was just wondering what he was talking about.

This is all the more true in Japan, where temples are decorated with Christmas trees. Blah, blah, blah. Everyone just wants to make a scene for a reason.

The end (end of the year) is approaching over some chaos when Takemikazuchi emits illumination or Amenozume-sama takes you to Sartahiko to take it off.

"Look, look. Drink your brother, too. In a week, you'll be able to drink in New Year's Eve!

"You're going to drink even if you don't have anything."

The illumination is glowing. Master Tsukuyomi honestly receives the discretion of his brother while looking at Master Amateras, who emits light (self) in an attempt to counter Master Takemikazuchi.

Even today the high heavens are peaceful.

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