
"What is it!?

Some holiday noon.

It was the coldest time of the year and Mr. Yayoi was loosely torched and round to Japanese tradition, but suddenly the roar of a wild man sounds and jumps.

"Yes! No, no, no! You won't be able to do anything at this rate!

"What is it, Lord Grios?"

Zukazka and his footsteps also appeared rough in the living room. The screaming lord was Mr. Glios, a former emperor.

I'm on my way to the kitchen to see if I even had a small stomach, throwing away the book I had in my hand in some tired way.

"What the hell... is that a teaching school text?

It was Mr. Yayoi who caught Mr. Glios' thrown book, but I noticed it was a road traffic law book and generally guessed it.

"Study…… you're not doing well."

"My goodness! It's almost impossible for me to tell you to remember this amount with my tired head!

"Surely it seems hard to remember all of this"

While I answer that, Mr. Glios makes coffee and mixes sugar with dovadoba.

It's an amount that's likely to cause diabetes, but maybe this Emperor's Majesty can't kill anything but aging.

"Besides, when I finally got my eye on it and did the problem set and all I got was a scratch problem. My Japanese is going to freak out because of me!

Written exams for licensing are famous in the sense that there are many scratch questions.

I may be trying to be cautious, but I don't know if anyone will be in a "wait, wait, wait, this is a peacock trap" state when the production is easy due to the amount of scratch problems.

You fell at the end of the day.

But you've been trying so hard to complain.

If Mr. Yayoi turns the text, everything is dirty to see if he has read it over and over again, and it also says the underline and precautions.

The boulder is named after you. Even if it looks like a big mess, when you do it, you do it.

"If you could get a license to breathe, why don't you even choose the car you want to buy?

"Hmm. I still like this big car."

"Can you run a narrow alley or something with such a big bump?

Glios switches his mind instantly if that's what he should be saying, and Yayoi, who can cling to the type of car he chooses.

Japan is still at peace today.

Meanwhile, Takatenhara.

"Ugh. So? Why was I suddenly hit in the face with a ripe peach?

Dear Isanami, whose face is sticking with fruit juice while smiling and blurring.

This is my first collection of work titles in a long time.

And looking back, at the first point in the story, Isanami is collecting the title instead of Amaterasu, who is the lead actor, and I really understand how this work came about.

"No, my sister told me to do it."

"I didn't say it!?

Saara and Susano shifted the blame to Lady Amateras, who screams with half a cry.

Both are seated. If you apologize, move straight to DOGEZA.

"If the peaches are dirty, I said it would work for the muffins, too. You're my sister!

"I told you, I didn't tell you to do it or do it!? Or why do you do it when you know it's going to happen!

"I did it because it seemed interesting. I'm not reflecting."


Dear Amaterasu, who goops on the side of Master Susanoo, who looks really reflective zero.

But unfortunately, it is sitting upright on top of having a physical difference, so there is no damage at all.

"Shut up, both of you!


It was going to develop into a sister-brother fight as it was, but it ended before the outbreak because Master Isanami dropped thunder (physics) between them.

There is no more fearful thunder in this world than Okan's thunder.

"Susano is out of the question, but Amateras is also Amateras! You have a position too, so I've told you to be careful what you say..."

And a sermon that begins.

Master Amateras, with tears in his eyes, Master Susanoo was nibbling, but Master Isanami slapped a yakuza kick in his face, so he rolled.

Still around laughing, that's my eternal rebellion son.

"Aren't you going to stop me, Master Tsukuyomi?

"You want me to die?

And Tsukuyomi and Toyokehime sneak peeks through the gap between the two.

Even today the high heavens are peaceful.

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